“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee reporting. Today I have the *cough* honour to speak to the UK’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy, to discuss the government’s position following the inauguration of President Trump”
“Yessir. How do boss. Well now ah wants ta tell ya all dat Mr Trump ain’t just Mr Trump no more, he’s Da Donald. He gracious an’ generous man. Ah’ll find common ground with him, an’ build ah partnuhship with him in our nashnull internet. Th’ world am glad he returnin’ ta da Big White House bro”
“Er, hang on… Just a few short years ago (presumably when you thought Mr Trump was finished) you called him ‘a tyrant’, and ‘a woman-hating, neo-Nazi sociopath’, among other things”
“Yeh uh well dat all ol’ hat bro, water over de bridge. An ah was misappropriated at da time innit. Only las’ year ah had a dinner with him, an’ he give me extra chiggun! Ah was so happy, ah did the ol’ soft shoe shuffle and gave ’em a song; ‘dem bones, dem bones dem drah bones’…”
“Extraordinary. That must have done wonders to ease any latent tensions. Now I understand that our dear PM is also keen to go to Washington soon to repair relations after being snubbed by Mr Trump and not invited to the inauguration”
“Dat right; the boss wanna talk about de speciality relationship an er…well dat kind of speciality relationship stuff, an ‘deals ta buy an’ sell stuff, an’ de war in Uganda thing ya know what ah mean?”
“Well that’s absolutely fascinating… I think you mean the war in Ukraine by the way”
“Yeah dat one as well. But dat’s you all done man, gotta go back ta de House ta get ma expenses claim in an’ some chiggun peanut stew innit. Dis Secretaryin’ thing doin’ ma head in, know what ah’m sayin an’ stuff?”
“Well not really, but thank you anyway. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”
Nominated by : Ron Knee
What’s an over weight black cunt got to do with the price of fish ?
She stinks of it.
You are talking about the voluptuous Dianne Flabboppotomus, right?
His grovelling last week was a thing to behold. I am just surprised he didn’t add “please don’t whip my ass, boss”
Horrible obese empty headed cretin, another example of Kweer picking quares, tarts, Pakis, and piccaninnis over people who might do a better job but are unfortunate enough to be white straight and male
Blimey, Ron, you’d make a fortune scripting TV ads if you dumbed down the language a shade or two.
Promoted way past his abilities or capabilities. Hang on make that all of them.
None of them have ever run anything apart from the coffee machine in student union bar.
You are not wrong CuntyMort.
I have come to the conclusion that 2TK has deliberately chosen thickos for the senior posts because they make him look like Einstein in comparison.
Or should that be Frankenstein?
I think Starmer just knows he has a bunch of yes men who will do as they are told – this includes the women and the effeminate sodomites like Streeting. They are too scared to defy him. God know why.
Isee Streeting has created another impartial civil service job for it’s leftwing Liebore activist mate.
That sound you can hear as you walk by Westminster Abbey is Lord Palmerston spinning in his grave at the thought of this fat, thick, fat, racist, fat, useless, fat cunt sitting in his chair.
Did I mention that he is fat?
Fat git
The leading intellectual of the present Government.
Very keen flying enthusiast,so long as he’s not paying,naturally..
Good morning.
Good morning U/T.
The dumb fat Chicaboo is attempting to cover each and every third world shitehole around the globe to shower them with UK taxpayer’s generous donations.
I bet these luxury private jets are stocked with hot buckets of KFC chiggun, fresh wardymelon and Jaffa Cakes. There will be special instructions (in diagram form) to Lammy only to pull the shitter chain when the plane is above water and flying at sufficient height. He’ll still get that hopelessly wrong.
Lammy isn’t house trained.
The clean up fees on those private jets must be astronomical to get all of the flung shit out of the fixtures and fittings.
Full gravy Train oven UT
Oh indeed Edward.
with old tyres and engine oil in it.
The sharp intellect , the wit and the integrity of a satisfying post curry dump!
With the phydical appearance of a post Guinness & Oreos one …
Wasn’t making fun of cunts with a lisp! … ‘physical’ appearance.
