Rioting in Leeds

The latest rioting, parts of Leeds have suffered from the wrath of the mob, much damage done. The reports from msm tell that the police were driven out by the rioters righteous rage. How many times does this sort of shit have to happen before the police can use baton rounds, water cannons and all the other riot busting toys that every other country uses. Have they heard of focused microwave devices makes you heat up, you really want to move, likewise a baton round in the gonads has also been shown to prevent further cuntish behaviour and the added bonus of providing temporary soprano voices for the local church/mosque whatever. The way these incidents are treated by whatever β€œgovernment” holds power is bloody disgraceful, pathetic in fact, but at least the woke continues.

Independent News Link

Nominated by: Black biscuit

News link provided by: PT Admin

147 thoughts on “Rioting in Leeds

  1. “π‘―π’π’˜ π’Žπ’‚π’π’š π’•π’Šπ’Žπ’†π’” 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 π’•π’‰π’Šπ’” 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒇 π’”π’‰π’Šπ’• 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 π’‘π’π’π’Šπ’„π’† 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒔, π’˜π’‚π’•π’†π’“ 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 π’“π’Šπ’π’• π’ƒπ’–π’”π’•π’Šπ’π’ˆ π’•π’π’šπ’” 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’†π’—π’†π’“π’š 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 π’„π’π’–π’π’•π’“π’š 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒔.”
    I daresay the pigs’d love to use that sort of apparatus – but only on white protesters.
    Touch-of-the-tar-brush types will still get a free pass as the filth are being directed from powers upon high.
    Good morning all.

    • Had a quick scan of the news this morning. Bbc full of usual shit about “far right” protesters. Very telling that were there were groups of lefy counter-protesters, the pigs always seem to lay into the Anti-migrant group and not the other way round.

      • Saw that on a clip this morning, balaclava clad Antifa types throwing shit and nothing but when the patriots went to fight back the police were all over them.

      • Almost a classic Soros style ‘colour-revolution’ playing out replete with black clad BLM agent provocateurs in proximity.

        I wonder if that school attack actually happened ?…(crisis acting is a thing) l recall the Dunblane incident heralding Satan’s attache Blair’s rancid tenure in 10 Downing St and overnight UK gun clubs were closed and legally owned firearms seized. Useful move.

    • Yes that is the problem TTCE. I would bet my pension that the first persons to have baton rounds used against them would be white, it’s almost as if the police and politicians have a colour card for rioters, White to very pale brown, the full works charging horses, full riot gear, good battering etc. Brown to Black just high spirits let them get on with it, withdraw to nearest canteen. Romanian pikeys just ignore them.

  2. These filthy bastards in Leeds riot because of child neglect by one of their own and it’s the old softly softly approach while the rainbow kneeling service run away.

    Mainly white folk in Southport riot because three small children were butchered in broad daylight by a pavement ape and they’re all far right thugs who will feel the full force of the rainbow kneeling service.

    Yvette Cooper is a piece of shit.

    3 children are laying dead while vermin like her are stealing oxygen.

    * I hope this post doesn’t hurt any other Cunters sensitive feelings.

  3. New nickname for West Yorkshire coppers – the Rappers (the run away police).

    Great to see Pixieballs is on top of her brief. Emptying the jails to make room for the Government’s Far-Right political prisoners.

    Civil War here we come.

  4. We have already moved on from that mostly peaceful riot, wrong type of people apparently.

    You need white people involved for it to be condemned by the authorities..
    Luckily this shit house government has got its wish..unluckily the genie ain’t going back in the bottle.

    Best make that holiday a long one Rodney.

    • Has he still gone on holiday?

      Rat – sinking ship springs to mind.

      I fail to see how destroying other people’s livelihoods and property is going to change anything, other than making those people very pissed off.
      It’s like JSO protests, they don’t gain sympathy by making many other people’s lives a misery.

      I can see Special Policing measures being introduced very soon, with a nightime curfew being enforced.

      After all, making people stay at home seems to be the politicians favoured action.

      • Next week JP, hopefully somewhere like Mogadishu..

        The lockdown scenario..
        Go to work like good little plebs, pay your taxes. But you need to apply for a permit if you want to go down the pub in the evening.
        Permits take 6 to 8 weeks to process..

        Good luck policing that…

        Morning JP..

