The BBC [133]

A bit short, but we allowed it because this is just outrageous – NA.

These terrorist loving anti British traitors have gone to far this time.

The Sun.

I didn’t see it myself, but the Black Biased Caliphate thought it a good idea to broadcast Ayatollah Khamenei’s Friday prayer speech to the UK population for forty minutes.

No doubt encouraged by the Hezbollah / Hamas / al-Qaeda loving Liebour party, these cunt won’t rest until Britain is destroyed.

Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire

Keir Starmer (26) and David Lammy (20)

Cunters for your bile and vilification I give you the fucking Laurel and Hardy of British politics.
The P.M. (In name only) Has given away the to the Chagos islands an American /U.S base in the Indian Ocean. Also negotiating a 99 year lease on the island where we have our airbase. So how fucking much is that going to cost annually you pair of freeloading cunts?
As he is mates with one of these cunts, why were the island just rolled over to them?

Also there is a fund being set up to allow former Chago island residents to visit/return to said islands, who live in the UK apparently.
No doubt the Mauritius government will allow the Chinese a foothold on some island or other.

Lammy the foreign secretary no doubt followed orders re the return of this island.

This will no doubt encourage the Spaniards and the Argentinians to make demands for the return of the Falkland islands and Gibraltar.

Jesus on a fucking Harley, How fucking thick are you Kier you cunt.
YOU are supposed to represent OUR fucking interests you CUNT.

The island he is giving back is approximately !000 miles from Mauritius. Why give it away?

Daily Fail

Nominated by CuntyMort.

Super Injunctions

Super Injunctions are a cunt. Not because they stop you finding out shit about dodgy cunts, but because they cost so much.

According to an AI friend of mine they usually cost around £200,000 to put in place. Fuck me, that might make even Lord Alli’s eyes water. No wonder Sir Two-Tier hasn’t got one yet (allegedly).

The injunction itself only costs about £50k, but the legal set up costs are in the region of £150k. Who says lawyers are chiselers?

Apparently super injunctions are often viewed as only being available to the super rich No shit!! At £200k a pop, that puts them out of reach of any self respecting train driver.

My advice? Keep your trousers on and save yourself a bundle.

Read more here: Lawhive.

Nominated by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea


Auto correct is a ducking count.

Lettuce half a “on this wee can all agree” counting for the piece of shift known as Auto Correct.

IsaC is an on line forum. It is not the Ox cart rebate society. Most of us are not Roads scholars.

We make miss stakes. Spelling, grammar, punctuation extra, extra, extra. Miner miss stakes can be looked over and ignorant as long as wee fake our pint.

Butt ducking Auto Correct…witch is supposed to make our wives wetter…has become an ember ass meant four many.

It thinks it knows what wee want two say. Butt honestly, if yew or eye eight a bowl of alphabet soap we could shit a moor intelligent massage than some A1 auto correct pro Graham wood right four us.

USA Today.

Know pint in betting it too dearth. Wee all no it’s a reel pane in the ash.

If I ever meat the count who inverted auto correct, Ill tell him to his face; duck off other trucker.

Butt yew counters from the British aisles are a bit more defined and police than us Tanks, sew you wood problem ably gist tell him; Got to duck.

Nominated by : General Cuntster

Alfie Best and Alfie Best Jr.

Where do I start with this one?

Senior, Self declared “worlds richest romany gypsy” who made his fortune selling yes, you guessed it, Tarmac, presumably in wafer thin layers to the unsuspecting and vulnerable at vastly inflated prices

But it was junior who caught my attention talking about his humble beginnings and more interestingly, not content with being disliked by most of the population for being just a gypsy, He and his few brain cells that are not solely dedicated to thievery decided that he should convert to Islam, most hilariously for a gypsy he said that islams moral code appealed to him

Going by this questionable mirror article he has already perfected the are of posing with his vulgar mercedes in the style of his new muslim brothers.

The Mirror.

Nominated by : Cunt of Peeblesshire