On October 15th last year Adrian and Joanne Fenton arrived home at Heybridge, Essex in their motor home, having completed a long drive from Calais via the channel ferry.
Arriving home, they started to unpack, with Mr. Fenton starting with off loading their bikes from the rack attached to the rear of their vehicle. On unzipping the waterproof cover, he was shocked to find a man, clinging to the rack.
Being a civic minded person he directed his wife to call the police, who duly arrived and detained the Sudanese stowaway. The Fenton were interviewed, and that was the end of the matter.
Wrong! Two months later, around Christmas, they got an email from the Home Office (HO) advising them that they were being fined £1500 for failing to “check that no clandestine entrant was concealed” in the motor home, despite the vehicle being inspected in Calais and the UK by Border Officials.
The email also stated that the “entrant” had been found by an authorised search officer. What? So retired firefighters are authorised search officers for the Border Force now?
The Fentons are drafting an appeal, but don’t hold out much hope of the fine being cancelled, although I personally hope it is.
So, a couple of points, other than that the HO are utter cunts.
In similar circumstances, knowing what they do now, would the Fentons ( and others) just bung the “entrant” some cash and give them a lift to the train station, rather than ring the police.
How many £1500s have the RNLI had to pay for failing to check that the dinghy occupants were “entrants”?
Nominated by : Jeezum Priest
I’m surprised the stowaway wasn’t Krankie now that her own motorhome has been taken off her.
Yes but as it? Remember no charges to answer.
In that case border farce and the lifeboat taxi service owe £225,000,000..
Cash or cheque?
The police detained the immigrant.
For how long before he was transferred to a hotel where he is presently waiting for his new house to be built?
Fucking pointless calling the police.
I would have asked if anyone knew he was here and then called the local skinheads.
The police detained the immigrant…..
Cue the Lauging Policeman chorus.
Should have used the cunt as a slave for a month then dumped the cunt in Scunthorpe.
NEVER call the Police for help. As is proven here, you are as likely as the criminal to suffer punishment.
They are not interested, at all, in upholding the law, doing the right thing, protecting and serving, etc. They need to tick some boxes on a form, obviously raise revenue by way of fines and up the arrest rates. Dealing with gang members and hard-core crims is dangerous, so they avoid those like the plague and go for the elderly, simple minded, weak and innocent, especially if it doesn’t interrupt their daily donut intake.
Why people are surprised when the police act like cunts is a mystery to me.
Too right Termujin.
I recall a couple of years ago, a terminally ill and dying man did something he’d alwys waanted to do. He pulled a moonie at a speed camera.
Not a major crime, I’m sure you’d agree.
Eight cozzers descended on his house, and very violently and forcefully restrained and arrested a dying 60 odd year old man.
Fucking porkers. Rotten bloody filth.
Utter scum, the fucking lot of them.
The military wing of the Labour Party.
It is of course big things like this, but also small things which irritate and annoy.
As others have said, they’re supposed to uphold and enforce the law, not act as if they’re above it.
The way they drive is particularly grating. I remember a story in Ride magazine (shut up Thomas, it’s about motorcycles) years ago where some coppers were blazing down some high street in their rozzermobile with the siren going and lights flashing. A (probably pissed off) biker became curious so followed them only to discover they pulled into a petrol station, parked up and went inside for snacks. No evidence of any emergency. So he reported the misuse of the lights & siren to the local cop shop. You’re probably way ahead of me here, but predictably the biker’s make, model and reg number were passed around the local filth and he was pulled over time and time again for nothing reasons. But obviously as payback for reporting the cunts.
Just the other day I saw a Sheriff’s car parked in the central reservation, right where the speed limit drops from 55 to 45. If you’re speeding and get caught fair enough, but the car was illegally parked. If I had the balls and parked up behind the Sheriff then fucked off to the shops, I’m certain I’d get a ticket. But it’s OK when they do it? Do fuck off.
