You’ve probably never heard of Councillor Rebecca Knox. Why would you have heard of her?
Anyway, the Councillor, who is head of the Dorset And Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority, recently claimed her fifteen seconds or so of fame when being questioned by the Home Affairs Select Committee.
In so doing, Knox stated that the Authority was ‘institutionally racist’, which seems to be the fashionable thing to say these days. However when challenged to offer up some evidence of this by Lee ‘British Bulldog’ Anderson MP, she was reduced to mumbling incoherence, stating that ‘I’ll *mutter splutter* have to er get back um to you on that’.
Perhaps there is discrimination within the Authority, perhaps there isn’t; I don’t know. But neither it seems does Knox, who appears to have gone in for for a bit of box-ticking by rote without having any real grasp of the situation. Not a good look to offer up in front of a Parliamentary Committee.
I’ve no idea how long Knox has held this position, maybe she’s still trying to find her feet. If that’s the case, she should start by looking in her mouth.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
What a wet drippy mealy mouthed looking old bird that is, typical of the type who loves public office. You can only imagine how popular it was as a youngster.
What a little sheep.
What a jobs worth, spineless little thick weazel cunt.
And what a fuckin Rotter to go before a panel unprepared.
Useless ?
Happy to throw the people who work for her under the bus.
Label them as bigots.
This is exactly how the Nazis took control in 30s Germany.
A fucking good kick in the cunt is needed
This isn’t fair – she did say in the clip that she would have to get back to the committee.
I translate that last part as:
“fuck off you cunt, I am going to speak with my lawyer!”.
She should have said, bananas!
The whites are allowed to eat bananas.
And fried chicken.
Good God we pay their fucking wages. How many times must I bounce my head off the wall to forget this load of wankery
Just wet myself laughing.
Lee Anderson’s marvellous, isn’t he?
If he didn’t exist we’d have to invent him.
He opened the door to the cellar, she fell right down the stairs.
Made this no account jobsworth look like a complete fool.
I used to know a Mexican fireman called José.
He had a friend, another fireman, called Hose B.
How have I only just realised what your name means ?
It’s the civil service/public service mantra..
“Institutional Racism”,shat out by any self respecting official who hopes to climb the career ladder.
It’s our equivalent of such ideas as:
“The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” Mr Stalin.
“The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” Mr Hitler.
At least those two cunts wouldn’t have put up with the mindless woke prattle that rots all our services and institutions from the inside out.
Indeed Unk.
They’d have her straight down to the nearest job centre.
Is job centre a euphemism for gulag/concentration camp? ?
@ Shit-Cake
Indeed it is my friend!
These ??? deserve culling Unkle
Hope she spontaneously combusts….
‘come and get the fire brigade, get the fire brigade watch the councillor start to really burn’ ?? ?
Wiltshire is appalling run anyway. This doesn’t surprise me..
Appallingly rather
Wiltshire contains Swindon.
Enough said.
Don’t tell Swindon that – they have their own unitary authority and think they’re above Wiltshire. Fuck knows why – even Chernobyl is less grim.
“Councillor Knox, do you accept that aliens crashed at Roswell?”
“Do you have any actual evidence?”
“Erm, I’ll have er.. I’ll have to get back to you on that”
The Knox guide to spontaneous combustion in less than one minute.
What a tool.
Afternoon all.
Are we sure she said “I might have to get back to you” and not “fuck off you fat white poo”?
Might turn out she’s a woman of principle after all.
Silly bint.I hope when her house is on ??? they ignore the call to extinguish.These twats are full woke.?
With all emergencies such as medical attention, fire services and police protection, will all be delayed due to the bone idleness of the ones she’s trying to protect.
How ironic it would be if her house were in fact on fire and she called the fire brigade for assistance.
Councillor Knox: “Hello, could you please send a fire engine to my house? It’s on fire”
999 Dispatcher: “Erm, I’ll have er.. I’ll have to get back to you on that”
Knox’s been offered giant black cocks if she speaks up for them.
Sounds like she might be related to sex fetish fiend and not-murderer Amanda “Foxy Knoxy” Knox, then.
Mind you looking at her maybe not.
David Lammy? He’s a giant cock, and a black.
Shameful. Her namesake John, was as far away from being a box ticker as one could imagine. In fact he preached that we have a duty to oppose unjust government which definition I would extend to include the fucking hypocrites we have in power at the moment. He also published the pamphlet; “The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women”. He must have anticipated his namesake, the subject of this nom.
At best she was incompetently ill prepared.
At worst she’s a fucking liar who expected everyone to swoon in horror once she mentioned the R word.
I’ve got a rough idea which one my money is on.
Spouting allegations at a BBC journalist, knowing they’re too thick, lazy or Indoctrinated to challenge you is one thing.
Trying the same approach with the likes of Mr Anderson is quite another.
I assume her resignation has been caught up in the post.
Her expenses cheque for the day out to London has arrived though I’ll bet.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Useless bint.
In all seriousness though, how fucking demoralising must it be to spend years training to do a dangerous job that on a daily basis saves people’s lives, an essential service if ever there was one, only to be heaped with contempt by some smug ignorant complacent virtue signalling lefty cunt who would be too busy inhaling the aroma of her own farts to help a blind man cross a road, never mind pull a baby from a burning high rise.
Should she ever be caught in a conflagration, I hope that to prove their lack of prejudice, the firefighters leave her to barbecue, chalking it up as helping to settle the Grenfell score.
If you get a spare hour you must watch Ben Shapiro: How to debate the Left.
It’s on YouTube and well worth the watch.
I’ve used some of his methods so often now that they have become second nature.
I think the most important ones are run into the fire / fight and challenge whoever for evidence whilst not getting thrown off the scent by Red Herrings.
