The UK Border Farce are cunts. This isn’t, as you might expect, a nomination regarding the hundreds of illegal immigrants that cross the English Channel on a daily basis, eagerly assisted by the authorities.
No, this is a nomination for Border Farce staff at Manchester Airport, who allegedly detained, demeaned and aggressively questioned two Israeli citizens that had survived the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack.
They’d come to Manchester to talk about their ordeal to the local Jewish community.
The British establishment and its institutions are so infiltrated and brainwashed by the mudslime propaganda machine, aided and abetted by its white, lefty running dogs, that anything and everything is scrupulously analysed for the slightest hint of islamophobia.
Two fucking hours they were detained for.
At the conclusion, one officer said they ” had to make sure that you are not going to do what you are doing in Gaza over here ”
No doubt as to where the priorities are then.
Pity they don’t exhibit the same level of zeal against mudslime terrorist supporting marches, rag head stabbers and bombers and all the other enrichment that the followers of allaaaaah have brought us.
The fucking traitorous cunts.
Border Farce. Fit for purpose ?
Answers on a Blighty bound rubber dinghy.
Get To Fuck.
Nominated by: Jack The Cunter
We Mancunians always make sure. Go and pick some dimps, whilst we organise your release.
Sack the cunts….!
They should be used to the third degree, my experience of Israel was (it may have changed now but I doubt it) pretty tough checks at the airports.
Not just entering but leaving as well, I was pulled aside by security on the tarmac even before I got to passport control and leaving is a double interrogation if you have been into Sinai
I would say, our airport border force would have to go along way to be as rude as the cunts at JFK ?
The clip above was definitely OTT, the comment on Gaza was right cunt.
Indeed Sick.
My experience is the same, esp. as on one occasion we were entering across the Allenby Bridge from Jordan.
It took a long time, but we were treated with politeness and consideration.
Can’t say that I blame them. Border Farce should be so diligent. Any riff raff from who knows where get in here.
Brain dead cunts.
Wish I could say one world , one love, let’s all live together in peace and harmony but as we all know that’s total bollocks!
The Border Farce fuckwits let in without question, and even unlawfully assist in the illegal entry of ragheads, who mean to cause us harm.
I do not recall an Israeli committing an act of terrorism in the UK.
Oh yes, Your Grace.
Like that bloke who was aiding illegals to pass through a UK airport to transit to Canada, where they immediately claimed asylum.
Made millions, was arrested and bailed, and immediately absconded to India.
Lefties have infiltrated every single institution or service. Do you have to prove you read the Guardian get to work in the public services?
Hold the next Pride march in Gaza you cunts. If the IDF don’t get you the locals will.
There’s not much that shocks me.
But this did.
A bit, anyway.
The Border Force in question were obviously full of anti Israel sentiment and the type who go on Palestine marches.
They wouldn’t of done that with anyone else ACCEPT Jews,
Especially Israeli Jews.
Thing is they should be no nonsense with everyone who rocks up at our borders.
But they’re more likely to wrap you in a warm blanket pay your taxi fare and point you to the nearest benefits office.
Border Force is full of woke, pro immigration,anti Israel , little virtue signalling twats.
I was in Border Force?
I’d fuck All of them off.
Including the Israeli lads.
Your not born here?
Fuck off back to where you came from.
Good nom Jack?
manchester airport is shit in general………terminal 2 has 2 dumping stations!!! fucking 2 unless you go upstairs to the next level, where some architect decides maybe a few more would be better suited for the amount of travelers………..surprised the border farce weren’t in the back skiving and watching through the two way glass and pissing with laughter at the queues at the ‘bio-metric’ scanners, which you are better off using a tesco club card on than your passport….. hope these two get a reciprocal trip to tel aviv on a seminar…oi vay
If you want to experience a really shitty airport, try LaGuardia or JFK International.
I was treated to both in succession a few years back – I was going to say quick succession, but couldn’t, given I was stuck in the arsehole of world aviation, AKA LaGuardia for 9 miserable fucking hours.
I was on my way back to Canada from UK and some fuck up got me held up in US.
TSA arseholes are the scum of the earth, and if brains were dynamite none of ’em could blow their hats off.
Zurich, now there’s an airport that’s almost worth getting stuck in.
McCarran Intl. (recently renamed Harry Reid) … surreal as airport experiences go.
Viva Las Vegas!
There’s simply too much shit allowed to waltz in and out of this country.
Take the Iranian tv presenter stabbed the other day ( he shouldn’t have been here either. No sympathy from me ).
Three suspects, who must have been known to the security services and useless Met, simply hopped on a plane at Heathrow and fucked off.
Good riddance you might say, but cunts like that shouldn’t be allowed in and out like a fiddlers elbow
I’d tag the cunts if it was up to me.
At least we’d know where the vermin are and when.
Quite so Field Marshal.
How strange we aren’t allowed to know where the stabbers flew off to.
Mustn’t upset…anyone at all in Shithouse Appeasement Britain.
Righteous cunting, Jack. Border Force, Schmorder Force. Just another sad bunch of useless fatso marxist public sector cunts.
“Don’t look back in anger,
Don’t look back in anger I heard you say”
God I hate that song.?
Insipid as fuck.
A lefty tune.
Shit band playing to a audience of Border Force workers and Labourlist types .
Always look back in Anger
Never forgive
Never forget.
If testicular cancer was a band it’d be Oasis.
Some of the Border Farce senior management were probably blue haired university wankers at Knobworth in ’96.
Yeah i wouldn’t cross the road to see Oasis. Beatles tribute act with a bit of Pistols thrown in. Not fit to lace the boots of either.
You’re right Mis.
Oasis are fucking crap.
I’ve just done a tip job for a charity,
And I threw box after box of surgical face masks away!
Unopened , still sealed, thousands of the fuckers.
4 years ago I’d of sold them and been near to being a millionaire.
The COVID Years.
Best time of my life!
Wasn’t Miserable Removals a beneficiary of some dodgy government contract to manufacture PPI?
Lockdown wasn’t all hobnobs and Colombo for Mrs M!
Me too, MNC,
I earned a fucking fortune.
Golden years CC?
They should have just got on a dinghy in Calais and thrown their papers overboard.
Border Farce would have had a car waiting for them at Dover.
Afternoon all.
The Border Farce are not fit for purpose.
Riddled with woke far left managers and more concerningly the front line staff meant to protect the country.
I’ve become somewhat tired of reading about the attitude of the police,armed forces recruitment and these fucking cunts.
Plainly speaking they are traitors and at the very least they should be rounded up and put into camps for our security.
The people dripping poison into our society should be taught a firm lesson..
Oven,every last one of them.
We need a fucking good clear out in this country,it should be a national emergency.
Sadly fağğotry abounds.
A most worthy nomination.
We should stand with Israel,they are a bastion against the hordes of savages in the Near East.
The two cunts who grilled the survivors of the Hamas atrocity should be sent to Gaza,one way ticket.
Fuck those imbecilic jumped up know nothing arseholes.
Could not have put it better, Terry.
Fucking disgusting behaviour. Almost makes me ashamed to be British. I soon will be if this degeneracy isn’t taken in hand pdq. Unbelievable how fast this country has gone down the shitter, especially over the last five years. Give it another five and we’ll resemble Germany in the 1930s. “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”
And while we’re at it, that self promoting antisemitic remoaner poof cunt “Sir” Alan Duncan can fuck right off.
@Shit-cake Baker.
This is outlandish, bizarre, crazy. If this mad cunt Duncan showed up in Gaza the terrorists of Hamas would arrange for him to go sky diving sans parachute. Fuck me sideways.
Indeed, Arfurbrain.
Alan Duncan was a government minister who believed he was destined for the top job in politics, only to be thwarted by his undisguised distain for Brexit and all who sailed in her.
File under: Posh Narcissistic Tory Qüeers for Palestine.
Internment. Basically, the whole of parliament, the civil service, the MSM and any left wing cunt. All in fucking cages. Then tell the local peacefuls the cunts are all Jews.
Cost me a fortune for car parking at Heathrow when I went to pick up someone, as they arsed about with the person who’d only come over on holiday. I wasn’t amused and neither were the holidaymaker.
Compare and contrast with the dinghies
I read in the Telegraph this morning regarding the judiciary are considering a two-tier justice system whereby if you come from a deprived/under-privileged background you may receive a relatively lighter sentence compared to some ordinary hard-working, “privileged” person.
They don’t necessarily say it in so many words but you get the impression that this is aimed at the usual suspects in the face of all the hate and “(fill in the blank)phobic” ranting.
Still a proposal at the moment, but the way the woke/progressives seem to have indoctrinated the pillars of our establishment – police, civil services, armed forces, border control, NHS, Public Sector, education and of course politics – it will only be a matter of time before some “deprived” cunt who robs some OAP of his life savings gets a suspended sentence, while you-and-me face a couple of years in the nick!
Naturally the definition of “deprived” will cover all ethnic minorities.
Yet another Cunts Charter.
Free up some prison space and save us all a load of trouble and expense by hanging everybody convicted of terrorism,grooming,armed robbery and drug dealing for starters.
Make Britain Tidy Again.
I went to a job at our local airport involving an illegal immigrant and Border Force. It wasn’t lost on me that myself, my crewmate and the Special Branch officer were the only people in the room with English as our first language.
How the fuck did we arrive at this mess??
“Appeasement is our strength”..
It’s all going to get rather messy.
Good evening DCI.
Hi, DCI.
Keeping well?
Very good evening DCI, pleased to see you are still around although you don’t post much nowadays.
Your point about Border Force reflects my experience and that of other cunters regarding UK airports. I suspect they’re a bit cheaper than British folks. I used to visit Thames Water sites around the home counties. All their software support was subbed out to Wipro, an Indian company. They weren’t very good but they were cheap. I’ve been on sites where they had a complete floor in a big modern office building and felt conspicuously out of place as the only white man in there, not mitigated by the fact that intermittently they would speak to one another in their own bud-bud-ding-ding dialect so that I wouldn’t know what they were saying.