This anecdote has made my day 😀
Thank You Norman
Once, P.C Plod was a tall fellah. Pristine uniform, helmet, gleaming boots. A tower of authority.
Now, the police are tattooed mijits in hi-vis vests. I recently saw about nine of them together. It looked like Snow White meets The Bill. Are they all vertically challenged?
Were they on the job and watching our streets? Were they fuck. All of them were in ‘Maccy Dees’, stuffing their faces and talking shit about their holidays. And it was nowhere near lunch time.
Fat bastards.
You’ve jogged my memory of a similar occurrence, IY. I was walking in the same direction of a police car with its siren blasting away and found it heading more or less to the same spot as me. After a few minutes I met up with the noisy sods, witnessing them drawings money from the outside wall of the supermarket I was about to enter.
There’s now a hotel in Altrincham. 300 dirty bastards. All men, of course, and all asylum seeking swarthy human muck. And all from islamist shitholes.
What the fuck has ‘Alty’ done to deserve these stinking vermin on their doorstep?
Altrincham was one of the more well to do and respectable towns in Greater Manchester.
Not any more.
I dare say that every town in England will soon be like this.
I’ve been there working Norm.
I knew the immos were due but wasn’t allowed to tell the staff.
I went when the immos had arrived and they glared at me😁
I grinned at them.
Housed right next to two all-girls schools, apparently. What could possibly go wrong?!
Sadly we are heading in that direction.The worlds dumping ground.Those new houses Liebour promised?ALL FOR THE DINGHY VERMIN.
The fine was eventually cancelled which is a miracle in itself.
How many people in a similar situation would have just released him into the wild like a rapey thieving fox cub?
Well, I wouldn’t have been so stupid as to travel to France in the first place, but if I found some raghead anywhere near my motor I’d be forced to conclude he was a either a suicyde bommer or a raypist and take appropriate action.
Yes, I read that LL, I’m glad for them.
Let’s hope the couple who have been issued with a £3k fine, after finding two cultural enrichers hiding under a bike rack cover attached to their camper van have a similar outcome.
The stowaway must’ve needed help to get zipped up. Of course the police won’t be bothering to find out. Pity the cunt didn’t die on the way over.
Yes Sammy. In the case of the two stowaway, the couple had been shopping at a hypermarket near the port.
When they returned to the camper van, a woman told them she had seen someone hanging about, fiddling with the zippers.
This made them feel unsafe, so they went to the port where they reported the incident. After a cursory check, they were waived through only to discover the stowaway once back in the UK.
Hopefully, they two will be able to get the “fine” cancelled. I do hope so, fined because Border officials can’t be arsed!
It appears it’s now the job of the public to check for stowaways.
A bit ago, that cunt Andy Burnham said that Manchester’s bus service wasn’t fir for purpose.
Greater Manchester Police make the buses look like the most efficient service on Earth.
A similar thing happened to a friend of mine some years ago. He ran a trucking company based in a small town in the midlands, He found 9 illegals in the back of one of his trucks just returned from a European trip. He had the local police come down who gave them £20 each and a one way rail ticket to London and instructions not to come back. My friend had to divvy up the £180 and was told not to report anymore as it was £2,500 fine for each one. My friend’s son is still in trucking and the company he works for was fined £25,000 for bringing in illegals found clinging to a truck. The government are transferring financial responsibility for its’ own failures onto the individual and private sector.
Meanwhile we are paying massive amounts to the French government to sort it out. The Europeans are cross with us because our legal responsibilities for dealing with migrants are far more generous than the rest of Europe. It was established in the courts in, I think 2003, when a left wing lawyer took a case to the high court representing immigrants from 6 different countries and established that asylum seekers would be provided with both accommodation and financial benefits on a par with UK nationals. The then Home Secretary, David Blunkett, was furious and vented his anger on the Today programme the following morning, saying it was for Parliament to make laws and not judges. He realised the financial implications. The left wing lawyer will now tell you he took the case on the “cab rank” basis of barristers having to take cases that are offered but it wouldn’t have been offered the case if he hadn’t been known to be sympathetic to the cause. Sir Keir Starmer, for he is that lawyer, bears more responsibility than any other individual for the illegal immigration crisis. The left wing education system we have, by failing to provide the necessary and relevant life skills needed in today’s world bears responsibility for the very high levels of legal migration.
