Having a Slash in London


Not that many years ago when public lavatories started closing down to be converted into desirable residences for minimalists, or wine bars, the chattering classes were worried about “where to go” in London. Now that everybody uses bus stops for that purpose, “slashing” in London means something quite different:


South London tube stations seem to be a magnet for stabby types – no wonder there are so few tube stations in South London – but don’t worry, Central, Northern, Piccadilly, District – even the Metropolitan Line, there will be a Dwight or a Mohammed coming to your line soon – diversity is our strength, innit, bruv?

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

35 thoughts on “Having a Slash in London

  1. Whenever I get a 50p that has ‘Diversity built Britain’ on it my piss boils. Maybe I’ll collect them to make a knife shaped piece of art and submit it to The Tate.

      • You are not being wrong there , sahib, it’s like bloody Mogadishu out there, isn’t it.
        God save the King, o how I am being so very proud to be being the British Citizen. (Shaking head from side to side)

  2. I urge all native londoners to leave, sell up and get out.
    With luck this will lead to more nogs, daki and pajeet arrivals, more blades, more stabby fests, more cultural diversity hacking the others to pieces. ?
    This will be a good thing.

    • Then we can build a huge, escape proof wall round it, and declare the Poisoned Dw@rf to be Lord of Hell.

    • They’re already leaving in their tens of thousands Pooter as they have been for years. London’s population is still growing inexorably though due to immigration and the birth rate exceeding the death rate by tens of thousands per annum. Odd thing, there appears to be a huge difference in the melanin levels between those leaving and those arriving.

      Morning all.

      • I’m one of them arfur, we don’t get many of the melanin persuasion where I am now.
        Long may it last.

    • My God, I’m 66 years old , lived in London all my life, ain’t got a pot to piss in, so escape is out of the question………maybe i should start a crowdfunder :help desperate geezer to escape Mogadishu/London………

    • Fuck em. Most of them are virtue signalling cunts who brought it on their selves by being virtue signalling lefty woke twats. They’re already helping push up prices in other cities because they’re moving away due to high property costs. Let them rot with their stabby friends.

  3. The enrichment is almost palpable and has helped make our dear old Blighty such lovely pleasant place to live.
    I would like to take an extended piss on the criminal cunts who inflicted this diversity on us without a vote.

  4. Given they’re lauded as bringing so much diversity to our streets, they don’t half have a tediously predictable line of behaviour – stabbings, shootings and raypings, and that’s it.

    Can’t they show off their exotic side by demonstrating a more culturally enriching range of offences? Maybe shrinking the odd head of a young mother on her way to the shops, boiling pedestrians alive who are waiting for the bank to open, chucking spears at school kids during playtime? Come on you wonderfully colourful societally enriching characters, make an effort!

  5. Equal Ops, innit. London Transport advertise positions to improve the numbers of stabber and slasher operatives at locations where the quotas are not being met. National Rail services are behind the curve but Sunak’s ‘Cabinet of all the Cunts’ will be pitting that right asap.

    Good morning, everyone.

  6. The whole country will be the same very soon…..’cor blimey guv’nor’

    ‘hang on lads, I’m just going for a slash’ ?………’see you at a&e then after’ ?

  7. I’m quite sure another Special Patrol Group would help,anyone caught carrying a knife simply disappears without trace and is never heard of again.

    Keep this up until the subhuman slurry get the fucking message.

    Good morning gents.

  8. I dont go to that London but if I did I would piss through Islington letterboxes.

    • There would be video of your knob all over the net Cunstable, Ring cameras are ubiquitous.

  9. When in the smoke last time, after a couple of beers I needed a toilet. This being in Westminster, near the mother of Parliaments (sic) I remembered where one was. Now bloody shut! Had to go for a slash in the nearby pub, perpetuating the problem. As for the tourists, I guess they could go off the bridge into the HoC gardens?
    The other slashing should be reserved in law for a certain demographic

  10. I fully endorse what everyone else is saying.

    A once-great city is descending into a violent, Third World favella before our very eyes, and no one in authority has the desire to stop it. As the place continues to be ethnically cleansed of its indigenous population it will only get worse.

    It’s already beyond saving. London is a lost cause.

    • Years ago on a lads weekend to Amsterdam we were in London first and went on the piss.

      I needed to slack.my bladder and took.out.my.winky and pissed like a horse.

      A police officer took great offence at this and get all.menstrual.with.me.

      PO- ” what do.you.think.your doing pissing in.the street?
      Do.you. know where you are?”

      MNC ” heh London?”

      PO ” This is Buckingham palace way you dirty northern.fucker.
      On your way.or I’ll.arrest you ”

      Nowadays a modern plod would shake.the droplets off for me.

      People are friendlier up.North

  11. Get your I love London T shirt at Baker St and then down the tube to South London to have it authenticated with a few ventilation holes and blood stains, the ‘real’ London experience.

    The only thing lacking in London is a fucking good clear out starting with the P*ki mayor.

  12. What a sad reflection of a once great country London now is..!

    Politicians hang your heads in shame..

    • That said, go to Bradford. A once thriving northern mill town, now.

      Fucking horrible ….!

      Any connection between the two..?

  13. I don’t know what you are all moaning about, that is a modern day London experience..

    Same as paying for the privilege to sit in traffic, or 50 quid for 4 hours parking on a street. With the added bonus your vehicle may be broken into.

    You can listen to a dozen different dialects, none English though.
    Marvel at the piles of rubbish on the streets.
    Receiving the stink eye for having the temerity of being white.

    Everytime I work in London, I came back feeling more enriched and enlightened..

    Oh and in need of a scolded hot shower to wash the filth and stench off me.

    Morning all..

  14. Every other city will go the same way unless we take a stand against all these foreign cunts hell bent on destruction of our great land.
    Diversity my arse, we are more different than we are the same!

  15. Being a full blooded Mancunian and living in a poverty stricken area where Bradford Colliery once stood, we were forced to leave due to housing becoming dilapidated and not fit for human consumption. But it only meant moving a cock-stride to some new housing estate that was built in the sixties. Settling in with the locals stuck out like a sore thumb, just because dialectual languages differed. We got the, “you’re not from around these parts” in the early stages to where things are at the moment, only more so due to the colour of the skin and dress from other countries of the world, with the added bonuses of theft, rape, muggings and murder. Due to fortunate circumstances I’ve found myself in a little hideaway by the coast, but only time will tell before this place is taken over, but fortunately I may be dead by then.

  16. Walking through Whitechapel last year, I got the impression they’re trying to recreate the Jack the Ripper experience. Shithole tenements, crap all over the streets, pools of piss, deprivation and the quite regular knife / cutlass being thrust at someone in the dead of night,

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