Chris Boardman [2] and the Paris Olympics

The organisers of the wank fest that is to be the Paris Olympics have vowed that it will be ‘the greenest ever’.

How they intend to achieve that is anyone’s guess.

The thousands of athletes arriving there will not be walking.
The hundreds of thousands of spectators will not be turning up on sailing boats.

The athletes will be housed in a purpose built village. Built mainly of concrete.
The spectators will be in overpriced hotel rooms.
All of them will have air conditioning and an overworked laundry service.
Everywhere will be well lit.

There will be some vegetarians making their futile attempts to save the world by not eating meat, but nowhere near enough to make the event ‘green’.

Perhaps there may be a fleet of electric buses to get people to and from venues and maybe recyclable bottles for drinks.

Yep, that will save the Earth.

The biggest cunt of all is Chris Boardman.

To highlight the green credentials he is cycling to Paris.
Stopping of many times en route to preach ‘The Message’.

Well done Chris!
But how is your luggage getting to Paris?
You are certainly not carrying it on your bike.

Do you think that we are all fucking stupid Chris?

What about the tens of tons of equipment that each country will send along with their broadcasting teams?

What about the many dozens of horses that will be flown in from all over the world for the equestrian events?

The private jets for dignitaries.
Just a few miles of flying in one of them will wipe out Mr Boardman’s noble efforts.

Knock it on the head Chris, you cunt.
Get on a plane or drive there like every other fucker is going to do.

BBC News.

And a few other things Chris………

How can stopping off every night at different hotels be greener than flying or driving to Paris non stop?

You are in a Government appointed job as ‘chair’ of Sport for England.
All your unnecessary hotel rooms and food and drink will be being paid for by the tax payer.
You will not be paying anything out of your own pocket.

I suppose that it’s easy to be seen as being green at someone else’s expense.

And what about the constant maintenance of you and your bike?
Tyres and inner tubes made from Indian rubber.
Oil for lubrication.
Petroleum based creams to soothe your chaffed arse.

All these things will be looked after by your support team who will be following your epic bike ride.
They will be close behind you….. In a car.

All these people will need hotel rooms too.
They will all need feeding.

The local and national reporters coming along to interview you at every stop.
They won’t be coming along on their bikes.

Chris Boardman.
Monumental cunt.

Nominated by : The Artful Cunter

Silver goes to Sam Beau for this:

Since when the fuck did skateboarding become a sport, let alone be ratified into the Olympics? Probably at the same time as snowboarding was admitted – both performed by the same sort of scrotal mongers, I would wager.

So, why not have darts then? Or tiddlywinks? Or angling? Or squash (which I think they did try once, but I can`t be arsed to verify).

And I know it`s been cunted before, dear cunters, but fucking dressage?!
Or Strictly Horse Dancing to give it its proper name. I wonder if the poor horses know what utter pansies they look like mincing about just because Jemima, Tabitha & Araminta think it looks oh-so cute. Why not dress them up in dolls` clothes while you’re at it.

My suggestion would be to combine said sports in some interesting way to make them more exciting and watchable. I propose `Horse Skateboarding` – just strap a skateboard onto each of their hooves and off you go. Or rather, off they go, most likely in several different directions.

Perhaps YOU could invent a more amusing portmanteau manglement of hitherto innocuous pastimes?

Anyway, something to fire your vivid imaginations here …


Bronze goes to Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea for this:

Two men masquerading as women have been allowed to compete in the women’s boxing competition:


No doubt they will flatten their opponents on the way to gold and drag the Olympic flag further through the cesspool that is now international sport. This following on from the testicle festival that was the opening ceremony, and the most chaotic football match ever.

Obviously Russia is not allowed to compete, because they are evil war criminals. Some of their athletes are allowed. but not more than 55. Oh, and they are not allowed to be shown in the medals table and are to be referred to as AIN.

In other Olympic news, Hercules is soon to be stripped of his discus gold as he was a supporter of the slave economy of Ancient Greece. Fuck off.

Saved by the bell (just) is this from Paul:

TRANNY BOXERS FEMALE opponent (real one!) forced to quit in within 46 seconds.

The Woke Olympics. What a fucking shit show. You got that cunt Daley knitting in between bouts and then forcing the world to watch him kissing his ‘husband’🤮 and then you have this fucking travesty where a NATURAL FEMALE is forced to compete against a geezer who thinks it’s a woman. Obviously, the tranny boxer has a massive fucking advantage over the REAL WOMAN boxer. This is pathetic and disgusting and patently not right or in any way sporting. These mental woke CUNTS pulling the strings should be shot and pissed on. I refuse to watch this shit. My television is almost obsolete because of the 99.9% woke bullshit they are feeding us. Anyway I added the news link that got me on this rant. Until the next time………

Sly Sports.

96 thoughts on “Chris Boardman [2] and the Paris Olympics

  1. What the fuck has a cunt blued-up as a Smurf
    Surrounded by a bunch of repulsive drag queens
    Got to do with the Olympic ideal?
    OK, the Greek games of 3000 year ago were shot through with homoeroticism,
    But this is ridiculous.
    Apparently over a billion cunts around the world decided to rot their minds watching that opening ceremony.
    The Frogs should be hanging their heads in shame.
    Fuck them.

  2. Nice work by everyone who input into the nomination.

    Of course it’s green, green like puke. Drag queens at the opening ceremony, men battering women in the boxing, well the lasses face is purple now.

    Anyway if you want to batter the wife just say you’re a woman and ring a bell.

    I used to enjoy the Olympics, mainly track and field but any pleasure has gone because it’s not about athletics it’s about being woke and to be fully woke it’s got to be green.

