Censorship by Stealth
*Deadline Brussels, 16th April 2024*
The National Conservatism Confererence is about to get into full swing, with speeches from the likes of Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman scheduled. Suddenly a horde of Brussels plod appears, and shuts the gathering down on the orders of local mayor Emir Kir (bootiful Belgian name that).
It appears that Mr Kir thinks that the conference constitutes some form of threat to public order or safety, hence his decision. What exactly does he expect? That the delegates will use the meeting as a launching pad for a putsch? That the complacent burghers of Brussels will be so outraged at the presence of ‘the far right’* in town that they’ll forego their beer and sausages and take to the streets?
Nope, let’s make no mistake. Kir tried this trick because he wanted to shut down the voicing of opinions he doesn’t agree with, and the ‘public order’ justification was an excuse that’s as weak as water. This was nothing less than an attempt at censorship by stealth, and it was capricious and insidious.
Luckily this crude attempt to shut down free speech was quickly seen for what it was, with the Belgian PM referring to it as ‘unconstitutional’, and overnight the courts have ruled that such a ban was indeed unlawful.
Nevertheless the fear remains that this sort of procedure will creep slowly upon us; ‘no you can’t speak, you’re a threat to public order and safety. And by the way, we’re taking you into “protective custody” for your own good’. Oh, and judging from the sneering among opposition MPs in the Commons, this Stasi-like reaction in Brussels was deemed a good idea.
Censorship ‘in the interests of the people’; coming soon to a Labour Party near you?
*Yes them again. Mr Kir’s choice of words not mine.
Nominated by Ron Knee.
Surprised they were even allowed into the country!
If there’s any ‘no platform’ ing to be done, the likes of this cunt should get it.
The ‘threat to public order’ justification; as loved by Adolf and his cronies.
Afternoon all.
Oh, and what really pisses on my chips is that even the likes of ‘The Mail’ refer to this conference as ‘hard right’, buying into the narrative.
Wanting to rein Brussels in, wanting to kick wokery out and safeguard free speech, wanting to defend the nation state and national sovereignty, wanting to control the migrant invasion currently swamping us….
oh, THAT ‘hard right’…
If you’re not marxist you are now viewed as far right.
Not sure the Mail knows what hard-right is, as it has pretty much been enthusiastic for the sort of policies proposed by national conservatives for most of its history.
If the Mayor of Brussels were feeling off colour, would he be a wan Kir?
It is about time the Far Right were marginalised. Blowing up arenas and trains, knifing people in the street. It must be stamped out by those that know better.
Can’t have far right extremists in Brussels, it might upset the Jihadists in Molenbeek .
This man is a muźzıe.
A Turk.
Surely he should be serving grimy kebabs or money-laundering through a barber’s shop and interfering with young honky girls?
The politicians who have allowed this situation to develop in Europe over the last fifty years or so should be fucking shot, the cunts;
And as the numbers grow it will only get worse. We’ve been well and truly sold out.
Give them an inch…
A conference in Brussels?
Was jaywick fully booked..
A full on Nuremberg rally wouldn’t liven that town up.
Stick to tintin and Mayonnaise on chips you nonentitys..
The only good thing to come out of Belgium as a whole is the ?….
Stick to ?? and ? laundering Mr mayor ?
That Hercules Parrot chappie was okay…
There were Prime ministers, MPs, writers, all sorts at this conference.
Hardly Far Right.
More middle of the road.
The mayor sent in the plod.
Knob head.
I’ve never understood this?
You don’t like a opinion?
You find something unpalatable?
You don’t try and suppress it.
Anyway, he got bollocked from further up the ladder by his masters in Brussels.
And it went ahead.
Probably giving it more publicity than it’s ever had.
I’m afraid that middle of the road’s the new ‘far right’ these days Miserable.
Such silly Far Left cunts can ban what they like.
They are merely hastening their own demise.
The “populism” that gives them nightmares will sweep all this ethnic woke rubbish straight into the nearest oven.
We should have left the fucking Krauts in charge of Europe, the ungrateful cunts..
Les Cunts
Even The Grauniad tea boy Owen Jones called it a “disturbing attack on civil liberties”.
Has he got some long term brain injury from being battered by the far-right? Maybe he is hoping Farage and co will return the favour and back pro-Palestinian university students when they copy their U.S counterparts and start setting up tents on campus’s as an expression of free speech.
anyone having a differing opinion to the Liberal left are now classified by the msm as hard right, so steeple imagine national front, Tommy Robinson, nazis etc….those hard right who nay well get the bad press. instead little old mabel who says over the garden fence to her neighbour she thinks thus country is overcrowded I’d now ‘hard right’ apparently.
Sheeple….fucking predictive text
Filthy kebab monkey.
Go fuck a goat somewhere else.
I thought you had commented on the Humza Yousaf nom for a moment there Poots.
One size fits all LL…. 😉
Have you noticed how disaffected foreigners often get into positions of power in a “democracy”? How does that work? This guy is a muslim and a Turk. More examples, that woman who is joint head of the greens in Scotland, the boss in Scotland until yesterday, the new boss in Wales, the tea shop in Ireland (who incidentally is also a bum boy) and the PM in the UK. This nom inspired me to go read up on the euro elections scheduled for mid March. It is predicted that the right are going to clean up. I shall be watching the results with interest. While on the subject of the fourth reich, I read that the budget is now over £160bn. For decades the auditors would not sign off the accounts. A friend who is an accountant of many years standing ran through their accounts and wrote to ask them to elucidate on a list of things which he couldn’t understand. He did not receive a reply.
Light at the end of the tunnel..?
Good nom RK. I take it then that Farage and his ‘crew’ have booked another venue, with plans afoot to hold another meeting.
I hope so.
Whipping up hysteria on the continent has always been fun, we can be quite good at it.
Thanks CM!
Oh well, at least there’s some good news…
Maybe there’s hope that the young indigenous European population are realising that they’re being shafted..?
It’s about fucking time!
Napoleon tried to.control Europe.
He failed.
Hitler had a go a century later.
He did better, but failed.
The Soviet Union tried.
Eventually, it crumbled.
Bow it’s the turn of these Euro fuckers with a new flag, a new image, and stricter rules, but the same boot crushing the same faces.. They’ve lasted longer than the previous despots. Hopefully, the Illegals pouring in will see the demise of these limp-wristed Brussels cunts.
Just for the record and by the way:
Proper lady that one.
He’s a Turk so what do you expect. Here’s just a view quotes about his lovely lot.
Will they ever be civilised? I think not. such a fine country ought to be in better hands.
John Webster
As cruel as a Turk.
Greek saying
How will you tell a Turk? By the blood on his hands.
Greek saying
That was too cruel even for a Turk.
Dutch saying
Where the Turk treads, for a hundred years the soil bears no fruit.
German saying
No grass grows in the trail of a Turk.
Arab saying
Where the Turks’s horse treads once, the grass never grows again.
English saying
A Turk who hears the word ‘paradise’ asks “Is there any gold to be looted there?”
Persian saying
No cold without a gust; no bad guest without a Turk.
Serbian saying
Perfectly useles.
Horatio Nelson
The paradise of Thieves.
Eliza Fry
I never saw a place I liked worse, nor which afforded less pleasure or instruction, nor antiquities which less answered their description.
James Bruce
There is not perhaps upon Earth a more dirty metropolis.
ED Clarke
A practical joke played on history.
Peter Forster
They invade, steal and then claim it for themselves. Not one single good thing has been created by the Turks. Fact.