Ed Miliband [14]

It goes without saying that this bloke is an absolute cunt, but if there is still doubt in anyone’s mind, take a look at this video.


Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, the fucking twat wants to reduce England’s green and pleasant land to a dystopian waste ground full of Chinese wind turbines and pylons.
He somehow talks like he has a gobful of marbles and through his arse at the same time. A weird and ugly fucker, the Germans have a wonderful word to describe him; Backpfeifengesicht. A face in need of a fist.

Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire

And seconded by Geordie Twatt:

I would like to second DoC’s nomination of the Messiah Miliband.

The Earth was ravaged with fire, the seas boiled and the tempests raged. So the Lord thy Keir decided it was time for the second coming of His Son to rid the world of this distress.
And lo, His Son was called Ed, and the Lord thy Keir said unto Ed ‘Go forth and multiply the bird mincers, pylons and Noddy cars, for these alone will save the World’.
So Ed came down to Earth and closed the fossil fuel industry because it was the work of the Devil. The people were uneasy about this, but Ed said unto them ‘I know best, Serfs, for I am the second coming of the Lord and I am cleverer than you. Follow me and I will lead you to the promised land, then the peoples of other lands will follow us too, for I am the Messiah, sent by the Lord thy Keir to save the World’.
But over time there was much anguish amongst the Serfs who became poor, cold and hungry. The peoples of other lands were asked to do as Ed had done, and they all said as one ‘Fuck off you idiot’. The Lord thy Keir foresaw the people exacting the same revenge on His second Son as happened to His first, so Ed was given the job of Minister for Paperclips instead, which suited his abilities rather better.

Praise be to Keir.

86 thoughts on “Ed Miliband [14]

  1. Monty Python couldn’t have come up with this character and his ludicrous ideas. But unfortunately for us, the Labour Party has.

    • Labour are fucking scum.

      The idiots that voted for this shower of Britain hating filth are a waste of oxygen.

      Bring on the revolution and the public executions of cunts like Milipede, Kweer and all the other loathsome cowards.

      Good morning

  2. “Tonight Matthew I will be bob dildo ”
    Blow it out your arse two kitchens..

    I hope labour are running a sweep stake on which one of their MP’S are getting bludgeoned to death first..

  3. I think that foul looking little twerp Sam Carling, the youngest and ugliest of the new Labour shower ought to be assigned to Ed Silliband as his personal toilet slave. If he makes as much of a pigs ear taking a dump, as he does eating a bacon sandwich, young Sam is going to know the meaning of getting his hands dirty very quickly.

  4. Apparently there’s a £20 billion ‘black hole’ in the nation’s finances according to our Chancellor, which she didn’t know about (the OBR says ‘hello’, Racquel).

    The solution? Cut winter fuel payments to pensioners, give £10 billion to ‘Mad Ed’ Millipede for ‘net zero intitiatives’, and send another £11 billion of OUR fucking money OVERSEAS for the same thing.


    Morning all.

      • Actually JP I believe there’s no limit to how much MPs can claim for fuel and utilities. So Granny Freezer Rachel Thieves could be stinging us for a lot more than £3,400.

      • That makes it even worse, Geordie.

        I’m stealing Rachel Thieves, though, that’s excellent!

      • O/T, but related to my comment above,

        Age UK have launched an online petition for the decision to stop winter fuel allowances for pensioners to be reversed.

        Please can I ask you to sign it?

        Thank you.

  5. This shit’ll be the last thing on Labour’s mind, what with it kicking off around the country regarding honkıes finally having had enough of illegal darkıes.
    Hopefully these sponging immigrant cunts realise how unwanted and despised they are and start to feel some real fear when the mob is outside with burning torches.

    • Thank fuck the term darkie is finally legalised. Its my favourite derogatory put down, or is it. I’ll just have to wait and see.

      • *Breaking News*

        UN declares UK ‘unsafe’ country for scroungers oops sorry

        (if only)

  6. I’d like to strap this spawny goggle eyed twat to one of those chinky vind turbines and use him for half brick target practice.

    His foreskin was the best part of him and he’s had that removed

  7. This gormless mongoidal cunt is literally destroying the country.
    All you wankers who voted for it, go and fuck yourselves.

  8. Here’s a little bit of Maths that, who knows, maybe even Diane Abbott could grasp.

    4% of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere comes from humans (estimates vary between 3% and 5%, so I’ve split the difference).
    The UK is responsible for 1% of human emissions, so 1% of 4% = 0.04% of the total.

    Net zero by 2050 will cost the UK £3 trillion (latest estimate from National Grid). There are 28 million households in the UK, so that works out at £107,000 per household.

    So for our £100,000 plus for each home we will see a reduction in world CO2 emissions of one molecule in every 2,500. And the entire political establishment think that stopping one two and a half thousandth of CO2 released will stabilise the climate.

    Which begs the question are the morons in charge simply incapable of understanding the utter futility of Net Zero? Or are they all psychopaths set on a course to destroy our economy and country?

  9. It makes me wonder if these cunts are “green energy” mad because they know that if the fucking Belgians or Norwegians don’t have an electricity surplus to sell us then it’s Blackout Britain..

    Of course the cunts don’t give a tuppenny fuck if we sit in the dark with no heating or food but it worries them that it might potentially make them somewhat unpopular.

    Miliband is a deluded zealot,a traitor and a sponging shithouse cunt.


  10. He was energy minister in Jonah Brown’s government. Hoped I’d seen the last of this wonky rubber faced cunt.

  11. His fucking nose winds me up, his stupid voice winds me up, actually everything about him and his stupid ideas wind me up.

    Instead of net zero CO2 how about net zero immigration and a real cost analysis on what can really give us cheap energy with zero consideration to fucking CO2

    China seem to know what works, Coal is king, ok they have plenty of solar but not at the expense of coal.

    • They’ve already got a communist government in China so they don’t need the net zero bollocks to bring people to their knees

    • Everything about this turd irritates me. It’s an insult to both Mr.Bean and Wallace (not Gromut) that he’s compared to them. Milliband is a n0ncēy-voiced fuckwit who proved to be a disaster before and has been given another opportunity to show his bumbling fuckwittery.

  12. OT for just a moment, sorry..the murderous nıģger who slaughtered those poor little girls has now been officially named:
    he’s a fucking Rwandan.
    String him up and kick his parents into the sea.

    • A fine Welsh name there Cunt Engine, as if a second generation honkey in Japan or India would be referred to as a native in similar circumstances.

      • Oi, his family fought at the battle of Rorke’s Drift..

        On the side of the zulu’s, mind you..

      • Axel Rubikscube .

        Hang the cunt.
        Or crucify him and put him on the Kent shoreline

      • There’s a case for bringing back crucifixion I reckon Mis. After the Romans pinned up Spartacus’ mates all along the Appian way it was quiet for years in Italy.

      • Too right Arfur!

        You couldn’t hear a meatball drop.


  13. Just what this country needs at this point, another proto-communist jew, total cunt just like his father. And what’s going on with his lips? Every time he speaks it’s like two slugs trying to reverse park on his weasely face!

  14. Why do these Labour cunts have to talk through their noses?

    Is it cos their mouths are so clogged up with spunk and shite?

    Talk properly or shut the fuck up, you arsehole.

    Bad enough they talk at all, FFS.

  15. Not my government!

    The system has given these chancers a historically high majority with an historically low portion of the vote. They don’t have a mandate but do have a shitload of power.

    Revolution now! (As one cunt is always saying on BBC HYS.)

  16. Sorry, O/T

    A little Italian girl has been beaten up by an Algerian bloke who wants an Olympic medal. She has a suspected broken nose.

    The Olympics have reached Peak Mental.

