Kenneth Copeland

This bloke has to be the most sinister looking individual I’ve ever seen. He couldn’t look more demonic if he had black scleral lenses in his eyes and sharpened incisors.

His current net worth is estimated to be around $300 million by being a highly successful “preacher” and manipulating the terminally gullible, the chronically stupid and the last option desperates of society. His rants are gold standard tragic entertainment value, but he looks like a demonic entity wearing a silicone mask and trying its best to look human.

In short, if I suddenly woke up at 3am in the darkness and saw him standing at the foot of my bed in the moonlight with that alien-like cold stare, I’d accept that Satan had visited me in person and I’d flood the floor with liquid shit.


Nominated by TwatVarnish link by Cuntologist.

EVs Electric Cars (6)

The electric revolution is not working is it? I am having another go at EVs because they are a massive fraud.

Vauxhall closing its Luton factory because they aren’t selling enough electric vans. Companies prefer diesels, cheaper and greater range.

Nissan and Ford complaining bitterly that they can’t make the mandate work. 22% of sales must be electric and this will rise steeply until it becomes 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2035. That’s if this mad bad Labour government doesn’t bring the target forward again. Likely unless Mad Ed Milliband returns to his home planet, many light years away.

I was listening to a radio debate on this subject and it soon became obvious that the Pro-EV lobby consists of the smug middle-classes who can afford to install home chargers in their double garages and gravel drives and either don’t need to do long distances or can afford to take extended coffee breaks en route. And of course they can spend £50K on their Tesla or whatever to start with.

The fact is that EV sales are dropping like a stone. People don’t want them. At the same time dealers can’t release new ICE cars on their forecourt that people WANT to buy because of the stupid mandate. This is suppression of capitalism in a so-called democratic country. Or at least we WERE one until this Labour lot got in.

Even if everyone agreed that electric was the future it wouldn’t work. Imagine if countless millions of these dratted EVs were plugged in to recharge. The national grid couldn’t cope with the demand especially if fed by wind farms and solar parks. The whole scheme is ridiculous.

Then consider the cost to the planet of these “environmentally friendly” transport devices. The deforestation and habitat destruction from the mining of cobalt and lithium, the child-slave implications, the growing dominance of China in Africa and just about everywhere else. The cheaper EV cars are made in China, subsidised by that state.

What about the safety implications? The Fire Brigades are already warning that battery fires are almost impossible to put out and cause massive explosions due to thermal runaway. And EV collisions do much more damage due to the sheer weight of these monsters. Is this why they are so expensive to insure? The pothole problem is made considerably worse by heavy EVs.

Working class folk who live in flats or terraced houses and don’t have big salaries will miss out on the grand EV revolution. Am I cynical in suggesting perhaps they are meant to? Isn’t this a rather clever socially engineered way of getting millions of cars off the road? After all, this metropolitan government don’t care about anything or anyone outside their own circle. We can all use buses (they’ve just increased the subsidies as well as the fares) or bikes. They hate farmers and rural life. People will be stuck in tiny communities just like the 19th century. After all it would be so much better for the environment.

The EV revolution is actually designed to turn back the clock to a time when only the rich and ruling classes can afford their own transport. My guess is that they will try to price our ICE cars off the road with higher fuel duty and road tax. Not this year but probably starting next budget. They were too scared to take on motorists as well as pensioners, farmers and business. But it’s coming soon. Two tier two Kier Britain strikes again.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Lord Helpus.

The French Government

and the French people and whoever else was responsible for this disgraceful use of money


Over half a billion pound to rebuild this ridiculous edifice. There are probably so many cold, hungry and destitute individuals in France who would like a fraction of this money sent in their direction. I can only describe it as a pornographic use of money.
No doubt, before it was reopened, some guy in a pointy hat uttered some meaningless drivel over it and hey presto, it was a holy place again!
Makes my blood boil – absolutely fucking disgusting

Nominated by Cassandra.

Tayba Amber

This witless, scheming, lying. lazy up her own arse BAME tart has had three admin jobs that we know of, all of them in the soft-as-shit public services, currently she has inflicted herself on the police service, prior to that the NHS, and first, and the point of this cunting , with the West Yorkshire Fire Service. It seems she was miffed when her employer told her, that her LATEST (so more than one) sick note had not been received and given her 3 days to supply it. She suffers from stress poor darling.

She had a conversation with her boss who mentioned that he had bought his wife a Mulberry handbag, just like Amber’s – so naturally as all decent grifters do, she took him and her employer to an Industrial Tribunal, for discrimination and implying that he was a sexual predator.

She failed – but the jelly-bellied employers said that the man’s handbag remark was “unwise” – Unwise, perhaps is the fact that we pay shit like her enough to afford £1000 handbags. Clearly they didn’t want to deflate her already massive ego, so they sort of gave him a tap on the wrist.

It always seems to be brain dead BAMES who are given these jobs in the name of equality, and they exploit their positions for all -and more – they are worth..

I wonder if she will ever take a great risk and get herself a job in the private sector, where the silly bitch would just be seen as the work-shy trouble maker she is and invited to fuck off:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W C Boggs.

I`d like to cunt … Elvis Presley (2)

Uh-huh, `The King` himself.

In January, 1956, Elvis Presley sang …

♪♫ Well, since my baby left me
Well, I found a new place to dwell
Well, it’s down at the end of Lonely Street
At Heartbreak Hotel ♫♪ …

That`s just around the corner from Despair Drive, between Anguish Avenue and Grief Grove.

Utter shite.

Never liked the greasy twat with his Southern drawl and bewilderingly black hair dripping with lard.

And as for his sartorially elegant taste in the aesthetics of interior decoration in that massive fucking `house` Swampland – don`t get me started.

If he was still around today I would venture he`d probably look like this …

open art

So, don those crepe-soled blue suede shoes, cunters and get those suspicious minds working.


Sam Beau has left the cunting.


Nominated by Sam Beau.