Dead Pool [344]

Congratulations to 20 Thousand Cunts Under The Sea who has won Deadpool 343 by picking Wayne Osmond the fourth oldest Osmond brother and second oldest brother in the band “The Osmonds” who has died aged 73.The Mormon family from Utah where massive in the 1970`s pop music scene.He retired in 2009 and is survived by his wife and 5 children.He has previosly surved a brain tumour diagnosois in 1997 and a stroke in 2012.

On to Dead Pool 344

The rules:

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next.No duplicates and it is first cone first serve.You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses nominations from a previous pool.

2)Anyone who nominates the worlds oldest man or woman is a cunt who we will ignore.

3)It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No swapping picks mid pool unless they have already been taken by someone else already.

5)Hits are awarded based on chronology of death reporting not necessarily in chronology of death.

66 thoughts on “Dead Pool [344]

  1. Congratulations 20.

    They’re dropping like flies…

    James Hewitt
    Roman Polanski
    Heather Locklear
    Sophia Loren
    Oprah Winfrey

  2. Did anyone have Jocelyn Wlidenstein in the dead pool?

    That was a strategic move, because Cuntymort has nicked my Tony Blair.


    Kier Starmer
    Angela Rayner
    David Lammy
    Rachel Reeves
    Doreen Lawrence

  3. Good job it wasn’t Donny.
    Most women over 60 would have killed themselves.

    In there 20 Thousand.

    Patsy King
    Denis Law
    Andy Taylor
    Jane Morgan
    Ann Blyth

      • A scholar, and a gentleman Odin.

        I don’t think the rules allow swapping, though.

        Admin, an adjucation required, if you would?

      • Nah I’ll let Shaun take him off me. Mind you who doesn’t hate Blair?
        Shaun take Blair off and substitute David Blunkett instead.

      • I believe you still have Tony Blair until the Jocelyn Wildenstein debate it settled.

        If nobody bagged the old bag, then Tony Blair is all yours.

        If I’m totally honest, I would prefer Shaun to have him in the No. 1 spot every DP. Knowing his uncanny ability to see the vultures hovering just over the horizon.

  4. @ Odin, thanks for the chuckle you have the Fellow rather than have any bad blood between us and other cunters.
    What right minded Englishman or Woman does not hate the shit eating grin the cunt gives off?
    The sooner he’s off to hell the better as far as I am concerned.
    Mind you he would have Satan off his throne PDQ.

  5. Harriet Harman
    Gillian McCutcheon
    Larry David
    Anthony Fauci
    Engelbert Humperdinck

    I suppose I had to ‘win’ sometime…

  6. ‘Crazy Horses’ was a splendid and crazy departure from the Osmond boys. Still one the great 70s singles.

    Everything else was fucking twaddle though. Especially that fat little cunt Jimmy.

  7. I remember my elder sister torturing me with Donny Osmond records in the early 70s.

    The 12th of Never and Puppy bastard Love over and over. I was agony.

    Still, I would have given Marie a good tonking.

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