  5. In retrospect it would have been better to call for a discussion about immigration with all parties involved.

    Over a nice cup of tea and a few hobnobs at number 10.

    People have been suggesting that for many years and it still hasn’t happened.

    Even after 3 little girls are murdered it is no closer to happening.

    Instead new laws are passed to stop anyone protesting.

    People have had enough.

    I don’t know how I would react if I had a child stabbed to death.

    I think that I would draw the line at looting, but anything else….. Who knows?

    • That’s the thing – the parents have called for it to stop but it’s still happening. Unfortunately this stopped being about the girls long ago.

  6. The police have completely lost their way.

    They are now a political tool,the armed wing of the Loony Left.

    They can expect a bit of “resistance” I dare say.

    Even riots are policed on an ethnicity basis.

    Fuck them all the rule book is being torn up as we speak.

    Britain needs a complete overhaul and I don’t mind if that comes from the streets.

    Good morning.

  7. They may well get harsher on public disorder. But they will pick and choose when they use their options.

    They won’t want to influence community tensions and they don’t recognise a white community because that would be racist.

  8. We needed a a English Heritage reenactment day of Bloody Sunday in Leeds
    Some blokes dressed up as Paras, SLR 7.62. Fun for all family. After all what else are you going to do during summer holidays. Beats jousting and some bloke with a hawk on his arm.

  9. Government is ignoring law abiding people’s genuine outrage at the atrocity which occurred in Southport and polarising opinion by apportioning all the ensuing unrest to bunch of shit stirring nutcases. They will regret that.

  10. I’m rapidly losing track of all these mindless riots.
    Was this one of those we were meant to support?
    Morning all.

    • We were all meant to support the BLM riots if you remember?

      Personally I think the people involved in disorder are being played and the disorder is very counterproductive. The disorder is used to take attention away from the problem and associate anyone with legitimate questions about immigration with the brain dead rabble who think they are achieving something with the violence.

      Legitimate protests will be stamped out with public backing due to what’s happening.

      Immigrants are however inflicting violence upon each other and the wider community daily and it’s obscured and covered up by the media but ordinary people know about it and it’s the cause of building anger.

      Child sex abuse, rapes, sexual assaults, stabbings, muggings, theft. Daily occurrences. The anger felt is real and I’m guessing your counter argument will be these are isolated instances.

      The riots are a predictable result of government failure to admit mass uncontrolled immigration brings its own issues.

      • That’s the point I’m trying to make – people with real concerns about mass immigration are going to be ignored at best now because of the rioting cunts.

      • @op

        After BLM rioted on both sides of the Atlantic the reaction of the establishment was to remove statues, appease the rioters with sympathy, talk of reparations etc.

        When the white indigenous riot there’s no mention of responding to their concerns, just brand them far right and draft new legislation.

        The agenda should be obvious to all. There will be more protests and there will be counter protests where the agitators will be allowed far more liberty to act violently and provoke a violent response.

      • There’s definitely an agenda at play, yes. But too often on here recognition of that seems to veer into hatred of anyone who doesn’t fit into a cunter’s definition of ‘perfect England.’ Like an overcorrection of sorts.

      • @op

        Think I’ve said before that around the time Harold Macmillan told the nation that we’d never had it so good coincided with the flood gates of immigration being thrown wide open.

        Immigration being a quick fix for the economy but the death of British culture and possible prosperity for more Brits than ever before.

        Since then politicians have carried on down the sane route. It’s not just who’s coming but who’s leaving.

        We should never have been in a position where the first and second cities are predominantly immigrant populations.

        I don’t understand how any politician of any persuasion could sincerely see this as anything but a political failure that was bound to end in tears.

  11. When its ethnics rioting in Leeds its a ‘community’, when its Islamic jihadis they are ‘pro-Palestinian protesters, when its BLM its ‘anti-racists’.

    Mind you the BBC couldn’t even bring itself to call Hamas terrorists and still think Huw Edwards is a minor attracted person.

  12. Well it looks like the people have had enough of not being listened to and are doing something about it.these cunts in charge let this happen inbred cunts in positions of power the country is being filled with cunts that spend half their life praying and the rest it shagging one of their three wives and some invisible man is in charge of this fucking lunacy. Fuck all this human rights bollocks we didn’t have people and children being murdered like this when these religious nutters weren’t here

  13. Historically, social change has come about through student protests.

    Young, free thinking, intelligent people engaging in peaceful protests.

    Well the UK government has that fucking covered.

    Students who are scared of their own shadows and not even knowing which of the 126 genders they are.
    These ‘intelectuals’ have been mercilessly indoctrinated into the far left by their tutors.

    There is little else for people to do except to take to the streets.

  14. Good Morning

    Whilst condemning the The riots they were wholly predictable. The police have been using light methods to control the Palestinian protesters, who I suspect are equally troublesome but their misdemeanours go unreported. People are fed up with a large part of the indigenous population being disregarded and put upon.
    The response from the police shows how they have become politicised.

  15. My only surprise is that this has been so long coming.

    The 7/7 bombings, the Manchester arena bombing, Lee Rigby’s brutal murder, Rochdale grooming gangs, other grooming gangs, Londonistan now being only 43% indigenous and so on.

    We should have nipped this in the bud 27 years ago when Tony ‘Satan’s envoy on earth’ Blair invited the entire third world to suckle at the teets of the long suffering British tax payer.

    • His handler Mandelson at least, working at the behest of his own Rothschild overlords. He has a private residence on buddy Nathaniel’s Wiltshire estate to this day.

      • Do you have ANY proof of this? Or are you just spouting what you’ve heard on Stormfront again?

  16. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”

    We were never fucking asked about immigration. There was no referendum.

    Shove your Windrush lies and everything else that has followed it, up your fucking arse.

    We were never asked!

    • The ‘Kalergi-Plan’ firmly on track. They have the dinghy hordes firmly in place, hoteled, trained and hot-to-trot. Now if we can just arrange the requisite Psyop to forment the long festering tensions within blighty, we can thence slow roll the next phase of WASP extinction.

  17. On a slightly lighter note, if I may, the beach volleyball that’s currently on reveals that the two chΔ±nky birds have surprisingly nice arses, not flat at all.

  18. Watching UK politics from afar, it does seem to have got much nastier recently. The most obvious thing to me is just how confident the Islamists have become. They now see themselves as entirely above the law and are protected by the authorities and their running dogs in the media.

    I still fine it baffling that the Wokies love and defend Islam when they have nothing contempt for Christianity, a near-identical belief system. Islamists are the far right of the average BBC/Guardian bedwetter’s wet dream.

    • I’ve come the conclusion that wokies, lefties and Guardian readers have the collective IQ of a lemon meringue pie.

      They think of islamists as some persecuted minority just like the alphabet brigade and various stab happy pavement apes.

      • Morning HJ…I see it more as cowardly self-loathing.
        A more insidious version of the way a nice dog will bare their belly to their owner for a rub.

      • I’m instantly craving Lemon meringue pie.

        What did you have to bring that up for?!!

        Get one in Whaley Bridge later.

    • At from what I hear from my Melbourne based Cousin, is that it will soon be that way in both Oz and North Island

  19. White Riot
    I wanna riot
    White Riot
    A riot of my own.

    So sang the millionaire Joe Strummer.

    I’m all for these “Far Right” riots,
    It encourages healthy exercise and get people outdoors in the fresh air,
    It something the whole family can enjoy and gets kids off the fuckin computer.

    Not a fan of ethnics rioting though.
    Especially Roma gyppos!
    That should be answered with a Gatling gun.

  20. Watching the reports on the telly from around the country last night of the riots, all the same really, the fires blazing, the bricks and bottles flying. To round it off they put Mrs Balls on screen telling us what’s going to be done to the rioters and trying to look all serious and intimidating. Problem is she is built like a garden gnome and the pixie hairstyle accentuates the look. It’s like being threatened by Bo Peep.

    • She always looks and sounds exactly the same.
      No matter what she is supposedly yapping about.
      Head like an onion and the body of an ironing board,
      As one esteemed cunter described her awhile back.

  21. I see that plank Jenrick, wannabe leader of the washed up Tories, has been wasting our oxygen going on about proscribing the EDL. Utter plank, misses the fact that the EDL doesn’t exist anymore, and that such organisations, if proscribed, will simply change their names. Most importantly, the shameless appeaser ignores the reasons for the protests ie three little white girls dead and many more in hospital or mentally scarred for life. And by fucking who! The street fighting has become the story, not the murders.

    Oh, and what has happened to coverage of the murdered soldier? And what has happened to coverage of the 28 child rapists jailed for a total of 400 years? And what has happened to coverage of the bus driver stabbed to death on his way home from a day’s work? And, further afield, what has happened to coverage of three be-headings in Valencia?….. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

      • How and who in Admin did I piss off, my last few posts have gone straight into moderation and I cannot understand WHY

        I honestly don’t know. If I did, I would tell you so we’d all know. Anyway, I clicked a few buttons and pulled a few levers at the back end and you should be good to go now. Thanks – NA.

      • Yes, because THE RIOTERS KEEP RIOTING. If they stopped rioting it would cease to be the story overnight.

    • It’s a far cry from the glory days of the 70s when Leeds police, especially the detective branch, were so feared it was said that if you telephoned the CID office they would answer, “Hello, Leeds Murder Squad, who would you like murdered today?”

      Although thinking about it, that might have something to do with how bloody useless they were at catching the Ripper.

      • Stanley@

        Remember wearside Jack?

        “My name’s Jack”

        The hoaxer who had them thinking it was a Geordie.

        Daft cunt.

      • Mis –
        That takes me back. I lived in Sunderland at the time and the town had loads of extra detectives drafted in to search for ‘Jack’.
        As you can imagine, the subject was a matter of much discussion in the pubs and clubs, and pretty well everyone worked out that ‘Jack’ was a hoaxer.

        Plod couldn’t work it out though.

      • No, they wasted time and money convinced it was legit.

        Think some of the survivors of the Rippers attacks might of mentioned a strong Tyneside accent wouldn’t you?πŸ™„

      • I do Mis, living in Garforth just outside Leeds in at the time. I seem to remember the local news programme “Calendar” playing the tape. Quite scary to an 8 year old kid, but as you say just some daft socially inadquate cunt when they caught up with him all those years later. Took them long enough.

  22. The Government and media are terrified of the ‘ Far Right ” bogey men.

    But it doesn’t exist.

    They’ve all been proscribed terror organizations or disbanded due to informants years ago.

    There isn’t even a political party anymore with firm Right wing views.

    Reform I’d say is centrist at best soft right wing.

    Tories are more or less the same as Labour.

    Those rioting are pissed off working class lads and some of them are just there to fight the police.
    Chav types in tracky bottoms and JD sports bags.

    They should have a strict dress code for riots.

    If you turn up looking like your there for PE your sent home to change.

    Oh Tommy Tommy!
    Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson βœŠπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    • β€˜ The Government and media are terrified of the β€˜ Far Right ” bogey men.’

      It doesn’t exist so they invented it!

      Isn’t it it a perfect fit for them. Anyone questioning mass immigration can be attached to the far right and their concerns dismissed.

      Unhappy with immigration? That makes you far right, so your a fascist, that means you’re like Hitler, that means you’ll be wanting to build death camps and send people to them on trains (ok so the trains will run on time.)

      What is fascism though? Fascism is corporate governance and servitude to the state with the media acting as the government’s propaganda machine.


  23. Two tier policing, calling anyone who believes immigration is an issue racist, all white people are far right ect. It was only a matter of time before people threw some toys about.

  24. My very first encounter! In the Summer of 1960, I spent the entire holiday with my cousins who lived in Guiseley in Yorkshire. Walking one day down to Yeadon Dam, we encountered a small group of very strange brown people who looked both ugly, and very unkempt. Coming from a place where there was only one colour, I was quite shocked to see that there were other shades of humanity. My cousin explained that they were Pakis and they lived in Yeadon. They were not popular and smelled very badly. The local sport was to pelt the Paki’s with whatever was at hand.
    The point of my story is this. My Cousin died in 2023, and we all attended the crematorium in Guiseley. We were the very few white people in that area. , and we were made most unwelcome. Several of our cars being scratched and damaged. The local wake was interrupted and to cut a long story short, we left in a bit of a hurry fearing that worse was to happen.
    My point is. They ( our replacements,) now have the upper hand, and boy do they make no attempt to conceal that they are very much in charge today.
    I fully support the present fight back against a Government that ( like its predecessors, turn their backs upon the people who they are supposedly to represent. Until the matter of immigration is settled, these actions will only increase, and become evermore violent. As mentioned earlier in anothers post. To stop matters, the Government has to re-align itself with the most important people in this country. THE INDIGENOUS !

