This stale shitheal lives with his wife and 11 children in a flat in East London. Mr Safi’s wife is about to drop baby No 12. He complains Newham council can’t help him with a “better” home, as he only has one shithouse and one shower (which I doubt is overused).
May I suggest the little asshole undergoes a vasectomy – we could start a Go Fund Me page for him?
Nominated by W. C. Boggs.
I hope all those muźzıe cunts die choking of terrible respitory diseases.
Come on, black mould – hurry up and do your thing.
Or they could get mesothelioma from the asbestos in the textured paint.
We haven’t got 30 years.
It’s God’s fault for not making him a puff.
Perhaps if Mr Safi’s family got off their lazy arse and cleaned the place it wouldn’t be as bad.
Most mould is caused by a lack of air flow so I suggest if it’s too cold to crack a couple of windows open due to being descended from a warmer climate they go back whence they came.
My family had 9 people in it and yes that’s a couple less but we didn’t all want a shit at the same fucking time.
Work around it you useless cunts and consider yourselves lucky you have a flat at all.
I’d have thought a single toilet was sufficient when you shit in the street anyway?
Why did the silly cunt leave it this late to complain, knowing he’d also had similar problems of withdrawal symptoms when shagging his wife.
My heart bleeds.
Normal people would consider their living conditions and circumstances before having 11 kids.
Fuck them
Earning less than 6 figures is enough to prevent me having kids.
I see the sacrifices a lot of my friends have made and I know I couldn’t do it.
i’m too selfish with time and money…. and apart from the niece and nephew, I generally hate kids.
The reason we only had one (a son) was that at the time I was in a job that meant I was low waged and the only way to have increased the family would have been by going cap in hand to “the state” – anyway, we only had a flat at the time. By the time we could have afforded another baby, for various reasons it never happened, and anyway by then Mark was already 6, and made enough friends at school not to need an addition at home.
People should be practical regardless of race. The biggest problem this country and indeed, the whole world faces, is over-population.
I disagree, we need more white babies.
It costs £180,000 -£220,000 to raise a child from birth to age 18 in the UK, regardless of who pays. .
Dear Mr Safi bleach removes black mould.
For you very cheap only £1.99
I’m sure it’s a phrase you are familiar with.
Can I have 12 bottles of bleach please. ?
Useless cunt, no fucking common sense, this is the problem with the Asians, Rag heads and Africans.
Keep on breeding with no means to support the family or in this case litter and then cry about it.
This cunt will want a four or five bedroom house, for free.
And be sure he will get it.
Haven’t they heard about an arse? He should be splooging his dirty-water in there instead. Staple her minge.
How fucking DARE they. And I’m only referencing the breeding angle of this story. What do these cunts and cunts like them think is so great about them that the world deserves a dozen run-offs? Not just these, either … Mormon cunts with 10’s and 12’s too. Even if its people that can afford a dozen kids, it’s still both a stupid and irresponsible selfish thing to do.
They DON’T think at all. It’s that simple. Where’s the Green party to whinge about environmental disaster with statistics about how much resources a family of 14 does to the environment over 14 lifetimes. A thousand man-years stemming from one address.
I’ve had a new conversational saying in my mind this long while…. “there’s a lot of flies around this summer. They’re breeding like blacks/muzzers/etc”. (pick one).
The Greens don’t seem to see a problem with over population or environmental destruction of woodland and wildlife habitat.
Driving a battery car and electric heat pumps off set all this see.
Your average Green vegan cunt understands less about biology, physics, engineering, geopolitics, oceanography, chemistry, industry and agriculture than the average Kalahari bushman.
Is there anyone that could possibly explain to me what fucking use this piece of Muslim shit is to the UK?
That’ll be target practice Artful.
Hence the reason why they’re doing fuck all about it.
Do these problems exist in Spain as well or is Britain really THIS uniquely shit?
You are joking OC?
To get anything out of the system here you have to pay in.
