I doubt that anyone is surprised these days at the deplorably low standards that our MPs continue to demonstrate.
Take the case of Andrew Gwynne, Labour MP for Gorton and Denton. Former Health Minister Gwynne has been given the Order of the Boot by Sir Keir Stasi after a string of abusive WhatsApp messages insulting constituents, councillors and other MPs came to light. Among other things, its alleged that the comments included the wish that a 72 year old constituent would soon be dead, made racist comments about Diane Abbott, and referred to the performance of a sex act by Angela Rayner’. There’s also an allegation that anti-Semitic content was posted.
Gwynne has now expressed ‘deep regret’ about his ‘badly judged comments’. As you do, when you’re found out. A government mouthpiece has stated that ‘the PM is determined to uphold high standards of conduct in public office and lead a government in the service of working people’. I’m sure that cunters everywhere will be as reassured by Sir TwoTier’s commitment to probity in office as I am.
Nominated by Ron Knee.
His father Fred would be ashamed of him.
And his mom, Nell.
An his sister Pen
Also, his Tony Blair lookalike brother…
The neck bolts are too tight.
We’re bold as brass again, haven’t felt like this in ages.
Another one has confessed now – a little 29 year old poof called Oliver Ryan (“openly LGBT”). The quares always make out how soft and cuddly there are, so much “better” than the rest of us. Are there ANY non quare white Labour MPs?
Last week we had elderly bum boy Mandy telling a reporter to “Fuck off”, now we have this little bender. They won’t sack him because Kweer has a soft spot for his benders:
Like a lost of controversies surrounding Liebour of late, this one has the potential to gain some momentum.
Morning all.
And I read WC, That this one is to be “spoken to” by Angela Eagle, the famous dyke. What a fucking pantomime, you couldn’t make it up!
Sorry, correction already, not to be Eagle, some other Labour stooge. My mistake, reading too quickly.
Chief whip I think arfur – and if he’s a sado-masochist (must be to be a Labour MP) he will probably enjoy it – he will go in like Calamity Jane – whip-crackaway, whip-crackaway-whip-crackaway!
29? Fucking hell, I’d have put another 11 years on that. Probably bitter as too fat for the twinks.
The nest of filthy anti Britain, anti free speech, ant-semite, anti old lady, anti white, lefty bum bandits is now being put to its own sword. We always suspected the real face of Sir Too Kweer’s support, now the proof is to hand. Some other cunt, Oiliver Ryan is now exposed, Hopefully there will be revelations concerning unpleasant toilet practices to add to this heady brew.
Good morning, everyone
I do seriously wonder if Kweer is a bumder himself.
Here he is grinning like a loon having taken an HIV test to “dispel the stigma”. If if he hasn’t been a naughty boy offering his rear end to half the PLP and Anthony why did he need it?
Starmer does spermy shits.
I’m finished of looking at box head WanKeir, as of now.
He reminds me of Max Headroom, without the humour.
Me as well;without the humour or the personality
he reminds me of a crisp packet filled with tramps puke.
Betrayed by one of his own chums eh?
Not the first to be caught out by a private,encrypted “group chat” that gets blown up by some cunt in it who fancies creating mayhem.
Coppers,firemen..all fucked over by a traitor in their midst.
Not cricket in my book..
Fucking ace though when it’s vermin from the House of Cunts.
The more the merrier,fuck em.
Good morning.
I fckn guarantee it’s a woman or a poof.
Dammit, this fucking ‘historical messaging’ probably means the lions share of cunters who in future decide to run for office will see them removed from parliament at some point during their tenure due to hacktivism and whatnot….
Ha. Only joking folks. Bad as we are, so to speak, ain’t none of us stupid enough to think you could mix ‘this’ opinioning with that career.
Unlike the nommed cunt, who clearly IS a base-level stupid cunt.
Good Morning Cunteman and everyone,
I am not happy about the anti-Semitic remarks, there’s far too many on the left who see nothing wrong in being anti-Semitic. However both my wife and I laughed at his other remarks. Who would want to be bothered with someone’s bins not being emptied or would not make off-colour remarks about Dianne Abbott and Angela Rayner? Far worse has been written on this website. Andrew Gwynnne has gone up in my estimation although a bit of a twat for putting it in writing, but hell it was banter between mates. Starmer and all the others piling in on him just don’t have any sense of humour. We have become incredibly po-faced as a nation.
I have never posted a single word that I wouldn’t stand by. I’m sure this tool isn’t actually ashamed OF what he wrote(juvenile though some of it is), .. just being caught for it. Squirming to save his gravy-train job. Pathetic.
Nancy Mace was scolded by some old cunt at a hearing the other day because she said the word tranny. Her response to the criticism? She said the word several more times.
Good woman!
