Alex Rudakubana


*Deadline January 20th 2025*

Well well. That certainly came as a bit of a surprise. In his court appearance in Liverpool today, the notorious ‘Southport Stabber’ Alex Rudakubana pleaded guilty to the murder of three little girls last year, and ten counts of attempted murder to boot.

He also admitted two terror offences, while strangely, Inspector Plod still declines to treat the attack as ‘terror related’. Mmm… one can only wonder why. For good measure, solid citizen Rudakubana also pleaded guilty to the production of ‘a biological toxin, namely ricin’. Again, one can only ponder what his plans for this were, but it’s safe to assume that nothing good could have resulted.

Rubikcube now awaits sentencing, and presumably this charmer can now look forward to a long stay somewhere at HM’s pleasure and our expense, unless he falls down a couple of flights of stairs in the meantime.

He deserves a damn good thrashing. Honestly, kids these days.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Bear Grylls [3]

Daily Fail.

Self titled ‘Bear’ (real name Edward Michael Grylls) showed the world what a massive Woke, Ignorant, Anti-Semetic, Jew Hating Wanker he is, by sending the world his own ‘Christmas’ message of peace, by recounting the story of the nativity.

In ‘Bear’s version of the birth of Christ, Baby Jesus is not a Jewish child, born in Judea, but a refugee looking for shelter, born of his ‘Palestinian’ mother, a poor girl with no money, probably fleeing persecution from those pesky Israelites.

The Romans, who were in complete control of the middle east at this point don’t figure in this new version of the nativity.
Why was Mary penniless ? She probably donated her coins to enable the peaceful Palestinians to buy weapons to defend themselves from the oppressive Jews.

Little FACTS such as Palestine not existing until hundreds of years after the birth of Christ and the Jews being under Roman rule are not convenient to Grylls and his Hamas oppologist chums.

What a pity ‘Bear’ wasn’t around to show the poor Palestinians how to craft rocket launchers using piss stained palm leaves and some driftwood….

Nominated by : Lord of the Rings

Joe Biden (25)

Joe fucking Biden.

In the latter part of December 2024, this ultracunt (and his ilk) commuted the sentences of 37 convicted felons that were on death row.

Felons that had been tried and found guilty in the courts of the country that this prick supposedly ‘loves’.

Of course he nepo-pardoned his cunt son for some pretty cunty criminal behaviour recently as well but – as with the commutations – when MSM doesn’t run with it, you generally have to go searching if you want details.

I decided to look for a list of the 37 scumbags in question and the crimes they committed to PUT themselves on death row. Not much about them. The link is a comprehensive list, by the nyt no less .. but I reckon they thought someone will compile a list, may as well be us, advertisers/revenue/blah. No outraged opinion on display, that’s for sure. Imagine it was 2-time President Trump that had undertaken the exact same action, though!!!

But y’really should have a look at the list. Murderers. Multiple-murderers. Kidnapper-then-murderers. Child-murderers. Federal witnesses against them murderers. Serving US officers murderers.

If Biden and his party are so proud to carry out this egregious act, .. then why didn’t it occur 6 months ago? or 3 years ago? .. or get a mention when the cunt himself, or his dei-cunt vice president (ultracunt, also) were looking for another term in the White House there recently?

SO much wrong with this, … I’ll leave some of the other angles for the thread, however.

My kneejerk reaction. though? .. never mind commuting killers on death row to life imprisonment ; ..stick convicted murderers already on life without parole ON death row. And execute the fuckers in a timely manner, as well.

I mean, … ask the victims families their opinions, if no-one else.

Nominated by Cuntemall

The Standard

Nobody will deny that keeping a print newspaper in Britain today is a dfifficult business, however the former London “Evening Standard’s” last editor, diluted the news content so badly it ended up as a freesheet – and like it’s morning brother “Metro”, it became so piss-poor they couldn’t even give it away, so it has now disappeared from the evening streets and is .reduced to a once a week print magazine for tarts and quares, usually mummy’s boys and daddy’s girls who live in a Hackney loft, and can probably barely read anyway.

It retains an on-line presence, however, just like the woefully mis-named “Independent”, and this is a woeful example of it’s journalism – they support Khan and did support Kweer, – which shows why it is on it’s way out (if we are lucky):

The Standard

Nominated by W C Boggs.

Tagged into this nomination is a cunting for the Metro by Lord Cuntingford.

Could I also add to this the other London arse-wipe, the Metro (I don’t know if thisi rag is inflicted on other towns, or just London). Dumped at stations across the capital, this piece of crap contains drivel regurgitated from other sources, while being packed with adverts for all sorts of shit (mostly over-priced flats). And some people site an take the whole journey to “read” it – mind you, I guess it takes them away from their phones for a minute. It does bring a bit of nostalgia back when I think of tube trains packed with white people all going to work and reading the Times or Telegraph, being polite, allowing people to get off, and the smoking carriage.

Far Right Lies and Poison

I dont have much time for Musk but let’s have a look at his lies.

”The billionaire claimed Ms Phillips “deserves to be in prison” for denying requests for the Home Office to lead a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Oldham, Greater Manchester, and called her a “rape genocide apologist”.

So, there was no exploitation in Oldham? And Phillips didnt refuse an inquiry?

Parki skum have been exploiting kids in all major cities of the UK. It is their culture and religion and by denying an inquiry Phillips deserves the abuse. As does Starmer.
I think his ‘far right’ bullshit is another example of this useless cunt shooting himself in the foot.

MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble