Wes Streeting, (3) Health Secretary

is a cunt.

Such a lovely man, Wes has announced that he has a cunning plan to ‘ Save the NHS’. One idea is the building of new neighborhood health centres. These will be sited closer to peoples homes than their nearest hospital, where people will be able to see GPS, district nurses, care workers and other medical professionals under one roof.
Fifteen minute city, anyone?
Scary that Wes has a 10 year plan, implying that he’s expecting Labour to be in charge that long.

Anyway, Wes decided to consult the public and arranged for a suggestions portal to be set up.
It was immediately inundated with the kind of suggestions I’d expect to see on, well here, actually.

One person suggested a kidney donation in return for asylum, whilst another that, as hospitals have incinerators, they could offer cut price cremations.

Needless to say a team of moderators have been busy editing the site, but do have a glance at the link for a few more suggestions. I particularly liked the Dalek one.


lbc.co.uk 2

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

66 thoughts on “Wes Streeting, (3) Health Secretary

  1. Labour has a cunning plan to save the NHS?

    Kill the elderly.

    Freeze them to death if they persist.

    Labour party
    Filling a cemetery near you

    • When President Trump tells 2TK to get rid of Lammy as Foreign Secretary they could appoint Streeting and send him on a peace mission to the Middle East.

  2. Weazel Street has too much gel in his hair.
    Assume it’s gel anyway.
    Might be something more ‘organic’ ?

    I was Kier I’d insist he shaved his head.
    Can’t hold with vanity in employees I can’t.

    ” Oi, when you come in Monday I don’t want you to have that Tintin haircut
    It sends the wrong message to constituents.
    Get it down to the bone luv.
    Not joking with you.
    Get it shaved or I’ll do it for you.
    The only haircuts we have in the Labour party are teddyboy quiffs for lads
    And a severe medieval peasants bob for girls.

    Oh and a Beatles wig for Diane because she looks like a Easter eggs with pubes on it without.”

      • He is coated in makeup all the time, which is why he looks as if he doesn’t shave – that and the lipstick makes him the most poofy of the poofters in that cabinet of benders. He is the Cliff Richard of politics. I have said before but who would wish to take health advice from a mincing middle aged sodomite.

        Imagine being Joe Dancey and seeing his arsehole winking at you.

      • I agree WC, I’m not taking health advice from a homosexual. I’d take swimming instruction from a nig-nog first.

  3. Who’s building these hospitals?
    The Stockport bikes housing plan must be at least 75,000 behind by now..

    Still at least all those doctors and surgeons massing on the French coast can be utilised once butt plug streaking works out how to magic up 30 hospitals.

    I see another of streakings ideas has claimed its first victim, nhs nurse died after a injection of Mounjaro the weight loss drug.

    Should of trialed in on lammy, butler and thornberry first.

  4. Next autumn expect an “emergency” budget to pay for another 100 billion for Wes to piss up the wall.

    The cunt will be on the phone now telling Rachel he’s already spent up.

    How about not letting millions of inbred deformed foreign mōngs into the country that have bled the health “service”,amongst several other things we may have mentioned before,totally dry?

    Fucking deluded lying spūnk bucket.

    Perhaps that Nigerian running the “Conservative” party could arrange euthanasia for the entire government?

    Bang your pans for Our Oven.

    • I read today that Rach from accounts is going to gice loads of council “workers” 5 days pay for 4 days work – as has the pigmy p&ki Khunt to the tube drivers (who actually only open and close doors – stupid cunts can’t even do that properly according to my mate who works on the stations)

  5. Odious little cunt. Bet he was bullied at school, by some slag that looked like Angie.

    Be a joy to debate him in a pub car park.

  6. Hasn’t he got his “fiance” a job with Labour – chief lube tester or something.

    • Yeshe is “head of communications and media”. No doubt a consolation prize for being one of the few Commie benders who didn’t become an MP in July (Stockton I believe)

  7. My suggestion…!

    Scrap NI contributions.

    Privatise the NHS.

    Health insurance…!

    Works well for Vet’s….££££

    Er’e missus, should we put the bugger down..?

  8. Trump giving it large live.
    He wants to recognise two genders and all this poisoning of young minds by radical lefts will be stopped when he proposes a bill for congress, that includes big Pharma companies producing puberty blockers and schools influence in children being transgender
    Nuclear families first.
    Go Trump Go for it.
    He knows he has to set out early this time round and get shit on the table before the bullshitters can gather themselves.

  9. Off topic

    Urine Geller the famous mystical spoonbender was on GB news.

    He got a MAGA cap off Donald and he found a hair in it.
    Urine said he’s got Donald’s DNA
    And he’s planning on cloning Donald ?

    He really likes Donald.

    So why not a hundred of them?

    Nobody is as well balanced and normal as Mysterious Urine.

  10. What Wes needs, is put on a conveyor belt where his hair is cut short, further along his teeth are removed,then finger and toenails are yanked clean off. Gelded further on, with eyes gouged out along the way. Finally a cork rammed up the arse and tongue sliced off and another cork rammed down his throat. Then let’s see if there’s anything to complain about.

