Charlotte Dujardin Apologists

“B-b-but she’s only human! Everyone makes mistakes!”

“It was a simple error of judgement!”

“She didn’t harm the horse really.”

The horse would’ve barely felt it!”

‘She’s being tried by social media!

“Won’t someone think about her mental health?!”

Fuck off you absolute cunts. Whipping an animal TWENTY FOUR times is NOT a mistake. it is NOT an error of judgement. It is animal cruelty, and nothing less. Cruelty which the horse clearly felt judging by the amount of bucking in the video. She knew what she was doing, and she counted on being able to get away with it because of her status. This woman deserves no sympathy whatsoever. Fuck her mental elf. I hope she gets exactly the same treatment she gave that poor animal and then some.


Some of the comments on here demonstrate my point as well.


Nominated by : OpinionatedCunt

39 thoughts on “Charlotte Dujardin Apologists

  1. Fuck off, poor people died in the channel……
    Fucking far right must be involved.
    She as been vilified so why drag it up again?
    No cunt is interested.

    • I intended it to be included in the main post – which if I remember rightly if it was. So I don’t know why it’s been scheduled separately as well.

      Hmmm….I just checked and the text of this nom was indeed included in the cunting of the lovely Charlotte on August 7th. I figured out how this happened, but it’s a cockup either way. Having another cunting is flogging a dead horse (see what I did there?) so let’s have a bonus cunting which I’ll publish in a few minutes. From the one and only OpinionatedCunt. No, not the Chelski one (yes, I did update the link) but….this is the aaaaaagggggeee…of the train! – NA.

  2. Not mad about horses but can’t stick the snobby cunts who seem to go with them.
    Cruelty to animals deserves harsher punishment than it gets and especially where those people who are supposed to be professionals are involved.

    • Lived near theold gee gees for years now. They are friendly animals and they have a trust of people.

      This bitch should get what the poor horse got. 24 times across her arse. Not that I am volunterring, mind.

  3. 24 times?
    Fucking hell. That’s only 15 less then Jesus got off the Romans.
    And they say flogging a horse 24 times is a ‘mistake’?

    And as for being tried by social media?
    Didn’t bother them when it was the lovely Gina Carano, when she was
    hounded out of Lucasfilm/Dsney by twatter cunts demanding thar she be fired.

    And not forgetting James Franco. Still not charged or found guilty of anything. Yet the ‘Me Too’ psychos on social medaia and certain Hollyweird slappers (see you, Scarjo) made the man’s life a misery..

    But some daddy’s paying horse faced haw haw Henrietta gets a bit of deserved stick, and suddenly it’s wrong. Up yours….

  4. I don’t really get this nonsense about snobs and nags, my whole life shoeing has been dominated by ordinary working class people and the traveller fraternity, of course “posh” people have horses just more expensive versions and their money is as good as anyone else’s and by and large they were pleasant to deal with, and a Coutts cheque was comforting as it wouldn’t bounce.

    • I’m guessing by the term ‘shoeing’ you’re talking about farrier stuff rather than kicking the tar out of a whole bunch of cunts ?

    • There’s a bit of inverse snobbery on IsAC. Some rich people are cunts, some aren”t. You don’t hear about the ones who aren’t. Point to consider – a wonderful woman, (RIP – a true Christian btw) who tried to teach me to ride, was fond of saying that no-one makes money out of horses. Guess that excludes farriers and bookies, but there’s something in it I think. Mostly they’re a cash sink, and the owners do it for love.

    • It can cost anything from £80 depending on what the horse needs, the types of shoes available is many and varied materials include steel, aluminium and plastic and a couple of advanced materials. If you’ve got a farrier that knows his job the permutations are staggering. This country produces the world’s best farriers, last year’s world championship was won by a Brit who was also European and British champion. The top ten in world championship consisted of 6 Brits my boy among them. They are all going to Calgary in a month for this year’s event, live streaming on faeces book.

      • Should do what I do with front wheel drive vehicles, move the rear wheels to the front and put the new tyres on the rear. I take it from this conversation that horses wear out the front shoes first?

  5. OT. Celine Dion has criticised former US President Donald Trump for the “unauthorised” use of a clip of one of her hits at a presidential campaign event..
    That awful Titanic song…

    Just as well she didn’t write it , then.
    Up herself turkey necked cunt.

    • Quite your fuckin mewling Celine.
      Get a chip butty down you.

      You look like something Howard Carter would blow sand off.

    • Hey, I like that song!
      The Donald should stick to playing Gary Glitter.
      More appropriate, I would think:
      You wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang,
      Wanna be in my gang, oh yeah!
      I’m the leader, I’m the leader, I’m the leader of the gang
      I am!
      I can grab your pussy every night!
      Pussy every night
      Grab you by the pussy every night!
      Pussy every night
      Come on come on
      Come on come on
      Come on come on
      Oh yeah!!!

  6. Likesay the Dujardin bitch, I’d force feed the apologists a hundredweight of horse manure each, then cram them into a horse box and whisk them off to the seaside where I’d charge punters £1 a go to kick their cunts in as hard as possible for one minute.

    Steel toe-capped Doc Martens would be available to hire, 50p a pop extra. 😊

  7. …but … but she apologised.

    Yes, after she was caught. That video was four years ago so who knows how many horses she’s whipped and tortured since then.

    You’re fucking cunt, duJardin. Do the decent thing.

  8. If they can hound a man for touching some bird’s knee at a party ten years ago. Or get someone sacked for telling a joke ten years ago on Facebook, then this bitch should take her suitable punishment for beating a dumb and innocent animal.

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