Keep well and keep up the good work.
Good evening, gents. All well, ta. Don’t look or post as much, arfur, every bloody comment I post goes into Moderation. It’s the ISAC equivalent of NHS 11fucking1. Some posts still make me smile, though, but I miss absent friends.
“Had to make sure that you are not going to do what you are doing in Gaza over here.”
What’s that, slotting terrorists and their facilitators?
Obnoxious cunts, I sincerely hope they have been sacked, or sent to America for “re-education”, as mentioned in the earlier nom.
Belated birthday greetings for Monday Jeezum (and for Cuntalugs). I didn’t know.
Thank you, arfur.
I had a great day, lovely presents and a fabulous meal out with my five favourite people.
What could be better?
PS, just about recovered from the “ahem” overindulgence. It was them, they egged me on, honest.
Thank you Arfur.
Most kind, Sir?
Drink a bit too much Manischewitz did we JP?
White Zinfandel from California, General.
It’s obviously the Israeli’s fault. They should have said they were here to spread anti-Semitism, claim benefits, groom and rape white children, refuse to wash, and teach hatred at a mudslime faith school and they’d have rocked on straight through.
Death to America
Piss be upon him
Allahu Snackbar
Islamophobia is being practised every day by politicians, the media, the arts, academia, the judiciary and the police — all terrified of saying or doing anything which they think might upset the muslims – that’s islamophobia in its truest, most literal sense.
When I flew to Prague from there last month some silly Mudslime woman forgot to take her medications, liquids and electronics out of the bag. I made the flight on time but was still stuck for about 15 fucking minutes waiting for the security bloke to deal with her idiocy.
Out of her actual bag btw, not those clear plastic ones. Should’ve made that clearer.
Like the bag they should have been in, Oppie.
This is par for the course. The mudders are thick as pig shite and shouldn’t be anywhere near an airport.
Fucking Bronski Beat coiffured cunt on the border control desk, talking to that traveller like a prick. Had he’d spoken to me outside the protection of his cosy little powertrip, I would have stamped on the cunt’s pea-bollocks.
They’d have got stuck in the tread on your soles.
I stay away from airports.
And foreigners.
Both are noisy, irritating, smell funny and arent going to be much fun.
If your one of these oddballs who likes to experience other cultures and how fuckers live in hot countries,
Watch a documentary.
Or read a book about it if your a speccy bookworm type.
Save a fortune and a load of mither.
Why would you need a documentary? Just go into any big city or, for some like me, just look out of the fucking window.
I would have let them in…and armed them with modern weapons.
Just a thought but is it possible your issues with Turdfence are due to the space in your name? I had the same issue a few years back and I think that’s what may have caused it.
I have know idea why we continue with the fallacy that we have a border..
After 100,000 plus cockroaches on dinghies crossing the channel..
Who get a blanket a sandwich and a coach to the nearest hotel.
Why bother at airports and ferry crossing.
If you can afford a plane ticket, come on in..
And our short trousered chaiwala is making noises about leaving the ECHR..
Like that would solve anything..
The most dangerous threats usually come from within.
When you look at our establishment and institutions, our country, traditions and freedoms are more vulnerable by the day.
Somebody on this site used to post a historical text on a regular basis. It was all about traitors / the enemy within.
It’s probably more relevant than ever and I can’t remember who wrote the original text or the name of the cunter.
Which is annoying.
Good evening.
“Better to have your enemies inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in”, so said someone or other, we now have the full kitbag of cunts inside the tent pissing up the walls and shitting on the floor. The country is resembling a fetid cesspit. In 1939 we kept out a hugely advanced military now cant keep out anything or anyone.
Are those two people in the picture above really Border Force officials?
Whenever I arrive back at Heathrow Airport, I rarely see a white person on the passport control counters.
I guess the two Border Farce officials who interrogated these visitors from Israel were of a dusky hue and are of a religious persuasion which requires them to shove their arses in the air 5 times a day because some 7th century kiddy fiddler told them to do so.
I’d be absolutely amazed if they were male, pale and stale persons.
Last time I went through customs whilst returning to the UK from Spain every single one had a better tan, in so much as it was permanent, than I did.
The header pic is a screenshot of the video depicting the two border force officials in question.
They both appear to be pale and stale, and at least one of them is male… unless the one who has the appearance of being female is a trannie ?
Happy belated birthday, btw, JP. ??
Thank you for the Birthday wishes,
I didn’t realise the header pic was of the actual cunts, they should be ashamed of themselves.
How did this country allow all this lefty daki niggi shit to gain such prominence and power?
If it’s not curbed and that right soon we will be completely fucked as a nation!
Some say it’s already too late but I don’t think that’s true provided we take a leaf out of the ‘types’ book and all stick together as one.
Individuals moaning will get us nowhere, strength in numbers is the only way!
But don’t forget, a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour!
Oh, do fuck off!
Like that’s going to compel me to vote CONservative.