Non Crime Hate Incidents

*Knock knock knock*

“Erm, good morning. Mr erm Knee is it? I’m Sgt Crapp and this is PC Bulshyte from the local station. We’d ah, like a word. May we come in?’

“Oh great! You’re here about the vandalism to my car two months ago I presume…”

“Um, no sir. We no longer have the time to investigate actual crime. We’re here about a erm ‘non crime hate incident’ complaint that’s been made against you and stored on our data base for future use against you. Let me see now… ah yes. On a certain date on a certain website, you referred to a certain public personage as a erm certain naughty word…”

“Then no, you can’t come in. Just hold up. What is this ‘hurty word’ nonsense? Who is my accuser, and what am I specifically accused of?”

“We can’t disclose that information at this point sir, as that would allow for the possibility that you could begin to defend yourself against the fact that no crime has been committed. Also, there is no ‘accuser’ in this case. There is a ‘victim’. The ‘victim’s’ feeling’s have been hurt in this non crime crime incident”

“Right so let me get this straight. As I understand it, although some tosser has made a complaint, you’ve just said plainly that no crime has actually been committed by me. Why on earth are you here then, wasting my time, when you could be out looking for burglers, shoplifters and worse?”

” *harumph* Well sir, we’re here to advise you that at some point, according to the course we’ve been on, you may be called in to the nick for interview in relation to this non crime incident. You will then be required to check and regulate your future thinking in order to ensure that you don’t commit further non crime crimes at some point in the future…”

“Tell you what Sgt, why don’t you and PC Kafka here stop trying to infringe my right to free speech and just fuck off?”

“Did you hear that PC Bulshyte? Did you hear him just tell us to ‘eff off’ or what? Right sunshine, you’re under arrest under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986…”

The Standard.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

75 thoughts on “Non Crime Hate Incidents

  1. I really enjoy Ron’s noms, he always injects a note of humour.

    Unfortunately, this time ( sorry, Ron), this actually cuts a little bit nearer to todays reality bone, rather than the funny bone.

    I’m increasingly worried about the direction we seem to be heading these days, Orwells book doesn’t seem quite so fantastical any more.

    Sorry, don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, I hope the reins can be applied before it all goes much further.

      • Seen Minority Report JP?

        This is Orwell’s Thought Police and the Minority Report’s Pre-crime Division.

        At the moment itbis merely an embuggerance. Those testen with thus shite appear to have singularly failed to challenge it in court, where it would undoubtedly fail. For now.

        This is definitely the thin end of of the wedge, the boiling frog, whatever idiom you wish to call it. It is extremely dangerous and will inevitably lead to re-education camps, seriously.

        What is concerning is the level of self-censorship going on, coupled with a brigade of curtain twitchers that consider it their civic duty to grass on their neighbours.

        We are not experiencing a steady decline as a nation, we are on the brink of total collapse, and severe unrest appears inevitable.

    • You’re right JP; we seem to be descending into a sort of Kafkaesque rabbit hole.

      What I find most disturbing and disgusting about this whole business is that although no crime has been committed, people are getting recorded on a police data base, often without their knowledge. Or they might be ‘invited in for interview’. For what precisely, a little ‘education’ from a rozzer who thinks he knows it all because he’s done an on-line ‘hurty feelings’ course? This can have grave implications for such matters as people’s job prospects, all because some simpering ninny’s feelings have been hurt.

      It’s bizarre, and the implications are sinister. I often wonder if I’m on some force’s database somewhere for calling out cunts on here. If you’re watching Plod, stick your thumb up your arse with my compliments.

      Afternoon all.

      • Afternoon Ron.

        Never, ever, no really, NEVER talk to plod voluntarily. Not a word.

        They are not looking for a reasonable explanation and exculpaltry evidence, they are looking for you to incriminate yourself.

        BTW, no adverse implications can be drawn from a person’s refusal to answer questions on their own doorstep when not under caution. Such implications can and will be drawn, even from a voluntary interview, as a caution will be issued prior to interview, so a ‘No comment’ approach will have negative effects on any future proceedings and defence.

        And never let them in your house, don’t even open the door, unless they have a warrant.

        The Police are the military wing of the Labour Party. Innocence is no defence.

