Jim Dale

Professional Climate Change Worrier. Not the last remaining member of the Carry On team.

And my word does the old bloodhound mug worry. The look is fawning cur after a swift kick in the bollocks. Pleading liquid eyes, flat boring midlands accent (very like the fun voice-over on the prostate ad), boat race composed of middle aged bags dragged down to the centre of the earth by gravity, large proboscis asking to be punched, a symphony of age, fail and decay. Pops up regularly on GB News as one of their token green lefties declaiming doom and global destruction.

This time around was imported on a feed from sun soaked Thailand (land of ladyboys and little boys) to be asked about the latest hot weather in Europe around the Olympics. Clearly tanned – well reddened actually – and embarrassed to be reporting from Boyland but the appearance fee trumps all. “In my job I can work from anywhere” and had offset his travel “I volunteered to pay an extra fee when I booked my plane ticket”. GB News incredulous at the cunts woketude but then that was the reason for him being there, to be sneered at. Yours Truly gets sneered at all the time but seldom gets paid for it.

My tip to cool down Paris for the Olympics Monsewer Macron, forget trying to clean up Paris, get all the Frogs and dogs out to piss on the streets as normal. Ammonia is an effective refrigerant. Vous savez que cela a un sens (you know it makes sense)

Infomash on the cunt:

I know I have had Bond villains on the brain of late but surely…..


Chief Meteorologist and Founder of British Weather Services, an advisory Think Tank at the service of Industry, Governments, GB News and other worthy bodies. If you wonder what happens to old weathermen when they have fucked up and vanish they go and work for Jim. Manchester born (a fucking Manky) hence the flat irritating Corry accent. Dropped his real surname (Bacon) along the way, always a dodgy sign.

On reflection I believe I must be in error. Surely this is the “Carry On” Jim:


Nominated by : Sir Limply Stoke

48 thoughts on “Jim Dale

  1. I expect it’s climate change that’s made Jim Dales nose grow to such huge proportions?

    Like a prize winning vegetable at a country show.

    Either that or he suffers from pinnociho syndrome.

  2. Did his nose get that big from all the lying about climate change.
    Or is his mother an aàrdvark.

    Anyway climate change is old news its all about the far right nàzis jimbo.

  3. “weather sensitive companies”?

    Does the lying cunt mean Great British Kites?

    or Ladies Outdoor Bowls Ltd?

    What the fuck is he on about?

    No doubt an expert on covering the entire countryside with Milibands Easily Recycled Giant Windmills..

    • Anyway he’s clearly not an expert as his website doesn’t mention the “Climate Boiling” being caused by leaving the EU,racism and the Far Right.

      So fuck him.

  4. Point of order:
    Retired weatherman Jim bacon (aged 73) and so called meteorological consultant Jim Dale (aged 64) are two different people.
    Jim Bacon is a good bloke and did not drop his surname.
    Jim Dale is a cunt and his surname was never Bacon.
    Fuck him.
    And a good morning to all 🌞

  5. GB news sometimes have John Kettley (he’s a weatherman……) on and he doesn’t bang on about fucking climate change.

    Jim Dale is a twat but nowhere near the cuntishness of that fucking Irish twat whose name is so fucking stupid I can be arsed to Google it to get the spelling but donagy mcdoaghy is near enough.

    Anyone who says they have paid the offset should be thrown in fucking jail, it’s just a bullshit con trick, like fucking SAF.

    …..And so is Michael Fish

    • Fergal Sharkey?. Pompous old Nick Robinson even interviewed him on the Windbag Show (“Political Thinking”). Sounds as dim as a 2 watt lightbulb. Sharkey sounded even worse.

      • No, it’s some silly skinny old twat who looks like he doesn’t have any teeth, completely obsessed with net zero.

  6. He looks like one of those old lady type poofters, who never goes shopping without his tartan trolley and keeps his change in a purse. He would have been a Labour MP if only he could have got near enough to suck Mandy’s dick.Kweer or Mandy’s dick.

    I could also picture him hanging round the school gates with a packet of Haribo secreted in his dirty mac.

    • I go shopping with a tartan trolley (lined with metal film to pass security) and keep my money in a padlocked leather change purse that folds out like a concertina. Any cunt wanna make something of it ?

  7. Was he the one who was on BBC news in the middle of winter, wearing a Canada Goose type cold weather coat, and proceeded to wang on about global warming? Well if it wasn’t him, it was another gaslighter just like him.

    • I heard that if you are wearing a Canada Goose coat in certain parts of the country you may experience some cultural enrichment when being relieved of it.

  8. Uncle Terry must be down the pub.

    Two migrants didn’t make the crossing out of ‘hundreds’ today, the French police must be on strike.

    ‘ nous n’avons rien vu’

    • Two.. poseidon ain’t even trying any more.

      That’s another 500 houses for peaceful cock nosher rayner to build.

      Anyone keeping count on 1.5 million promised?

  9. My sister used to play with Jim Dale before he became famous actor.
    Why he took up this bollocks instead of carry on films..
    And he is looking good for his age.
    Only joking you cunts.
    Hot out here mowing the lawn.

  10. I bet the real Jim Dale – the Carry On star and song and dance man – is sick of getting letters and messages from climate change psychos.

    Just like Beatles producer George Martin. He was baffled by the shit in the post he got from sad Game of Thrones weirdos.

    • Saw him the other day after the boxing fiasco tying himself in knots trying not to offend the two fake women whilst defending the integrity of women’s sport. You can’t do both cunt, pick a side.

  11. I have a grudging respect for Jim.

    He’s often on GB news saying we only have weeks left before the end of the world.

    He’ll often be placed opposite someone who disagrees with his opinion.

    This sends Jim apeshit.😂👍

    He instantly becomes sarcastic , bitter, nasty and abusive ( all qualities I admire!)
    He often insinuates someone is a nutter, a bit simple, easily led,
    Or a outright fuckin liar.

    This I find highly amusing.
    I might not like Jim and his titanic hooter, I might not agree with him,
    But please keep having him on the news.

    • Ps

      Other week he was saying about the world ending to Patrick Christy.

      PC ” hold on, are those palm trees behind you?
      Where are you?
      Your saying about carbon emissions and YOUR flying off on holiday!!

      Hehehe 😂

  12. He looks like one of those elephant seals.

    Probably been put in a mood after being fondled by David Attenborough.

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