  25. These riots are unscripted.
    They didn’t expect them.

    Hence the panic
    They aren’t in control
    Things have gone off message.

    It upsets them that not everyone is singing from the united colours of Benetton handbook.

    When Starmer was laying a wreath in Southport and got heckled he was furious.

    PR gone wrong.

    He can threaten all he wants.
    People aren’t scared of

    ” The full weight of the law”

    They’re scared of some umbongo slaughtering their kids
    Or some Ali Bongo grooming their daughter.

    If there’s a protest near you,
    How many on ISAC will attend?

    Genuine question

    • Very quiet near me Mis.

      Then again I’m very fortunate to live in the type of place where white people come to escape from cultural enrichment.

      No Mosques – hence no grooming gangs

      Not many blacks – hence no muggings or stabbings..

      Strange that.

      • Read an interesting story about Sweden recently.
        Had a very strict immigration policy – 99.9% white indigenous.

        Started taking their EU alloted ‘quota’ of immigrants and adopted EU open borders policy. Lefty virtue signalling types running country = Influx of migrants…..Violent crime up 300% / drug dealers running free reign in Malmo and other high density cities.

        Only places unaffected, low density countrside – no effniks

        Not rocket science is it ?

  26. Just out of interest, does anybody know how many peacefuls were arrested after the disturbance outside the copshop in Rochdale?

    Have those two cunts from the Manchester airport incident been charged yet?

    Morning all.

    • Morning Ron.

      Different when they do it.

      Racism see.

      What is particularly galling is that the media couldn’t wait to release footage of that cousin fucker getting a deserved kicking to much predictable hysteria from the wokey left whilst holding back the rest of the footage.

      The institutions are rotten in this country and they are not the friend of the average white British.

      • Two tier policing. One of the legitimate claims (amongst many) of the far-right.
        Far-right and correct.

      • For me, the real tragedy in all of this is that the looting and burning morons have played straight into the hands of the government and the sanctimonious left in general;

        “Everything is rosy in our lovely multicultural garden. This is the evil ‘far right’ trying to stir up hatred and division”.

        Concerned about the impact of ridiculous levels of immigration on social cohesion and the ability of our infrastucture to cope? Worried about creeping Islamification and grooming gangs, imported criminal gangs from Albania and elsewhere? Unhappy about the politicising of the police?

        Fuck off you racist gammon cunts; and stump up the eight million a day to look after boat cunts from who knows where. If we’ve taken your granny’s winter fuel allowance away to fund this, tough tit.

        We. Are. FUCKED.

  27. Unless of course the rioters are white, then plod has no quarms about getting stuck in and beating the living shit out of everybody in range weather they are breaking the law or not.

  28. Trying their best to delay identifying the suspect till the anger subsides a little.
    Extra time for questioning in a desperate attempt to find a motive other than terrorism.
    Claiming the suspect is Welsh (which the people of Cardiff aren’t too pleased about)
    No wonder people are pissed off.
    And the more old bill demonstrate that the β€˜full force of the law’ is reserved solely for white man, the more the anger will grow.
    Next step should be to vent some of that anger at some of our media outlets.
    They’re equally as guilty in all this too.

    • It’s the toss of a coin who is the more loathsome.

      The political class or the lame stream media.

      Anybody paying for the BBC, Sly or any other anti white broadcaster (which they all are) – cancel it today.

      • You mean the BPC ?
        British Propaganda Corporation
        All protesters = anti immigration far right
        No crime ‘Terror’ related – all perpetrators suffering from Mental Elf issues
        No mention of Muslims surrounding police stations
        Airport ‘police brutality victims’ still not charged
        Soldier stabbed in street played down, no longer mentioned
        Harehills ‘community gathering’ ancient history
        No coverage of Yte bystanders getting slammed into pavement by riot gear plod – 12 on 1
        but Huw Edwards gets personal police escort while he struts down the street to court to plead guilty to being a nonce
        10 to 1 he doesn’t serve a day in klink….ankle tag and a nice cup of tea…poor Hugh…mental elf innit !

  29. You’re quite right about the media, Field Marshal. Even today’s Telegraph is using the usual lazy slur to denigrate the protestors. It’s almost as if they have a ‘Far-Right’ key on their keyboards to make typing easier.

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