Grooming gangs (rape gangs) and Channel 4 for a joint cunting please.
I am aware that this subject has been covered many times over in the past but this little pearl of a news story has just caught my attention.
The reason being that a few years ago a young lass in Barrow in Furness oop north by the name of Eleanor Williams accused a load of local peacefuls of abusing her.
Turns out that the allegations were false and she’d inflicted the injuries on herself.
Eight and a half years she got, which is interesting in itself.
Enter Channel 4.
These anti British, anti white, Marxist, degenerate cunts decided to make a documentary all about this girl and the poor peacefuls who were falsely accused.
That’s right Channel 4 – focus on one false set of allegations and make a film about it. You cunts.
I can’t help but think it’s maybe time for another documentary which informs the public that grooming gangs did actually exist in Barrow after all.
I’m also wondering if Channel 4 have, or ever intend to make another documentary but this time focus on the multiple thousands of legitimate peaceful rape gangs and their victims?
I certainly won’t hold my breath waiting for it.
Nominated by : Herman Jelmet
I look forward to Starmer, his backbenchers and seemingly every cunt under the sun praising this documentary and “calling for action” and “learning lessons”.
They were jizzing themselves the other day in parliament about this netflix ‘adolescence’ programme, of which I gather the subject matter is (a) teenager(s) getting radicalised online. The main ‘radicalised’ character?
13 y.o. caucasian actor.
Right 15 y.o actor, character=13 y.o.
Kills a girl, the little cunt. Just the one, mind. ..
The continual gaslighting is getting so bright it’s blinding. I was was going to write a nom about Britons being treated as 2nd class citizens in their own country, but I’m in a bad enough mood already!!
Being treated as second class is pretty much every other nom, sadly
We are treated as 2nd class in our own country!
How fucked up is that!?
This is the chimp the story was based on..
As usual the cowards shy away from truth.
@bz….the pavement had a history of attacking girls and carrying
…. he was only 18 when he finally did one, was he on the rampage at primary school ffs
Yeah murdering people is a big thing with autism , so much so they it doesn’t fucking exist .
Autistic people largely want to avoid confrontation at all costs
Maybe they couldn’t find a chimp to play the part, but using a white boy to play a blick, what no outrage
All the black child actors were preoccupied, out on the streets stabbing people..
Channel four aren’t but Netflix are making a drama about Pàki rape gangs.
I have exclusive photos of the cast..
I refused to watch this documentary, due to the fact that they chose to broadcast it during the week that the r@pe gangs crisis reared its head again across the media. Fcking insult to the thousands of girls who genuinely suffer and another example of shielding the feelings of the favoured demographic.
Turns out one of the ‘men’ she falsely accused was actually S/A ing another poor unfortunate.
What are the chances? Pick ant bloke at random, falsely accuse him of being a n@nce, turns out to be true.
Bet that wasn’t in the documentary.
How odd.
It’s almost as though the British intelligentsia were comprised of pro hamas pro Islam pro peadeophilîa raghead arse kissing appeasing vermin.
Surely it can’t be true?
Can it?
Why are they so afraid?
Why so radically left wing without exception?
Difficult questions indeed for poor old multicultural Britain..
Fuck that,immediate Oven,every last one of the filthy cunts.
I think the term ‘left wing’ has lost all meaning. They couldn’t tell you the difference between socialism, communism and fascism.
I think it means anyone who disagrees with common sense, including mental cases, sexual deviants, lazy fuckers who don’t see a relationship between bank balance and real work, over-educated degenerates, hippies, career politicians of any colour (except orange), fantasists, homos, ugly fat wimmin, skinny faggotty men with neck beards and an unhealthy interest in soft furnishings, vegetarians, people who wear bow ties and/or corduroy trousers, people who drink skimmed milk, environMENTALISTS, civil servants who are neither civil nor serve anything but their own interests, people who listen to Radio 4, etc, etc.
Arseholes, basically.
I hate those bow tie cunts.
