Justin Sun

More money than sense!

According to Justin Sun, proud new owner of 35p worth of banana and duct tape, a snip at £4.9m

“the piece represents a cultural phenomenon that bridges the world’s of art, memes and the cryptocurrency community.”


Eh? Okay, if you say so.

Whilst you’re in the market for objects d’art, Mr. Sun, can I interest you in a marvelous installation that you would probably describe as” representing the portal by which all humanity enters and exits this world? ”

I describe it as London Bridge!

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

Dr. Erin Pritchard and The Midget Pub

Dr Erin Pritchard is a midget and a very angry midget at that. So much so that the senior lecturer on Disability Studies at Liverpool Hope University started a petition to get the name of The Midget pub in Abingdon, Oxfordshire changed because it was offensive.

“I have dw@rfism and like the majority of people with dw@rfism I find the word offensive. I doubt anyone would tolerate a pub with a name containing an equally derogatory slur against another group of disabled people or an ethnic minority” whined Dr Pritchard.

Just one small problem Erin, the name ‘The Midget’ isn’t referencing dw@rfs or midgets, hobbits or leprechauns, its in honour of a former land speed world record car produced by MG. There is a picture of the car outside the pub and the decor is car themed. In fact it used to be called The Magic Midget which was an even more brilliant quirky pub name.

Owners Greene King of course caved in to the online mob of offence seeking whackos and bedwetters, a lot of whom I’m guessing are not even from the supposedly offended midget community. After thinking ‘long and hard’ they changed the name to The Roaring Raindrop another record breaking car manufactured in the town. They banned half pints and took Tiny Dancer off the jukebox too, Friday night dw@rf tossing has obviously gone as well.

A counter-petition has been launched with 2,600 signatories to change the pub back to the original name but I feel they will come up short. Well done Dr Pritchard, what’s next? The Fox and Hounds? The Saracens Head?


BBC News.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

Not Being Barely Legal Again

In this age of the ever rising pinnacle of technological achievements, from self-driving cars, cancer seeking nanobots, telescopes that can peer into the very edge of the cosmos, why oh why are the laws of the Universe such a cunt that scientists can’t invent a time machine and make me 16 again so I can benefit from the kindliness of these lovely young ladies who have been banned from Australia and are to be deported from Fiji because of their mission to lay scores of barely legal teenage lads?

If Australia doesn’t want to put them up, I’ve got a spare room that I’ll gladly lend out to them, if they’re willing to slightly bend the rules on their target age bracket (I’m sure with a baseball cap, some trousers round me knees, and some painted on acne they’ll hardly notice the unwanted additional thirty years).

New York Post.

Nominated by : Balsamic Dave


or, as they now want you to spell their brand “jaGUar” is a cunt.

Though far from being a car fetishist or enthusiast or whatever those daft cunts who have gear for brains and ball bearing grease instead of sperm jizzing out of their bellends call themselves, I have always had a deep respect for the classy & solid design paired with decent material the good old Jags used to stand for.
And if I weren’t the miserable prole cunt I am and could spare a year’s wage for a ride, I should without thinking twice go and get myself some shiny XK8 or even better an 80s XJS and have all the bliss and fun an old cunt could possibly get in this world.

But alas, as if it weren’t enough to visually pollute the landscape with those abominable electric SUVs they started producing some years ago, they have now gone full wokeywank with their new commercial, featuring a pack of morbidly malnourished and pervy looking androids in ridiculous apparel and even more ridiculous slogans that could maybe sell some worthless fashion rags, but certainly not a car. Silly cunts.

YouTube (The Actual Ad).

Nominated by : Lord Cuntstable Emeritus

Second gear change from Hard Brexit Cunt :

Jaguar used to make getaway motors for villains. Now, it seems from their widely criticised woke advert, that they have diversified (pun intended) into making clobber for trannies, freaks and weirdos who inhabit fetish clubs.

Like virtually all modern adverts, normal white people are conspicuous by their absence. There are a couple of whiteys, but one is distinctly androgynous and the other one looks like a Poundland Iggy Pop tribute act, probably with a penis inserted into its anus. Also conspicuously absent from the advert are cars! Yes, the commodity that Jaguar was famous for making.

Scottish comedian Leo Kearse has brilliantly reviewed it in his latest YouTube video:


Is this Jaguar’s Bud Light moment?

Changing up to third gear is this from TwatVarnish :

Oh Jesus! Yet another bout of woke wankery of gold standard measures…Jaguar Cars.

A once loved British brand, Jaguar has deliberately gone down the skiddy shitpan of inclusive advertising, which has backfired on them. Just the same as the whole Bud Light bollocks, some of these brands never seem to learn that the vast majority of folks, are rightly sick and tired of degeneracy and woke agendas being forced into brands that have fuck all to do with that sort of thing.

Level-headed people want efficient engineering, good styling and impressive machinery, not a collection of freaks mincing around on an advert with their self styled “progressiveness”.

The main problem the way I see it, are these middle-management anus reamers and spotty marketing pricks (usually fresh out of Manbun University) who love a flowery mood board and soya latte session & discuss how to fuck off as many previously loyal Jaguar customers as they can. It must be hard to walk to their vending machines without slipping over on hipster jizz?

Either this is some sort of bad joke, a satire or they’re serious. They’ve even rebranded the well known leaping Jaguar logo with a boring plain font type. Jaguar have turned themselves from a big cat of the Panthera genus into an emaciated limp wristed whelk. What in the hell happened?

More YouTube.

Racist Geology


”The study of the Earth’s rocks and natural resources is racist and linked to “white supremacy”, according to a geography professor at a leading UK university.”

”She also suggested palaeontology, the study of prehistoric life through fossils, was partly to blame for racism, labelling it “pale-ontology”.


Apparently climate change is racist too.


The University is Queen Mary, London by the way. (nor me) Well worth the student fees and London accommodation. A degree from this ‘professor’ is guaranteed to get you flipping burgers.


MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble