Katie Price (21) Skint Again!

(You just know she’ll play the mental health card sooner or later – Day Admin)

Katie fucking Price, yet again!

I’m sorry, it’s not that long ago I nominated this bag of rancid tripe, but by all that’s Holy, this has really toppled my tipping point!

Daily Mail

She owes how much!!

And yet, she continues to drag herself about the town, showing off the fake everything. Ffs, all that plastic is just scaffolding now, holding up a collapsing edefice.

And you know what? Doesn’t give a shit!

It really grinds my gears, she’s a complete and utter cunt and it’s not just the HMRC she’s screwing.

If there’s a shortfall, guess who gets to make up for it?
Here’s a clue, it’s NOT Satan’s whore.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

88 thoughts on “Katie Price (21) Skint Again!

  1. When is the whore going back to thaialdn to work in the bar. About all it can get now,1500 baht a fuck short time.

  2. Give any plastic-faced cooze and mother of five from Sussex the same money and it would end the same way.

    The only thing left is for her to admit she prefers the new line up on Radio 2. Her Karenhood would be confirmed.

    One of the few women who could douche herself with a tramp”s vomit and feel fresher than before.

  3. She is indeed a vacuous attention-seeking cunt. But on the flip-side she is also a survivor despite all the abuse and ridicule she receives from forums such as this, social media and of course the MSM.

    But then again she is the sort of person the MSM and the public at large love because she is a complete loser/odd-ball, which makes for great headlines and YouTube vids. She is the person you love to hate, and yet people still yearn for more, and the MSM provide it, and Price herself plays on it. The more freakier the performance, the more attention she receives, and the media love it!

    She may end up like so many dreadful empty-headed celebs, dead! And again the media will fawn all over her on the day of her funeral, and then criticise her way of life the day after!

    It’s a circus full of cunts, all wanting a bit of the action – the celeb, the media and the public!

  4. Tbe best way to handle this plastic attention whore is to ignore her.

    Her only income stream (that doesn’t make you want to puke at the thought) is selling her sob story to the meeja lifestyle rags that have to be read to the sad council house slappers that buy them. With dole money we gave them to feed their unholy broods of chavs fathered by an absentee army of scum, scratters and peacefuls.

    There. I feel better already …

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