Then you will only get a percentage of what you have paid in, and only for a limited amount of time.
Otherwise you will get absolutely fuck all.
Spain is only a few miles from the African coast.
Any smelly immigrant that makes the relatively easy journey here never stays so they are not a problem.
They make their way north, through France to Calais.
From there it is a certainly that they will end up in the UK sooner or later.
None of the scrounging bastards think to themselves, “Fuck this. I will try another country”.
I’m just curious to see how we compare to other places on the continent
Votes Liebore, all 14 of them
Erm… Diversity is our strength, cunter.
Did you not hear?
It’s about as accurate as us ‘melanin deficients’ having a privilege card!
Maybe he should go back and see if the taliban can help him out
Traumatic injury to the gonads would have solved the problem. Too late now. What benefit does the U.K. get from this cunt, maybe keeping a couple of schools open, fucking bollocks
Get Michael J Fox to travel back in time and drop Mr Abduls nads in a blender.
Halal smoothie.
How odd the sand wőg and his filthy offspring didn’t try to seek “safety” in the vibrant raghead paradise that is Pakistain,it’s much closer too so more affordable.
Plus it’s just another raghead shithole so he’d fit right in.
But what’s that ? The fellow Muslims of pakiland hate the Afghans and have forcibly deported them in great rat infested droves..
So they come here and live like comparative Kings at our expense whilst simultaneously turning our country into a replica of the very place they left.
Just fucking gas them.
Good morning.
You nailed it there Tel. The fact the buggers come over here and set about murdering us is merely continuance of their normal mode of living. When left in their shitholes they kill one another with gusto. This of course explains the reasoning behind having a dozen sprogs. It’s trying to outbreed and overwhelm the neighbours and hoping some of them survive to adulthood. Consider Gaza surrounded by muzzie countries who won’t allow a single palestinian over the border. The problem is aggravated by mug western governments who waste tax payers money on keeping the bastards alive.
The council should supply him with a goat.
Then he might leave his wife alone.
They’ll misread that as ‘grant’.
I’ll cure their mould AND overcrowding problem with new, improved arson.
Fuck off with your filthy tribe you medieval rotters.
David Lammy knows them all by name.
Sadiq Khan’s dad used to drive their local bus
Nobody’s yet pointed out that his wife is 45 and still birthing mohammedans.
How many will be born with congenital deformities and health problems as the last of her rotten eggs is fertilized and, out of a litter of twelve, what are the chances one or two will turn out to be a murderous diner at Allan’s Snackbar?
Best the council demo the fucking hole with them in it.
Throw into the mix that she’s more than likely his cousin as well.
The feelings of despair and depression are creeping up on me ……….
That’s what Mr Safi said.
He obviously hasn’t been in the UK long enough as he hasn’t claimed mental health issues or played the race card yet.
I wonder if he’s claimed his free machete for halal slaughter from Alan’s Snackbar yet?
‘Tell me when it’s Jihad O’clock lads. Inshallah!’
That’s the trouble with these cunts. No social responsibility at all. They will just outbreed us to take over this country. Then, it will become another filthy w*g shithole and, they’ll move on, like smelly locusts, to somewhere else. Gas the lot of them, children first.
They’ll take over the NHS with all the congenital birth defects from the inbreeding.
Before long, your local surgery waiting room will resemble this;
When I went in with bradycardia last month there were far too many of the hijab wearing cunts
Is that where your heart beats to the theme of The Brady Bunch?
Lol nah, I had chest pains and they discovered that my heart rate was only 48bpm. They didn’t do any further tests though so hopefully it’s nothing to be concerned about.
To be honest, that looks like fun. A Bob Marley left handed cigarette, six pints annnnnd off you go. Not gay at all.
I guess we will all be doing it soon any way.
I know we all need to be a bit more sympathetic, mindful, wokey and respectful but this cunt epitomises what is wrong with this country.