I saw this story on GB news.
There was some Labour type on the show who (showing off) said I’ll face time your MP right now and I’m sure he’ll get the fine quashed.
Which to be fair he did.
Problem is they shouldn’t of been fuckin fined in the first place!
Just a tad off topic but Rachel from accounts is feeling the heat for accepting tickets to some singer or other. She tried to justify taking the tickets as they were for a private box and she didn’t want to cause security issues.
Why did she not just turn down the tickets or find out the value of them (she took a ‘family member’ with her) and donate an equivalent sum to a refuge for battered women or donkey sanctuary.
Rachel the Nose is a parasite.
She’s put a leech to shame.
I don’t often watch the idiot lantern, but I might make an exception tomorrow, and watch Today I Parliament, or whatever they call it now.
Probably “Watch the Worms Wriggling on the Hook” ( not a fishing programme) if there was any fucking justice.
Watch the imaginary £22 billion black hole become a £40 billion real black hole.
Should have hit him with a brick and buried him seome where. Job done.
Fucking sausage fingers!
It’s not like anyone would have reported the cunt missing. The perfect crime!
That deluded waste of space Blair took the first dump in the immigration punch bowl and it’s been downhill since then…
The end game appears to be reducing our once great nation into a shit hole overseen incompetent cunts aided by an ultra leftwing security force far worse than the Stasi.
Everything is broken, but we’re told to stop complaining because everything is wonderful. We must be an international laughing stock.
I have no faith in the government, the law, the police, the media or the NHS – it’s all bollocks. Engage in any of it at your peril.
It’s a shame that given the extra weight the bike rack didn’t fail on the motorway at speed…
Same as me.We need civil disobedience soon.
Right on, we are even in danger of having our tb rating increased by the world health organisation due to the rapid rise in tb over the past few years. In the 70s the rate was going down like a brick in a lift shaft this continued till the late 80s and then began to rise, strangely in line with the immigrant numbers the government at the time saved a few quid by shutting all the specialist chest clinics. There was one in Harrow on the Hill which I attended for mandatory chest x rays prior to taking up employment with GPO later London Transport. Now another interesting fact is that Lithuania had the highest rate of tb in the eu lots here. If much of the civil service is comprehensively wank now, what the fuck will it be like after economist customer service persons slashe a few tea clubs.
A few years ago in Luton signs were hung on the lamp posts in Stuart Street carrying advice that you needn’t suffer with TB and pass it on to your friends and family; you can get cured for free!
The home office were either trying to pull a fast one and share the spondylitis fine, or taking precautions, before looking into it further.
Spondulics, silly twat.
The beeb will be making a play on these cyclists, who decide to take on the stowaway as their house servant, who takes advantage by making sexual advances towards Joanne and she agrees. Adrian finds out and murders him. Or its more likely the beeb will turn it into homosexual drama, or even a ménage a’ trois.
Not gay enough.
It would have been a first class idea to sell the dirty africunt into that modern slavery that the television keeps going on about.
Nice earner,pay the fine and take the Mrs on holiday with the change..
Rinse and repeat,save the RNLI the trouble.
The fucking Cunts.
The Home Office should be renamed the Office for Kissing Foreign Arse.
O v e n.
Anyone seen the leaking by the US of its attack on the Houtis in Yemen?
The dozy cunts did it on Signal a messaging platform and included a journalist.
Hours before the attack. DOH!!
Including times, locations, weapons.DOH!!
They also included talki about it’s ‘allies’
Calling us freeloaders. DOH!!
It was arch brown noser Pete Hegseth and banjo strummer JD Vance.
Fine by me,
Your obviously incompetent and likely endanger any allies,
Your information security is equal to a sieve,
Let Russia hold your hand next time there’s a war.