I fear this is all too common. So many of our “elected representatives” are dripping with contempt for the electorate. This is on a par with Piggy Thornberry’s contempt of “White Van Man” and Gordon Brown’s disdain for that pensioner who dared to question the wisdom of mass immigration. Gwynne, a nasty contemptuous piece of work who on the chain of creation occupies the ill-defined space between a locust and a sewer-rat, was simply caught out. I bet many MP’s have been desperately trawling through their communications this weekend deleting posts in case they are discovered.
The Labour Party was supposed to be the party of the ordinary working man. I have never supported them, being a Tory, but I remember a time when they were at least honourable, decent and patriotic and cared for the ordinary working classes of this great country. Now they despise the working classes of this country and only care for public sector leeches, minorities and illegal immigrants. Everyone else they regard as either toffs or gammon, fit to be despised and taxed out of existence. Cunts.
Its only natural to leave a sinking ship.
The left gave up on the working class because the working class did not see the point of rebellion as things were not that bad all in. To justify their ridiculous ideology, to give their lives a smidgen of purpose out side the halls of academia and most other institutions they discovered the minorities and criminal perverts. These became the “chosen ones” enfolded by the unctuous grip of power hungry lefties.
Thus the working class kicked into touch became the very lowest on the virtue pole, despised and forgotten, marginalised in their own fucking country. My piss does mightily boil.
But kweer hasnt kicked him out as an mp
Of course not. He’s a moron but desperate not to get booted out.
He’ll give anyone arriving on these citizenship and thereby the vote, be they illegals, convicted murders, rapists, terrorists – doesn’t affect him does it?
The vain hope that all these Muslims will vote ‘Labour’ in gratitude ……they’ll vote for the first ‘independant Muslim’ candidate to stand in their area.
Not saying the Tories are any better. If a poll showed everyone aged over 70 voted ‘Blue’, they’d plow so much money into the NHS and geriatic care, average life expectancy would be 140.
By the time Reform get a turn at batting, ther’ll be no money.
The fictional ’20 million BH’ will be loose change. Dame kweer and his muppets will have pissed every penny abroad on ‘reparations’ and fictional green energy schemes.
Kweer has suspended the whip from him, which means he is currently unable to sit as a Labour MP.
Kweer cannot kick him out as an MP per se. Only the voters of Gordon and Denton can do that. If 10% sign a petition of recall, a by-election will have to take place – another opportunity for the Reform Party.
Suspending the whip should also suspend the pay, the people elected a Labour MP, now they don’t have one, therefore he’s not doing what he’s paid to do, not that he was anyway.
I wonder if any of our members are MPs ?
I believe Thomas is really Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg.
What this MP did was outrageous and he should be ashamed of himself. What makes it worse is that Keir Starmer has done nothing about it, which is a disgrace and proves that he’s totally unfit to be Prime Minister of this country. I never liked that cunt and to think he’s leading this country makes my blood boil, it’s more than flesh and blood can stand. How can we have confidence in our government when this sort of behaviour is allowed to go unpunished?
Oh, Gwynne has been sacked from his ministerial post. And he’s been suspended from the Labour party. Oh well. Well how long did it take Starmer to get around to doing that? I’ll bet he didn’t really want to do it. He only did it because he had no choice. These left wingers are all the same, watching each other’s backs. Bastards.
I think the Worcestershire Warrior was John Prescott, RIP.
Never saw Prescott down Angel Place which as anyone in the city knows is the place to go for a ruck (N.B. It’s the bus station not the bikesheds).
I am Angela Rayner and am seeing my G.P. about my bow legs and vaginal discharge. Is it too late to go on the pill?
If Starmer were truly appalled, and committed to transparency as he claims, he would dismiss/withdraw the whip/suspend membership of ALL involved, for either innapropriate messaging or failure to report said messaging and openly announce their names.
He throws one insignificant poofter to the wolves and hopes that will satisfy the electorate. It won’t.
Recall petitions should start rolling out soon, and Labour WILL lose seats.
I am happy in my role as King of Sweden.
As an equal-oppotunities bastard with a sick sense of humour, I reserve the right to rip the piss out of all and sundry, but unlike these #BeKind wankers, I don’t pretend to be some sort of paragon of virtue.
Over 8Bn on the planet and I actively dislike, or am completely indifferent to, over 8Bn of them.
I have a mate (a former air traffic controller) who hates Trump and thinks all his views are wrong and horrible. i had great fun recently pointing out to him that Trump said all air traffic controllers are geniuses… #BeKind, cunters!
I’m for Free Speech and what’s written in a private chat should remain private, but……
When one of these ‘purer than purer’ virtue signalling cunts reads what an MP on the other side of the isle has written, “I’m outraged – they should resign immedeatly”
, but when they get caught “I made an error of judgment”
No you wanker, you got found out. The Indians have a word for it ‘Kharma’
I call it marvelous.
