This isn’t actually about provable voter fraud.
But let’s have a vote early, vote often and vote by mail Cunting for the City of Chicago anyway.
We’ve seen actual cases of voter fraud in corrupt places like Bridgeport, Connecticut and Atlantic City, New Jersey. But now let’s look at the Granddaddy of voter fraud…Chicago, Illinois.
On March 19 a primary election was held in the state of Illinois. One of the races to be decided was the Cook County State’s Attorney race. The State’s Attorney is the chief prosecutor or law enforcement officer in the county. Chicago is just one of the municipalities that make up Cook County.
The official results race between 2 Democratic hacks was announced and a little more than 2000 votes decided the winner. However, neither candidate declared victory nor conceded defeat.
Why? Because this is Chicago where it is said that Al Capone coined the phrase, “Vote Early and vote often.” and in the post Covid era Democrats have added, vote by mail.
One week after the election, the Chicago Board of Elections announced that in its haste to inform the public, they left out 10,000 votes that arrived by mail on Election day. Hey, no big deal…things happen.
Obviously in a race as close as 2000 votes an additional 10,000 will be critical in deciding who wins.
Or will it?
The Chicago Board of Elections in its statement wanted to make sure the public understood that aside from these ballots “…there will be additional results coming in, both large and small through the next week.”
Nothing to see here. No voter fraud. It’s just the Democratic process playing out.
So remember citizens, do your civic duty. Vote Early, vote often and vote by mail.
When the people who count the ballots decide who the next State’s Attorney will be, they’ll let you know.
Nominated by: General Cuntster
A couple of days ago I received an unsolicited email from the Conservative Party urging me to apply for a postal vote…
Fuck right off, you disingenuous cunts! You should be putting an end to this much abused practice, not fucking encouraging it!
Anyway, I’ll be spoiling my ballot paper in person at the polling station as usual, don’t you worry about that, thank you very fucking much. ?
Postal voting; a licence to print votes.
Afternoon all.
Hmmm. I read this and immediately thought of Peterborough. ( can’t think why . ? )
I have 3 cats and a dog who are all registered to vote. It doesn’t bother me though as they always vote the way I do. It’s not fraud it it’s to “save our democracy” whatever the fuck that means.
It’s all just for fun anyway as the fix is in for 2024 just like 2020. I pretend to participate in the democratic process and they pretend to certify a fair election. The elections are fair just like Dylan Mulvaney is a woman.
Dylan is still going through girlhood.
Probably struggling with his periods.
If Dylan had declared that he was trans male to female, I might have had a grudging respect for the twat.
But no, he refers to it as “girlhood”, a description that absolutely doesn’t apply to any biological female over the age of 16.
They are women. My daughters would have slaughtered me if I’d referred to them as girls, once they turned 16.
As Elder once said, I’m a woman, I might not be an adult but I’m not a girl.
As others here have pointed out in recent weeks,
Come November
It will be the turn of the Republicans to rig the presidential election
This time around. ?
HE should be invited on a chat show, and bring Lorena Bobbitt on as the next guest. Watch the creepy bastard squirm some bit. (It would also do the job of highlighting the fact the deranged cunt has a dick underneath when he’s flailing about in his little miniskirts).
Fuck’s sake. This should have been/was meant to be one paragraph further up ^
It’s OK, we’re used to autocorrect and fingers moving faster than minds, or vice verse.
We all knew what you meant.
On what planet of sanity can anyone believe that postal votes are a good idea, obviously open to obtuse and fraud.
Counting ballots that arrive late cannot be allowed, if cunts can’t be bothered to turn up on the day also can’t be bothered to post the fraudulent ballot on time don’t fucking deserve to be counted.
Unless you are bed ridden or on an operating table get down to the polling station you fucking bone idle bastards.
I will be at my local polling station nice and early to vote for none of the cunts on the ballot paper, it’s my civic duty ?
Obtuse… you are Andy Dufresne and I claim my free Rita Hayworth poster..
Agree with all of that SoI.
Definitely should be a cut off date. Didn’t post it on time? Mail late or sabotaged? Tough. Cut off is cut off.
What if votes turn up by mail 6 months later, are they supposed to count them. ‘We recovered the post van that was, er, lost 6 months ago. Having counted the votes, the other one won actually.’ Get out!
Postal votes are what makes Bradford, Tower Hamlets and any other Parking Stanley shitholes such examples of true democracy.
Peterborough is quite famous for it these days.
What a remarkable coincidence, that 10,000 postal vote should suddenly come to light.
I’m sure they were sat in someones in-tray unnoticed, after all, things can be accidentally overlooked, especially if someone put a copy of the staff magazine on top of them. That’ll make them hard to see.
I think it’s fair to say if you don’t vote Democrat/Labour then as far as democracy is concerned you are Hitler.
Chuck the splendid game of bingo that postal “voting” is and you have the perfect way to ensure progressive Liberal woke monoparty govt for centuries to come.
All this laughable shit is going to end quite painfully.
Great nomination General.
Voter fraud!!
The only fraudsters are the worthless troughing scum that are elected to office.
Then spend the next five years ignoring the electorate..
