The sane people of this world want nothing more than to live in peace and harmony and enjoy the one life they’ve got. They make up the overwhelming majority of human beings, unfortunately there’s always been a small number of power-crazed idiots who are determined to fuck things up for the rest of us. Thousands of people, or hundreds of thousands, have to die so that these sick arseholes can feel that their existence has been justified.

Alexander the Third was called ‘The Great’ because he never lost a battle, not because there’s anything great about slaughtering people. He was King of Macedon for thirteen years and spent most of that time conquering everybody from Greece to north west India. Not in the least satisfied with this, he was fully intending to continue marauding in an easterly direction but his army flatly refused to go any further, they’d had enough and wanted to go home. Reluctantly accepting he couldn’t do it on his own, he decided to head back. Not long after, he fell ill, lay in excruciating pain for twelve days and died. Served him right, the cunt.

Since then we’ve had Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler and other lesser-known wannabe’s, all obsessed with their ‘legacy’ and lacking the sense to realize when to quit. The two main players these days are Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping who are unchallenged dictators in their own countries, where they maintain a laughable version of democracy for appearance’s sake. Who in their right mind, being a virtual king in a country the size of Russia or China, would feel the need to take over a neighbouring state by force? If there’s any consolation to be had after all the mindless bloodshed, it’s that most if not all of these twats come to an unpleasant end.

Nominated by Allan.

115 thoughts on “MEGALOMANIACS

  1. Quite timely this one, as a new megalomaniac sticks his teddy boy quiff above the ramparts.

    And naselly says far right far right..

    The only difference is this prick has no army.. literally..

    • I see Iran vs Israel is about to kick off.
      Looking forward to the Police cracking a few Halal heads when the street protests start here.

      Yeah, like Spanner is going to sanction that.

  2. Hegemony is the current Alexander the great, but is loosing its grip.
    The Neo Cons just cannot come to terms with it yet.
    We are all fkd by the blind

  3. Our democracy allows Starmer dictatorship size majority with a record low percentage of the vote.

    ‘ Who in their right mind, being a virtual king in a country the size of Russia or China, would feel the need to take over a neighbouring state by force?’

    Someone concerned that their main adversary was about to join that neighbouring country into their military and economic block?

    Geopolitics is a dirty game Allan, you can’t play it without getting your hands dirty.

      • Exactly.
        In stark contrast to Russia
        Ukraine was fast developing into a relative beacon of freedom and democracy.
        It’s citizens increasingly affluent.
        A success story, in fact.
        Something Putin could not tolerate happening on his doorstep.
        That’s the real reason he went for his land grab.
        Fuck him.

      • It’s genuinely alarming how many people on this site are racist/quasi-fascistic MJB. I think both terms are overused in general parlance but still, so many cunters seem to loathe the very idea of immigrants even residing in Britain. It’s as if they’ve forgotten our own multicultural heritage.

      • @op…. all this multi cultural heritage you talk of didn’t seem to be in evidence from any of my primary/secondary school photos from the 50’s early 60’s with not a single person of colour to be seen on any… unless of course they weren’t allowed to be in them eh! load of bollocks mate

      • Sorry immigration is completely out of control. I am lucky , for the time being living in rural countryside.
        But all of our towns and cities are full of cunts unwilling to integrate.

      • I don’t remember my multicultural heritage being in any way Islamic.

        If not wanting fucking Muslims taking over the country makes me racist/far right/fascist then fine, I accept the label.

      • What I mean Gelderd is that we’ve been colonised by the Germans (Anglo Saxons) French and Dutch among others. The actual ethnic Britons died out centuries ago.

      • @op….isn’t colonised a dirty word 🧐….In that case I demand a gallon of weissbeir off the Germans,a free session in the red light district of Amsterdam off the Dutch and a few days on the riviera f.o.c. off the frenchies 👍or is it only us that get demands for reperations 😴

      • Firstly not true however, I am proud of being of Saxon Norman stock.
        Not please with being forced to assimilate into mud slime immigrants in my own country as dictated by the hard loony labour left. They won’t integrate show according to starmer jones cooper et al I / we have to disgusting 🤮

      • I have no problem with people of a different colour or ethnic background. Several of my extended family members, friends and associates belong in that category. That’s multi-ethnicity.

        I do however have a massive issue with multiculturalism. It is a devastating ideology.

        Encouraging alien moral standards and values incompatible with this country can only lead to conflict and division.

        If you’re not prepared to integrate with the broader culture of the host country then don’t be surprised if you get treated like the cunt you are.