First order of the day is to cut this cunts bollock off and cauterise his wife, that’ll stop the breeding. Secondly, I can’t help but suspect that he or his wife doesn’t want to work.
We have two kids and at time it feels like a struggle, both financially and mentally, but we live in a house that we have worked hard for – does this cunt think that his wife opening her cavern for him to enter and having more kids suddenly pushed him higher up the waiting list – probably.
Equally, why pop more kids out when clearly they are destined to fail before they are even born beggars belief, but I am sure he will end up with a ‘better’ home – now that Bin laden has gone I’d recommend a nice cave in Afghanistan.
The only thing the council needs to provide this cunt with is a lifetime supply of condoms.
If they’re feeling generous after that, they can provide a bucket, some bleach, jay cloths and a dehumidifier.
problem fucking solved.
Thick, backward third world gimmegrant vermin.
@odin….remind me again who the thick one’s are…..i’ll plump for us
I don’t think we are the thick ones to be honest. We have a solution to the problem.
The media and the Liberals are scratching their heads this morning, wondering why they got decimated in the European elections by the far right.
Cunts like inbred, muzzie safi..
The media and the Liberals are scratching their heads this morning, wondering why they got decimated in the European elections by the far right.
Cunts like inbred, mudslime safi..
I wonder if Sir Queer has factored in this twats offspring and the others like him, when it comes to giving out free breakfasts in schools. What else are we expected to pay for?
I wonder if Sir Kweer has factored in this twats offspring and the others like him, when it comes to giving out free breakfasts in schools. What else are w
And labour want to reinstate family allowance to as many little rats you can churn out, not the current limit of two….?
Hang on. Something doesn’t quite add up here.
He’s 35, and has been in the UK for 7 years. She came here in 2022. They have 11 kids, with a 12th due shortly.
So he’s been in the UK since he was 28. I assume he hasn’t been popping back home annually since 2017, so he had 9 kids when he arrived, has possibly got the wife in pup twice in 2022/23 and she’s about to foal again in 2024.
I’d be wanting to know how many of those kids are actually his, biologically.
Also, he works as a delivery driver?
Unless he’s working 20 hours a day, he can’t possibly earn enough to cover his living expenses, so who is? ( That was a rhetorical question, btw).
He’s lucky he isn’t living in a tent in a park, like too many ex-forces people are, he has no sympathy from me.
I suggest someone solves his mould, damp and mouse problems with a flamethrower.
Glad to see you’re back Jeezum, hope you’re feeling better.
Maybe he sent his jizz back to her in one of those little vacuum flasks?
Thanks, arfur.
Much better.
Anyone else find their posts disappearing today? I posted a response to Unkle Terry at 10:40 apparently successfully, but now it’s gone.
Please ignore. The post I refer to has magically reappeared.
Sell the whelps off for organ donation or medical experiments.
Neuter the parents.
It’s the kindest thing to do in the long run.
The ingratitude is staggering. We provide a home with mice as a regular food supply and all he does is complain. Maybe he’ll find Rwanda to be a better option or failing that, he could book them all on a slow boat back to Afghanistan.
Whining cunt but obviously whining through a state funded interpreter, these fucking people are nothing but a drain on the country’s resources and there’s thousands of em dipping in the purse and we cannot fill it up fast enough and even more aggravating is the fact we send millions of pounds abroad to look after them at home, aren’t we fucking terrific cant look after our own but can look after every third world cunt just so our wonderful politicians can look caring on the world stage. Fuck foreigners and all their problems we’ve done enough for the world.
Millions of them. All fucking leeches.
It’s bad enough that we are expected to bail out all of the third world in the first place.
What really squeezes my scrote is being expected to fund cunts who our country has been or still is in conflict with.
Afghanistan Somalia and Yemen to name just 3
Somalians are scum.
Ever since Satan Blair let them in, I’ve seen them infest places like a dose of Colarado Beetle. They ruined the place where I worked, and I resigned because of the way these muck were indulged and given preferential treatment.