Pope Francis [2]

Well that didn’t take long.

Before President Trump had even got his feet back under his desk in the White House, that sanctimonious humbug Pope Francis had a go over the ‘disgrace’ of the president’s plans to intensify immigration enforcement actions in the US.

Il Papa’s got form on this, and has made ‘welcoming migrants’ a recurring theme over the course of his papacy. He stated ‘it would make migrants who have nothing pay the unpaid bill’. He has previously referred to Trump as ‘not a Christian’.

In a subsequent update, the Pope has indicated that the Vatican (which is estimated to hold between $10 and $15 billion worth of gold and other investments, plus an incalculable amount of wealth in property and art treasures) would be digging deep into its own resources to help meet payments on this ‘unpaid bill’. In addition, he stated that several hundred migrants would now be housed in his private apartments, and in those of other senior clerics, as well as being fed, clothed, and given money and a passport**.

**Okay, I made that last paragraph up. Which, I’m sure, will come as no surprise. So go on then, you pious old hypocrite, put your money where your mouth is. We’re waiting, tick tock…


Nominated by : Ron Knee

97 thoughts on “Pope Francis [2]

  1. Maybe the pope could use the stolen artworks he got from the Nazis,
    Or the Vatican’s vast wealth to make those poor immigrants a packed lunch and clean pair of socks each for the long journey home?

    At the end of the day Donald’s only crimes are his ridiculous hair and a funny tan.
    The catholic church is upto it’s Jacobs in blood, dead bodies and sexual offences.

    Get fucked Frank🖕

    • Anyone who has been to Rome within the last few years will find it unrecognisable as an iconic European city.

      I mean, it is still iconic; in the “Wow, what a flyblown, dangerous, African shithole” kind of way.

      • I go to Rome occasionally, gradually I have noticed in the last few years it’s getting worse, termini train station is an absolute hole, full of homeless gimmiegrants , coleseo ( colosseum) and walking up to the Vittorio monument is tidy but full of African and Asian scammers selling that, they pick on single tourists and try to scam them, one very pretty lady was getting hassled by a s00ty
        and I intervened and told him to fuck off and leave her alone, lots of police and escrito (soldiers) everywhere but they do fuck all, and don’t get me started about Naples, it’s worse!

    • Answer: Rome’s Tourist Tax is levied on the faithful, granting them entry to the Vatican City and the right to kiss the Pope’s ring.

    • see my reply to Termujin , , apparently the tourist tax goes on essential services like the police and escrito and public services, but it would be better off deporting all the gimmiegrants, Italy is awash with the cunts, one of my friends says they want to depart all of them and bring back Mussolini

  2. Superstitious twaddle. I remember some previous pope who abolished “limbo” which is apparently where babies born into this cult ended up if they died before being baptised. Some card expressed the hope that he would complete the job by also abolishing mumbo and jumbo.

  3. I find it staggering that cunts like this dont recognise the enemy of Christianity, and indeed equitable societies.. Like the lefty woke idiots who think overwhelming civilised countries with feral scum (just look at where they come from) will work. Just look at what has happened in our cities and in Sweden.

    Should stick to lifting choirboy’s cassocks.

    • I said years ago that we would end up like Sweden – unfortunately the immo bit, not the saab, volvo, abba, big healthy scandi girls bit.

  4. They’re a couple of hypocrites, just as bad as each other. Trump’s main concern isn’t going to be immigration or the economy, it’s going to be how he can get all the charges dropped that have been levelled against him. And how he can get all the felonies expunged that he’s been found guilty of. And how he can get to secure a third term as president in 2029. Yes it’s unconstitutional, but that won’t stop him trying, while he’s got corrupt politicians and judges in his pocket to help him.

    • I hate to bust your liberal bubble Allan but Trump’s main concern is deporting illegal aliens…

      …and securing the border…

      …and ending DEI…

      …and putting an end to the climate change hysteria…

      …and establishing energy independence…

      …and controlling wasteful spending…

      …and…never mind…your TDS blinds you and you’ll never get it…

      • Right on, Herr General. Every single Trump policy is just plain common sense. Who wouldn’t want murdering foreign scum kept out of their country? Oh, yeah, Too Kweer, Macaroon, and all the other European dog turds masquerading as leaders.

      • Allen reminds me of the mypoic old liberals who praise StarmerLabour to the hills, and find excuses for all his volte-faces and lies (Starmer only lies when there is a “y” in the day), but had the Conservatives done it they would have been demanding elections and court cases. For example Boris has a birthday cake – wrong, illegal shameful, Starmer has a beer and curry night – that’s cool.