        Multiculturalism = division. It divides and instills hatred in society. It only works in fantasy land – same as Socialism and Communism.

        Only civilisations in decline reject the idea that preserving and defending one’s own culture is a good, natural, and necessary thing to do.

        And our civilisation is in decline.

        Bottom line: integrate or fuck off!

      • …and the current ethnic Britons will be wiped out in the next couple of decades. Probably by their own government with the help of the police who will, in turn, be wiped out by the peacefuls. And, frankly, fucking good riddance to the latter.

      • That’s basically where I stand SCB. Fortunately it only seems to be Muslims and (to an extent) Roma Gypsies who outright refuse to integrate en masse. Oh, and travellers too but we’ve had them for decades.

      • Are you really that blind? NATO expansion to the Russian border was never going to be a problem then?

      • Since when did NATO actually pose a threat to Russia SDV? It’s not like they were waging war on the country before this – on the contrary, we were buying our gas off them.

      • If Ukraine had been invited to join NATO it would have saved the Ukrainians a whole lot of lives, devastation and heartache.

        But before that they should never have given up their nukes in return for (worthless) Russian assurances that their territorial integrity and sovereignty would remain inviolate. Should have heeded Churchill’s words: appeasement never works.

        And the West needs to get back to the doctrine of speaking softly and carrying a big stick, the spineless cunts.

      • OC said: “so many cunters seem to loathe the very idea of immigrants even residing in Britain”

        If they make attempts to integrate with us, that is a different matter. You seem to have forgotten that so many – especially Muslims – seem to think our way of life should revolve around them, not our own. We are supposed to let men like Choudry, who has been imprisoned this week for life (and lets hope that means life) go round openly calling for non Muslims to be killed (murdered) in his imagined “Holy war” and just shrug it off. We are supposed to ignore (as the Labour party always has) middle aged and elderly men grooming and fucking young white girls, and treating them with contempt. We have to adhere to their notion of victimhood, at the same time as meekly accepting their “morality squads” – a few years ago, when the BBC was slightly less biased, it was revealed that squads of aggressive young strict Muslims were patrolling the streets of Whitechapel, in Tower Hamlets, confronting young people for kissing or “behaving inappropriately” in the streets. If that were white men doing it they would be regarded as meddling interfering Peeping Toms, but, because they hide behind their religion of peace, we are supposed to shrug and let them get on with it – in our own country.

        If they want to accept our rules and way of life – even if they don’t agree with it, that is fine. If they don’t let them just fuck off to somewhere they find more congenial. It is they who should adapt to our ways, not us to theirs.

        With all due respect OC, are you sure this site is really for you?. Labour List is only a click away.

      • Vlad’s “special military operation” worked out well for him, didn’t it?
        Even managed to convince Norway & Sweden to join NATO. 😂

  4. I like megolmaniacs and admire their confidence.

    Megalomaniacs are high achievers.

    Fuck being humble.
    If you want to sit at the pinnacle of a mighty empire you can’t be humble.

    Do you sit on a humble chair to rule?
    A throne made from the skulls of political dissidents!

    Solid gold statues of yourself.
    30ft paintings of yourself hinting your a God.

    Otherwise what’s the point?

    • Gotta side with you on this MNC – in a world full of arseholes it’s better to have someone who specialises in kicking arse rather than taking it in the arse (as has been the case in our septic Isle for some time now)

  5. Idi Amin was a great megalomaniac.

    As was Phil Spector.

    Donald Trump is a megalomaniac.
    Spending lots of time on the sunbed, giving him a healthy orange tan with white bags around his eyes,
    An the appearance of a angry goldfish.

    No, megalomaniacs are people who get things done,

    Ok they have lovebites on their bathroom mirror but that’s ok.

  6. You missed one, probably the natiest human in a position of power.
    Goes by the name of Benjamin.
    Unfortunately the world has never seen a shortage of self-interested cunts who play criminal games.

    • Hey moderator…FUCK YOU

      Just seen some of your comments in the mod Q. First off, calm the fuck down. Your comment constitutes having a go at the admins/site. That will not fly. I see that you are being moderated, but I don’t know why. It may be because you sometimes use “Paul” and other times “Wonko the sane”. Not sure. Can’t see anything in the logs to explain a sudden switch to moderation. So, here’s what we’ll do. You be nice and I’ll release your comments. Let me know if that works for you – NA.