  17. Reading the remarks in this nomination it seems to me like there really is a mandate for Labour.

    A mandate for hanging, drawing and quartering the entire party.*


    *At least the entire cabinet.

      • Hey LL,

        Both metaphysically stupid AOC and her pet project the Green Raw Deal are (to use their own word) existentially dangerous.

    • As they worship Allah so much in Labour, there would be a good case for having that amateur part-time whore Rayner stoned for adultery – many times, many, many times., and many of the cabinet ( Reed, Bryant, Streeting, Kyle, Pollard) taking flying lessons off of Centre Point. Sadly the dykes never were illegal.

  18. Can you imagine 5 fucking years of this cunt and his mate’s….

    We, four weeks in are well and truly fucked….💩

  19. This sausage-headed science- illiterate cunt would be baffled if you asked him to wire a buttplug.
    Secretary of State for Energy my fucking arse!!
    Probably thinks that the Carbon cycle is some sort of electric bike.

      • Hey Geordie,

        One of the fundamental principles of MAGA is Energy Independence.

        Fucking windmills come from China and solar panels aren’t practical or efficient.

        Idiotic schemes like the Paris Accords penalize Western Nations and ignore so-called developing nations.

        We have coal, oil and natural gas under our feet on US soil and territorial waters. So Drill Baby Drill!

        We can also build Nukes if we want.

        From what I’ve read Britain still has coal underfoot and oil and gas in the North Sea.

        Make England Great Again and Drill Baby Drill!


      • We have got some shale reserves too and from what I understand has made lucky landowners in the U.S millionaires many times over. We are more likely to pay some foreign company to come and drill it, and then flog it overseas than to actually benefit from it ourselves.

      • Hey LL,

        A whole lot of people in the US have made a whole lot of money producing natural gas from shale.

        From the early 2000’s to a few years ago, the US was producing so much natural gas from shale that it was exporting the excess!

        Imagine an energy Independent Britain selling its production excess on the open market!

        Cheap energy for citizens and a profit on the excess.


      • General –

        We have North Sea oil and gas and as LL says, frackable shale gas too. Two thirds of our coal reserves still lie under the ground as well.

        Not only are the idiots in charge shunning all that reliable energy and replacing it with intermittent, unreliable wind and solar, they are destroying our food security as well (we import 40% of our food) by rewilding farmland or covering it in solar panels.

        This is all so obviously against the country’s interests that one is led to the inevitable conclusion that something very sinister is going on.

    • @GeordieT Davos want all food to be made in centres in Africa. The WEF are mad and dangerous. Putting food security at risk is probably deliberate.

      • Although your reply was meant for Geordie, I must wholeheartedly concur with what you said.

        This is also a part of the MAGA energy independence plan.

        Stop covering good farm land with solar panels and wind turbines. And stop burning up our food crops such as corn (maize) in gasoline.

        And stop feeding people food to cows. Pigs eat corn but cows eat grass.

        Stop paying farmers government money to NOT grow crops.

        And stop these stupid water control programs that divert all the water for the western spotted snail darter while starving farmers of much need water for their crops.

        Most people don’t realize the importance of Food Independence. But it is as you so correctly pointed out, it is a really big deal when the criminal cunts from Davos want the savages from Darkest Shitholia to control what, when and if we eat.

        Bug sandwich anyone?

      • I* am making Mexican food for dinner.

        Steak enchiladas in corn tortillas with Monterrey jack cheese and red salsa.

        Spanish rice (with diced chili peppers) and refried beans.

        *And I am making it. Be advised…I lived in southern California for several years way back in the last century and developed a real fondness for authentic Mexican food. Consequently, when I make it it has a bit of heat to it. And I don’t mean pinche miata, Gringo heat.

      • @GC Down with the Leftwaffe’s terrible ideas to put us all in the same cyborg/commie poorhouse!