The sheer incompetence is terrifying, though hardly surprising.
Welcome to Putin’s America.
We’re just lucky these boys weren’t in office during 1939-45.
If Hitler had worn a suit and complimented Donalds beehive hair the cunts would of fought against us.
@mnc…not everyone my dad was a yank he joined the RAF at the beginning of the war and was a navigator in Halifax bombers…he could have fucked off back I suppose 👍
It wasn’t aimed at ordinary American soldiers but at the current political cunts stabbing us in the back.
Sure your dad was a decent bloke 👍
If the Nips hadn’t attacked Pearl Harbor then they would have left us to it.
They would have still made Hollywood films about John Wayne single-handedly winning D-Day and cracking the enigma code though.
I’ve used signal before during my old line of work. It was known to be somewhat secure but not entirely. Everything passed on it had to be veiled speech and merely routine official business.
It’s as up there as Crooked Hillary’s email server scandal (the psychotic witch has made a comment about this breaking news but she’d be advised to keep her mouth shut given how she was inexplicably left without any charges).
If anybody was in any doubt how the US administration is led by rank amateurs, this would be the wake-up call.
Heads should roll, but of course they won’t.
A left wing hack from a left wing rag puts Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display from the usual suspects.
Got any news on the Hindenburg?
Trump / Vance
America First
Fight! Fight! Fight!
I couldn’t give a shit what you make of the messenger, this whole thing revolves around whether or not his claims about the 15 March are true, that classified information was discussed in detail on this unofficial, somewhat-secure app.
Knowing political fuckwits like these in my time, I’d wager that they did indeed opt for convenience over security, because that’s what fuckwits do.
I also suspect that you’re out of your depth as usual, having no such experience and relying only on your adolescent crush on all things MAGA to guide you. You could just try saying nothing.
The trump Clown Car rolls on, despite the wheels coming off and the Chief Clown getting a custard pie in his great orange face.
MAGA – Make America Grotesque Again.
Speaking of Clown Cars, how’d that 14 year parade of Tory PM’s work out for you? Four of them, right?
Lucky for you there was a landslide and now 2TK is running the show!
Britainistan First
Vote Labour
Instead of the foaming-at-the-mouth ranting from the anti-Trump crowd let’s get a factual and more detailed view from Megyn Kelly.
At 16:41 it’s a bit of a long watch:
My, my, my.
Such anger and feigned righteousness coming from a Third Rate World Power led by an inbred Sovereign Chimp, a Commie Sword Swallower and with a Navy that has more Admirals than ships.
We’re striking at the Houthis and you’re committed to Volo until the end of time.
If it wasn’t so pathetic it would be funny.
By the way…how’s that whole alliance with Macron and peacekeepers to Ukraine thing working out? Find anybody to pay for it yet?
You could always cut of more pensioners…
Trump / Vance
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Methinks thou doth protest too much…
To paraphrase one of your former Presidents (who must be spinning in his grave currently):
“You can fool some of the cunters all of the time, and all of the cunters some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the cunters all of the time, dickhead.”
My deepest condolences on your sad loss of credibility.
TDS and CDS go hand in hand.
Trump is literally changing the face of the world and the haters of this forum are calling him incompetent for doing so and me stupid for pointing it out.
Whatd’ya gonna do?
Haters gonna hate.
Adding a journalist to the conversation about military action by mistake is pretty incompetent you must admit?
Edward Miliband has always looked deranged, but look at this photograph and he looks as if he is now ready for the men in white coats:
The Complaints girl is going to cut welfare by £5 billion tomorrow.
That’s a quarter of what this psycho is going to spunk on Carbon Capture alone. So where’s she going to find the other three quarters?
The lunatics are running the asylum.
And we are sitting on a150 billion pound “nest egg” but ild shit for brains decides to ask commie china for help instead.A) he’s embarrassing and (B) he’s a twat.
Old.Spastic phone.