Interestingly it’s almost as if the ‘Left’ also have a rule book on how to debate ‘normal people’ because they all use the same methods.
I have come to the conclusion that these imbeciles have become so used to only ever mixing with their own types that they never get challenged so it comes as a massive shock to them when they are and the result is exactly what you get from Councillor Knox.
Fucking cretin’s how on earth can an Institution be racist unless it the fucking KKK.
If I worked for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service in the Community (because they also love that word too) I’d be fucking livid.
Whilst it’s all made up fairy stories by implication it has to mean everyone within the institution has to be racist and if I could get them to accept I wasn’t then the argument falls down at that point.
Fucking bullshit.
The E word is the critical blind spot for leftist ideologues – and it pisses me off no end that people in a position to challenge these blowhards on broadcast media get bogged down in strawman arguments. All they ever have to do is say show us your evidence, and it had better be fucking good.
I remember my dismay when Lawrence Fox was on the Question Time panel and some plant in the audience said why don’t we call out the press coverage of Meghan Markel for what it is “racism”. He gave some wet simpering reply about how we’re all lovely in this country and how unfair all this was much to the jeering delight of the socialist cesspit he was immersed in. When all he had to do was say show us the evidence for your assertion – maybe a headline in the Telegraph “Fuck off back to the jungle you tarmacced tart” or the FT editorial “we as a nation all hate dark keys you’re not welcome here you shoe shine cunt” would have been a start.
As the Hitch said, “extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence”. That should be the start and end of any argument with a lefty cunt.
How’s the saying go…….
‘A fish rots from the head down’.
Looks like Mr Ansell has a very long history within the very service that’s in question. What an utter utter cunt who deserves a cunting all of his own.
I just read a few snippets from the report and would you believe it ‘feelings’ would appear to become facts…..
Here’s just one for example……
It said: “A common theme from the interviews was the perception that senior managers were aware of the behaviour of specific individuals, but no one did anything about it, and, in some cases, interviewees spoke about perpetrators being protected.”
No evidence though.
I don’t debate the left as their arguments are not based on logic.
You wouldnt play chess with a chicken.
This sort of crap makes me grind my teeth.
As Miserable points out above, quite happy (as is the chief officer) to throw her staff under the bus in front of a parliamentary committee.
This must have done wonders for the morale of the staff in the fire service. If either of the cunts’ houses goes up, they’ll be straight round; soon as they’ve had their dinners and a couple of cups of tea, and a short nap.
Evening all.
If you want to be a fireman the selection process is quite tough.
You have to be VERY physically fit to stand a chance.
Now most on here hold a dim view of sooties.
Me included.
But if you’re job involves risking your life in a blazing building, saving kids from toxic smoke etc
I get the feeling if one of your team is black you wouldn’t give a fuck.
Sort of ‘ band of brothers ‘ scenario where you need to be able to rely on the people around you?
High stakes!
It’d make you bond with your team.
So I’m guessing a fireman , any fireman,
Judges his workmates on capabilities, trust , bravery , not on race.
So she’s slandered her whole department.
They must be a bit miffed?
If you don’t mind me saying, excellent post Mis.
Indeed. I did my Army basic training in 2008 and there were a couple of black lads in my section… which I didn’t give a fuck about because they were part of my section – end of. Granted they weren’t the strongest swimmers but they could point and shoot well enough which is what ultimately counts.
You would think strength and fitness were paramount requirements and indeed that used to be the case.
However my brother is in the fire brigade or is now known as the fire and rescue service, he has pointed out along with every other establishment there is a quota required of applicants who let’s say may not meet the expectations of the sane among us needless to say persons of colour, sex and physical ability.
I’m not condemning all who may not be strapping males but I had to question the logic behind all this unless of course it’s a case of all can have a bit of a go until it’s getting all fucked up and then we can send forth the blokes!
One chap is called Tyrannosaurus dave based on his thalidomide arms now come off it where is the fucking sense?
Mis, from someone that’s been in the emergency services for over thirty years, your post is spot on. I don’t give a fuck who, what or what gender or colour you are as long as you can do the job. If you can’t, fuck off and let someone that can. There is no prejudice when we get a job, we will go balls out to save your life, regardless of whom you are.
Thick, baiting cunts just don’t get that.
‘I put it to you, Councillor, that you are a thick sock puppet.’
‘Um. I will have to get back to you on that, once officers have briefed me,’
“Councillor Knox, I have but one question for you…. pink or brown?”
“Um er, I’ll have to get back to you on that”
“Councillor Rebecca Knox?”
“You are an unwashed bitch!”
She doesn’t get the irony that the she’s the most racist bastard in the room, loathes the white race.
Who remembers the story in the papers a few years back about the fire crew that shone searchlights on a pair of rutting gays and got sent on a diversity programme for their re-education think that was Wiltshire. I phoned them up and asked them why they thought it was their job to get involved in social engineering instead of fighting fires, the answer I got was a load of right on nonsense and the chap was keen to let me know they were teaching the firemen sign language, great I said that will come in really handy in a dark smoke filled building, for some feckin reason the phone went down without an answer.
In defence of Councillor Knox, the guy asked her a question to the effect of “can you substantiate your claim”… which I believe is exactly what a racist would say, and definitely what a sexist would say.
And I was just getting over the Premier League having fasting breaks for twats observing Ramadamadingdon.
Reciprocation for the observance of Christmas and Easter by a sixth of the World population eh? Cunts
Just look at them. A hundred grand a year with twice that in backhanders from dodgy ramjam landlords and another 50k for “bursaries” and they all have faces liked smacked backsides.
Perhaps they just look guilty for being white.
Traitors. Rope.
There are far too many spineless ideologues in politics, talking utter shite without any real reason other than to parrot fashionable nonsense.
Send them to the quarry, where they can learnwhat work is.