Imagine if you earnt your living at the expense of Africans?
Subjecting them to a life of servitude and enforced labour?
Yes, bet it was brilliant!! ?
Those days of earning a honest living on the high seas is sadly a thing of the past.
But it’s not forgotten about!!
Oh no.
The commonwealth far from being grateful for a free cruise and job offer are demanding billions in reparations.
Gambia foreign minister Marmaduke Tangerine* says
” I am fully in support of reparatory justice “.
As she flicked through Janet Frazer catalogue.
Also Joshua septicemia said he’d like free money too.
Will our weak government capitulate?
* Or summat.
Nominated by MNC seconded by Geordie Twatt.
I would like to second MNC’s nomination.
Well thankfully Sir Kweer has told the Commonwealth Comedy Club to sod off with their claim for 18 trillion smackers. Presumably he left his pet primate in its cage, as we know that Clammy the Chimp is all in favour of swelling the Swiss bank accounts of banana republic dictators. After all, being black they are, like him, all victims of white oppression.
But here’s a chap who rather spoils the narrative. I give you Bola Tinubu, President of Nigeria, who attended the Samoan jolly. Bola is descended from one Efunroye Tinubu, aristocrat, merchant and slave trader, a lady reported to have said she would rather drown 20 slaves than sell them at a discount.
To be fair to Bola, he confines himself to drug trafficking, money laundering and general corruption to enrich himself, so I suppose in African terms that’s progress.
I have no doubt a little bit of genealogical research would unearth other examples of slave owning/trading ancestry amongst the Commonwealth’s African delegates. Who knows, maybe even amongst Marmaduke Tangerine’s* Gambians, seeing as that country was a major source of slave labour back in the day.
200 years after we ended the slave trade and they’re still rattling the collecting tin. Have they got no shame?
* Copyright MNC