Neil Greenwood

hero or cunt?

In a nutshell, two young men decided to use one of Farmer Neil’s fields as a playground for their electric bike.
When they decided to leave, the gate they entered by had been locked, so they abandoned the bike and returned the following day to retrieve it.

Mr. Greenwood was waiting for them, overpowered and trussed them up, and trundle them down to the local police station on his quad bike.

Now, I don’t know if the field contained pregnant/young beasts that may have panicked and got injured, or winter crops, or just winter pasture, but I do know that the bikers were trespassing and would have left the field looking like it had been ploughed by a drunkard.

So what happened when Mr. Greenwood got to the police station?
Yes, that’s right. He was arrested under suspicion of false imprisonment!

I know what I’d have done with them, and it wouldn’t have been taking them to the police station, but might have involved the hay baler.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

45 thoughts on “Neil Greenwood

    • I say Hero.
      He was obviously pissed off with them churning up his fields that they were trespassing on.

      Although hogtying them was obviously going to lead to trouble.

      The police hadn’t done anything about them
      They only investigate hurty words online.
      So he had enough and acted.

      One of the lads parents was moaning about her poor boys treatment.
      Maybe if you’d been a better parent he’d have more respect for other people and their property?

      • Exactly.Youth of today lack respect.Their parents are at fault for letting them run free.Reinstate National Service.

  1. Standard level of policing these days, the perpetrators are the victims..

    I’m looking forward to the police force getting one hell of a kicking soon from the scum they are constantly protecting and coddling.

    The met police were bitching and moaning about the stress and strain this last year.. perhaps if you stamped out the first hate march a year ago instead of bending over you wouldn’t be in this situation..

    Watch them turn a blind eye today to all the counter protests..
    Fuck the police…

  2. Cops are a fucking joke.
    Lincolnshire plod dont arrest petrol station fuel thieves. A civil offence according to the pointless tosser Crime Commissioner. ‘Garages should do more.’

    The fuckers are on cctv and the cops dont need to get off their computers. Or arses.

    • The Crime Commissionaire (for it is he) is an utter cunt; q.v. Sec. 3 Theft Act 1978 and the Courts can award compensation.
      Other offences may apply/ become apparent during the Police investigation…

    • The police are total cunts. I ran my own business, and caught a gang of cunts robbing the poor sod who tan an IT business next door. My cctv recorded the fuckers going in and out over thew course of more than an hour.
      The next day a fatso turned up to ask if I had seen anything. I showed the twat the video footage and ran him off a copy. A week later the bloke who ran the business came in and I asked him if the police had found the footage useful. ‘No, they said they do not have the right equipment to view it.’ What the fucking fuck! They could have borrowed mine, the stupid lazy fat fucks!

      • I am just guessing, but I reckon that if it had been a couple of white thieves breaking into a business owned by a black guy then the police might have been more enthusiastic.

    • “Garages should do more”

      Like what?
      Pre-payment pumps, one assumes.
      Or perhaps a trigger-happy neanderthal with a shotgun?

      That would go down well, wouldn’t it?

  3. A schoolboy error on Mr Greenwood’s part, he isn’t part of an approved victim group so the police don’t give a shit. If he had a rainbow pride flag sticker on his quad bike or wore a Palestinian flag as a cape when dropping these pair of cunts off at the police station, they might have been more sympathetic.

  4. Sorry to go against the flow, but I think the farmer is a fucking idiot.

    Firstly, if anyone trespasses on private property and leaves something behind then they have no expectation of that thing being there for them at a later date.

    Why was the bike still there when these two returned?

    Secondly, what exactly did he expect the police to do once he delivered the vandals to them?

    They don’t bother attending burglaries and they won’t prosecute shoplifters who are caught red handed, so they will do fuck all with trespassers.

    If it was me the bike would have been locked in a barn, ready to go on ebay.

    The two cunts that went on to my land would have had a bucket or two of pig shit thrown over them.

    • I agree Artful. If it was my land on which they were trespassing the bike would have vanished on their return. However selling it on would put you at risk of further trouble. Smack the lithium battery with a hammer and run away; it’ll burn for days.

      • It’s a Tony Martin sort of situation. “Reasonable force” is what the law says, and many people would regard what Martin and Greenwood did as going way over the top. I have to confess I have no sympathy for the situation Martin and Greenwood put themselves into.

  5. Mr Greenwood is my kind of a chap. He has no chance with Two Tier’s justice, we all know the scum are anti-farmer. He could have taken the fatsos some bacon sarnies and they would have been so busy scoffing he could have made his getaway unhindered.

  6. It seems like he tied himself up in a red ribbon and presented himself to plod,fifty years ago they would have shook his hand and offered him a brew before sending him home with a cheery wave..

    Now? He should simply have set fire to the bicycle and gone back to bed.If the two ruffians turned up at his farm he should have dropped them in a slurry pit and gone for a bacon sarnie.

    Good morning.

  7. It’s best not to upset farmers.

    They work long hours and don’t appreciate unannounced visitors.

    They also have access to firearms, heavy machinery,
    And quiet spots of land where a body could lay undetected for years.

    Best not to fuck with them.

    Wonder if Rachel Reeves likes to go hiking?

  8. Off Topic
    D / JX 162884
    Able Seaman
    John Anthony Murphy
    Hms Repulse
    10 . 12 . 1941
    Rest In Peace
    My ‘ uncle Jack ‘

    • Truly shocking and upsetting – and when you look at this cesspit of a country now, you wonder why so many lives were squandered like that to turn us into the third world.

  9. I know it’s the same place ?‍♂️ but he should have tied the pair of scroats up in the ? pen and let pinky and perky have a leisurely Al fresco brunch…#oink,oink

  10. He should have taken them with the lambs to that little shed, where all is quiet ( eventually )

  11. Expect nothing less from the boys in blue in these wokest times. The farmer should be eternally grateful that neither of the two twats was touched by transbenderism, or he would be looking at twenty years in the slammer

  12. We’ve created a surreal and hellish world in which right is wrong, good is bad and black is white. Proof? This poor fellow Greenwood, the preponderance of deviants all across the media and popular entertainment and the casting of TV commercials. Fuck that for a game of soldiers, I’m off soon to this post industrial town’s cenotaph with my son, son in law and grandsons. If I had a daughter tomorrow I’d call her Poppy.

  13. Always a hero for not bending over and taking it in the arse as normal.
    These shit kickers need to be dealt with properly, you can’t rely on the police.

    Old MacGreenwood had a farm.eieio, and on that farm he shot some guys baba boom badabing bing bing bing…..

    • ‘You can’t rely on the police’.

      Sums it up in a few short words for me Fug.

      We NEED an efficient police force to be doing its job, but it seems to be riddled with incompetence, wokery, ‘TwoTierism’ and not a little corruption.

      I don’t trust or respect the police any more. Of course if I say that to people, the response is often ‘huh, if your house get’s burgled, they’ll be the first people you call’. That’s true, but then what other option have I got if I want to get a crime number for the insurance? It’ll be with zero expectation that they’ll actually DO anything. Goodness knows how many crimes actually go unreported each year, simply because the victim knows that informing the scuffers is simply a waste of time.

      Morning all. Good cunting JP.

      • Some cunt tried to break in Monday evening but I scared the bastard off. I noticed window damage on Thursday, reported it to the police and had a CID bod +1 come round Friday. Sadly, there was nothing he could do but they went round the area knocking on doors. I was honestly surprised they even bothered.

  14. Farmer Greenwood needs to go to the forthcoming London protests and return home with Sponger and Thieves tied face down to his quad bike.
    Then he should introduce them to his fecund Aberdeen Angus bull who hasn’t had a cow in 12 months, give them a quick squirt of bull mating spray, stand well back and enjoy the entertainment.

  15. I do sincerely hope that the police aren’t expecting support from the rest of us when the savages eventually turn on them .

  16. No sympathy for the little scroats…!

    Shame though there isn’t any place for young un’s to ride off roaders legally…

  17. Criminal damage of not ecological vandalism, Citizens arrest worthy and I hope he receives a nice fat payment for his trouble.

  18. Are you sitting comfortably?

    15 years ago, one Sunday I worked an 8am to 8pm dozen hours weekend overtime. At 7:20 that evening, a workmate stuck his head out the cloakroom window and saw 3 teenage cunts giving my car a working over. Burgling it via breaking the driver’s window. We tried to come out the factory door nonchalant, but it was a good 30M from the cunts, they twigged us & bolted.

    Cops called. Arrive 7:30. Given CCTV footage. Grainy but one of the 3 was wearing a ridiculous distinctive jacket. Emerald green with a white eagle silhouette. Cops exit 7:40.

    At 8:03 pm I’m approaching the cop shop and the squad car that had attended was parked outside. I went inside … ‘ye have them caught already?’ sez I, … “not at all .. they’re split up now / no way we’ll get them” … Case fucking closed, basically. I’d say the cunts had driven straight back to the station.

    Anyways. I (with my workmate in tow) go for a wee drive around. 3 minutes later spotted the 3 stupid (regrouped) cunts, .. less than 400M from the cop shop I let them get to a point where they had to cross a road .. and drove the car right at the cunts, pinning 2 of the 3 against a wall. 3rd cunt bolted. Me & Dessie (might as well credit the guy!) were out ‘t car in a split second , 1 each with a cunt by the throat. I had a (retracted)Stanley knife halfway behind MY guys adams-apple. [Factory issue, & still in my pocket from the day’s graft.]

    So fucking full on was it, that a man across the road from it asked “Do you want me to call the police, lads?” .. to the two pinned cunts ?.

