Hologram Concerts

I don’t think its too much of a stretch to say we have reached cultural stagnation. Bland music, preachy woke TV and film offerings and a sanitized conformist pop culture, its all been a bit shit since the late 90’s. Hologram concerts are a good example of this. A hologram concert is a musical performance featuring AI-rendered artists, often dead or no longer touring.

ABBA are probably the best know but Tupac, Roy Orbison and Elvis have all been given a digital revival. I’m sure the promoters will tell you they are opening up their music to a new generation, ‘immersive experience’ goes the industry cuntwaffle. Unfortunately the new generation are the sort of bellends who will ignore the show and record an AI generated avatar of some cunt who has been dead fifty years on their phones to later post on social media how “amazeballs” it all was.

You cant beat the intensity of a proper gig. Everyone has a favourite from big stadium numbers to small intimate ones. The Beatles at Shea Stadium, Hendrix at Woodstock, Metallica playing to over a million headbangers during the death throes of the Soviet Union or AC/DC rocking out at River Plate..the list is endless.

“I’ll never forget seeing ‘An Evening with Whitney: The Whitney Houston Hologram Tour’ at Cardiff’s Motorpoint Arena. It changed my life. You just had to be there”.

Said nobody ever.


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

81 thoughts on “Hologram Concerts

    • The good old days of Top of The Pops – with Jimmy Saville molesting unsuspecting young girls in plain sight of the cameras.

      • Strange that the BBC banned a lot of Sex pistols songs, yet allowed Saville to continue molesting young girls live on TV.

        John Lyndon was way ahead of his time trying to warn everyone that the BBC was full of naunces.

    • Good morning

      Then there was Koily Minogue’s up-skirt at the 2000 olympics closing; instantly broadcast, and probably caused an unknown number but possibly vast number of cardiac events among the 2.4 billion viewing audience!

  1. Seeing as the music industry is full of non entities aka lizzo,ed campfire,Sam freakshow smith et al it’s best that they stick to this form of showing…. Where have all the good bands gone, long time passing 🎶
    Pile of 💩 today half wouldn’t fill out my local boozer 😩

  2. “Help me Obi wan you’re my only hope”

    – my first encounter with holograms.

    Then that smeghead Rimmer on Red Dwarf.

    I don’t like them.
    Electric Ghosts.

    So even if I can get to see Roger Whittaker play at Durham
    Or Brian and Michael do matchstalk men live..?

    They’re just ghosts
    Moments lost in time like tears in rain,
    A bit of undigested beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!

    • What have I told you Mis?

      We’ve spoken about this sort of thing before, you’ve no one to blame but yourself.

      You’ve got to learn some fucking manners 😝

      • Yes but I’ll forget and do it again.
        I’m a repeat offender.

        Can’t reabilitate me , admin will tell you that JP.

        Lost cause😉

      • I did it a time or six, Mis, especially when referring to wee Nicola Krankie ( not so wee these days), but I learnt the workaround, thank you Thomas.

  3. If it’s a hologram then the tickets should be cheap.
    No artist to pay.
    No backstage rider of larks tongue, champagne and cocaine.

    Just a 60w bulb.

    • Erm, I think they went through some time continuim thingy, were Rimmer reverted to a living human, and Kowalski was real and didn’t fall in love with Dave, or summat, but anyway they didn’t do reverse thrusters so Arnold is a real Rimmer, or a cunt.

  4. I gave up on any live music a long time ago. Too many cunts holding up phones and fuck knows what else. Even paying extra to be in the very front row to try to get away from it, I’ve seen these millennial cunts resting their tablets on the stage to film! (I nearly pissed myself laughing when Lindsey Buckingham kicked one away at a Fleetwood Mac gig). Quite why anyone in their right mind would pay to watch a hologram is totally beyond me – no audience interaction, no atmosphere, it’s just a playlist with pictures.

  5. I’m sure tomorrow’s world said we would all be holograms by 2020 or was it clones?

    It would be better if most of the twats at gigs where holograms..
    At least you could walk through them when carrying four pints of beer.