That’s pure evil WC. Bwahahaha!
Every weekday morning I pass a once luxurious hotel in Copthorne which is fucking rammed with ‘ all you can eat’ Gimmegrants. A fleet of taxis and minibuses whisk the Gimmegrants’ children to schools around the area and they are no doubt supplied with interpreters and counselling. I then pass a herd of apparently single men, no doubt fleeing war, who all wear Wellington Boots…it couldn’t be anything to do with ‘working’ at the car wash among the road, could it?
In other news, “Iranian man who raped his lodger in London ‘can’t be deported in case he is persecuted in his homeland for
being a convicted rapist’…”
These hotel immigrants,
I was asked to run their laundry from hotel- to hotel.
They get their laundry done for them!
I said I wanted paying upfront,
Hotel agreed.
I did the first run- not paid.
2nd run – not paid.
3rd run – not paid.
I phoned up and said if not paid forget the fourth run.
Assured me it’d be paid before then.
Day of fourth run hadn’t been paid.
So didn’t go.
They phoned me up.
” You’ve not been”
You’ve not paid.
I invoiced for the runs I’d done – not paid.
I phoned and said if I’m not paid today I’ll come and collect it in cash,
No fuckin about.
They paid.
I was going to block the entrance with my van so nobody could get in or out then take the dog in the hotel.
The cheeky cunts
I’ll bet the owners are paarrkkiss.
Beggars belief 🤦
Hey Mis, you should have chucked some red socks in with their pyjama trousers on laundry day.
I did consider putting my socks and undercrackers in with it LL😂
Border Farce require sending these dinghy filth back pronto.Useless tossers.An invasion.
Talk on GB news about a fuel duty on red diesel!!
Another attack on farmers.
Though they wanted to build loads of houses?
Sure the building contractors will be thrilled by a tax on cherry diesel for the machines and generators.
Build houses where?
Milliband has earmarked every spare acre of land for solar farms.
Apparently those solar panels are manufactured by one country….
And who do they use to make them?
The Uyghur Muslims.
Now I’ve nothing against using Muslims as slaves,
But if you’re a giggle eyed, bucktooth green zealot spastic in a position in the Labour party?
Well, doesn’t look good does it?
Sure those cunts calling for slavery reparations will call it out…
He’s a goggle eyed spastic.
Not giggle.
Labour – now known as Slave Labour.
Hang on!
I’ve got a brilliant solution. Build loads of house as close together as possible, and install solar panels instead of roofing!
Connect it to the National Grid and Hey Presto!
Much needed housing for the plebs/gimmegrants/feckless, and loeds of free electric power.
Of course, there would be no off street parking (no front garden), a complicated one-way system for delivery vans, public transport, emergency services ( no privately owned vehicles allowed, and little in the way of a back garden, which will mostly be roofed using solar panels.
I’m a fucking genius me, two problems solved at one stroke.
Eh? Schools, shops, amenities?
What you talking about?
A local council up here is putting solar panels on the council houses. They are then selling the generated electricity to the national grid, the tenants are getting nothing out of it.
O/T? But …
Apparently, `working people` don`t want handouts according to Ingwer-Schlüpfer.
Ja, right.
Aye Addy, she’s right we don’t want handouts.
But we do want to live without being taxed into the ground while they allow us to be invaded and pander to foreign parasites.
Oh well, if Angie said it, it must be true.
Stupid, talentless slags are always right.
She’s as thick as mince
I suppose that five pound hooker is going to pay back all the handouts she has had over the years..
I disagree.
Many working people are turning to handouts where there is slim margin between this and sweating their tits off for 30+ years, being taxed to the arsehole and getting fucking nowhere. And once you turn your toes up and die, your measly estate (which is now worth more than the inheritance tax threshold) has to be sold by your dependents so that their fucking great inheritance tax bill can be settled.
Its a much cushier ride on benefits, especially when rent is subsidised, council tax is covered and there is a munificent motability scheme for those who can work it (and I know plenty of cunts who do). These cunts top up their income with back market (cash) work. No worries about inheritance tax as your dependents can follow you on the same road to state-funded p0ncing.