      • One of the worst things is the ever-increasing erosion of trust and confidence in the police on the part of the general public.

        Just about everyone I know says how their respect for the cops has completely gone; they’re seen not as an ally or friend any more, but viewed with suspicion as a potential enemy.

  2. Top tip for getting away with internet Non Crime Hate Incidents – put a plaster over the camera on your computer and then sit back and flick ‘Vs’ at any cunt you don’t like the look of. Works whatever the protected characteristic of the cunt. Suck it up coppers!

    • The Hitch got a lot of things right. What a loss that man is. You can just imagine what he’d have to say on the state of things now.

      • I’d say he’d be actively calling the sinister bullshit out for what it is, Ron.

        And here is another warning from history from the great man – a terrifying prospect to now reflect upon as Muslim MPs push for anti-blasphemy legislation in this country, which our filthy criminal government will no doubt pass into law, thus consecrating the path towards total Islamic control of our culture

  3. If it’s not a ‘crime why are they getting interested?

    Tattooed shaven headed thugs in uniform.

    Invariably these days uneducated to degree level with no common sense and very capable of knocking back Greggs and Krispy Donuts three at a time.

    Never ever help the Polis voluntarily, they ain’t on our side.

  4. I may be wrong, but the various police associations don’t seem to be very vocal about standing up to this shit.
    Plenty about being understaffed, which is probably true, but fuck all else.
    Unless they really do want the police farce to be nothing more than the paramilitary wing of the Labour government, they need to speak up.

  5. And the righteous fucking clowns in the UK are criticising Israel, the UK and other western governments should be taking note, the only answer to the followers of Islam is brute force.

    Hurty words against the tranny will be nothing to the clamp down on any criticism of Islam, it will start with some very narrow definition of Islamophobia and as sure as night follows day it will evolve into Blasphemy, but only against Islam because they are a special case.

    Back to nom, Ron you are very naughty for taking the piss out of non crime hate incidents, I hope you will reflect and write another nom retracting this one as it is a non crime hate nom.

    • Agree. I think the Israelis have been conservative with the peace-lovers they have on every border.
      Give Benny a UK passport!

  6. At a talk given by the president of El Salvador at the U N President Nayib Bukele the president highlighted the loss of freedom of expression in the West. This man has taken his country from a hell hole to a vibrant prosperous country in 5 years. I listen to him. Try this link un general debate

  7. Sorry Ron but I for one am glad the rozzers have finally felt your collar.

    1) for those nettles in the garden

    2) To take the heat of the rest of ISAC.

    You should do the decent thing and accept all responsibility for the Hate crimes committed on here.

    I told Willy Stroker to inform the police about you and luckily he did.

    You can still watch films in Wormwood scrubs
    They have a 80in flat screen with cinematic sub woofers.

  8. There are a number of disturbing and inevitable consequences of these non crimes and I believe that government agencies and schools have for many years been keeping information about how people act and what they say.

    Schools will certainly have information that they keep about the parents of the children.
    Information that you have no access to, so can’t dispute in any way.

    The first consequence would be that your attitude (non crime) will be taken into account if you ever get charged with a real crime.

    Next, the number of non crimes registered against you, once they pass a certain number or pass an ‘acceptable’ level of severity, will be grouped together to form an actual crime.

    Certain employers and all government agencies will have access to your non crime register.

    You think that arguing with teachers about them telling your kid that there are more than two genders or getting banned from Facebook for a few weeks because of a post about illegal immigrants stops there?

    Think again.

    Those things will eventually be used against you.

  9. The header picture tell you everything you need to know about the modern police service, not force mind you, that sounds a bit too confrontational for modern sensitivities. Bell ends stood around in facemasks, pride flag front and centre and the sinister Orwellian messaging about ‘being offensive’.

    • I’m afraid it does LL.

      Trying to cross the road when there’s a pro-Palestine demo in progress can get you arrested mind. I believe it’s what’s referred to these days as ‘soft option policing’.

  10. If I describe someone for being the most intelligent and attractively good looking person I’ve ever met. But to everyone else is thick as a brick and ugly as sin. Would I be accused of sarcasm. Does that consist as a NCHIs.