      • I think it was 28.50 for four pints of stella at wembley stadium terry..
        So a bargin..🤣🤣

  6. A couple of millennial gaytards were on social mong media. They were screeching about how they had just ‘seen’ ABBA at the O2 Arena or whatever it’s called now,

    No, you blubbering bummers. What you saw was a huge rip-off stunt and crappy holograms of a de-aged ABBA. And, what’s laughable about it is they paid ridiculous amounts of money for it.

    Stupid cunts are so gullible and so easily pleased now, and they’ll watch and listen to anything. Just like stupid sods who see tribute bands. Like a couple of people I know, who were wetting themselves at seeing some act called The Clone Roses. They asked me if I would ever go to see them. I replied with why the fuck should I do that? I saw the real Stone Roses about half a dozen times in 1987, several times in 1988 and 89, at Spike Island in 1990 and the Heaton Park 2012 gigs. Nah, it’s the real thing or nothing for me. No matter who it is.

    • I’m going to make the case for tribute bands…

      I’ve seen some fantastic bands in my time, but they’re either not touring because someone is dead (Queen, Motorhead) or are touring in a venue so vast that you can see some small blobs three quarters of a mile away and the sound’s shite (looking at you, ACDC…)

      For £10-15, I can go to some small sweaty upstairs room in a pub with a surprisingly good sound system, drink reasonably-priced beer and hear some songs I love, performed by talented musicians (the guy who did Slash doing Dylan and later Hendrix was a particular highlight). You can also actually see the band.

      A lot of these musicians have their own bands too, which they fund by playing in covers/tribute bands, so they’re worth supporting.

      I’d far rather do this than pay hundreds to stand in mud and shit, ducking the piss bottles, while some geriatric performs two fields away.

      • The thing about tribute bands is that some of them have some really talented musicians.

        So, why don’t they form their own bands and make some great music of their own? Because the music world really does need it more than ever.

        I know it’s easy money to impersonate Angus Young or Jimmy Page. But what they could be in their own right…..

      • One wee interlude on the cover band front. Nov ’99 I saw Metallica in Berlin Velodrome, as they played with the Berlin Symphonic. What a fucking spectacle. A highlight of the 40-odd times I saw ’em over the decades. I’d met up with a coach of fans I London for the journey to Krautville. After the concert, it was a what to do / where to drink away the rest of the night scenario. And the majority of the coach lot were full on heading to a venue where an opportunistic Metallica cover band were playing at midnight.

        A cover band, AFTER having just being to see the real deal?

        Fuck that no way. Like stopping in for a blow job from that Jodan creature I Monday morning on your way home from a weekend fucking Gal Gadot

        I could not understand the logic.

      • Spot on about the tribute bands.
        Seen some great ones!

        Let’s zeppelin – Led Zeppelin
        Sabra Cadabra- Black Sabbath

        Had a fuckin great time.

      • I remember being highly impressed by Limehouse Lizzy when they did a Ryde gig yonks ago,really nailed it and then some.

        Strange the Velvet Underground don’t have a trib band? Lucrative i would think.

  7. Better of just watching a busker.

    Take your own beer.
    No queues, no mobile phones ,
    No political posturing.

    Ask if he’s got change for a fiver and start taking coins from his hat on the pavement.

    They like that.

  8. Fuck that abba hologram shite, I just want to see the two abba girls lezzing it up going hammer and tongs on each other and taking massive dildos up each others snatch, not see any bum foolery from any h0mosexual having gay rage..oven

  9. I like live music but hate those arena type places.
    Don’t care for festivals either.

    Small venues are better.

    Pubs are best in my opinion.

    im on the lash next weekend and we’ll be seeing a band .

    In Macc the birthplace of culture

      • I’m just amazed that you know Peter and the test tube babies.

        Student wanker and Vicars wank too being favourites of mine. 😁

      • Had a drink and a natter with the Happy Mondays a few times back in the old days. Sound lads.

      • Peter and the test tube babies one of my all time favourite bands still listening to punk I fucking love it along with Oi and psychobilly oh ah and metal.
        Fuck it anything fast and loud is good with me even classical.

    • I went to Hunter’s Club at Rock City in Nottingham.

