Where do I fucking start with this one? Should I start with the Post Office scandal, where nearly 1000 people were wrongly convicted of crimes they didn’t commit (some of whom even took their lives?) Or how about the myriad of kids that keep dying from abuse in the home due to lawless, benefit scrounging parents and inept, underfunded child protection agencies?? Or maybe I should talk about Winterbourne View, or Tony Hickmott, or other such horrific cases of abuse against the disabled. Oh, and we can’t forget the NHS scandals of course – obviously the infected blood one is big news at the moment, but we also have the Shropshire maternity ward case, Mid Staffs, Lucy Letby, Morecambe Bay and a plethora of others I can’t bring to mind right now. And then there’s the billions wasted on dodgy PPE contracts and furlough fraud, obviously. And HS2. And the boat people. All whilst kids attend schools at risk of collapse due to cheap, faulty concrete and criminals run amok thanks to a lack of funding for police officers. Oh, and the constant sewage discharges have to be mentioned as well, that goes without saying – as does the blatant profiteering from water companies, energy companies, supermarkets, and various other grasping corporate cunts. And that’s before getting onto our overpriced, badly run, outdated, overcrowded railways.
I could talk about any one of these things in great detail. However, doing so would mean I would very quickly go over the 50 line limit. So let’s just say that ‘Great’ Britain is a complete and utter trainwreck right now, and leave it at that.
Nominated by opinionated cunt.
Some people call it managed decline. I don’t think the people in charge could manage their way out of a wet paper bag.
We’re all doomed!
No managed about it. There tories have been completely short-termist over the past 13 years. They make grand plans then wait for somebody else to put them into action.
As the article points out, they are taxing and spending more than Gordon Brown did.
To be fair (which I am extremely loathe to be) Gordon ‘bigoted woman’ Brown didn’t have Brexit, Covid and Putin to contend with.
Not to worry.
We’ll soon have a White Anglo Saxon Protestant heterosexual male PM again.
Until Sadiq Khan is installed as Labour leader within the following couple of years that is.
Afternoon MJB
Over granny Rayner’s ginger dead body!
Evening HJ ?
What gets my Oven lit is that apart from a mealy mouthed apology “lessons will be learned” no cunt ever owns up to anything..
The only answer any of the braindead bent cunts is to throw more money at the problem instead of fixing it rigorously and permanently.
All our institutions,infrastructure you name it,has a wafer thin veneer of quality and “Britishness”,all controlled and regulated by utterly inept,hopeless,toothless “watchdogs”..
And when owt goes wrong no fucker ever is held to account.
It’s like bloody Swaziland on steroids.
Fuck Off.
“British Industry”
A fucking laughing stock.
It’s hard to police and regulate companies, the majority of which are owned by Krauts, Frogs, Spagnolis, Russkies, Chinkies, Turks and, God help us, Indians and Pakistinkies.
And don’t forget the “woke” (whichever weird cunt thought up that particular descriptive should be tied to a post and shot with a punt gun loaded with his own shit)
A minority group of mentally ill perverted cunts, with more political clout than the sane majority.
A succinct summary of the mess we’re in. The awful truth is it’s probably going to get worse under the next Government – completely uncontrolled immigration, even higher taxation, crappier public services, and every institution infested with woke ideology. And there’s more:
– Changing farmland from food production to rewilding and for solar panels when we already have to import 40% of our food. Brilliant!
– Covering the countryside in bird mincers and steel pylons. And when there’s no sunshine or wind? Brilliant!
– Forcing glorified milk floats and heat pumps on people who don’t want them and can’t afford them. Brilliant!
Still, look on the bright side. OurNHS is so wonderful that our next PM would rather a close family member die in agony on an NHS waiting list than pay to go private. The fucking lying cunt.
In’t milk brilliant…. courtesy of Mr Whitehouse ?…. especially from t.rans cows ?
Well I’m upbeat any road.
Cash on my hip
Spring in my step
Whistle on my lips.
Wouldn’t let it get to you Opey.
Get a dog.
That’ll sort it out.
Or a brass
Empty your balls.
Life’s problems wont seem so bad.
Those veterans on Day?
You can bet they didn’t sit about complaining!
They picked up a rifle and did something about it! ??
You should get a gun?
We vote for cunts, we get cunts.
Next time you vote ask yourself “has this cunt ever had a real job and was he in charge of anything that leads me to think he can run a county, country, city, department, fucking sweety shop”
Look at both front benches and apply those questions to each of them. That’s why we’re fucked. Totally self inflicted.
So fatjon, what are we (the British voting public) going to do about it?
Answers on a postcard …
Fuck all I suspect.
We are all emigrating.
fuck all. most are even thicker than the cunts they vote for thanks to Bliar.
Any expertise, entrepreneurism, ingenuity, vision or plain old competency from within the UK seems to disappear that little bit more with each passing day.
Where the UK once led the way, we now need the likes of the French or Chinese to help do things for us.
1976 was the peak year for social mobility in the UK.
When a steelworker could join the badminton club. Or buy himself a fondue set.
It was a bloody great summer too, it has been downhill ever since.