      • Hi, sorry for losing it with the Admin but I have not posted anything that is any more offensive than most of the other punters on this site, and to be fair I don’t see what is wrong with using two different names. I have never gotten involved in any disputes with any one on site and definitely ain’t a Troll. So I guess we will see what happens……

        I’m not saying using 2 different names caused it. It was only a guess because like you said, your recent posting history did not show anything particularly dodgy. You also don’t get into disputes either (thank you for that – others take note) and you don’t troll. I completely agree with you. If it makes you feel any better, you’re not the first cunter this has happened to. WordPress is a strange bird. It sometimes does things which defy explanation. Anyway, well done for not slagging off the site or the admins. I’ve checked and re-checked the moderation settings so you should be clear to post without being intercepted, as it were. Carry on – NA.

      • Or the Borg, Star Trek mid 90’s

        “Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”

        Our culture will adapt to service the ‘recently arrived’ .. ?! I think not 🇬🇧

  7. That Alexander,
    Reckon he gave himself the nickname ” Great”.

    Up his own arse .
    Notice its Alexander?
    Not Al or Alex.
    Dead formal like.
    Fuckin loved himself.

    Was he a shítståbbër?
    Most foreign types are

    • He was indeed, or at least bi-

      It wasn’t called the Greek vice for nothing. Who do you think the Romans learned it off?

      • Knew it .
        Told you all.

        He fucks arses
        Who fucks arses
        Alex fucks arses

        * Carved on a Macedonia toilet ruin.

        Saw it on Time Team

  8. “What about my legacy?” (duckie) was the frequent question Anthony Blair raised to his arselickers Alistair Campbell and Miss Mandelson.

    Well, his legacy seems to be that four-eyed, hobby Commie, shit-eating grin, plastic Blair wannabee Starmer, made up to the nines like some mincing poof, a complete hypocritical prick full of shit and self-importance, and crawling up the arseholes of the EU and effniks.

    If that arsewipe is all I could raise as a legacy I’d rather not have one.

    • “What about my legacy?”

      Fucking hell, what astronomical level of conceit is revealed by such a question being posed seriously?

      Entirely appropriate though that he asks this question of Campbell and Mandelson, the former an alcoholic diagnosed nut-job and the latter openly homosexual. If you knew either personally you would deny it.

  9. There’s no point Allan. Some cunters would happily see democracy abolished and Nick Griffin installed as Supreme Leader if it meant the ‘darkies’ being kicked out.

    • OP, I think you and Allan may be the only two tiny islands of capitulation on this site.
      Almost everyone here is all for the darkıe invading spongers being kicked out, preferably at the point of a bayonet.
      Serious question: why do you still hang around on this site if the deeply-entrenched opinions of the majority of contributors antagonises you so much?

      • You fuckin liberal Thomas.

        All foreigners.
        Not just them with a tan.

        My family can be traced back to just after the norman invasion.
        My ancestor was the bailiff of Macclesfield forest.*

        I’m sick of these cunts destroying our culture.

        I’d get rid of anyone who came here within a hundred years.

        * True that.

    • The trouble with democracy, OC, is that it is a word imbued with some halo of virtuousness and purity, as if it is a perfect system.

      It’s just a system.

      My sewage treatment plant is a system for dealing with effluent, it basically does its job, but it occasionally goes wrong and overflows with shit.

      Same pretty much applies to democracy – it’s one way of running things, but fuck me is it a long way from perfect, and when it goes wrong, Christ the shit we have to wade through takes a lot of sorting out.

      And to tire of cynical, venal, corrupt, unprincipled vote chasers doesn’t mean we want H*tler in charge. And on a site like this we are prone to exaggeration for comic effect; the nuance is that we are not literally wanting Putin to take command – just for comic relief it’s pleasing to wind up the apologists for the slime we have running this country by indulging the whimsy of a scenario like Putin nailing some snivelling piece of shit like Starmer to an upside down cross.

  10. There’s no point Allan. Some cunters would happily see democracy abolished and Nick Griffin installed as Supreme Leader if it meant the ‘dark keys’ being kicked out.

    • Not that there aren’t problems with mass immigration of course – there are and that goes without saying. But there’s something to be said for overcorrecting.

    • If immigration had been managed properly there would not be the problems we’re seeing today.

      Decades of calling anyone who questions migration a racist and killing any debate have lead to this.

      There needs to be a sensible grown up debate that includes the people, the working class and people from the areas must effected.

      A lot of ‘racism’ is actually an expression of frustration. The immigrants have also been used but when their frustration boils over there are inquiries and bleeding hearts, white working class frustration is met with force and dismissed as racism and thuggery.

