
Imagine if you earnt your living at the expense of Africans?
Subjecting them to a life of servitude and enforced labour?

Yes, bet it was brilliant!! ?

Those days of earning a honest living on the high seas is sadly a thing of the past.

But it’s not forgotten about!!
Oh no.

The commonwealth far from being grateful for a free cruise and job offer are demanding billions in reparations.

Gambia foreign minister Marmaduke Tangerine* says

” I am fully in support of reparatory justice “.
As she flicked through Janet Frazer catalogue.

Also Joshua septicemia said he’d like free money too.

Will our weak government capitulate?


* Or summat.

Nominated by MNC seconded by Geordie Twatt.

I would like to second MNC’s nomination.

Well thankfully Sir Kweer has told the Commonwealth Comedy Club to sod off with their claim for 18 trillion smackers. Presumably he left his pet primate in its cage, as we know that Clammy the Chimp is all in favour of swelling the Swiss bank accounts of banana republic dictators. After all, being black they are, like him, all victims of white oppression.

But here’s a chap who rather spoils the narrative. I give you Bola Tinubu, President of Nigeria, who attended the Samoan jolly. Bola is descended from one Efunroye Tinubu, aristocrat, merchant and slave trader, a lady reported to have said she would rather drown 20 slaves than sell them at a discount.


To be fair to Bola, he confines himself to drug trafficking, money laundering and general corruption to enrich himself, so I suppose in African terms that’s progress.

I have no doubt a little bit of genealogical research would unearth other examples of slave owning/trading ancestry amongst the Commonwealth’s African delegates. Who knows, maybe even amongst Marmaduke Tangerine’s* Gambians, seeing as that country was a major source of slave labour back in the day.

200 years after we ended the slave trade and they’re still rattling the collecting tin. Have they got no shame?

* Copyright MNC

49 thoughts on “Slavery

  1. No African has ever participated in the slave trade, then or now. There are no slaves in modern day Africa. It’s all at the door of white people.

    This is a matter of historical fact.

    Morning all.

  2. This bullshit again….

    Who was it who sold their brothers into slavery? Yes that’s right, their black masters. Which continent still has widespread slavery in practice? Yes, that’s right, Africa. Which continent was home to the Barbary pirates who enslaved over a million Europeans from the Mediterranean basin and southern England and Ireland? Yes, that’s right, Africa.

    Note also how these moronic grifters never go for the much more prolific proponents of the slave trade; the Arabs.

    And let’s ignore the fact that the descendants of the slave trade now enjoy living in Western Civilisation, whereas the dung pits their ancestors were taken from have not moved forward in any way whatsoever.

    Fuck off with it. The world has had enough of you race baiting lazy thieving cunts, you just don’t seem to realise it yet.

  3. Colour in your family tree can change within a few generations.
    For instance, a black father and a white mother (like every fucking TV advert) will produce a half caste child who, if they go and have a child with a white partner, that child will be almost completely white.

    Carry on with the same mixed relationships and a few generations later all ‘black’ will be eradicated from the family line.

    Same is true in reverse where all ‘white’ is lost.

    The slave trade began in the early 16th century.
    500 years and about 17 generations ago.

    We all have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents…. Etc.

    Go back 17 generations and we all have around 130.000 direct relatives at the beginning of the slave trade.

    The slave trade ended in 1807.
    The number of direct relatives that we all had through the duration of the slave trade will be approximately 260.000.

    For a person that is white it is bizarre to imagine that there were not hundreds, if not tens of thousands of relatives that were not black slaves.

    For a person that is black it is equally bizarre to imagine that there were not hundreds, if not tens of thousands of relatives that were either black or white and did not profit from the slave trade.

    So why the fuck do today’s black people think that they are due reparations?

    And why the fuck do today’s white people think that they deserve any?

    If we were all able to trace back our family trees that far then we are all due a handout.

    But of course black people are so stupid that they think that because they are black then their entire ancestry has no white in it.

    And white people are so stupid that they think that their ancestors were all white since time began.

  4. Can we have reparations from the Japanese who forced PoWs to work on the Death Railway? Or those people in camps like Tenko who had limbs cut off so the Japanese soldiers could test the sharpness of their swords?

    Or how about the Germans for Staalag Luft or Colditz.

    Can we have reparations from Italy for the Roman Conquest?
    Or how about the French for the Norman Conquest?
    Or the Dutch because of William the Conqueror?
    Or the Vikings because of raids like Lindisfarne?