It’s not that we need them, it’s that successive governments have offered contracts to companies in any fucking country in the world except this one. Although you can bet they made sure their cunt friends did alright.
Worst of all is the coming wave of missed ailments not diagnosed during lockdown or the period of tardiness of the NHS post lockdown regarding cancer screening (6 months begind France and Germany according to Prof. Karol Sikora).
There’s that, and the fact that Radio 2 is now just Radio 1 with added Karen..
I’m not sure when life was so great for the average Brit. I think Maybe for a while in the late 50s into the late 60s was about as good as it got for the working class, the middle class also expanded at the time.
So a decade, the working man got a good decade, yay us!
Shame I missed it.
FFS. OP. Here am I enjoying my first day of retirement and you piss on my chips with that nomination. Our next chancellor Rachael Reeves cannot cope on £85,000 a year plus expenses. If we allow that clueless labia to control the nations finances we will enter the sewer. Irrevocably.
Good luck with the retirement CuntyMort ?
Thanks Mis. I have pissed the Mrs off several times today. Is it cause I’m home?
Get a hobby.
So you don’t murder each other.
Allotment, crown green bowling,
Or something.
I’m all for anything that gets me out of the house with a flask and packed lunch?
When I retire I plan to go full-time as an alcoholic.
CP, I’ve been retired since I was 55. I’m 70 now, and it’s fantastic!
I drink like a fish, smoke, eat red meat and generally abuse my body anyway I can.
I throughly recommend it, I’m having more fun now than I ever did in the years I spent working.
Get yourself a copy of the Kama Sutra and tell her to brace herself. Parade round the house in a posing pouch. Pinch her bum, wink and call her cheeky chops.
Let us know how you get on Mort.
With a busted right arm in four places I think 0sex is on the fuck off scenario TBH.
Never mind if Sainsbury’s don’t have it there’s Tesco’s down the road
Then don’t go to those places.
Courtesy T. Cooper.
GB news on .
Omaha beach ceremony.
Some kids choir with interpretive dance…..awful.
Just awful.
Load of little half castes making a right fuckin racket.
Haven’t the veterans suffered enough?!!
Get a piper or military band on.
Now it’s some fuckin ivory tinkling puff and a poet☹️
And sleepy Joe’s just shat himself on stage..
Nappy for Mr Biden.
MSN were kinder, they said he tried to sit in an invisible chair.
I like your version better, Barry.
Yeah, but Trump.
If it wasn’t for the extra large buttplugs Mandleson and Streetng would be shitting themselves all the time. Both of them dread dropping a Doyle’ Carte, just in case…….
What they should do is shoot a few politicians. Cheer the plebs up.
Line some jerry’s and Japs up and machine gun them for sins of the fathers.
Allow a veteran to shoot one.
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????…and 1 more for good luck ?? before the new flag flies over the nation ☪️….still stiff upper lip and all that chin chin….G&T carruthers there’s a good fellow
Can’t say I’ve really noticed. ?
But now you mention it…
That’s why I moved to Spain. I live in jaén province. The olive oil capital of the world. Little town, no eggy spoons, muzzies or chavs. Cheap food, restaurants, booze and fags. Great healthcare, bins emptied every day, no potholes, cheap car tax and council tax is €89 per year. Coast is 90 minutes away if I want to laugh at the Brits down there. It’s a bit hot sometimes, 40° plus in July and August but living the dream. I would never come back. It’s not the England I grew up in and that makes me sad
Speaking of Jaen I’m thinking of getting out to Ubeza and Baeza when I visit Spain. Worth it do you think or no?
Both very nice places. I prefer Ubeda, just a lovely little city. Just under an hour from me.
And Sheffield bus services OC, don’t forget about Sheffield bus services.
You weren’t there, man!
What gets me is this, unfettered immigration.
Supposedly to provide a labour force in jobs the indigenous population were reluctant to do.
First of all, who the fuck gave people the notion that they are entitled to a job that pays megabucks, whilst at the same time involves working from 10am to 2pm with a 2 hour lunch and two 30 minute coffee breaks?
Also, uneducated/poorly educated people from third world countries rather than rising in behaviour , actually drag others down to their level. This is why you see shit and litter everywhere, and antisocial behaviour is endemic.
If you ask the average yoof what they want to do as a career they will probably want to emulate some plastic orange slapper off Love Island or be an influencer on social media.
10am – 2pm
2 hour lunchbreak
2 x 30 minute coffee breaks
Jeezum, you’ve just described the average working day in France.
Don’t get started on their summer break, also known as ‘August’.
This just in!
Fuck me! Why was it being “shadowed” by a French warship?
Were they going to straf them if they attempted to return to France?
Taking the piss on taking the piss
Bang on jeezum!
You would have to be blind not to see that trying to infiltrate scum with decent folk it all turns to shit not the other way round.
Look at any time upgrades are provided on council estates. No sooner finished than wrecked and covered in rubbish and graffiti.
If you import people from countries they don’t give a fuck about and with rubbish everywhere is normal it follows they will be the same wherever they go.
Filth is their nature, it won’t change even if you send people to clear up behind them it just sends a message that they can carry on being scum with impunity!