      After the gig I was at the bar, naturally.

      I spotted the drummer, and as a rather starstruck teenager approached him and waffled about how great the gig was and that my mates and I had a party the night before and listened to his band all night.

      He looked at me in disgust and, before walking away, shaking his head, said “Must have been a shit party, tosser”.

      They really knew how to connect with the fans in those days.

      Another fond memory was getting piss drunk before attempting to see Killing Joke in concert. Was refused entry on the grounds of drunkeness, after which a massive brawl ensued between security and me and the lads. Got absolutely battered to fuck, then arrested. Good days 😝

      • What a fuckin cock that drummer was.
        Treating a fan like that.👎

        Sone horrible Cunts in the music business.

        Ever heard of a Canadian band called the Viletones?

        Well my mate who worked as my labourer for years was in a Manchester band called the Creators.

        He got known as a good guitarist.
        And the Viletones asked him to go on tour with them.

        In the Viletones Wikipedia you’ll find no mention of Stu.
        Or on the album he played on for them.

        They recorded a lot of songs he wrote and released them under the name of the lead singer!!!

        Some of the songs are mobile phone ringtones now,
        He never got a penny.

        But on music sites the Viletones get called out.
        Music fans from Stockport.
        Who know he got ripped off.
        What a bunch of rotters


      • Sad really m8.

        When I look at YT and see the talent on display there, real talent, and they are scratting about on YT for pennies, and vacuous sluts like Adele is a multi millionaire, wtf???

        No justice mate.

  10. And that zoetrope vinyl is going to be the latest money making craze.

    It’s basically the old rotoscoping animation technique, only it’s printed on a record. Naturally, those Beatles cunts are cashing in on it. I can hear their knobhead fans now…

    ‘Ooooh. A vinyl record that goes round with a moving picture on it. I’ll pay 50 quid for a one sided 7 inch single.’


    • I actually met Belinda in la , she was in a restaurant, I was sitting 3 tables away from me and as I was going to the toilet she passed by me on the way out, she is quite tiny and her norks were absolutely huge, I told my girlfriend at the time about it and how big her bangers were, she was not impressed with me, still I gave my missus a pearl necklace in the hotel room later that night thinking about Belinda’s norks

  11. Last gig I went to was Built to spill in Loppen Christiania.

    A venue so tiny that you are up close and personal with one of your favourite bands no matter where you stand.

    It is at this point I realised I’m now a middle aged bloke with screaming tinnitus and gigs are still incredibly loud.

    Had to put earplugs in. 🙄

    • I’ll piggyback your observation to add I retired from gig-going in the late 2010’s after nigh on 30 years as my main ‘big’ hobby. My big 3’s heydays are well behind them at this point (as are mine!) and even though they’re still actively touring(Megadeth, Marilyn Manson, Metallica, special mention : Obituary), .. I don’t want to detract from the awesome memories of them & myself at full force, with front row(barricade)energy,

      Also ; at my first shows I used to wonder why people had gone to gigs to stand anywhere other than at the stage front… the further back, the more the mystery. Stand-where-you-like arenas especially, like Miltilon Keynes Bowl. But now I get it on that score as well. They were the older lot at the time. Still seeing the bands at full force but too fucked for the chaos. Again, though, I’d rather pass any more Young cunts who reckon performers such as those above are “just like they were in the 90’s” are fucking deluded if they think that. .

  12. Dunno what’s worse, holograms or the Prince of Darkness on stage in a wheelchair.

    I think on the whole holograms and aged rock stars are the same thing. In general rock stars should be young and virile, Jimmy page pouting his lips was cool when he was 25, now he looks like something you’d stick to a car window.

    Valid cunting.

  13. It would be different if the hologrammed artist was dead and extremely good.

    I would pay to see Enrico Caruso or Maria Callas.

    I wouldn’t go to see any of the shit on offer at the moment.

  14. I think tributes to deceased stars are splendid.

    Google tribute to Freddie Mercury, some right hardweights on stage,

    Also Tribute to George ( Harrison)
    His lad noodling on stage with Eric Clapton was both brilliant and heartbreaking.

    Tribute bands, mmmm!!

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