Tay Day

I’m sure all the closet ‘swifties’ here on IsAC simply cannot wait for ‘Tay Day’, an event organized by the University of Liverpool academics to “debate and deconstruct” the stars work.

On the 12th of June prior to her three day run of sold-out shows in the city, the University of Liverpool will host a “symposium for fans, students and academics to engage with the cultural phenomenon that is Taylor Swift”.

Cultural phenomenon eh? Well only if you are a teenage girl or an overexcited poo pusher who live their lives on TikTok and believe the manufactured media hype about this plastic pop princess. How much deconstructing of her work can you do aside from drawing the conclusion its just another load of unoriginal cliched sterile shite indistinguishable from what passes for musical talent nowadays. She has the right opinions and has sucked the right cocks to get where she is is about the size of it and you don’t need to have gone to university to figure it out either.

And anyway Liverpool gave us the bubble perm, scallies in shell suits and the Anfield Rap so what the fuck do they know about culture?


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

Hot off the press, OpinionatedCunt opines with this:

The BBC’s obsession with Taylor Swift.
Please, make it stop. Every single day I’m assaulted by articles about this fucking woman. To hear the way the cunts harp on about her you’d think she was Jesus, Gandhi and MLK all rolled into one. Their obsession with her has gotten that bad that she even has her own section now ffs.

More BBC News.

Please BBC, I know it’s hard for you but PLEASE try and ignore her just for one day. No other entertainment figure receives even a fraction of the attention and slavish devotion you give her.

79 thoughts on “Tay Day

  1. I am blessed in that I have no idea about this woman or her music.
    But then I avoid the bbc and so called academics.

  2. The BBC only deal in puff piece journalism and racism..

    Must be a slow week for racism?

  3. The woman is fit and sings well.
    Not certain she is worthy of in depth study however.

    • Not a fan of the music but i’d study her depths.

      Not before Katy Perry, though.

  4. Space lizard. Send her packing or tun her into luggage then send her home with another lizard.

  5. I’d like to smash her back doors in, dry.

    Simply so she can write a mournful ballad about me called “Liquid shit, blood and cum”.

    • Well said sir.

      I bet she’s a good sport like that.

      If you could stop its warbling that is.

      • Morning Terry!

        I’d soon put a stop to her caterwauling (read: sobbing). it would put me right off my stroke.

        Unfortunately she would manage to wring another smash hit out of the experience titled “He made me suck the sweetcorn chunks out of his hog’s eye”.

    • By the time i’d finished with her, hrr fanny would resemble a jellyfish that’s been run over by a quad bike.

  6. If she came on the wireless now i wouldn’t know it was her till the DJ told me.
    Agree with the backdoor sentiment, only i would lube it up as i’m such an old fashioned kinda guy.

  7. The female version of Justin Beiber – an empty headed bimbo, a whore to publicity stunts and self promotion. Kids now have to have somebody to worship and wet their knickers over. Imagine in Gracie Fields or Vera Lynn had had “fans” like that.

    She also appears to be a modern Grand Old Duke Of York. She has had ten thousand men – none of her affaires last more than a month. More dicks have been up her raddled cunt than even Angela Rayner and Katie Price, combined.

    • What’s the difference between Taylor Swift and the Titanic?

      Only 10’000 men went down on the Titanic.

  8. The guests in my love cellar always complain when I make them dress up like Taylor Swift in assorted cute outfits and perform some miming routines.
    You’d think they’d be grateful.
    They get extra rations for an acceptable performance.

    • Do they dance to ‘Shake it Off’ after having a bucket of giant Scolopendra tipped over them?

      • Ho ho, you know one of her hits, CP?!
        But yes, certainly some giant evil centipedes would liven proceeding even further!

      • From my days on Facebook Tommo, where videos of cute animals appearing to dance to the single were frequently the most edifying thing you’d see from your ‘friends’, or theirs, all year.

    • Calling them ‘guests’ implies that they are down in your cellar of their own free will and are free to go whenever they please…..

      Come now Mr Cunt Engine, we all know that is simply not the case.

  9. Did I read it right?

    There’s a university in Liverpool?

    What’s the point of that then?

  10. Nice looking girl,
    And despite being only vaguely aware of her and never hearing her music,
    I consider myself a expert on the subject.

    They say the best songwriters write about what they know
    And Taylor is proof of this

    I saw what Pa did to Becky sue in the woodshed

    Jesus drove a monster truck

    What in tarnation?

    And blinded by moonshine all going platinum.

    Asked what her secret is to her huge success

    ” I shore is plum lucky I guess.
    Caint read nor write
    Caint count but to ten
    But god dang it!
    I kin shore sing a song.
    And skin a possum.”

  11. Maybe there should be an academic analysis of the BBC’s obsession with Ms Swift.
    Until that happens, here’s my considered analysis.
    Some fuckers on the make.
    Probably some blue haired 24 year old graduate called Pippa who works on the entertainment desk and is currently driving around in a brand new Porsche.
    Aided and abetted by her editor no doubt.
    All courtesy of Taylor Swift’s record company.

    • The BBC Cunts are as described, plus being Media Studies “graduates” from a third class former Polytechnic and fully subscribed members of the Alphabet community.

  12. I only know one thing about this individual (besides the fact she prolly has enough … oh couldn’t help myself, and just there asked the net-worth experts … $1.3 billion) .. is : like the hewitt/markle brigade … would take a jet down to the local shop if the local shop had a runway.