    Will the people of places in Eastern Europe like Romania get reparations from the Turks for the Ottoman Empire?

    Will the French admit to the nasty stuff they got up to in Algeria? Like disembowelling pregnant women? Will they pay reparations to them?

    Will the Spanish and Portuguese pay reparations to the places the colonised?

    There was a massive slave trading place in Portugal. Started by the Moors from North Africa.

    Will the Pope and the Vatican pay reparations and apologise as they had a massive hand in slavery back in the 1400s?

    Moving to the modern day – will the gangmasters from Eastern Europe, Vietnam and the like pay reparations?

    Speaking of colonisation/slavery – how about the Chinese?
    Will they be paying reparations?

    What about the Belt and road initiative, where they’re colonising Africa by stealth?

    I won’t hold my breath.

  5. Shouldnt the Africans who actually collected the slaves bear responsibility?

    My forebears benefitted from slavery by dying young in the Iron works, pits and the potato famine.
    Royalty, chinless nobility and land owners benefitted and still do with their estates and palaces.
    Perhaps one of the biggest beneficiaries could campaign for the homeless. From his palaces.

    • In Durham Market Place there is a statue of the Marquess of Londonderry. This chap owned coal mines in the county and saw fit to evict miners from their tied cottages during a miners’ strike during the mid 1840s. The month was February and the evictees included pregnant women.
      Strangely, this disgraceful episode ,one of many in British history, is seldom mentioned.
      Is it because the miners were the wrong colour ?

  6. Kweer changes his mind about everything so no doubt at the next meeting he will be kissing the reparation gangsters arse, and asking how much do we owe you?

  7. And to think this all came about because of two bored Georgian hooray Henry’s who decided to take a holiday away from their wives in Africa.

    Conquered and inslaved a whole continent rather than take the missus to the theatre.. shame on them.

  8. Oh ! That thing yonks ago, we helped to eradicate. It should be forgotten about, like most things in history.

  9. Why haven’t any of them moved back from Whitey’s hell hole to the utopia where they still think that family trees are for swinging in?

  10. They do seem quite ungrateful cunts I must say.

    Next time they have a natural disaster,coup,epidemic,war and all the other thankfully extremely frequent pantomimes that befall them let’s not lift a finger to help them.

    That’s what they deserve.

    The fucking wretched vermin that they are.

  11. Every time I hear, or see a picture of, Lammy, it underlines what a fuckwit Two-Tier must be to think of making him our representative abroad – fuck a stoat, we are enough of a laughing-stock in the world, without letting shit like that speak for us …& the same goes for that Manc scratter, Rayner.

    As for Mbimbo YamYam & co getting ‘reparations’ for slavery, they can all fuck right off. I’d have more sympathy if they said ‘We’re actually a bunch of lazy bastards who prefer lying around under trees, instead of having to sell dried elephant shit in the market to earn a living, so can we have a lot of free money, whitey.’ They can still fuck off, obviously.

    When these cunts start understanding it was OUR forefathers that culturally enriched THEIR lives, they might understand we owe them fuck-all.

  12. Although it appears that cash reparations have been ruled out, Lammy apparently suggested that other things may be on offer.
    Things like free access to scientific advancements, for example.
    And what use would advanced scientific knowledge be to these people?
    They’ve had access to our inventions, medical expertise and education for decades, and what have they done with it to advance their evolution?
    Fuck all.
    And besides, if we have them anything earth shatteringly innovative, they’d flog the blueprints to the Russians in return for guns and forget to keep a copy.
    Hardly sage advice from our Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
    A man so underdeveloped, he can’t even sit up straight.

    • The post war Labour government gave the Rooskies jet engine technology. That didn’t turn out well, just ask any allied pilot who fought in the Korean War.

      • Harold Wilson’s Labour administration I believe.
        And he wondered why he was a target for MI5.

      • It was Clement Atlee I think, Field Marshall.
        Korea was 1950 & harald wasn’t in until the 70’s

  13. All the calls for anything to do with Blicks getting money should be met with, Fuck Off, if they were any fucking use they wouldn’t need handouts.

    Spend more time sorting themselves out, no that would mean actually doing something useful rather than picking clinkers off their arses

    Ed Davey crying about the Sudan, like anyone actually gives a fuck, I have no idea what’s going on in the Sudan or any other shithole in Africa.
    The Royal Navy put an end to the slave trade, time it put an end to illegal cunts invading our shores.