      • 👍 I’m jealous, General!
        It’s king prawn chop suey for me.
        Singapore chow mein (extra hot) for the wife.
        (Sans chopsticks)

      • MjB,

        I like Chinky food too!

        And like Mrs Minge I too like it extra hot so please (no malice intended) give her my regards.

        Contrary to the recent nomination I do use chopsticks. (I learned that in California too.)

      • PS: I heard Trump got himself in trouble with the nîg-nogs at some convention or other.
        Can he afford to lose the black vote?

      • MjB,

        You heard correctly.

        He and Cacklin’ Kami were invited to some kind of Black Journalist Forum. He showed up and she didn’t.

        I watched it live on Newsmax.

        The whole thing was a clusterfuck. The dumb fucking groids couldn’t make the sound system work and it delayed the start by 35 minutes.

        When it began it still wasn’t right and the panelists couldn’t hear each other.

        Two of the 3 sheboons were absolutely hostile and confrontational to Trump. And he called them out on it. He chided them for their incivility and reminded them that he was an invited guest and shouldn’t be treated rudely.

        They didn’t like that.

        He also ripped Old Flatback for not being there.

        They didn’t like that either and confronted him because he called the VP a DEI candidate.

        He fired back and asked them to define DEI and essentially asking why what he said was bad.

        He also claimed Kami only started indentifying as black and prior to that she always identified as an Asian.

        Their heads…and the heads of the audience…caved in!

        Since then he has released a bunch of photos and posts made by Kami dressed as an Indian and celebrating her Asian heritage.

        How much damage was done?

        I’m not sure. Polls show black women are the most loyal members of the Demonrat Party so they weren’t going to vote for him anyway.

        Polls also show that Black men support Trump by record numbers…somewhere around 20% plus and they don’t like Kami at all.

        How much damage was done remains to be seen but interestingly enough (like the Kennedy / Nixon debate) people who watched on TV thought Trump did badly and people who listened on the radio thought he did great.

        To be honest…I watched and didn’t think it was his finest moment.

  20. His face in the nom picture so enraged me earlier,I couldn’t comment until now,and now I’ve forgotten what I was going to say.

      • It was exactly that,Ron.Thanks for jogging my memory.
        Now,if I could just remember what this cunt has done that makes me so enraged !,
        I mean,it’s not like he’s Matt Hancock or anything.

  21. Ed Millibland can’t even eat a bacon sandwich properly yet he is in charge of our energy. Jesus weeps.

    His stupid ass plans will see us all worse off. The Labour party are the UK wing of the WEF. Pass the shotgun from the left hand side so I can do meself in, when the time comes.

    • Of course he can’t eat a bacon sandwich, unless it was that vile filth, turkey bacon.

      He’s a Jew ( when it suits him)

      I, of course, see nothing wrong with 3 or 4 rashers of thick cut, smoked, between two lightly toasted doorsteps.
      Plus tomato ketchup.

      I’m not a practising Jew, why should Gentiles have all the fun and yummy food.

      I’m have roast pork with sausage meat stuffing sarnies this Sunday.
      I’ll roast the spuds in the pork fat.

  22. Where did this cunt suddenly come from. I thought (hoped) he had departed this mortal coil. He’s not an elected politician, just appointed by the Kweer, to wreek havoc and destruction on the UK economy with his climate change fuckin Bollocks. Just fuck off you ugly cunt.

  23. Put your fuck off wind farms where they are needed, Hampstead Heath, Richmond Park string the monstrosity’s along the Thames. Build the fuckers where they are needed in and around all the cities. Why the fuck should I have to put up with the bastards. The bloody wash is full of them, do we get cheaper electricity do we fuck, all we get is a fantastic view of poxy windmills that are already failing due to leading edge erosion on the blades requiring replacement and the fact that the wind is often a bit to strong. Now thanks to cunty liebour we are going to be surrounded by at least three maybe four onshore wind farms as they have literally promised to overturn the no onshore wind farm legislation bollocks

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