    As mentioned you can’t arrange an event at this scale and call it green but the cunts don’t care as usual they’ll tell us up is down and a lot of cunts will believe it or even worse choose to believe it when knowing it’s bullshit.

    Meanwhile at home our government is tailoring a new law to stamp down on violent disorder that may take place after some psycho has murdered some innocent children.

    Still, at least we’ve got the break dancing to look forward to.

    Can’t wait till it’s in London and we take the gold in the freestyle stabbing event.

    What a pile of cunt. Probably have 5 blokes assholes painted different colours to open up the next gaymes.

  3. I boycotted the Olympics after the fucking tranny opening ceremony, what the fuck has drag queens got to do with athletics !! F.F.S.

  4. O/T, The Starmer creature is beginning to show his true left wing Marxist credentials..

    I hope all the dozy cunts who voted for him are happy…

    I’ll bet they fucking well won’t be in 5 years time..!

    • “ The prime minister has just announced that a new national capability across police forces will be set up to tackle violent disorder.
      This includes the wider deployment of facial recognition technology and criminal behaviour orders, he says.
      Starmer makes the announcement after unrest across cities in the UK followed the stabbing attack in Southport.
      We’ll bring you more details on this new capability as we get them.”

      None of us will be, the answer to some fairly minor rabble is a Chinese surveillance state. Social credit score to follow.

      Of course if it’s a BLM riot the cameras will be off or glitching.

      • Any future rioting really out to be better planned. Take a leaf out of Antifa’s book.
        Same clothes, shoes and masks of some sort.

      • Those chınky cameras must be amazing to tell the miniscule differences between 1.4 birrion dog-munchers who like 99.9% identical.

      • I don’t think Starmer has any intention of facial tracking anyone with a burka on.

  5. I’m splendid, Mis.

    I’ve solved the problem surrounding the Triathalete event, been accused of fermenting unrest in some way, though puzzled as to how, and am contemplating supper.

    Steak, sausages, both, or is that greedy?

  6. Both.
    Meats good for you and the environment.

    I’ve eaten me tea and now tucking into a diversity approved dessert of Cornish vanilla ice cream with black cherries.

    Bet people like Ken Loach and Carla Lane think the Working class have fag dimps in Angel Delight for dessert but no.

  7. Never followed the Olympics myself. People throwing things the furthest or running around a track multiple times to see who can do it the quickest doesn’t interest me.

    That said….

    I do feel sorry for that Italian lass. She’s probably been training her butt off to qualify for her national team and then to qualify for the Olympics team. And what happens? She’s paired up with a man. It’s unbelievable to me that this is allowed. It’s part and parcel of a degenerate society where everyone feels entitled to whatever they want regardless.

    And to the freak who ‘won’ the boxing match…what kind of victory is that? How proud can you be of yourself for ‘winning’ due to being a different gender? What an utterly pointless and destructive charade. The Olympics committee should be absolutely ashamed. I hope any other female boxer paired up with this freak just forfeits which will hopefully bring an end to this shameful episode. Better still, the man should withdraw in shame. Yeah, not holding my breath.

    • IY, the whole lot of them should refuse to compete, which will leave these two pseudo women left to batter each other, an outcome I bet they both wished to avoid.

      Let them at it, I say.

      Google them, if you think either of them look remotely female I’ll eat my own knishes!

  8. That Italian lass got plonked the fuck out by that huge “woman” boxer is hilarious…stupidity at its finest.

    The world is as daft as a box of rocks.

    • Notice how they’re using a child photo of the murdering fucking simian.

      A classic deflection technique to make the average pleb feel done kind of sympathy for.

      They must think we’re all as fucking thick as they are.

      The media are treacherous vermin who need eradication.

      Followed by the Labour, Tory Party.and the refugees welcome brigade.

      Then on to the islamists.

      • Oh what joy to start this wonderful process…!

        I can’t wait to see when true English people turn on the cunts that have fucked up this once great country..!

  9. Running, Swimming or whatever else is one thing (if that makes sense)

    Combat sports however, is not a fucking game.

    It’s combat sports and people run the risk of serious injury if it goes wrong.

    I was always a fan of the Olympics, especially the track and field but like just about everything else these days that the establishment sticks their grubby globohomo mitts into – it’s completely fucked.

    If you’re a bloke who thinks he’s a woman or if you’re a complete fucking freak (like that South African middle distance running creature Castor Semenya) then you ain’t competing against biological women.

    Fuck off and Good Evening

  10. Funny old world.
    Romanian rioters aren’t thugs …!
    Muslim rioters aren’t thugs…!
    Black lives matters aren’t thugs..!


    If you are a white English man / woman demonstrating about the murder of children,

    YOU ARE A THUG….!!!!!!

    Welcome to Starmers brave new world..


    • The Romanians in Leeds handed the Police their asses and the Police ran away like scared little children while the gypos had a party all night.

  11. Never understood the compulsion to watch other cunts doing sports. Couple of minutes of the darts finals every couple of years used be plenty for me. Fuckin’ ruined forever – in a good way – last year with that Smith/Van Gerwen “they’re both on nine’s” leg 477/501.

    And anything ceremonial is gonna just be guaranteed pomp and piffle as well.

    But cunts still turn out/watch in huge numbers… a billion plus for this thing that was ONLY ever going to be 2024-age woke ubershite?.. Many of whom complained about it afterwards, somehow still surprised at the utter bullshit that is tolerated these days.

    Must have little to be getting on with.

    One notion. though.

    Competitive Russian Roulette. Live rounds, with live rounds. I’d watch that.

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