He’s always been an smarmy shit anyway – who the hell votes for these fuckwits ?
Indeed m’lud; it’s the hypocrisy that stinks.
Interesting. The Stun’s now saying that a dozen people could be involved in this messaging group.
Wonder what good ol’ TwoTier will do?
Well Mr Transparency, Integrity and Accountability has now set a precedent by kicking out Andrew Gwynne. I just hope a few by-elections come out of this shitshow.
We can only hope 😂
Independent MPs could be the official opposition soon
Best laugh I had this weekend, who threw him under the bus, can’t trust anyone these days 😂
Can’t fault Gwynne on comments about Abbott or Rayner and who gives a fuck about old cunts (labour policy to kill off 4000 this winter), ok the Jew stuff may be a little naughty.
Is he a bum groomer, he had the soppy looking cunt Oliver in his whats up ducky group, absolutely disgusting 😂
All good fun in the HoC, at this rate Starmers massive majority will be a bit thin by the next GE.
“My neighbour is a Pakistani.
I’m not bothered.
Keeps the flies off me dinner.”
-Andrew Gwynne MP
I live in a semi detached, neighbour is a paki. Right state his is, mine’s nice.
250k he had his valued at. Mine got valued at 200K.
Asked the estate agent why the difference?
Well, says he, he doesn’t have a stinking paki live next door.
RIP Bernard
“fella goes in the supermarket
Buys 1 slice of bacon
1 tomato
1 mushroom
Small tin of beans.
Checkout girl ” your a single man aren’t you?”
Fella “How’d you know that?”
Checkout girl ” your a right ugly cunt”.
Andrew Gwynne MP
“I’m going as Harold Shipman for the next Labour Halloween party. Diane Abbott is going as herself”.
Would be quite easy to dress up like Angela Rayner for Halloween. Don a massive red wig, wear garish and inappropriate clothing, like a short skirt and low cut top with no sleeves, let the boobage all hang out, as it were, lots of eye make up and a big red rosette. Horrifying!
I genuinely think that this must be the shittiest, most incompetent, dishonest, hypocritical stupid, fifth rate government this country has ever had, led by the most cretinous moronic PM in living memory – it makes Harold Wilson’s (1964, 1974), Major’s (1992) and Anthony Blair’s (1997) look positively Churchillian in comparison. Actually I had a soft spot for Harold – he kept his looniest min isters and backbenchers in line, God knows how.
I heard mention on the wireless this morning that they believe a left wing group hacked the Gwynne/Ryan group and are releasing their material. Good on them.
Not likely. Not truly hacked, infiltrated maybe.
Not even MI5 can hack Whatsapp and similarly encrypted message services.
That’s why the Gov are pissing their pants about them.
I 💬 that the old lady who was ridiculed over her bin collection should be able to upend this arse wipe head first into an ethnics bin full of rancid 💩… hopefully gorton constituents will start the relevant petition for a by election and have the sense to ditch this cunt into the gutter 👍
I hope the same happens to Tulip Suckdick as well, the anti-corruption minister whose family are all Bangladeshi politicians specialising in corruption and money laundering.
Couldn’t make it up.
When it comes to political slogans, rather like ‘Get Brexit done’,
will certainly resonate with the public.
Water off a ducks back for Dirty Ange.
Nowt she hasn’t seen written on the school bogs as pregnant 16yo and in the House of Commons pub toilets as a 37yo grandmother.
Who says she can read?. She gave up after page one of Janet and John.
Typical common sort.
Peter and Jane for the discerning toddler of taste.
Who can forget such classic lines as:
Here is Peter.
Here is Jane.
Here is Peter and Jane.
Thought provoking stuff.
Report just in; Andrew Gwynne to be replaced by Ashley Dalton, a self-confessed dyke. Seems to be a basic qualification for a seat in the cabinet these days.
Is it a pre-requisite nowadays to be some form of deviant to stand for election?
Ffs, just get a normal bloke.
Totally hideous munter. Will fit right in.
Allegedly she said she believes in a person’s right to self-identify as a llama, that biological women can have penises and thinks all dunnies should be gender neutral.
What a great Minister for Health!
His new message reads:
Dear resident I got booted because of your whiney arse. Unless I croak I will probably win the next election because anyone who votes Labour is too stupid to follow the facts so fuck you.
He’s in a distinctly ‘enriched’ area. If it goes to a by election he’ll lose to an independent moon worshipper.
Vote Farange
Britain First
Mass Deportations
I haven’t made my mind up about NF yet.
I like (most) of what he says, but…
The way Ben Habib has been ousted is more than a little concerning, as is the party structure, which is basically Farage’s own company.
I fear he may turn out like Trump the first time. I wasn’t pissed off with Trump for saying what he was going to do. I was pissed off because he didn’t do it.