    • What about Allan’s comment on a 3rd term, General?
      I’ll have a gentleman’s wager with you that ole Don tries it …& if he pulls it off, I reckon he’ll try & do like those dirty commie bastard dictators, Putin or Kim, & get his arse welded to the Oval Office for life.
      Problem is though, that those with TAS (Trump Acolyte Syndrome) will lap that up 😁👍

      • Hey Gusset,

        This is one of 2 Constitutional issues that are gaining traction today. One is Birthright Citzenship and the other is a third term.

        To put it simply the 22nd amendment to the Constitution says no person shall be elected to the Presidency more than twice.

        It was ratified in 1951 by a Republican controlled Congress as a reaction to FDR’s unprecedented 4 terms. The intent was clearly to stop that from ever happening again. Before that serving only 2 terms was a tradition that began with George Washington and had since become a precedent.

        However, in American Jurisprudence…especially at the Supreme Court level…it has often been held that the intent of the law should be taken into consideration when deciding the constitutionality.

        The intent of the 22nd Amendment was to keep future Presidents from serving multiple consecutive terms and like FDR having in effect lifetime tenure.

        The actual language and the intent clearly differ so I’d really have to look into it more and examine some precedents before I could offer further opinion.

        But we do live in interesting times.

      • Don’t get the wrong idea General, I’m not anti-Trump, per se. We could do with plenty of his type of direct immediate action here in Blighty.
        My point really, is that every nation needs to be careful about giving any leader unassailable power.
        Quite agree that if Trump wins the Republican nom, then he can stand unlimited times, however, it’s got to be dependent on going to the people every 4 years or so. Otherwise you’re in dictator territory & that never ends well.

        My TAS comment was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I do think there are a few for whom Big Don can do no wrong – which is a ridiculous stand-point.

      • Seems like all U.S. presidencies going forward will become more and more (spite) upturning everything the last guy did, even if tactfully unmentioned in the election run. So if the other cunts win 2028, all the woke business gets overturned and it’s back to la-la land, e.g. Mr. Trumps widely (worldwide) appreciated ‘what do you piss through?’ approach to this sex/gender lunacy as a broad example.

        (Yet cuntyhooks biden seems to have baked-in HIS interference in the cases of the 37 murderers whose actions he seems to admire to some degree.,… no backsies).

        N.B. I’m aware there’s always been policy changes thus, but now it seems less ‘right or wrong?’, more like childlike spite. NOT (me) knocking most of what I’m aware of the current man saying/doing over the past two weeks. More trepidation at most of it being reversed next regime change .. out of outright spite.


        The paint scheme for the new Air Force One should be going back to the navy belly, red stripe white top any day now …. I’m surprised he hasn’t addressed that yet.

    • Yes, if only we still had Biden in power, making such morally sound moves as pre-immunising five members of his own family from prosecution for crimes “as yet unspecified”.

      What lessons in propriety we can learn from the left.

    • And in any case, even if we were to accept the premise that Trump is just doing all of this out of self-interest – so fucking what? The fact he’s doing it is what matters most to me – something that cannot be said for the morally bankrupt Marxist filth inundating our country with third world savages while they fiddle over our burning economy. Fuck the left. Fuck them.

    • Perhaps Alan, if he did get rid of all the immos etc,folk would say “Good job old chap, well done, oh and about those charges, I think you can forget about them
      So instead of your cynical view of matters are you going to cut him some slack if he does carry out his stated objectives?

  5. Another deluded tosspot who see’s every immigrant as a poor beaten down tortured soul.. not the grasping savage cockroaches that they are.

    Anyone with a refugees welcome or no to borders sign gets a freshly delivered illegal straight off the dinghy and into your house within 24 hours..
    Celebrities and politicians get 3 each.

    Complain about the enricher in your house, automatic £5000 pound fine to be paid immediately..

    Angie would probably like 3 smelly brown winkies on tap, to be fair Rodney would as well.

  6. Why not give women a go at this pope malarkey ? There’d be less likely to be any shenanigans where perversions are concerned and they’d probably use some of that expensive cutlery lying around and put some decent food in it.

