
I am sorry I can’t provide a link, but turn on Wireless 4 any day of the week, especially during Money Box and You And Yours, and I guarantee you will hear some old bag screech the word “ABSOLUTELY!!”

You know the type. She went to “uni” always says “Thanks for having me on” before she starts her speech which always begins with “So-…”. Citizen Advice Bureau wimminz, “influencers” (aka ponces who want free stuff), company spokeswimmiz they all say “abs-so-lutee-lee!”. Many of them are in middle age but they all sound about 16, shrill and ever-so-enthusiastic. It happens to be a favourite of wimmiz MPs as well.

Can the BBC not call a ban on that word?. How about “quite” or “correct” or “I agree” or just an austere “Yes” , please no more fucking absolutelies. And why, since they are not being paid for their appearance why thank the fucking BBC for “having them on”. I would say “May I say to you, how generous of me is it to grace your tatty programme without a fee”

Is the word overused on the radio? – Absolutely!!!!!

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

99 thoughts on “Absolutely!

  1. Ending a sentence with a preposition
    e.g. It’s Spain I am going to.
    Also cnuts who don’t know the difference between its and it’s

  2. It’s pronounced “Absolu’ly”. A law against pronouncing terminal “T” will be put before Parliament in the next session . The BBC is actively promoting the adoption of mockney-patois in the place of RP, with the intention of transitioning* or once noble tongue to Creole. This is easier for illegal immigrants to get their thick tongues and lips around. May we also cunt “amazin’ “? It used to be “good, better, best”, but now it’s “amazin'”, “really amazin'” and “wow, incredibuw”.

    The language has joined national identity in its gallop to the toilet, and the BBC is leading the charge.

    *That too.

  3. Presenters , most typically on “animal “ programmes who use the word “incredible” to describe something that is erm utterly credible.

  4. People who add qualifiers to “unique”.

    Let’s get it straight.

    Unique is an absolute.

    Something is either unique or it is not.

    There are no degrees.

    Anyone who refers to ‘quite unique” or any other variant deserves a shovel to tbe back of the head.

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