Hillary locked up for example, because that is what is needed, plus, plus…
I’m with you Termy.
That Richard Tice?
Bit too Nigel Havers
Bit too Bryan Ferry
Like a second hand car salesman.
Here is a better Gwinn for a wet Monday afternoon
Could play with my balls anytime, oh Yes
A lovely athletic young lady..
definitely not a labour parry member,unless it’s really a Gay.
Don’t be fooled – she’s probably got a hairy arse and a dick. A ladyboy – real women don’t play football. I can’t imagine Diana Rigg playing football when she was Mrs. Peel in 1965, or Margaret Lockwood or Lady Isobel Barnet or Kathy Kirby in the 1960s.
No woman plays football.
Granted, they dress up like footballers and play make believe, but in no way could what they are doing be described as football.
Andrew Gwynne?
LIEBOUR SCUM OFF OUR STREETS 😡😡.Boil the lot in horse piss.
Fellow MP Oliver Ryan , the Ernie Wise to Gwynnes Eric Morecambe just got suspended for his part in the WhatsApp messages furore.
See, what the Labour party aren’t taking into account is the traditional black humour here in the Northwest of England.
A sarky, bitter, sometimes nasty sense of humour .
Id of been on that site they’d of been in much more trouble.
Wouldn’t of been the light-hearted banter they’re getting bollocked for now😄
Double down lads .
Your for the chop
No repreive now
May as well go out on your shield?
Tell them you’re not sorry in the slightest
You meant every word
And you’ll do it again.
And show the cameras your arse and stick 2 fingers up!
A dirty dozen of them.
Two red wall MP’s and maybe more.
Dirty Ange must feel left out, a boys club!
He should use Gino dcampo as a character witness.
Looking at that Ryan creature, Mis, I’d hazard a guess he’s well used to showing his arse to Keir’s Quéérs in the HoC Gents.
Aye maybe, doesn’t look old enough to be a MP?
Maybe he got it for Christmas instead of a new bike?
Who’d vote for that freshfaced little cunt anyway?
I’d take his dinner money and stamp on his scaleltrix
Lol Blockhead strikes again!
Wonder who’s next?
Fingers crossed Hammy Lammy 🐒🐒
“show the cameras your arse and stick 2 fingers up”
Not up your arse I hasten to add hehehe
‘Onlyfans open in another tab’ mixup moment, Mis?
Hehehe 😂
3 Tameside councillors also in the WhatsApp group have now resigned before a Labour party investigation.
Gwynnes replacement is someone called Dalton.
Who I’ve heard of.
A mullet haired head bouncer who works in a Roadhouse.
Good call🤙
This keeps getting better!
…and better!
Have I gone insane?
What the actual fuck is going on?
This.. this abortion is our Government?
Resign, you utter twat, Kier. You have no judgement, you are a puppet, your father wasn’t a tool maker, he was a toy maker called Geppetto.
Unfortunately there’s no Jimminy Cricket as a conscience to remind him of his short comings sitting on his shoulder. 🦗
Evening Jeezum, evening all
Evening Cuntalugs, all.
Jimmy Cricket is an hilarious cunt! His zany antics cause truly side-splitting mirth. Disney never really caught the likeness.
Off topic, but I have just treated myself to a bunch of little rice paper cup cake toppers with the labour party emblem on.
When going about the post meridian canine perambulation, I stick one of these on every carelessly left hound pile that I come across on the pavement.
I know it sounds utterly disgusting, but I do put on vinyl gloves before touching anything to do with the labour party.
A touching ( from a distance) gesture, Overlord, for what used to be a decent political party.
O/T. If I actually see the culprit ( owner, not dog) I follow them home, scoop up a pile of dog shit and liberally coat their front door, letterbox, handle and doorstep. Doesn’t have to be their dogs shit, it’s more satisfying if it isn’t.
What a waste of a perfectly good hound turd, Jeezum.
You could just stick one of those labour party cup cake toppers on it instead and start a new craze.
Upload it to thick tok and every bored teenager in the country will be doing it by the end of the week.
It’s subconscious suggestion at its finest.
Every time someone sees a pile of Fido’s fudge, freshly dumped and steaming in the sunlight. They’ll instantly associate it with the labour party.
If they unknowingly tread in a labour logout and get it all over the foot well, mats, pedals and hallway carpet. The sense of revulsion will stay with them forever.
Councils will be inundated with angry letter demanding the labour dog shit is cleaned off our streets immediately.
It’s genius in its simplicity and worthy of Mossad in its cunning.
(For the benefit of Allan. Conservative party cup cake toppers are also available).
Bit of music , cheer you all up.
Best band I ever saw live Miserable. And one of the finest records eve made.
Ian Curtis at his best was unstoppable. A force of nature. And Bernard, Steve and Hooky were supern musicians.
I still love New Order, but what this lot could have done and become…