‘who the fuck gave people the notion that they are entitled to a job that pays megabucks, whilst at the same time involves working from 10am to 2pm with a 2 hour lunch and two 30 minute coffee breaks?’
Tony Blair, who decided 50% of the workforce should be graduates and made it so any cunt could get to university, as long as they paid the fees (leading to 30k of debt and a degree in windowlicking from Edge Hill University)
Slightly off topic, forgive me, but last week I had some rather harsh things to say about Dr. Michael Mosley. I am sorry to say that roday he has gone missing. So all I would like to say is this: “Hello, I am Dr Bill Boggs, and if I can offer Just One Thing to keep you healthy it is – don’t go walking alone in Greece when you are 67.
And leave your mobile phone in your apartment.
Hardly the safest thing to do.
@ W.C.B
I reckon he’s gone and done the decent thing after reading your nom a couple of weeks ago.
Near 40 degrees out there..heat stroke then head first down a ravine is my bet.
No need to do any more fasting.
Bit early for the press to start call his tweet ‘final’ a missing person, unless they know he’s dead.
He’s not even in the deadpooll and people call that morbid.
Indeed, we do seem to be heading down the gurgler on all fronts.
There just never seems to be enough money to fix anything. Be it roads, schools, hospitals, railways, the list goes on.
And there’s no sense of social responsibility from our governments on any of this, apart from endless handouts to the feckless.
What other kind of western civilisation has local councils going bankrupt, and then expect its citizens to pay 20% more to make up the loss?
This country needs an enormous reset, but who’s got the balls to do it?
No fucker!
I do, but i’d be shot within a week.
Bet the mcCanns are behind it.
What the chip people?
That’s McCains, Barry.
Still, this is a Mis comment!
Which ones, Mis?
The brothers ( actors) or the missing child ones?
That TV doctor JP.
He’s the new Madeline mcCann.
But it’s a greek murder mystery!
There’s a suspect but they Couldnt see his face.
He was wearing a Baklava.
I’ll get me coat
Well done!
Dunno about the McCann’s involvement in the missing doctor in Greece, its a bit unorthodox.
It’s probably a driving incident LL?
Rhodes rage
Sounds like a case for the famous detective Hercule Gyro..
Dont forget about that bug in that shitty water in south devon, honestly in this day and age but dont worry the boss of south west water will keep her highly paid job, bonus etc. Third world country soon. I fucking hate these cunts at the top.
At least we can afford £8m per day for our guests in dinghys.
That isn’t a mushroom cloud from a nuclear bomb.
It’s my boiling piss!
Convicted of crimes they did not commit?
My only question would be did any of them promptly escape from the maximum security stockade they were held in to the LA underground where they survive as soldiers of fortune?
Ironically, on the 80th anniversary of D-day 80 illegal immigrants heading to Great Britain are ” rescued” from the English channel….!
You couldn’t make it up….!
Sort of sums GB up these day’s…..?
Hi all.
Off topic I know so apologies Admin. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who sent kind regards about my op. Op was done on 3rd June and I was discharged this evening (6th June). Now back home hopefully starting the road to recovery.
Best wishes
Congrats Ron, great news!
Ron, wishing you a speedy recovery.
I miss your roving reporter posts.
Get well.
Splendid news Ron.
At least you’re safe and well, unlike a certain tv doctor, who has gone missing and “may have fallen from a great height” like the opponents of a certain V. Putin…I reckon B. Gates pushed him…
Great news Ron!
I can tell you from personal experience that no matter what the Doctors say, anytime they have to knock you out…cut you open…take something out…put something in…or rearrange what’s already there…it ain’t fucking routine.
May I suggest that you recover on your own time. Relax, limit distractions and focus on becoming whole. There’ll be plenty of cunts to cunt when you’re ready to resume Cunting.
By the way…I must emphatically deny any suggestion of a private outreach from me to Mrs. Knee during your ordeal.
Ah dinnae ken how that despicable rumor got started.
Congratulations on your successful sex change!!
Late in life but still turn a few heads in a mini skirt I’ve no doubt.
Glad your well and good luck in the ms Birmingham competition ?
Didn’t know you’d been in for an op Ron.
Hope everything is ok and that you make a speedy recovery.
That’s an order.
There’s a good gentleman.
Carry on.
Thanks again all.
Sadly I fear my recovery may take some time. It’ll take a while to get used to carrying my 36DD implants around (but I’m sure looking forward to playing with myself once the soreness wears off).
Any road, off to get some much needed kip after three rough nights on the ward.
Congratulations Ron
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Ron.
I’ve had a bit of a dizzy spell, and am currently on the floor, like a upturned turtle.
I’ll update you later.
Thank fuck for mobile.
Loosen the strap and take that orange out of yer gob and inhale deeply.
Hope you’re ok.
Fook me. It’s like Emergency Ward 10 on here tonight.
All we need now is Cunt Engine to ‘ accidently ‘ fall bottom first on to a well lubricated hoover handle.
Don’t panic men !!
Don’t panic !!
If anything happens can I have your signed Barry Manilow photo JP?
Take it seriously and get it checked out.
Keep us appraised and best of luck.