Does the cunt perchance HAVE a lisp? .. never heard him speak. Chose to spare myself from enduring that, ever.
Rayner has a bit of a lisp. Wonder if it is a symptom of excessive fellatio?
No mi’Lord.
It’s due to her ill-fitting false teeth. I’ll let others explain why she had falsies at 16.
Perhaps Lord Alli could arrange for her to have a full set of implants, I hear Turkey is the place to go.
That flouncing about fucking pineapple-studios mincing dancers Louis something has a lisp, .. so yeah, Lord C, it probably is ! 😮
My understanding is that Don has accepted his apology & had reserved a cotton picking position for him somewhere in the Deep South.
However, it seems that his intellectual abilities don’t match the requirements of the position.
If he wasn’t black he would be a laughing stock, hang on a minute
Black smoke, white smoke init.
Why isn’t calling people Nazi treated in the same way as ‘racist language’, this cunt should have be sacked and charged after calling a whole group of MPs Nazi, in fact worse than Nazi
Talk about black privilege.
I knew Dave when he was the doorman and lavatory attendant at the Steaming Pussycat Strip Club in Soho. Speaking of which, at this weeks Labour Lesbian Ladies Social Group, being held at Bulldyke House, Jess Phillips is hosting a nude wrestling night,with special guest Yvette Cooper demonstrating her cross-buttocks. Potential audience members are advised to bring strong lensed opera glasses with them – and an equally strong brown paper bag.
Doorman AND Lavatory attendant, surely that must have been beyond Dave, two jobs at the same time.
Where can I get a ticket to the Jess Phillips event (and one for TtCE)
I’m afraid you have to be a laydee- Sick Of It, or be prepared to dress up like Eddie Izzard. You don’t have much time to order the false plastic titties from Amazon, or the quim. Hopefully the highlights will appear on You Tube. I myself would plump for the heavyweight contest between Dawn “Butthead” Butler and Emily “Iron Man” Thornberry.
I am sure TtCE will have appropriate attire and add-ons in his love dungeon but I look forward to the highlights 😂
This is a good point Sick.
Calling somebody a Nazi or a racist just because you don’t agree with them should surely be classed as a ‘hate crime’.
What’s sauce for the goose…
Nazi and Racist is the standard language of the left
They would be fucked if it was classified as a None Crime Hate Incident at least 😂
Fifty lashes then tar and feather him.
Turn him into foghorn leghorn..
Who I would rather trust to run the foreign office.
This will always be a favourite moment from good ol’ Whambamalammy.
What a twat.
Morning all.
Wasn’t risk a watch, Ron, .. in case the cunt speaks in it.
I perdonslly keep a screenshot of his Trump ‘kkk’ tweet spliced with his Nov 22nd 2024 ‘Congratulations, President-Elect Trump’ one in my laptop to refresh my knowledge from time to time of how spineless & just plain low on integrity individual members of my rotten, cunt species are not ashamed to be.
It’s worth the 3-5 seconds it runs for, Cuntemall.
Trusted ya & broke my Lammy’s voice duck.. (yuk, btw) .. same as i only ever heard starmer once … that pathetic countdown someone linked in December.
What a twat. There was one like this in the 60’s or 70’s .. mp on a new stretch of motorway said to be an accident black spot … declares to the news crew that he absolutely refutes that claim … 2 seconds later, over his shoulder… a 3 or 4 car collision 😄
Huh. ’88. Cars and picture looked older. Anyways …
The Curb Your Enthusiasm jingle would’ve worked well there too.
Worth seeing old cunty Starmer’s countdown once more, quavery voiced old quare:
If someone as thick as him can get to the top there’s something very wrong with this country.
I despair.
Professional Larhden effnick innit. A shoe in for somewhere like Tottenham.
This fat wobbling cunt has just dished out £5 million to Tunisia so they can teach potential migrants English, another £1 million to help Tunisia send it’s illegal migrants back to a their country of origin.
The £20 billion black hole??
Obercuntenfuhrer Starmer has his orders from Davos.