    Go ahead, I told him .. tell them the cunts from the car break-in are waiting for a lift. The 2 were singing the third cunts name to us … also like pussies .. “it was all his idea, he made us do it” that kind of shit Handed them to the cops. Said I’d be in to them at 4pm Monday, after another days fucking work for me! Later found out mine was the tenth car they had done over that (winter) evening… the other 9 outside a bowling alley about 100M from where I worked. MY motor was just a target of opportunity on their way out of the area.

    4:05 in the cop shop next day … cunt cop tells me there’s a problem … one of the 3’s uncle had been in to tell him … the 3 were innocent, it was me & my mate that intimidated them into confessing What about the gay stupid jacket, copper? .. ”lots of people have jackets like that”.

    “Do you really believe a word of it?” was my next question…. “Your word against theirs”.

    “So that’s the end of it?” .. “We’re not pursuing it any further”..

    So I said I was going to pursue a private prosecution. Make BIG noise.

    “Wait wait wait wait ….what would it take to NOT do that?” the cunt of a cop asked me. Cunters ; .. I made a list of stuff missing from my car that wasn’t. A brand new Sony car stereo in it’s box, under the passenger seat that I was fitting later in the week. (had a full value receipt and all from a friend’s brother who had a motor factors) .. 50 quid wiring loom for same .. (those things had been in the car, the cunts just weren’t very thorough) two expensive hardcover books, multiple cd’s, cost of the window (price inflated 200% by different friend owned a small garage) … all in all my full costs were 70 quid for the window. The following Thursday, I was handed an envelope with 600 in it, to not pursue things any further.
    (By the cop .. I never had any contact with the scumbags after handing them over).

    I don’t know if it was that the cunt cops were afraid of their indifferent inadequacy potentially being brought to light … someone else I know reckons the ‘uncle’ was probably some kind of scumbag cunt grass or offered them something at least, to save the nephew. Whatever the reason, I fleeced the fucking cunts. Never any blowback, either.

    Can’t condemn Neil Greenwood one iota. If everyone decent stood up to society’s cunt percentage it would be a better world. They/we shouldn’t HAVE to, but I guess the middle line is fight fire with fire without bringing it the disgracefully useless all-bar pointless at this stage … filth .. although that is of course easier said than done a lot of the time.

    That’s why the skullbreakers, as I described elsewhere recently, sit inside the front and back doors of my (middle-of-nowhere) house. I’ve even put a bit of thought in to where I’d offload a cunt if I DID kill one with the hit … wrapped in plastic, couple miles drive… burn the plastic etc. USED to think it’d be a call the cops scenario, but no more.. might as well chance getting away with it, these days.


    (Originally always thought it’d be knackers if such a night ever came to be, but that was 20 years since .. as much chance it’ll be an illegal darkie cunt(s) these days).. Equally worthless cunts either way so status quo in having a go

  19. CeA.

    I admire Neil Greenwood, BUT, if you’re going to take the law into your own hands leave no witnesses.

    He were daft to take them to the police, which makes him a bit of a cunt.
    On the other hand, he did humiliate them, so hero.

    If I were in a similar situation, and could overpower two fit young men, they’d have spent an hour trying to retrieve the bike from the bottom of the slurry pit, by diving for it repeatedly.

    • I understand that side of it too, Jeezum … One notion, though. Knackers have NO honour or anything close. They attempt to rob you, you give them a good hiding and let them go … you have to believe they will be back for revenge. Probably in greater numbers. So perhaps by handing them over, this man showed (naively, unfortunately) an undeserved belief in the broken system .. perhaps believing to hand them to the cops might draw a line under it from him getting revenge visits. (Only a tiny chance of that from the knackers point of view anyways).

      Note how I even mentioned the ‘no blowback’ in my opus last night. Cunts knew where I worked, and all…. If I didn’t salve myself with over 500 quid(and the satisfaction of robbing those cunts, right under the fucking cops nose’s), .. I would have caused the fucking stink I had threatened. 10 years previous the same cop shop let a cunt off that had hit my parked car … another fucking police informant, this time for sure. That’s why I was so quick to go to ‘private prosecution when I saw the same nothing from our so-called public servants. Once bitten and all that …

      You’d think the British cops in particular might have a bit more interest in getting revenge themselves on knacker society ; The same type of individuals after all that cheered, whooped and hollered in a courtroom when their scum relatives got the bare minimum a few years ago, for dragging a policeman behind a car – skinning him to death – whilst making their getaway from yet another crime scene. Shouts of celebration in the courtroom where the young man’s window (of a few weeks marriage) and family sat. Disgusting. No decorum. No nothing commendable outside their own inbred low-IQ despicable selfish circle.

      What’s wrong with the maximum sentence from time to time?

      ISAC’s Mr. GoFundMe-hater himself (me) .. deems *this* GoFundMe as per nom pic … righteous. Shall even drop the guy a couple of quid for a bit of solidarity.

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