Then pretend that they are listening to voters concerns come election time..
Rectal cancer is too good for them..
Sounds familiar..
‘I’m a Yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls-Royce, I wanna be elected,electeeeedddd’ ? …. but only by your postal vote thanks ??
The scariest part to me was when the guy said (words to the effect) more ballots will still be coming in.
In other words, if you don’t get the results you like don’t worry.
That is scary, General.
I agree with SOI, postal votes should be accompanied by a medical certificate confirming that the voter is physically incapable of attending in person.
The potential of fraud is incalculable.
We have voting for a Mayor coming up shortly, in Sheffield. I don’t like the look, or politics, of any of the candidates.
What to do?
Don’t vote, write “none of them” on the ballot paper, vote for the least offensive party?
I’m conflicted.
Hello JP,
Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, I was involved with some people in a local movement called “Vote the Bums Outs.”
The premise was simple. If they are an incumbent, vote against them. Regardlesss of office, party or position, Vote the Bums Out.
The intent wasn’t as much to turn over the status quo as it was to send a message that we were fed up.
It was a total and utter failure.
Good evening, General.
Well, hardly a surprise, if all that’s on offer is more from the slightly stale all-you-can eat table, is it?
Pity they can’t put forward some younger, dynamic thinkers, with fire in their bellies… oh!
Sorry, they’re all watching YouTool, X, formerly known as Twatter, and trawling for likes on Facefool.
Consume a large amount of beer, cabbage and frankfurters a few hours before voting then take a huge dump in the voting booth and say banksy did it.
The election where Minnesota kept recounting until they got what they wanted showed me what was up. They needed that rubber stamp cunt Al Franken to become senator to have a super majority so Barack could have his way. Every recount came after more ballots magically appeared and they ALL happened to be for Franken. Funny that. Franken was a comedian turned senator. The worthless shit stain was about as funny as a burning orphanage.
Every election is loaded with fraud the way I see it.
It must be a comfort to the Yanks that if you support the democrats then your vote will still be valid when you’re dead.
I got my voting card the other day for police and crime commissioner or whatever the fuck it is. It said I don’t need the card to vote but to bring id. Why send me the fucking card then? It used to be my id and they kept it when I voted. Not that I’ll be voting anyway. I no longer see the point.
“Crime Commissioner” So we now have people employed to “commission acts of crime ” ? Yes, I see. We’re fucked.
Well Mogs, the whole idea is to identify you as a legitimate voter.
That’s fine, all good. I show my bus pass, no problem.
How do they identify postal voters as legitimate?
Who ever you vote for you end up with a net zero woke lefty with a liking to turn this country into an offshoot of middle east/ Africa without the camels and elephants.
It’ll be ‘wasted’ i know but my protest vote goes to Reform.
I’d love to vote Reform, SH.
I’d even vote for the Yorkshire First candidate, who put himself forward last time (I voted for him).
Unfortunately, neither are standing.
Reform arent getting my vote. Alrwady bowing to woke pressure. Let’s not forget Reform is just the Brexit party rebranded, and the Brexit party stood down all candidates in tory safe seats.
Tice and co can eat da poo poo.
Doesn’t appear to be anyone arrested or convicted of voter fraud?
You’d think they’d be someone wouldn’t you,?
But no.
Ever so odd.
Funny that.
When the local election officials visit a one bed flat in Tower Hamlets asking after 104 people all named Mohammed, it turns out to be the same bloke in a different pillbox hat every time they visit.
Think Mohammad has moved to Chicago?
Depends who you voted for.
Failed candidate?
Who gives a fuck.
Winning candidate?
Brushed under the carpet.
The steady drip of fake news continues as the MAGA Republicans pull out all the stops trying to convince the American electorate that, yes, Donald Trump really did win the last election.
In the spring of 2020 Trump saw the latest polls and realized there was a distinct possibility he wouldn’t win. It was at this point that he started to talk about voter fraud. ‘There’s only one way I can lose’, he kept saying, ‘and that’s if the election is stolen from me’. He’s been repeating this for the last three years even though he hasn’t been able to produce one iota of credible evidence to support his claim.
Is Joe Biden the perfect candidate for the presidency? Of course he isn’t. He’s eighty one years old and prone to the odd stumble. One of these days he might keel over and hit the deck. But I’d rather listen to someone lying on the ground than someone who’s lying through his teeth.
Voter fraud in the US is widespread, real and well documented.
I have put up 2 articles detailing actual cases of voter fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut and Atlantic City, New Jersey and there are many more.
All you offer is the same Progressive propaganda…without any factual support…that we hear in the MSM.
We’ll let the IsaC faithful decide.
By the way…who mentioned Donald Trump? You did. And that’s because you are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
As an aside…
Recently voters in Wisconsin changed the election laws so as to thwart illegal efforts by the Democrats.
Here’s an example of just one tactic the Democrats used to rig the election:
A mobile absentee voting van. Yes, you read that right…a van that drives around soliciting and collecting absentee ballots. Only in ‘disadvantaged neighborhoods’ were the voters are disenfranchised by systemic racism and voter oppression.
You won’t read about that in Vanity fucking Fair magazine.