And any pensioner that’s cold can fuck off.
Do you think lammy is a sinker or a floater?
Given his circumference, a blocker.
Made me laugh 🤣🤣
You’re talking about just before pulling the chain ?
The claw marks would be horrendous.
Sorry Ron. Now you’re stuck with the black Mr Logic. He’ll leave it for awhile before he starts coming the cunt.
There’s hope for every burger flipper in McDonald’s if this is the standard of ministerial positions in the UK….’are you eating in or take away’ …’both’ 😩
Here is another one, almost as dense as Hammy Lammy, and as dim as a 2 watt light bulb. Perhaps she donated some filly knickers to Kweer’s wardobe:
Dozy trout
Not exactly brain of Britain is he?Useless unflushable turd.
Lammy is too easy a target , you couldn’t have a bigger national embarrassment.
I found this but can’t bear to run through this. As with all other cabinet cunts, they put themselves in positions where the cash, gifts and hospitality rushes in like a cash tsunami.
Whilst arsefucking the taxpayer, especially those in the private sector.
Utter fucking cunts.
No surprise to see that he is connected to the perennil losers, THFC. Fuck off you spuds.
Farcical 🤦
Taken from the Commons Library:
In 2025, UK aid spending will remain at 0.5% of gross national income (GNI). The value of aid spent by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) will increase to £9.24 billion in 2025/26, which is £450 million more than in 2024/25.
So let’s get this right. We have a reported £20b hole in finances and these cunts are increasing overseas aid payments to £9.24 billion? The ‘shortfall’ being made up from taxing UK business into hardship and raising the cost of goods and services on the street?
I am speechless. What fucking planet is that cunt Starmer and his merry goons from? It seems these cunts are far more concerned about the fate of the rest of the world than the country they have been appointed to manage.
Fucking spleen venting doesn’t come into it.
I fucking hate these cunts with every fibre of my body.
It’s all virtue signalling pigshit.
Rachel from the Tea Room couldn’t copper up to pay for a sausage roll,nevermind identify a “fiscal shortfall”.
Try getting Lammy to point to Britain on a map..Good luck with that.
Asking the ridiculous cunt where the biscuit tin is however..
Farce of arseholes.
Same old same old.They all want lynching.Traitors.
O/T….now dry January has gone we have the much more serious subject of LGBTQ++++++++++++
Month of February to wallow in with multiple celebrations and celebrities fawning over this 💩 fest…i have ordered a wig and fake boobs,and giant strap on in case i succumb and suddenly prance around the high street in care free abandon ❤️🏳️🌈🧚♀️
He doesn’t seem to be the athletic type. I wonder if this lump of lard can sing?
If not he could always become a politician….
He looks more like Idi Amin with every day that passes.
King of Scotland.
Black cunt! End of!
Lammy changed his opinion of Trump after Donald offered him a second helping of chicken.
Couldn’t find the original link I posted a few days ago, so this is from the Leftist scum at Polibico.
That’s all it took for Big Sammy Lammy to change his mind.
Yowser boss dat’s what da man said.
He`s a racist spherical baboon.
Congo Ebola cure?
that’d whittle the cunt down..
Dose of 🐒pox UT
I genuinely wish Dudley Moore and Peter cook – in Derek and Clive guise – were around to see this big fackin’ ni$$a wobble around on the world stage.
It writes itself. “Cam dis weh, sah.” … “You know aaah they fackin’ talk!”
Are we having to put up with this stinking fat black cunt all day ? If so, can you hose the twat down, its beginning to pong.
Excellent stuff as always Ron.
You should have asked the numb cunt if he’s planning to go back on Mastermind any time soon.
Thanks HJ. Much appreciated.
David is a special case. There’s a hidden law of physics that means if the entire planet tried to give David the cunting he deserves for eternity the job would have barely began.
The fact this fraudulent individual represents our nation to the rest of the world is a fact that causes me great sadness.
If David was airdropped into a village of indigenous people in the Amazon who’d never met an outsider before, doubtless the chief would point at David and exclaim ‘Cunt’.