      The government are fully aware that mass immigration brings problems but chose to ignore it and tell us how much we have to be grateful for a multicultural, multiracial society.

      Keep stepping on the white working class and there will be a flashpoint where the response isn’t just football firms bored between seasons.

  11. Some Cunt always lords it over everyone else.

    Always have,always will.

    Humans love killing each other,on a grand scale.

    Anyway Alexander of Macedon knocked fuck out the Persians so he’s a Good Egg in my book.

  12. OT. The Southport Killer Treeswinger has a history with the BBC.
    The little fuck starred in a Doctor Who(ke) sketch for Children in Need.
    I might have bloody well known.

    Another piece of shit that’s spewed out of the BBC sewer.

      • Even so, the BBC have the hubris and the arrogance to lecture ordinary decent people, and see it as their job to ‘educate’ us.

        Yet, kiddie fiddlers and murderers come out of their organisation.

        The BBC hate the British public, and they fire at us at every opportunity. So, anything that can be used to fire back at them, should be used.

    • Couldn’t possibly send our shite to Rwanda, but no problem them dumping theirs on our doorstep complete with their machete wielding family values.

      If this is the best democracy can manage, I’m all for having my vote taken away and that of anyone who elects the cunts who inflict this evil on this country.

      • The civil disobedience is certainly snowballing today!
        One wonders if this is deliberate goverment obfuscation and purposefully winding the indigenous population up at a national level so they can bring in totalitarian laws banning public gatherings (for whites only, of course).
        The quisling traitor pigs would love be the boot that stamps on a white face…forever.
        And do-gooding leftie turds would be their willing, grassing accomplices.

      • The Media are portraying it as far right, all far right and nothing but far right, the underlying message seems to be if you go on one of these demonstrations you are far right, your concerns over immigration and its effect are completely unfounded so fucking keep quiet and stay at home.

      • SOI When have I ever said that I welcome refugees? I have said in the past that if there are foreigners who want to live in this country, who possess skills that we lack, who speak reasonable English, who are healthy and single, who have no criminal record and who want to embrace the British way of life, if they tick all these boxes then they should be sent back and put on a waiting list. There really isn’t any need to make things up. Try to pay attention to what’s actually said.

      • Hehe, you were hiding, no offence, it was a joke 😂

        You liberals are far too sensitive.

      • I don’t know if they’re far right SOI but they’re certainly violent thugs.

      • Just looking at some of footage there does seem to be, how to say it, deliberate police provocation which was never seen on the left wing protests.
        Yes some thugs and probably agitators but there were/are plenty of ordinary people who are fucking angry, plenty of warning about unrest but nothing registered with the politicians.
        Booting illegal channel migrants out swiftly, back to France, back home or Rwanda would have gone a long way to easing the tension
        Even some police and crime commissioner has said it (uncontrolled migration) needs to be sorted out.

      • It certainly does need to be sorted, yes. However, I’m not quite sure how it can be within the current framework – unfortunately human rights laws have to apply to EVERYONE.

      • Even if people protested peacefully about Southport and the plague of immigration, the police and the media would still call it ‘racist’ and ‘far right’.

        Anyone who doesn’t agree with ‘diversity’ is automatically viewed as racist and fascist. It cannot be discussed, because they refuse to discuss it at any level. The liberal psychos just shout ‘racist’ to shut any form of debate down. And most people are so afraid of being labeled as racist, that they instantly back off. It’s a no win situation.

      • And they’re not exactly helping themselves by rioting Norman. These imbecilic thugs have completely squashed any discussion about tackling mass immigration for months, if not years.

      • I agree, Opinionated.

        The ‘far right’ lone wolf or gang of thugs give the already woke MSM and the police what they want.

        Because of these yobbos, the Southport murders and the little cunt that did them is now all but forgotten by the media. The BBC, the Grauniad, Sky and the like are all tut tutting about the ‘far right’ hooligans. And the local councils and polce are full of how the antics of these thugs is ‘unforgivable’. The focus has been taken off the three dead little girls and off the horrible fucker that killed them.The likes of the Beeb and the law love a white racist villain to moan about. And these dickheads have given them exactly that. Just what they wanted.

  13. Interesting topic today.The matter as I see it , is a problem that we elect arseholes to positions of power. Megalomiania grows in a system that is not challenged.

    • Unfortunately you need to an asshole in order to climb the greasy pole. Even Churchill wasn’t exactly a nice man – if he was we would’ve lost the war.