  11. Yesterday I was reminded, once again, that money alone cannot improve the NHS.
    My niece, 9 months pregnant, was asked to go in to be induced.
    From 9am to 2pm she occupied a bed, was fed and watered, and absolutely fuck all was done to her.
    At 2pm she was told she needed a blood test, but not to worry as it would be fast tracked.
    At 7pm, after occupying a bed for 10 hours she was told her ‘fast tracked’ results were clear, and that they didn’t understand why she’d been asked to go in in the first place.
    Come back Monday, they said.
    What a fucking carry on.
    So what caused this calamity that waisted doctors, nurses and patients time and tied up a hospital bed for a day?
    I know one thing, it wasn’t caused by lack of fucking money.
    More likely too much of it that nobody gives a shit about and therefore don’t mind seeing it pissed up the wall.
    “Save our NHS”
    Get fucked!
    Was it lack of cash?

    • I don’t know where that random last sentence came from.
      Must be this piece of shit phone.

    • I imagine that’s pretty much the standard FM.

      It all meanders along at its own pace,from personal experience that usually means until the patient gets fed up and goes home or just dies in agony.

  12. OT. The out of nowhere Norman post treatment horn-o-meter has gone off again.

    Today, it’s 70s pin up, Beverley Pilkington.
    Star of the Big D peanuts display cards we used to get in pubs.

    A collection of album covers featuring the lovely Bev.


  13. Looks like Labour noms will be coming thick and fast in the coming weeks and months.

    The cunts.

    Evening all.

    • Yeah that’s something to look forward to ?
      Soon be Labour party nom (350).

      Where’ve you been anyway?

      Willie Strokers allotment?

      • Yeah .
        Bored to fuckin death of it.

        We only get 2 noms a day under current austerity measures,
        And one gets wasted going over stuff that’s been done to death.?

      • And anyone does like that write a nom about it .

        Title it

        “Miserable told me to shove my repetitive, unimaginative nom up my arse .”

        I’ll second it?

      • There is four years of Donald Trump to look forward to, I wonder how many of cunts he will upset that end up being nominated. Unless he ends up winning the DP, which I reckon is a serious possibility and hope it never happens.

      • I mark you right LL.

        He’s had assassination attempts during his campaign for president,
        Once he gets to work implementing his policies I don’t expect that to stop!

        Im gutted that our government is a bunch of commie wankers,
        We could of seized the opportunity of a president who genuinely likes the UK.

      • Trump is an Anglophile and we now have the ridiculous situation of a foreign leader talking the country up more than our own government.

      • It’s nice that David Lammys changed his stance on Donald though.

        Kier told him to just think of him as a large talking Jaffa cake.

      • I’ve heard that veterans might turn their back on Starmer at Remembrance Sunday. You would think this would shame the cunt but I don’t think it will.

      • I heard that.
        So they should.

        Bet you anything that every single contributor to this site will be wearing a poppy tomorrow or attending a Remembrance service.

        Difference between us and Kier is we mean it.
        It’s just a publicity opportunity for him and his ilk.

        He gives away our sovereign territory like it’s a toffee or something,!!
        He’s the enemy.

      • Morning Mis.

        I must admit that I’m still bemused by that stuff against me from Willie. Just seemed, I dunno, peculiar and random.

    • Trumps done a !00 million dollars campaign deal months ago, for he’s election victory and she’s a women billionaire who made it possible
      he couldn’t have done it any other way and he knew it.
      Still though, he is a maverick and let the party start.
      Way better than the boring cunts that surround sound and all the bollox we have have had to endure
      Tell em fk off Donald, even if I don’t agree, its refreshing non the less

  14. Jaffa cakes used to be lovely in the 70s..big and juicy like Carol the Scottish weather girls tits.

    Unfortunately in modern Britain that sort of thing is illegal,Wes says fat cunts eating cakes should go on drugs to slim them down so they can work in Greggs serving pies to fat cunts who Wes says should go on drugs to slim them down…

    Anyway Wes is a fat cunt who would certainly benefit from dying on a Turkish operating theatre specialising in “spot fat reduction” surgery..

    or just Monkeypox.

    • He would probably opt for a “butt lift” though I suspect Mr Dancey does that for him a couple of times a week (“not tonight, duckie – I have a headache”).

      Wessy wants to give those weight reducing injections to the unemployed, despite the fact that some of the side effects are very debilitating, and would keep the recipients OFF work, legitimately. It can in extremis, cause death.

      One thing Wes wants to personally oversee is compulsory rectal examinations for any fit bloke under 30. Needless to say he and Joe will be carrying them out personally, on Hampstead Heath with a camcorder to flog the tapes to Pornhub.

  15. Very keen on untested drugs aren’t they?

    But your Hitler if you smoke a cigarette.

    Cannabis can be smoked openly though.

    They’ll clamp down on people vaping but your a smackhead they’ll test it for you.

    We live in a mental asylum.

  16. Bet you lot are still farting in your beds?

    Not me.
    Up, dog walked , few star jumps, porridge and coffee,
    Now I’m bored.
    Missus still in bed.
    Dogs back to bed.

    Admin, can’t we have a early morning nom for people who are employed/ not lazy bastards?

    Just seen on the news Donald trump has robot dogs that patrol his Mar a lago pad!!

    I wouldn’t have a robot dog.

    Dr who had one, K9,
    It was a bag of shite.
    Like a Henry the hoover crossed with a tamagotchi.

    Get a proper fucking dog Donald!
    Load of XL bullies.

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