  11. I’d just like to apologise wholeheartedly to the police, for pointing out the fact that they’re a bunch of tossers who seem to more interested in harrassing innocent members of the public than in the harder task of pursuing real criminals.

  12. Here’s my answer to anyone who believes in this Orwellian nonsense:

    No matter how bad the Tories were, anyone who voted Labour is a retard.

    • I agree that anyone who voted for the present government was wrong General, but these non crime incidents have been prevalent for many, many years.

      One winter evening my car was stopped by the police.

      Mrs Cunter was driving and she had nothing alcoholic to drink that night.

      They made her get out of the car and stand at the side of the road while they questioned her.

      She was dressed in her normal, ‘going out’ dress.
      So not very much and no Thomas, I will not go into details!

      I told the police that she was cold and should be allowed to get back into the car.

      Their reply was that she should have put more clothes on and that they didn’t like my attitude.

      I told them that my attitude was none of their business as it was their job to uphold the law, nothing else.

      That earned me a night in a cell before being released without being charged.

      That must have been 40 years ago.

      • Understood Artful,

        This bullshit did exist before. But isn’t it worse under 2TK and his Starmtroopers.

        It existed in the States and certainly got worse under the Biden Puppetcy.

      • Afternoon General, hope all is well and the land of hope is now feeling particularly optimistic with the prospect of the Biden supremacy drawing to its final fetid conclusion.

        I should qualify your excellent summation vis a vis Labour voters, to perhaps add that there is a sizeable contingent who voted for Labour who are:
        – lazy and resentful of the hard working
        – have a vested interest in installing a dictatorship that is germane to their interests (viz. perverts, Islamists, race grifters, bone idle civil servants)
        – those who are just plain e-vil and wish to encompass the destruction of the civilisation that granted them the right to exercise their freedom to express their malevolence at the ballot box

        Cunts, if we’re looking for the collective noun.

      • Afternoon General, hope all is well and the land of hope is now feeling particularly optimistic with the prospect of the Biden supremacy drawing to its final fetid conclusion.

        I should qualify your excellent summation vis a vis Labour voters, to perhaps add that there is a sizeable contingent who voted for Labour who are:
        – lazy and resentful of the hard working
        – have a vested interest in installing a dictato-rship that is germane to their interests (viz. per-verts, Islam-ists, race grifters, bone idle civil servants)
        – those who are just plain e-vil and wish to encompass the destru-ction of the civilisation that granted them the right to exercise their freedom to express their malig-nancy at the ballot box

        Cunts, if we’re looking for the collective noun.

        (Let’s see if WordPress lets it through this time FFS)

      • Hey Dave,

        Things are optimistic here in the States. But I must confess there is some serious concern that the Obamunists running the Biden Puppetcy will act in concert with that shameless grifter Volo and escalate the war in Ukraine.

        You have just defined the Neo Marxist / Leftist / Islamists enemies of Western Civilization.

        The Lazy, the Entitled and the Evil.

      • “ The Lazy, the Entitled and the Evil.”

        With your permission General I’m going to keep that in my breast pocket and whip it out for a quick gratifying put-down of any leftist wanker I encounter from here.

        And yes, what Biden is up to in authorising the escalation of war with Russia is deeply disturbing, and illustrates just how vile and despicable the left are when they don’t get their own way. I have the impression, perhaps falsely, that Putin recognises what is going on, and has respect for Trump overcoming the political corruption that was deployed to block his democratic passage to power, and he will put up with this provocation knowing Trump is only a couple of months from the presidency and is his best hope for sending Zelensky and all of his hypocritical puppet-masters packing without the hassle of total war.

        Sympathy for the Ukrainians has certainly run out amongst many people this side of the Atlantic too, so we anticipate Trump’s arrival in respect of this matter with hopeful expectation.

      • Congratulations Chris,

        For nailing a subject with a single post you are the winner of this week’s Golden Hammer Award.

        Hey again Dave,

        We are again in agreement. While I have zero love for Mad Vlad, I think you are absolutely correct about him knowing the reality of the situation.

        It’s called Realpolitik.

      • I love the way they blame a whole load of shit on someone who wasn’t in No 10 long enough to find out where the toilets were.