    But holy cunt!, .. the media is so up her hoop, that the opening comment by fucking google itself just now in response to “taylor swift environment” opens with the mitigating line…

    “The impact of her private jet usage is relatively minuscule on a grander scale”.

    Everyone’s use is miniscule on a grander scale but you never see climate whingeing articles open with that elsewhere.

    … “she offsets her emissions by buying double carbon credits”, it (google) further gushes.

    Shes a billionaire, cunts, .. the could buy ten times the amount she burns, but 2x is enough to exonerate this ‘un. Perhaps she doesn’t harp ON about things green like those other pair, but yeah … there’s a guy makes it his business to track her private jet air milage and post it, but her people have hit him with a cease and desist.

    That’s all. I couldn’t pick her out of a line-up of two, if asked to.

  13. Not a problem for me, cos I haven’t listened to BBC Radio for over 40 years, and only watch the occasional programme on BBC TV. Though nothing relating to the current pop music scene.

    Of course I know who Taylor Swift is, she’s been around for decades, is massively popular, but apart from her 2012 hit “I Knew You Were Trouble” which I thought was pretty snazzy, I couldn’t identify or name any of her other shit.

    And yes, of course I would.

    • I dunno, I’m not a fan of hers but this seems extremely snobbish. Those ‘arbiter of good taste’ cunts are just as bad as the Swifties.

      • I’ve got my leather elbow patches and sitting in a wingback chair, Opie, and regarding you with baleful eyes like Harlan Ellison or Norman Mailer, about to rip somebody’s head from their body, and i’m telling you, it’s objectively crap, and you’re not allowed to listen to it anymore.

        Now, where’s my bag of Haribo Supermix?

  14. A vacuous bint, churning out commercial pop for the hard of thinking.

    No wonder the BBC are obsessed with her….tells you the age and quality of the twats they employ now

    • According to Peter Hitchens and Konstantin Kisin, everyone not presenting is a thirty-something public school type but dressed in ripped jeans.

      There are no adults making the decisions.

      Rafio 2 is unrecognisable these days. it’s entirely brain-dead fluff for Karens. May as well be radio 1.

      • don’t venture onto radio 4 or 5 live then. both are now a shit parade of puffiness, waycist, wokeness, mental elf issues subjects all the fucking time.

      • It’s bordering on criminal what they’ve done to Radio 2.

        The clueless cunts.

      • I’ve probably spent less than half an hour listening to Radio 4 my entire life.

        Conclusion; Self-important, condescending tripe.

  15. At least the BBC put it in the right section of their site – CBBC.

    The obsession probably explains why Jezza Vine said Shakespeare was ‘hard work’ when talking to Ian McKellen recently.

    IMcKellen sounded baffled.

    That’s the BBC now;: as bastion of bland cultural mediocrity. If not Taylor Swift, it’s Stormzy and Stacy Solomon, Strictly bum Mincing or Doctor Who-mosexual.

    There’s also their infantile news and current affairs programming, half the time focused on identity wank that is important to cunts with blue hair.

    Utter fucking shite.

    Who do they think they are, Disney?

    • Cuntamus, you didn’t mention Stacey Dooley. When it comes to being a talentless and bland piece of irritating shite she would be without equal were it not for our Prime Minister.

      • I’m not very familiar with Dooley, but i’ve seen that clip.

        Wouldn’t include her with the usual pile of mediocrities and narcissists from Radio 1 and now 2, their dead-eyed presenters and TV personalities.

        Familiarity breeds contempt, so Stacey will have to wait.

        i did upset one of BBC3 production staff with a comment of their facebook page once. Got a really salty reply.


  16. I just came across her for the first time on here. I’ll wait for any further development to what all the fuss is about. I’m guessing it’ll be over nothing. It usually is.

    • Just found out. Its another one of those traits. The wrong type of people putting other nonentities on pedestals.

    • OK, .. gotcha!

      Have you tried e-mailling her management on the matter ? – Shy children get no sweets, remember!

      Godspeed, sir….

      • Are you insane? Her management will be contacting me! I know you have the best intentions but this kind of thing is obviously beyond your experience.

  17. My daughter’s got some of her CDs.
    At least she did when she were still living with us.
    Circa 10 year ago.
    Apart from that I know nothing, and care even less, about this fit, young, pop-tart.
    Guten morgen all. 🌞

  18. But but but….

    She is white

    How dare they!

    I wonder if she would loose popularity if she wore a T shirt with woman = adult human female, oh the fucking joy followed by all those tears 😂

  19. ‘“Debate and deconstruct” the star’s work.’.

    What is there to deconstruct? She gets dumped then writes a song about how sad/angry/heartbroken she’s feeling and/or how ‘evil’ her ex is. There’s nothing to it beyond that. It’s the same basic theme we see from many pop singers – she just happens to have a decent enough voice and the ability to market herself.

    • A big jolly up for bored academics.

      They’ll spent an hour listening to the speakers then deconstruct it down Wetherspoons.

  20. I knew of a Frank Swift. Goalkeeping was a good idea due to him having these enormous fucking hands.

    • Big Swifty. Goalkeeping great for Manchester City. Died at the Munich Air Crash.

      One of their own died, yet still the thick blue cunts sing their sick songs.

  21. She’s alright, nothing against her, but the hype is ludicrous.

    She always reminds me of one of those AI robots the Japs or the Chinese make; seems a bit vacuous.

    Morning all.

  22. Certainly fuckable, not a fan of the music, it ain’t loud it ain’t fast just generic pop bollocks.

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