  14. TV Advertising and historical dramas is quickly becoming the new cotton picking industry.

    • Suckdiq’s Lord Mayor’s Parade today. In conjunction with the BBC.
      It went as expected…

      ‘Diversity, diversity, diversity, diversity. And, for a change, a bit of diversity.’

  15. A digression: Its quite fitting for the Premier League to go with a kit designed to fit the forever stops and starts these days, that they appear to be going or returning from have a shit, due to the shorts having a resemblance of braces hanging down by their sides.

  16. Too much free money is given to foreign shitehawks in this country.

    That mouthy gobshite, Malala Yousafzai for a start.
    Does absolutely the square route of fuck all.. Yet has the life of fucking riley.
    And all her leeching relatives are also living in the lap and all.

    ‘But… But… She was shot.’

    Yeah, and don’t we bloody well know it.
    She was ‘shot’ in a place that’s nothing to do with us, by people who are nothing to do with us, Some poor cunt in the service of his country gets his leg blown off in Ulster or Iraq. But does he and his family get set up for life? Nah, course he bloody doesn’t. How many ex-servicemen and women at the parades tomorrow live like she does? None, that’s how many.

    This bite the hand that feeds her ungrateful cunt is in fucking clover. Even her university education was free. She has done nothing for this country and she never will. Never paid in and never will either. Cunts like her who have never contributed should get absolutely nothing.

    • Has a go at Western women who model bikinis and calls female pop stars ‘objectified’. Yet this cunt wears a compulsory headscarf, because the men who run her religion tell her to.

      A first prize authentic deluxe cunt.

  17. Don’t let em fool you.
    They fuckin loved it.

    Reason they keep talking about it.

    You ask a black yank what he’d like to do for a holiday.

    Duwayne ” ehhh, maybe a working holiday,
    Somewhere rural,
    Git away from da city, the gangs,clean air, fresh waddymelon, do some work , I ain’t ever worked”

    Letonka ” I’d like to go to the countryside and sing hymns and do some laundry, maybe git me some peaches and earn me a few dollars”

    Cutting sugarcane and picking cotton is respectable work.

    Stop holding black folks back.
    They must get bored?
    Probably why they all take drugs?

    Give em a job to do.

  18. OT. But, I wonder….

    Will this assassination plot on the new President make Big Don finally give Iran the military hiding they have had coming since 1979?

  19. The left and the ethnics claim the British Empire was built on slavery and was one of the most evil organisations ever to besmirch the Earth. It’s successor the Commonwealth has 56 members all there entirely voluntarily. Five were never members of the British Empire, five more are applying to join and only three have ever left. How does one explain this strange phenomenon?

  20. If those black cunts hadn’t picked all that cotton my ancestors wouldn’t have been slaves in a cotton mill…!

    Where’s our reparations…?

  21. Great nom, btw.

    These Africunt countries expecting Britain to pay compo. For what exactly?

    Our ancestors paid their ancestors for slaves in good faith, at the going rate. And now they’re expecting another payout? If anything, they should be paying us.

    Take the planks out your own fucking eyes before coming on all morally superior with us!

    As for the slave descendants in the West – if they really gave a fuck about all this historical shit they’d be on the first boat/plane back to Africa, assisting in rebuilding the paradise they imagine (wrongly) the white man stole from their forebears.

    But of course they won’t go back, will they?

    Blacks in the West have benefited from the slave trade every bit as much as any white fucker has.

    Arguably a lot more so.

    • Ah yes, Boots just kissed goodbye to another 25% of customers with that one.
      “I liked the Ad – it’s playfull” said one woke lefty twat on TV last night.
      Well, you won’t mind buying your Boots hemorhoid cream from Home Bargains after Boots goes the way of Woolworths, Wilko, et al – insolvency, you smug prick !

    • Boots seem to be working hard at driving away the customers these days. I posted recently of my experience of buying spectacles from them. They fucked up and when I returned with them they offered to resolve the problem for £40. I didn’t pay. Certainly my last ever visit.

  22. The black should not be given anything, now or in the future. They will not sue it for its intended purpose, and will either break it or try to sell it! Worthless cunts to a man!

    • Oh, and Boots can go fuck themselves! Admittedly, the only thing I bought in recent years were the £1 sandwiches on arrival at Heathrow, but they’ve gone now! Woke cunts never learn. I hope President elect Trump kneels on their necks until they expire!

  23. Give the n*gong a McChicken sandwich and he will feed himself for a day. Give him a KFC Bargain Bucket and the lazy cunt will probably sell half of it to his bitches in exchange for ganja or pussy! Worthless cunts, to a man! There, I’ve said it!

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