Spot on
When will Channel 4 make a programme about the false allegations that Rachel from Complaints is an economist and knows what the fuck she’s doing?
Or that Psycho Ed is sane?
Or that Clammy is human?
The two most frightening words that need to be dealt with before it’s too late….
Miliband and Islam.
Diane told me to tell you that’s not 2 words, it’s twelvetyteen.
I can’t see the problem, where is the evidence that there is a problem with P’s raping young white girls, OK there have been hundreds of convictions but we can’t demonise all P Muslims.
The above statement is made up but could easily have been spouted by any left wing Owen Jones look-alike.
Channel 4 are cunts, there is evidence that these P grooming gangs are much more widespread that previously thought, no wonder Kweer doesn’t want a full public inquiry.
Imagine the never-ending self-flagellation, public enquiries, compensation awards, race awareness training, public apologies etc if the races were reversed, not to mention the murderous rioting.
Really, imagine if thousands of p schoolgirls were being systematically pimped out, for decades by whyte blokes on a gigantic scale, AND Asian politicians, Asian Social workers, Asian Councillors, Asian Police chiefs and Asian social commenters were excusing it. They’d be lynched, and quite rightly so.
I see Neville Lawrence appears to have run out of compo, whining again.
That is the difference between the cultures. If there was a wholesale epidemic rape culture of young Pakistani girls by gangs of white men then the majority of white Britons would happily see them swing.
The Muslim community instead lies, covers up and attempts to downplay and even justify it. The notion that they operated for decades and continue to do so with these communities having no idea of what was/is happening is just plain bollocks.
It’s because they come from an inferior culture that is centuries behind the one we are seeking g to preserve
Following the Stephen Lawrence trajectory we would also see a Lord Ahmed of Ilford and a Lady Fatima of Didsbury as the Establishment kisses their smelly arses.
They’ll accuse us, Liberal Liquidator, of starting all this unrest with our animal instincts, by get drunk at World Cup Finals and shouting the loudest.
More like Chanel 4….always on the sniff for anti white rhetoric
….aka Jon snow who must regret his surname
…pile of 
These human filth remind of that old Sesame Street song…
One of these Pakis is doing his own thing.
One of these Pakis is kind of the same.
Another of these Pakis is doing the same thing.
Now, it’s time to play their game.
You will find a lull in activity soon with grooming gangs, due to them being up to their necks in work, getting the horses ready for the Grand National at Aintree.
In a similar vein
This is no surprise when the country is full of quisling cunts like this bitch..
Maybe send her to kabul and she can celebrate diversity with the taliban.
They can have a game of football with her severed head..
A tad off topic but we have ‘The Producers’ on tv tonight.
All together now ‘Don’t be a dope be a smartie, come and join the Nazi Party’.
Doubtless there will be some be some dimwit lefties who complain that it a fascist film which should be banned.
Bialystock was based on an actual individual and events according to Brooks …,lavish%20lifestyle%20while%20making%20various
“… The inspiration was some people Brooks met during his early show business days: Benjamin Kutcher, a New York producer who financed his plays by sleeping with elderly women, became the basis for Max Bialystock…”
oy vey…
Not all rapîsts are Pakistankies, but all Pakistankies are rapîsts.
I loathe every last sand chîmp.
Says it all when the Indians didn’t want the scum in their country.
You are blaady bastard…
Sarry, blaady spellcheck!
It’s an automatic shut down or back off mechanism, Termujin.
And the leftie cunts know it.
Anybody says anything and all they have to do is shout ‘racist’.
People shut up or back down. For some reason, they are so afraid of the term and being connected to it.
Even criticisng a criminal like George Floyd, or a murderer like that cunt in Southport is seen as racist.
But, these Pakis… The NHS people treat them like they are gods. They are dirty, bad mannered, ignorant, noisy, manipulative, demanding and uncooperative. Yet they get anything and everything they want. Because everyone wants to been seen being nice to them, so they won’t be called racist. And, it’s only going to get worse.
