UK TV Advertising

The never ending propaganda and public brainwashing in UK tv adverts

OK, so if you were an alien visiting this shithole of a country and sat down with some tv, after watching the adverts you would conclude the vast majority of the UK population were gay, disabled, of ‘colour’, in a mixed race relationship, or single mums or dads. Being in a white heterosexual mixed gender relationship, would be a minority group. what about the UK animal population? Are they being left out and under represented….not just as mere animals, but apparently the UK is home to quite a few gay animals, as this new just eat advert suggests.

I am now waiting for the next just eat bollocks, which will include a blick polar bear who identifies as a whale and a 7 legged octopus in a wheelchair.

Fuck me, what a fucked up world…or at least the uk- is.


Nominated by : Chuff Chugger

94 thoughts on “UK TV Advertising

  1. The adverts with black tradesmen on are among my favourites.

    My other favourites being where the head of the family is black man.

    Oh and the Tesco ones where Peacefuls celebrate Christmas.

  2. The one that boils my piss most – well there are two, one is some ignorant darkie rapping about Lucosade, the other is some daft fat tart mugging in We Buy Any Car adverts.

    Also why do so many advertising executives think white women are married to black men. Don’t they remember what Sir Gerald Nabarro said in 1963?

  3. Haven’t watched adverts since the blackie sang “Esso sign means happy motoring”. Its easy with a little willpower.

  4. I really don’t watch adverts anymore, mainly because of all the ethnics and also all the products are shit..

    But if there’s one for pàķi and pavement ape repellant, please let me know..

  5. The only adverts I like nowadays is the Nationwide with Dominic (old Etonian) West. I think they hark back to a golden age of advertising where genuine humour is used to promote and sell a product. They have also managed to get a dark skinned fellow into the advert but it reflects modern life in that he is a subservient position to West’s bank director character.
    Before the last 5 years or so the same creative advertising companies only used black people to park cars or operate lifts, really they couldn’t be a big set of hypocrites.

  6. When I were a lad it was all adverts around here…

    Adverts use to be fun.
    Jingles that stuck in your head.

    Everyone’s a fruit and nut case!

    A finger of fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat!

    Only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate, tastes like chocolate never tasted before!

    Can’t remember one from the last 20 years.

    There’s one where a plumber comes out and it’s a black woman!!!

    Never would you see that in real life.
    And not a chance you’d let her in the front door.

    What’s she gonna do?
    Stuff her wig in the U bend?

    Get back in your van mgumbi
    I want a real plumber
    Common knowledge she’d drown in a puddle.

  7. “Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. ” – George Orwell.

    At least much TV advertising used to be amusing. As I’ve said before, the answer is in our own hands. If you don’t like the liberal left propaganda currently being broadcast as “advertising” just buy the goods or services they are peddling from another supplier. Worked with Bud Light.

  8. Adverts are for cunts.

    By the way,I wonder if Huw will be setting up a photography studio now he’s at a bit of a loose end?

  9. There’s one for some suicide line on GB news,
    And a half caste woman is laughing at a sooty in the office.

    She fancies him.

    She emails him

    He blanks her.
    She’s sat looking at the clock

    And the narrator says

    ” Don’t suffer in silence”.

    I worked there? I’d ignore the phone.
    Be some office bike crying she’s not getting any black nudger.

    Or pick up
    ” Dirty bitch”
    Hang up.👍

  10. The adds interfere with what I’m watching, why would I brake the continuity? It doesn’t faze the young compared to the older generations, similar to foreigners coming to live here and being called racist in my own country is the big laugh.

  11. Bent otter no chance as likely as a bent wombat. Most of these adds must be filmed on another planet or dimension as there are very very few persons of ethnic minority in my area. Not one mixed marriage to the best of my knowledge, no pub turned into a mosque its like living in the 50’s but with many more cunts. Got a few puddle jumpers of both sexes but they just act like “normal people” distinct lack of pink, blue hair. Whats an even bigger cunt is many of the objects of these warped adverts are not stocked by the local stores anyway. Fuck the lot of them

  12. And have you noticed the commercials for “personal products” – usually female products?
    The advertisers obviously want us to believe that the users of their products are grotty looking fat cows (more often than not, blick), sometimes with some kind of skin problem. Fuck me it puts me off my supper.

    • Best ad for me was the Connie Booth one for Schweppes Indian Tonic Water (is it still Indian??)…
      It was an even better ad for Burberry trench coats.

  13. Not many blicks in the old Cinzano adverts with Leonard rossiter and Joan Collins …’aah those aromatic wines and spices can’t you just smell them Melissa’…..wouldn’t have minded smelling Joan’s spices 😩….the blicks should stick to Mr shifter and his p.g. tips gang ☕…🤣

  14. Not forgetting all men being portrayed as dribbling imbeciles who are totally dependent on their strong wimminz for instructions.
    That’s dying out now as all men in ads are dark keys or park keys.
    Instead we’re treated to the comical black/rag head fella.
    Oh what a fucking joy!

  15. This year is my 50’th in the sales industry.

    I have worked in every position.
    From being a foot soldier sales rep to running national sales teams.

    I have trained thousands of sales people.

    I have learnt many things.
    One of them being that níg nógs can’t sell.

    Not even to other níg nógs.

    It’s a waste of time trying to teach them so it’s bizarre that so many companies want to put black people front and centre in their advertising.

    It’s no good having a black person as the ‘face’ of your company if that black person couldn’t sell water to a man dying of thirst.

    It’s no good blaming the advertising agencies for employing woke, media study graduates to think up the advertising campaigns.
    These companies are owned by someone who just sits back and watches their profits either stagnate or dwindle.
    To afraid to be seen as not being ‘right on’.

    Unfortunately you can’t just boycott the companies that predominantly use blacks in their advertising.
    You would not have anywhere to buy anything.

    I suppose that the only thing to do is to sit it out and hope that company owners come to their senses.

    The Christmas ads for this year have probably already been made.
    They will be interesting.

  16. Get rid of the idiot lanter.

    Prolem partially solved.

    They are still all over the web but at least yo can install an ad blocker

    • Jenny Logan – remember her as the State Police sergeant in the Two Ronnies’ serial The Worm That Turned. Her and a platoon of leggy birds all dressed up in PVC and leather. Jump started me into puberty they did.

  17. Watching the idiot lantern last night when an ad came on for makeup, Max Factor I think it was.

    As you’d expect, there was the usual selection of skin tones, etc.

    At the end of the ad ( for some kind of face cream) where the immortal words

    ” Now with climate control”

    WTAF? Do they mean built in sunscreen? Why not just say so?

  18. Fucking advertisers are as out of touch as the government.
    Nothing like reality otherwise we would all be in mixed relationships and disabled or raving irons.
    Why are the white blokes either soppy wimps or too thick to tie their own shoelaces.

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