    • Can`t do it, Sammy …

      The Catechism of the Catholic Church, promulgated by John Paul II on August 15, 1997,[49] states that the church is bound by Jesus’ choice of apostles:

      The Lord Jesus chose men (viri) to form the college of the twelve apostles…The Church recognizes herself to be bound by this choice made by the Lord himself.
      For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.[50]

      • I should’ve delved more into it Sam. Religions a sham anyway. Should be treated like any other job and allow women to keep an eye on the dirty twat.

      • Sam,

        The sole written arbiter of a Christian’s conduct should be the Bible, and Papa pays zero attention to those instructions, why would he bother with others?

        BTW He has approved the ordination of homosexuals, the ‘church’ was and is riddled with pædophiles and it now conducts same sex blessings, so rules dont seem to matter that much.


        Also, Pope Joan in the 9th century was, as her name suggests, a female. It was upon this discovery that the need/requirement for new Popes to have their tackle inspected was introduced.

        Perhaps this is where the English idiom “Suck it and see” has it’s origins?

      • Quite right, Termy.
        Pope`s got to have at least one genuine bollock.

        So ⩣▲₲ɨŊ◬🍒ʝŮ⫯Ͼ⨊ is deffo out.

      • ….and you’d get a load of lesbians, flannel bloomered and buck toothed. Like Margaret “Bunny” Beckett

  7. I like the Pope, he has nice hat and waves his hand.

    I like Trump, he has a nice haircut and points his finger.

    The both are against DEI, no Muslims allowed 😂

  8. Not every priest is a páedōphïlê.
    Some are just plain homosexual

    Although all like a cushy job indoors without any heavy lifting or getting dirty hands.

    The only difference between church of England priests and a catholic priest is one has.spaghetti for tea.

  9. My grandad hated priests.
    To be fair he hated lots of people.
    But especially priests.

    He saw through the bullshit you see
    Knew they were basically conmen.
    Lazy fuckers scared of honest work.

    And limp wristed ,close to their mother types.

    My dad inherited his hatred
    And passed it down to me.

    Hatred is a heirloom.
    Viva Hate👍

    • “He saw through the bullshit you see
      Knew they were basically conmen.
      Lazy fuckers scared of honest work.

      And limp wristed ,close to their mother types.”

      The ideal job for Wesley Paul William Nancy Streeting. And he would get to wear a frock which would endear him even more to Sir Kweer

    • Dunno who Kai morose is but he’s right!

      Without HATE why, what would be the point of getting up in the morning?

      I’d be direction less.
      No meaning to my existence.

      HATE gives me pep, verve, swagger!
      Puts a merry skip to my walk.

      Hate is the sugar on my Cornflakes
      The frosting on my cake
      The manure in my rosebed.


  10. Top cunting.

    Popes have always done as they are told by the secular orthodoxy of the time. Roman and then Byzantine Emperors called the shots and the papcy duly kissed ass. Later Nazi thugs called the shots, same thing. Now the WEF scum calls the shots, and guess what? The Popes bless them all, and the church gets to keep its absurd wealth. Napoleon was right, religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. It has always been well rewarded for doing so. Pax Vobis, cunts.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  11. What is it with these fucking God botherers and their overwhelming need to see that ‘society’ caters (i.e. pays) for the care of every fucking piece of uninvited detritus from every fly blown shithole?

    Justin Welby first – now this Pious Auld Cunt.

    Go lift some choir boy’s cassock and fuck his balloon knot behind the font.


    • Only the very comfortably off,such as actors,politicians,popes and other such riff-raff seem to be delighted by uncontrolled immigration..

      Can’t recall why that might be?

      maybe they are all total cunts.


  12. Trumps having a pop at dwårves now!
    Talk about punching down!

    Trump said the hiring guidance for the FAA’s diversity and inclusion programme included preference for those with disabilities involving “hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.

    Not being funny but if I was a stumpy little Time Bandit type I’d take great umbrage at been lumped in with mitmots, spastics, headtheballs and nutters.

    Midgetism doesn’t effect your mental capacity?!
    If anything they have massive heads out of proportion to the body.

    Massive fuck off head= massive brain.

      • What about the epileptics?

        Trump had a point with that lot.

        Flick the light switch off and on quickly they’re breakdancing on the floor

    • So it is, thanks for the reminder.

      I’m just going to put mine on now, as I’m off out shortly for my evening stroll.
      Now where did I put my hacksaw and ballpean hammer?

    • Says who?

      Where is the far right when you need them. I mean it is obvious we need an alternative to these pious woke days. Why aren’t they saying anything? Maybe because they’re a tiny minority and barely exist.

