Cody Roberts

An inbred twelve toe moron who’s mother is probably his sister.

What has Cody Roberts done to incur the wrath of Odin you may ask?

Well, Cody Roberts found a young, injured wolf that had been separated from its pack.
Instead of doing the decent thing and calling wildlife, fish and game. Cody Roberts bravery chased the wolf down with his snowmobile and ran it over. Causing further injury and suffering to the poor animal.

Not satisfied with tormenting and further injuring an already terrified creature, Cody Roberts then took the wolf to his local inbred hick town bar, taped its mouth closed and had photos taken by the patrons. All of whom doubtless own pickup trucks which are inversely proportioned to the size of their penises and brains.

Not satisfied with being a gutless cowards, a moron and abuser of wildlife, Cody Roberts then took the yearling wolf ‘out back’, where it was subjected to a couple of hours of torture before being shot.

Cody Roberts very existence on this planet makes me feel physically sick, as does his treatment of a wounded and defenceless animal. Particularly one as majestic as a wolf.

His family of banjo picking freaks have all stood by him and insist that he has done nothing wrong.

They can all fuck off to the deepest level of hell too.

Cunts one and all.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Odin.

72 thoughts on “Cody Roberts

  1. Pity the wolf didn’t get the chance to rip the cunt’s throat out.

    Altogether now;

    Oh Cody Roberts
    your sister is your mother
    your father is your brother

    Afternoon all

  2. Being America I can well imagine Cody? “Bit gay”. Getting accidentally shot after being mistaken as a ducky or a dear..

  3. I find this nom almost too distressing to comment, but suffice it to say I hope this subhuman piece of shit gets visited by the wolf’s family after his legs have been backed over by a humvee

    • A $250 fine? I wish I could do something about this twat. As with anything else, I say let the punishment fit the crime.

  4. For some people in the moron communidee bully defenceless animals makes the feel macho/hard/ fearless etc when infact they only look like the cowardly chicken shit they truly are. Needs a straight forward severe prolonged kicking.

  5. I don’t wish to ad to the melancholy mood but I can’t get out of my head the thought that people who abuse and kill children almost always have trained up on defenceless animals first.

  6. It seems a bit odd to me that thick ugly cunts like him drive pick up trucks because I doubt that they’ve ever picked up anything besides their sisters and cousins in their wasted onanistic lives. The cunt should be cut and made to bleed badly and then strapped to a tree in Montana to help a few hungry wolves through the winter.

  7. What is it with these people? Hard to believe that redneck barbarians like this still exist in the 21st Century. Bastard sister fucking chickenshit savages. The very dark and incredibly ugly face of the USA.

  8. As if his actions aren’t repulsive enough, the look on his face!

    Like he’s done something brave and noble. Perhaps he thinks he should get some kind of award.

    I think I’d rather like to see him awarded a bullet through his head.

  9. OT. Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction overturned by New York court.

    I dare say there will be a few Hollywoke slappers twitching right now, in case Uncle Harvey settles the score and unleashes his black book…

  10. If only Cody would have embraced his true identity and put a dress on and sucked cock like he’s always dreamed of doing.

    Probably sees himself as a man’s man but ain’t no real man going to do what he’s done and then get his picture taken with the poor animal.

    Get your dress on and become the insecure little cock sucking rim job giving piece of shit cunt you are.

  11. I suspect the thick cunt will take it upon himself to wander the woods looking for more wildlife to mistreat..

    One fine day his snowmobile will break down and his half eaten corpse will be discovered by Park Rangers..

    Who will piss on his rotten cadaver.

  12. I fucking hate animal cruelty like this, it genuinely distresses me. I would happily kill this cunt with my bare hands in front of a cheering crowd of isacunters

    • Possibly a hand grenade into the bar where this absolute cunt performed his antics before his degenerate audience would be better.
      I wouldn’t want any of them killed outright just wounded sufficiently to ensure an agonising death.

  13. A superb cunting. Ideally, he needs to be slowly tortured for long as possible and hung in a gibbet cage and left to die. His inbred sister-fucking friends who condoned his vile actions should be dropped off in hell. Fucking cunt.

  14. Repulsive, cowardly piece of shit.
    Same goes for his inbred hick buddies.
    How anyone can stand by and allow such a thing to happen is beyond me.
    Far less join in and delight in such cruelty.
    I’d like to think there’s a Dexter Morgan figure out there currently stalking this scumbag.
    Getting ready to strap him to the killing table…
    A prolonged and agonising death is nothing less than Cody deserves.

  15. Fuck me, what a distressing nom.
    If ever there was an excuse for going off-topic, this’d be it.
    Can we get back to fat birds lardy arses again?
    I was comfortable there.

  16. ‘Cody’ – the names these yanks give each other.
    I’m surprised he’s wearing his baseball cap the right way ’round. Embarrasing many American men over 15 have a habit of wearing theirs back to front, while cobsuming cheetos and mountain doo.

    Cody should try his luck with a Kodi- ak bear, the simple hick cunt.

    Hope the cunt meets some little grey fellas next time he ventures into the wilderness, and never comes home

    • I have signed it for what it’s worth. Hopefully he’ll get tried in a court that practices the punishments of Ancient Rome, as I think this cunt has more than earned being torn apart by ravenous wild beasts.

      • Nice one, BD.
        I agree that petitions are mostly nonsense, but anything that keeps this fuck’s name in the press must be constructive.
        Hopefully the attention gets so bad he tops himself.

  17. After giving the cunt a right good old bandjoing, I’d remove all limbs and attach raw meat to the remains and then let the hungry dogs in.

      • Right you are. After all that food, the dogs would most likely shit all over what’s left of the cunt.

  18. Some day that cunt hick inbred worthless ugly piece of shit will die and the world, ugly as it IS, will be better off without the cunt. Same goes for his cunt hick family. And his fuckin’ cunt hick buddies.

    The wolf was worth more ‘n all of them combined.

    I’d burn down that cunt hick bar – and thus do the eotld a favour – with every one of the hick cunts barricaded inside.

  19. Words escape me. Cruel, cowardly, in-bred, purty-mouthed, banjo plucking, sister-fucking, worm-headed sack of monkey shit.

    I hope the wolves get his scent, ambush the cunt and tear his throat and bollocks off.


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