Dead Pool [354]

Congratulations to Miserable Northern Cunt who has won Dead Pool 353 by picking David Johansen the Frontman of New York Dolls and punk pioneer who died yesterday aged 75 fiollowing a 5 year struggle with brain cancer.He is survived by his third wife and step-daughter .He was 75 years old.

On to Dead Pool 354

The rules

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next.No duplicates and its first come first serve.You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses picks from the previous pool.

2)Anyone who picks the worlds oldest man or woman is a cunt who we will ignore.

3)It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No swapping picks unless they have already been taken.

5)Hits are rewarded based on chronology of death reporting and not necessarily in chronology of death.

55 thoughts on “Dead Pool [354]

      • Ffs I’ll start again.

        Miriam Margolyse
        Stephen Fry
        Nancy Pelosi
        Hillary Clinton
        Bill Clinton

      • Rule 4 decision required please from the handsome Admins (or Shaun when he gets back to his crypt) regarding Termys picks. I don’t want it to appear as if I’m being fussy or awkward (which I am) but, as a known stickler for the rules when important issues like the integrity of the DP is at stake, it seems to me Termy realised that 2 of his picks, Ferguson & His Holiness The Pope, had already been taken and took steps to replace them. However, his 1st choice noms had included the Rule 1 legal theft of Geoff Hurst from the Emperor and so should have been included in his 2nd attempt to draw up his list. So the question is, O Wise Ones (or Shaun), are Pelosi, Hilary Clinton and Fry all considered invalid picks until Termy nominates one of them to be disregarded (in favour of his original Pick of Hurst)?
        Apologies (not really) to the Emperor for the knock on effect this may have on him having to think of another nom.

    • Thank you for bringing this to my attention Dickie.Only picks that are already taken can be replaced.You cannot start a whole new list based upon some of your picks being taken.This is as you have stated in clear violation of the rules.Only substitutes for picks you have made that are already taken count.You cannot just start again as has been stated by the above poster.

      Basically I will take the permitted picks under the rules from the first post and discard the second post until and unless it conforms to the rules.

      Also further such behaviour wont be tolerated.I post these rules (as do all the other admins) to avoid ambiguity.I could be a cunt and just say if you nominate someone already taken then tough shit that is just an invalid pick but I dont so don`t take the piss.

      • Shaun@

        Please could I swap Sheridan smith for JD Vance’s mum?

        Seen the fuckin state of it?!!

        Right horrorbag

      • Careful, Mis! The Traveler Liaison Officer might be watching. I think these kind, upstanding members of the Romany community may just have borrowed your Clint Eastwood and will return it as soon as they find out where you live. If you’re lucky, they will, as a gesture of goodwill, tarmac your drive and present you with a brutal looking ‘Dag’!

      • Nope you cannot substitute a pick unless a nominated pick has been taken.See rule 4 of the deadpool rules as specified above.You are free to pick her next time.

  1. As always, in primary place, that colostomy bag wearing, k*ddie fiddling sex pest, Cliff Richard

    2. Danny Dyer
    3. Adam Woodyatt
    4. Axl Rose
    5. Ronnie Pickering

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