      • Hey Moggie,

        I’m sure 2TK knows where the toilets are in #10. He’s been dogging them for years.

        As Artful pointed out this shit has been going on for years. My point is that it has gotten substantially worse in a very short period of time due Leibor, der Furher and das Starmtroopers…aka the Brown Pants.

  13. I hope I am alive the day the muzzos take over, and the filth are in orange jumpsuits having their rotton throats cut.
    The cunts.

  14. It’s a wonderful phrase “hate”,especially now it’s been weaponised by the Far Left and subsequently seized upon by the overtly politicised police farce.

    It can handily be used to intimidate almost anyone,get pulled for being pissed..heaven help you if the farce get access to your phone and find an “offensive” encrypted private message that you’ve never shared publicly.

    The entire issue is rotten to the core,an enforcement tool of the Powers That Be.

    Fucking disgusting Cunts the lot.

  15. By the time a few folk are saying “how did we get here?” all the people who remember how things used to be will be in the past, and that will be forgotten.
    The new “norm” sweeps away the old and refuses to refer back to it.
    I remember a time when milk came in bottles and beer bottles went back for a refund, all gone now and instead the new improved “norm” is fuckin’ plastic bottles littering the earth.
    Free speech will go the way of the glass bottle, consigned to history and the memories of a few old shufflers.
    Starmer is “Big Brother” incarnate. I didn’t know what he would look like all those years ago when I first read the book but “you will know him when you see him”. Oh how true that has become.
    Plod has his mouth taped shut no matter what he feels about modern policing. He has a wife and mortgage to pay and the kids need shoes for school. Being able to put your head above the parapet is now a privileged position only the wealthy or fool hardy can afford.
    Anyway to end on a cheerier note a straight seven days with no small boats arriving.. So Bertie was an ill wind that did blow some good.
    Evenin’ all. .

  16. Every man has the fundamental right to be able to SHOUT his views at everyone – no matter how many testicles he may have or how ridiculous his moustache is !! 卐

    I can`t streᛋᛋ that enough.

    Frohe Weihnachten

  17. There is a small but telling contribution that everyone can make in the fight against this Orwellian shit.

    Join the Free Speech Union. The sub isn’t much. At the mo it’s a small organisation, but it’s a growing voice in bringing abuses of people’s rights into the public eye. The more support and resources that it gets, the more noise it can make, and the more help it can give to victims of sinister bullshit.

  18. What’s insidious about this is the arbitrary way you’re declared guilty of an offence with no right of to defend yourself.

    Being offended is subjective by its very definition. So if someone can convince the police they were offended by something you say or write you can find yourself with a non crime hate incident recorded against you.

    I believe anything that can be added to your record should be treated as a criminal offence, you should have the right to enter a plea, engage a lawyer for the defence and due to the subjective nature of the offence be tried before a jury of your peers.

    • What’s even more insidious is that you’re arbitrarily defined as having committed an offence, and this can be recorded against you, when no offence has actually been committed to start with.

      It’s fucking mental.

  19. The spaz out, when Laurence Fox put a rainbow swastika on his social media.
    But it’s true. Anyone who dares to crtiticise the LGBT mob, they bring down the rainbow coloured jackboot.

    And when the bogie hogs tell someone they need ‘educating’.
    I would say ‘four O Levels, five A Levels, Unversity degree’.
    Don’t tell me I need edcusting, jobsworth cozzer.’

  20. That treeswinger fucker Sophie Duker – with the help of her bitch Frankie Boyle – can openly say ‘Kill Whitey’ on BBC television.

    And that Congo cunt (the shit actress) who gobbed off that the monarchy was ‘too white’.

    Needless to say, they both go away with it.

    • That comment about the royal family being ‘terribly white’ by that race-baiting gobshite Adjoa Andoh on the day of the coronation was one of the most ludicrous I’ve ever heard. They’re white because we’re a Nordic nation, same as the King of Swaziland is black because he’s from fucking Swaziland.

      What did the thick cunt Andoh suppose that they could actually do about it?

      The other thing that struck me was the immediate nodding dog response to the comment from other commentators in the studio when she made the remark. What would have been SO good was if one of them had had to balls to tell the pig to fuck off. But then she’d have probably called that person a racist.

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