      • We did lose the war truth be told. The wrong side (Wall Street banksters) cleaned up with Baruch’s blackmailed puppet WC doing the geopolitical theatrics enabling the Communist dystopia we now inhabit to spread it’s gangrenous tentacles into every facet of our heritage and culture.

        Speaking German wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. I kind of like it.

  14. It looks like the start of a civil war in the offing.

    If we are going down that path, please can we start it Tuesday next, say after tea time?

    I’m a little busy up until then.

  15. Still some good news Rodney’s going on holiday next week, so angie baby is in charge .

    She will soon release the tension in the country by giving out hand jobs to rioters..

    And two hand jobs to everyone else..
    Quick Where’s my shoes..

      • If Rayner is giving sexual favours next week, it will mean the week after the rioting men will be busy having check-ups at the clap clinic.

      • It is incredible how little Cooper, Rayner, Kweer or any of the front bench have mentioned the murder of three young children this week but they are pissing their undercrackers about the naughty “far right”. Rioting is not to be encouraged but neither is murder. Never a word about the violent statue dismantlers from the left (or “far left”), or the carnage they have caused since last autumn with their weekly assaults on London

        Thats the problem with Labour – they are too much in the pocket of Muslims and Trades Unions.

      • Have you been living under a rock WC? The murders were THE headline on the BBC pretty much until Thursday. The riots have taken over because there’s been THAT many of them, and there’s only so much that can be said on that horrid tragedy at the moment.

  16. JP is quiet today.
    Hope he’s alright.

    Hope he hasn’t upset someone and ended up swimming with the knishes

      • No OC, I’m just being silly.
        JP posted on another thread about knishes and some of us didn’t know what they were.

        He’d been fairly quiet yesterday so I just thought I’d make a witty remark referencing it.

        And then I made another pun in a similar vein.

        I’m a lowkey comic talent and nobody seems to recognise it.
        It’s a hard knock life for me, it’s a hard knock life for me

  17. I’d definitely be a megalomaniac if I had the chance…

    ENGLAND would be English again. The only sooty face would be someone who’d been sunbathing in Cornwall to long …!

    There wouldn’t be a housing crisis when I’d repatriated every cunt who’s ancestors were from Africa or Asia or Soviet eastern Europe….

    Many problems solved in one simple move..!!

      • Btw were you that pot bellied buffoon with the swastika tattoo in the Sunderland riots?

    • I’m sure millions of disabled people currently receiving care from immigrants would thank you. Fucking moron.

      • How on earth does retrograde crap like this keep getting upvoted anyway? We are NOT going to solve mass immigration by deporting every single migrant who actually works hard and has integrated into our society – of which I know many.

  18. OC Calling another cunter a “fucking moron” is getting dangerously close to cunting other cunters.

    The fact remains that Labour are very soft on left wing lawbreakers – they are not even handed, but you seem to be perfectly content about that. Perhaps Dame Kweer has plantedf you here?

    • When someone’s being outright unpleasant WC I’m gonna say so. Everyone’s entitled to their views of course but said views can also be criticised.

  19. I heard somebody say that James O’Brien of LBC notoriety, is on his holidays at the moment.

    Seems like he’s been busy in this comment section to me

    • You know* it’s possible for me to disagree with you AND dislike people such him. I know your little pea brain is only capable of binary thinking, but…

      • Pea brain eh.

        Any more of that and I’ll set my dog on you.

        I know people with autism are a bit odd so I’ll cut you some slack.

  20. OC We all have off days, but you seem especially obnoxious today. Early this morning you wrote of somebody (not me):

    “Btw were you that pot bellied buffoon with the swastika tattoo in the Sunderland riots?”

    Now hours later you write: “I know your little pea brain is only capable of binary thinking, but…”

    I only speak for myself, but if you can’t keep a civil tongue in your head I would rather you fucked off till you are more in control of yourself.

    Don’t cunt other cunters.

  21. Makes me laugh, that the gangs of ‘anti-racist’ and deaf dumb and blind ‘refugees welcome’ lot are called ‘the far left’ by the mainstream media..

  22. One thing is certain…

    There will be another murder. And it will be done by migrants, or those born of or related to migrants. The ‘British citizen/Born in Cardiff’ bit means nothing. That’s just the MSM making excuses and making out it isn’t migrant related. It’s them, and it’s always them. The families of Lee Rigby, Sir David Arness, the Manchester Arena attack victims, Westminster Bridge, and now the Southport killings will tell you that.

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