Whitefield school and abuse/discrimination of disabled people in the UK

is a cunt.

I think the link speaks for itself. Terry’s oven is required for all who were involved in this heinous brutality. The fact that shit like this is STILL being allowed to happen, however, is a national disgrace.

Everyone talks about BLM but nobody EVER mentions the challenges, abuse and discrimination that many disabled people face on a daily basis. As I’ve mentioned on here before my brother has severe autism, and he’s been treated like a second class citizen in his own country at various points – including by his school when he was there. As horrific as the Whitefield abuse is there will be many other cases out there which we don’t know about.


Nominated by Opinionated Cunt.

37 thoughts on “Whitefield school and abuse/discrimination of disabled people in the UK

  1. Dame Rachel De Saucepan says “it has to stop”, talk is cheap you trollop, less talk, more action, what are you doing about it, now shit or get off the pot.

  2. If this were a sooty or daki holding centre for illegals there would be uproar.

  3. Totally spot on cunting which can be extended to the elderly, particularly those with dementia etc.

    How we treat the most vulnerable is the true reflection of our society.

    • Indeed and as I said in my post, if you are a raggy head you get looked after.

  4. Ever noticed how a lot of sadistic cunts gravitate to the care industry?

    A utter disgrace and anyone mistreating someone vulnerable should not only face prison time but should be highlighted in the media so that neighbours know They’re scum.

    Good nom Opey?

    • I guess its rich pickings as people in care, young adults in secure units and hospitals or old folks in homes are vulnerable. I also think they rely on their victims not being believed as they might be on powerful drugs or have dementia. Public shaming is a good idea as would a public flogging.

    • Exactly this Mis – just like with the pigs people who crave power work in care because it gives them an environment to exert it.

    • I’d go further.

      Anyone caught mistreating someone vulnerable should be given the same treatment, see how they like it and then paraded, in stocks through the local town for everyone to see what a cunt they are.

    • Lots of N0nces are in teaching and social care. The most depraved thing is how slow the authorities are to respond.

      It’s almost as if they are full of wrong’uns themselves.

  5. Its the luck of the draw. If you fortunately get the chance of being looked after individually by a dedicated friend, it relaxes you and don’t have the worry for the future in ones twilight years.

    • My brother is lucky that he has an excellent care team in place – they come in 4 days a week and take him out during the day to give my parents a break. The worry is what happens when they die though – they’re getting on now and there’s no guarantee the council will continue funding that care forever.

    • And you get a nosh if she’s fit – winner, winner, chicken dinner.

  6. I should state btw that my brother wasn’t abused by his school – at least, not to the best of my knowledge (albeit my mother thinks he may have been due to how he behaved there). But they didn’t understand him at all and were woefully underqualified to deal with his needs. He had far more meltdowns there than what he did at home.

    • Hi OC, would you say that a contribution to the problem is the appallingly low wages offered to people who work in care?
      Then you’ll never attract the cream of the crop, being expected to do a difficult job for minimum wage.
      Low wages will surely only attract ne’er-do-wells?

      • That’s certainly an issue Thomas, yes. Imo care workers should be paid £13-14 p/h at the minimum – it’s a bloody hard job.

      • True Thomas, money is the top and bottom of it, but most deduction comes from individuals. If that can be changed for everyone to benefit, smashing. Its strange that we all have to go through this and its the least thought about.

      • Ah, but the people in power WON’T have to go through it Sammy. They’ll receive specialised private care away from Joe and Jane Pleb. That’s why it isn’t thought about.

      • Sorry O P. That went without saying, I was thinking about the main body, we individuals. As we know, the selfish government who fucked everything up for us having to live next to scum from abroad, will also make sure they’re alright when unable to care for themselves.

      • I wonder about it; will i get an R2D2 or a fruity Filipino wiping my arse and washing my dessicated twig and berries?

        Perhaps you get the former with Nuffield and latter on National Health?

  7. All together now….. lessons will be learnt ?? ….till next time,till next time, till next time, blah blah blah…

    Tell you what, let’s have one of those public thingymabobs and spend months to come out with a oversized pile of waffle which costs piles of ? and achieves ?all, hands up all in favour ?….bilge ?

  8. The cruel people running these places are glad when they are not the main news and can operate under the radar, hoping this might blow over yet again with nothing coming of it like previous attempts. One hopes this time it will be eradicated

  9. Unfortunately, it’s par for the course at the moment, everything in this country has gone to rat shit, broken ! But never mind lessons will be learned…. until the next time !