      If it was up to me, most days of the year would be a blank calendar with a few days here and there apart from Christmas, Easter and November 11. Maybe Carrot Cake Day, Love of Dogs Day and sensible things like that.

  13. In the 50’s wot wiv hand knitted swimming cossies and hand knitted balaclavas and hand knitted woolly hats made from unravelled jumpers I wonder if they had hand knitted hijabs.
    Jest a fort lyke

    • Hand knitted cossies , that you darent get wet!
      Wet wool, sagging and exposing bits your mother hadn’t seen since you were three!

      • My mam’s a keen knitter .
        As a kid she made all my school jumpers.

        All out of proportion.

        A 6yr old in a jumper made for someone with a 50in neck.
        One long arm like a tentacle
        One a bit short.

        Itchy too!

      • I had to wear my brother’s hand me downs.

        Unfortunately, he was 5 years older than me, a foot taller and his feet were 4 sizes bigger.

        I looked like one of the street urchins from Les Miserablés.

        Fortunately, this didn’t result in relentless bullying and daily beatings at school. Much.

  14. I hope Trump buys the Vatican and turns it into one of his tasteful hotels and casino.

    He has been on fine form threatening to annex Greenland and make Canada the 51st state.

      • Mineral wealth I would guess Mis.

        Just catching up with boring stuff mostly, sharpening up my tool blades, maintenance etc and a bit of quoting for work.

        I did go up to Bolton Abbey in Yorkshire because I was up that way and checked out the Bolton Strid a section of the river Wharfe. You been?

        Looks like a little brook in places but is deadly! 100% mortality rate if you fall in.

      • No never been LL, sounds lovely.
        Should of put up a sign

        Free swimming lessons for ethnic minorities

        Sharpening tools?
        What would you suggest to put a keen edge on a axe LL?
        Oh! And how would I go about getting a billhook fitted with a new handle?

      • I hand file all my stuff. Takes a while but I find it relaxing and satisfying.

        Don’t know about the billhook handle, hope you find one though, they will last a lifetime if looked after right.

      • The axe is a vintage fireman’s handmade,
        One of a pair, I’ve restored them and ones razor sharp but one is blunt😡

        The billhook is one found on a Clearance, guessing 1930s , also sharp as fuck, English made🇬🇧
        Just need to fit a handle🤔

        Like vintage tools LL.
        They took pride in the product

      • I have a billhook, much more English than those machetes that the Sọöties use for hacking, more traditional and inkeeping with our peasant traditions when uprising against ruling cunts.

      • Sharpening things LL, haven’t you been listening to idris elbow, we should be blunting knives so the pavement apes won’t be able to stab each other.

        The man is a genius, he has a new plan to lock up all young white girls so the Pàkis can’t rape them.

    • And Mars…


      “The United States will once again consider itself a growing nation, one that increases our wealth, expands our territory, builds our cities, raises our expectations and carries our flag into new and beautiful horizons, and we will pursue our manifest destiny into the stars, launching American astronauts to plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars.”


      • S-c B,

        You like making fun of the US under Trump’s leadership?

        How about this revised edition for the UK under 2TK:

        “The United Kingdom will continue to consider itself a dying nation, one that squanders it’s wealth, expands our diversity, destroys our cities, razes our expectations, and lowers our flag in the decay of our once beautiful horizons, and we will pursue our maximum diversity into the Caliphate, replacing British citizens as we plant the Hammer and Sickle on the British Isles.”

        You can ally yourselves with us and be our partners or you can make fun of us as you continue to spiral downward in decay.

        The choice is yours.

        Oh…and here’s a clue…we want you with us.

        Britain First
        Vote Reform
        Mass Deportations

      • Don’t blame me.

        I quoted Trump’s actual words, which were part of his inaugural address.

        If anyone was making fun of the US it would be Trump himself, not me!

      • I liked what Trump said.

        Many of us here in the States are feeling a sense of euphoria. We feel a sense of, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish if we ditch all this Neo-Marxist / Wokeist bullshit and get back to common sense basics.

        It was your laughing face with tears emoji I objected too.

        You obviously thought his remarks were hysterically funny.

  15. The pope has only – ever – been good for one single thing… that joke that ends eith the line “who’s that up on the balcony with Dave?”

    In all other things popes are deluded or deceitful cunts.

    Drop a tactical nuke on the vatican, Don. Shut the cunts up and send the cunt to his god all the sooner. Win/win.

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