I’m not afraid of being called a racist, it’s true, I prefer my own kind and their culture and company more than foreigners.
Guilty as charged. And proud of it.
Same here Captain.
These scum infest our hospitals and they get treated like royalty and pets. One of them has completely fucked up the entire ambulance and transport routine. Just becuase he ‘demands’ to be dropped home. He doesn’t need to be taken home (like some people do), he just wants them to do it.
Needless to say, the staff in charge gave it him.
And, even those who don’t like them or have misgivings are afraid to say so. One member of staff whispered to me. But, before she did it, she put in a disclaimer. What she whispered to me was as follows:
‘I don’t mean to be racist or awful. But my husband thinks they (Pakis) are dreadful.’
It’s so unfashionable and uncool to be seen as even remotely racist, that people are shit scared of giving any negative criticim or even to question them.
And, her face when I said I agreed with her old man 100%.
They are also frightened of woke cunts grassing on social media and the like. I dare say she thought she was taking a huge risk even telling me that. Her shock was on her face, when I said I hated them and I thought they were dirty devious bastards.
Racism is perfectly natural and normal, and ALL races display it.
It’s a self defence mechanisn, stranger-danger and all that, plus once someone is established as a member of the group it is beneficial for both parties.
Imagine a bus full of white people, one black lad on it. On gets another black lad. Is it not natural for him to sit next to the black lad? But, again, reverse the races and this is literally Hitler.
Why shouldn’t I want to associate with my own people, speak my own language, practise my own traditional, my children and grandchildren to look like me, etc?
Why is that wrong?
Can we have a documentary on how immigrants have made the UK a toilet?
No, I thought not. The truth would be too racist.
I think it’s coming to the time when even the brainwashed from birth can tell the difference between fact and loony left bullshit.
Due to the latest cunts like WanKeir turning us into a third world country, we will be looking for pastures new in other countries and become the first illegal immigrants to behave ourselves. Then after a decade or two, attempt to claim our own land back. I’ve told my generation to seek out the graves of the present government and piss on them.
Waste of piss.
You had me pissing myself laughing at your reply, Termujin.
If I repeated some of the events that allegedly occurred I’d be looking at a visit from the police.
If you don’t FB, then I believe this is on twitter or on the Lotus Eaters podcast.
It’s worth a little effort.
I got sent a screenshot of a Facebook post yesterday by my mate.
The post was about a tower block on the estate we grew up on.
It said that the police had raided a flat and found enough explosives to blow the block of flats down.
No idea if it’s true?
No mention in the media?
So maybe true.
A bit like this story.
2 years to convict this moon headed inbred.
I don’t remember hearing about this before?
Properly surprised at the length of sentence .
Starmer must be absolutely devastated that it wasn’t a £10 fine , 2 week suspended sentence and an apology from the hospital
Guten Abend meine kleinen Dackel …
Fuck me, bbc must be kicking themselves that channel 4 got in first on this one
Pox on them all.
Just been watching a documentary on the Battle of Britain. Those heroes would be wondering why the fuck they bothered if they could see what a shithouse this country has turned into.
Fucking filthy rubbish.
If it wasn’t for blacks and muzzers we would have lost the war, said BBC Verify.
It’s time the truth be told,the ridiculous fantasies of a by gone era need to be deconstructed for the benefit of us all..
Most Royal Air Force pilots during the Battle of Britain were blek lesbians.
It’s also been verified by the BBC that three bedouin and a camel defeated the Afrika Korp at El Alamein.
Not sure how Operation Overlord would have gone without the pakis..
Luckily the French have corrected their woeful historic errors,they’ve filled the beaches of Normandy with the down trodden heroes that historians deliberate ignored,the saviours of Europe..
The foul,diseased,mentally depraved,savage islamist filth.
Who Dares Wins.
Literally no point and the war was all just a sham anyway.
Rapists, rapists and more rapists..