  10. What beggars belief is that one person sacked, and others still allowed to work with children?

    Now the cynic in me would go, Walthamstow, a very diverse area..
    Plenty of enrichment there..

    Footage given to the police and no one prosecuted..even though the police said the children had been abused.
    No explanation to why not.

    Probably me just being a racist..

  11. There’s no discrimination involved, were now all, at best 2nd class citizens in our own country.

  12. It is incredible how the most unsuitable people are attracted to a career in care-providing. As with OP’s brother, my young boy is moderately to severely autistic and the number of arseholes out there in the world of education beggars belief.

    Many of these arseholes make it their priority to make their own world so much easier to cope with, even at the expense of those that they are entrusted to care for. If I had a pound for every ‘hey, not really my problem, but if I can offload your son to another school, then cool beans’ cunts I have happened across then I’d be a rich man.

    My boy’s current teacher is simply fantastic and always tells me that much of his problem is simply being unable to communicate and that he is a very bright boy – just hoping she hangs around for a while…

    • See, this is the case with my brother – he’s non verbal but communicates through a system of gestures, noises, leading you to something and, more recently, pointing. He’s easy to understand once you figure out how he communicates but his school were either too incompetent to do so or couldn’t be asked – hence, he had meltdowns there because he felt like he wasn’t being listened to.

      • Helikely wasn’t beingblistened to.

        Every public department is full of people who do not listen to those they are are paid to help, regardless of disability, illness or age. They just coast along and stick to protocol until the pension money drops into their account. They’re sub-human.

  13. I’m too impatient to work with people with learning disabilities.
    I’d lose my rag with them.

    Boot them up the arse or something.
    Be like the callous cunts we’re condemning on here,
    I struggle to keep my temper with people who haven’t got disabilities.

    Fuck that.

    For those that do this job,
    And do it well and with compassion,
    Then hats off to them.

    • I don’t know. you’d have enjoyed the disco held in my old college refectory for the Downs and cerebral palsy kids one afternoon.

      S Club 7, hula hoops everywhere. A joy to watch..
      (not in that way Mr Cunt Engine).

  14. A superb cunting, OC.

    In the rush to promote and protect the interests of Muslims, transbenders and dinghy people, the genuinely vulnerable have been forgotten by the establishment and media, and pushed closer to death by government policy in the form of sanctions and DNR notices during the pandemic.

    There’s a weird sort of crypto-euthansia in this country, where those in charge are fond of crying wolf about the ‘far-right’, but look the other way when it comes to the industrialised abuse of the disabled and children.

    A sick society run by sadists and psychopaths

    • Fucking Nora. Our leaders won’t be happy until the UK resembles a cross between Nigeria and Puttputtistan.

  15. There are far too few checks into the suitability of people who work in the so called careing professions.

    One person sacked, but how many knew and did nothing.
    Sack, and prosecute the lot.

  16. My mother who is 98, has end-stage dementia ,is doubly incontinent ,in pain and sleeps for all day long is in a care home whose owners were a well respected local couple which has new owners.
    It won’t surprise you to know that the new owners are a company comprising a couple, one of whom appears to be a practising dentist whose business address is 250 miles away.
    I bet you a million pounds that you can’t guess the ethnicity of the new owners !?
    Mysteriously her fees have rocketed almost overnight to over £5000.00 per month.
    What I object to is that the lying sack of shit of the owner told me that this figure was “only slightly “ more than what the local authority pays for the home to provide for someone who has never paid into the system and has no savings.
    My mother therefore is a convenient cash cow and this explains why the owners are prepared to pull out all the stops o keep her alive instead of allowing her to pass away with dignity .
    What is it with people of their ethnicity that they can’t retire gracefully and feel the need to keep boosting their income?
    You may not be aware of this but I know that this is almost universal among the above:



  17. I went to Whitefields when I was a kid, as I am Autistic. The school was tasked with dealing with multiple conditions, and my memories are positive. I was shocked when I heard about the abuse. What got me was it was simply in a box with other usb of video footage. There was no effort to cover it up – people simply did not care. As I have gotten older, I have become more aware of discrimination targeted towards Autistic people. What pisses me off the most is the emphasis on awareness, but not acceptance.

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