On the subject of motability, there’s a private company called, oddly enough, Motorbility, who buy new cars for people who qualify.
It may interest you to learn that this company purchases one in five new cars in the UK.
So, one in five new cars are given, free, to people who have a disability, or handicap, in the UK.
While I was gostering at this, Elder chimed in with the nugget that people who have ADHD and autism also qualify for motability benefits, including a car!
Black market not back market. Fucking compoota.
I want handouts, but no free clothes nor free spex from Lord Back🏳️🌈Alli and definitely no free concert tickets.
Don’t we all, Hugh.
By the way, one thing that really grinds my wheels is reading that the State Pension is a ‘benefit’.
No it fucking isn’t. It’s paid for by NI and IT, that WORKING people paid, while they were WORKING!
I’ll take the specs and the hand job but don’t want concert tickets.
Sat next to C3P0 in a Beatles wig Rachel Reeves.
Dirty Ange didn’t mind taking handouts when she was on her back with her legs wide open when she was 15 becoming an unmarried mother, and I bet her daughter, who inherited her whorish ways,did the same thing when she was the same age, and in the same condition. Two village bikes – they were the good times that were had by all.
Re; your post at 8:29pm Jeezum. People who have a child with autism or ADHD (most of whom would be more accurately diagnosed as in need of a thick ear syndrome) also qualify for motability.
It’s stunned me, arfur.
How does having autism/ADHD mean that a mobility vehicle is needed?
It’s not a physical handicap, obviously I misunderstand what mobility needs are.
My hound’s not well, and I’m proper worried.
Hope your pooch recovers quickly JP.
See how he is tomorrow am, then vets.
I think the stupid fool has got in a fight with the cat, and came off worse, be about his style the silly sod.
Hounds a chu, cats a Bengal.
Thanks though, Six.
Bet I don’t see much change out of a grand though, and me a poor pensioner an all.
What’s up with the dog JP?
I think he’s had a ruck with the cat and come off worse, but he does have luxating patellas , so it could be that.
Anyway, he’s all kinds of miserable so vets, if he hasn’t perked up by tomorrow. However, he’s a right shine artist if he thinks he’ll get an extra treat, so I’ve mostly ignored him today.
He’s chainsawing his way through the sofa, atm, seems pretty comfortable.
Funny cunts.
Abdul secretes himself on your vehicle and they fine you, mustapha floats around halfway across the channel and they send a boat out to fetch him.
Which one has actively and knowingly brought an illegal migrant into the country?
It’s almost like it’s just another way for the government to punish the Brits and pocket some more of our hard earned.
Given the amount of legal migrants that just arrive without any real background checks why bother risking the illegal entry? Surely all you have to do is say you can drive a taxi?
Summed the hypocrisy up nicely, Six.
What has our country stooped to?🤷
Laurence Fox in court.
He put online a up skirting picture of awful chippy cunt Narinder Kaur.
I’ve not seen the picture.
Although I’d like to.
She’s a absolute orrible entitled cunt.
But I’d still like to see her squid wink.
Keep watching for the spring catalogue from Boggs Pornographic Films (Taiwan) Ltd, MNC, you might be in for a nice surprise……..dresses are up and trousers are down for Upskirt, Downskirt – French Style – young Yvette molested on the Bakerloo Line. Jess Phillips loses her boxer shorts on the Piccadilly Line……..
Any chance of seeing Rachel’s black hole, WC?
Apparently it just gets bigger and bigger.
A remake of the Naked Lunch, perhaps, Geordie? – “The Talking Asshole” which would seem type-casting for both her and Rodney. William Burroughs foretold him back in 1959.
Hasn’t Lol Fox learned yet?
Wimmin will only get him into trouble.
Yeah, I know he likes winding them up.
But the ones he goes for are joyless humourless hate filled psychos.
Who want every straight white man to hang.