Don’t get hysterical General.
Calm down.
Alan’s entitled to a viewpoint.
Silencing opinions you don’t like is what the woke Left do.
Your not woke are you?
Cue the panto Mis. ‘Oh no he isn’t…’
You always say that as a way to discredit me when you don’t like what I have to say.
To the contrary Mis,
I’m not hysterical at all. My post is reasoned and documented unlike Allan’s or yours.
You should really, just calm down. You do yourself no favors by following me around IsaC and criticizing everything I say.
Your clearly hysterical.
Is there a medic in the house?
Put your head between your legs
And take deep breaths
Trump Derangement Syndrome is quite real. I saw it expressed on Facebook and through the media during 2016. It seems highly debilitating for the average humanities graduate and/or Twitter addict.
I was never someone who endorsed Orange man or his views and found his comments regarding the US nuclear deterrent bizarre and concerning, but the general hysteria around him running for office as if he was any sort of Hitlerian figure was frankly, even more bizarre.
It’s only voter fraud when the other side wins.?
Evening Allan, all ?
I see all the usual suspects have joined forces again.
For the record I’m allowed to dispute Allan’s post. Just as he is allowed to dispute mine. And for the record, unlike him, I backed up my assertion with facts.
But why should he provide facts or even defend himself when the Trolls lie in wait for me?
Good-bye Trolls…I’m done talking with you in this thread.
But I have no doubt you will ALL resurface when I comment again in this or any other thread and I’m going to make a serious effort to temper my remarks rather than rise to your Troll bait.
Jeez, General!
Rise above it, ffs.
This gang of miscreants even commented that I
Sleep on a bed of gold.
Have a personal bodyguard
Wear kimonos
Have a private nurse
But even worse, have the latest I-Phone!!
I ask you, do you think I’m some kind of onesie-wearing chav, in fake Ugg boots, dragging a jam-smeared 5 year old into school, 5 minutes late, and somehow managing to blame the receptionist?
Oops, correction.
A jam-smeared, nappy wearing 5 year old.
Sorry, and all that.
What, I’m a onesie wearer, or good comment to the General?
You can be summat of an arsehole at times, still if I lived in New Mills, I’d imagine it’s a requirement.
I wasn’t talking to you, I was replying to Allan’s post.
As you are well aware.
But thanks for your interest. ?
Good evening JP,
You and I may have our differences but you are one of the Cunters that I deeply respect. (I’ve mentioned others before. But I will leave them out for now as I don’t want to drag them into the dysfunction.)
Your description of “This gang of miscreants” is as eloquent as it is accurate.
Your advice is quite appropriate and I should follow it and rise above.
Whatever the result, I appreciate the well intended advice and wish you all the best.
Take care, General.
I enjoy your posts, although I’m absolutely buggered if I can understand your election process.
Nil carborundum illigitimo.
Don’t want you having a brain fart.
Sleep well.
If he asks you to go for a sleepover don’t do it!
He’ll have your kimono around your ankles soon as look at you.
Happi jackets!
Not kimonos.
There’s a difference.
I don’t believe any of the misinformation about you JP.
Except maybe being Sheffield’s answer to Goldfinger.
That actually made me laugh out loud, LL!
The only people in Sheffield who think I’m Goldfinger are Elder and Younger.
The Lass thinks I’m Goldfish, cute but unlikely to live long.
For the avoidance of any confusion, my comment above at 7:16 pm was in response to GC’s unwarranted intrusion at 7:11 pm in response to my 6:57 pm reply to Allan’s righteous, world class original post of 6:21 pm.
Good night all and sleep well.
These are the same crooked cunts (Democrats) that were complaining that Putin rigs elections. At least he is open about it.
Crooked Joe will be counting on this sort of shit, again. In November. Without it he is toast.
I’d say that, even with it, Joe is toast. They need somebody who knows his, or her, own name.
In defence of the Democrats though, Putin tends to go for at least 95% of the vote whereas the democrats seem content with 51%….. just so long as they win.
On a more serious note, we have the London Mayoral elections coming up shortly.
Politics to one side, the odds for little Suckdick Khunt are currently 1/1000.
The odds for Susan Hall are 20/1.
It’s almost like the bookies already know the outcome. What with London being 54% illegal immigrants.
I’ve got £100 on Susan Hall.
Apologies. Let me correct that.
Odds for little Suckdick are 1/100.
You would be better off putting it in Stuart Hall, odin..
It’s a peaceful lockout..
On not in…
Putting it in would be ironic.
Freudian slip
@Allan, “prone to the odd slip” ?
That insane old coot shares the same aversion to stairs as the Daleks.
Selective reporting maybe but Bidens campaign, when he did exit his care home were held in town halls to a couple of dozen lost shoppers and Trump addressed tens of thousand in the middle of America. It did seem odd, to say the least.
@Mis, those in power are hardly likely to investigate themselves are they ?
It’s the same the world over, vote for serial liars and pocket fillers based on the colour of a fucking rosette and a cornucopia of bullshit.
We get what we deserve.
America deserves better than Trump or Biden. What a cunt-fest. Where’s Hillary these days? Has her head stopped moving yet?