Carbon Rationing

For most people old enough to remember, the first thing you associate with the word “rationing” is WWII and ration books in the UK.

Back then, nearly all everyday food and drink items were on ration. Meaning you were only allowed so much of any one thing per day per person. This was meant to make sure the nation as a whole could provide for itself during those uncertain times with food distribution throughout the country constantly under threat.

Jump forward some 80 odd years, and the subject of rationing has been raised again, but this time in the context of climate change and damaging the planet through our avaricious and harmful materialism.

“Experts” and other assorted cunts who have nothing better to do other than to jump on this well worn bandwagon, have suggested we all need to cut back on our food, drink, clothing, domestic energy, travel etc – all the usual triggers in fact. But in order to make this affective they’re suggesting a carrot and stick approach by means of a form of social credit system, but this time based on your carbon footprint/emissions.

Make sacrifices on one hand (i.e. reduce your dependency on petrol cars, flights abroad, gas central heating etc) and in the other hand, you’ll earn carbon credits that can be put towards cleaner sources of energy such as cheaper energy bills and reduced fares on public transport.

They’ve even considered a Carbon Tax to be slapped on those same goods and services, in order to force people (the plebs) away from cheap products and fast food (all of which are killing the planet apparently) and onto cleaner more healthier options.

They say rationing should be introduced gradually by reducing the dependency on those products we take for granted – intensive farming, petrol cars, plastics, travelling abroad. By gradually weaning people off these things it will mean reduced demand as people move to greener alternatives. But it all hinges on a government willing to put these words into actions.

Therefore, beware that rationing may be on its way in one form or another. But we have to save Greta’s future somehow, therefore we must make greater sacrifices in order to achieve it!

Leeds University

Nominated by: Technocunt

140 thoughts on “Carbon Rationing

  1. One thing I can guarantee is that those bleating for rationing never considered it for themselves.

    Your Net Zero zealots , Leonardo da caprio,Boris Johnson, Thunberg , the Markles etc
    They like a private jet, skiing holiday, yoga camp in Bali, luxury cars,

    They mean us.
    The little people.

    Well they can fuck right off.

    • Now they’re trying to bribe Africa not to develop coal and gas industries, and the Um bongo enthusiasts have said just that.

      ‘Fuck off, you white gey deveel’.

    • You’re right there, Mis. Like my MP who at one time listed ‘poverty’ amongst his extra-parliamentary interests, conveniently omitting ‘other people’s’.

    • Those lot can jump in front of an oncoming steamroller.Smeg off you smegging hypocrites.

  2. Whatever happens, the plebs will bear the brunt.

    The elites will always get their share and more, and justify it on the grounds that it’s essential for them to perform the duty in ruling over the rest of us.

    Expenses? Check. Flights to ‘fact find’ abroad? Check. A residence in London or Edinburgh as well as your home? Check. A chauffeur driven limo? Check. Official banquets? Check. Security? Check. Etc and so on. And guess who’ll pay for it?

    Afternoon all.

  3. I can safely say there would be zero rationing of Oven for demented boffins like this overpaid set of cunts.

    You can bet your polar bears on that.

    • Polar bears can go back to Canada. It’ll take a few hundred years but there’s no choice for them. back to Canada or drown and starve.

  4. Anyone who’s genuinely concerned about the environment and natural resources should mention overpopulation.

    But they never do.

    Demand outstrips supply,

    If you want to save the world
    Sterilise Africa.

    The Earths population currently stands at 8,019,876,189.

    “We desperately need more war, natural disasters, and Pandemics.”


    • Ps

      Rationing boosts the
      Prohibition boosted bootlegging.

      We’ve enough spivs in Westminster without some Zoot suited , pencil moustached , cheeky chap selling you meat, coal, petrol and chocolate on a street corner.

    • Absolutely.

      Population is the T Rex in the room.

      The population of western Europe stands at less than 200 million, but the way things are going, it won’t stay at that for long.

      We should all be very worried.

      • Indeed.

        The population needs culling.

        20 million in this country
        4 billion worldwide.

        That would be a reasonable start. ?

      • Not if we’re smart.

        We could pass a law making it a precondition of Peaceful residence here that their females are sterilised and males castrated.

  5. Oh no, does this mean that Cunster will be overpaid, oversexed and over here?
    Keep your stockings and chewing gum to yourself General and leave our girls alone.

  6. I had a petrol ration book in 1975, anyone remember that. When I sold the moggy 1000 the book went with it….?

  7. Vote Reform. Satisfying as it may be not to vote or to spoil your ballot paper with appropriate comments it won’t worry our rulers because you don’t represent a threat to their cosy arrangement where Labour or the Tories are in charge, swapping over from time to time. They appear on the telly saying how terrible it is that people don’t vote. They are of course utilising their best honed skill, i.e.lying. In fact they are well aware that preaching such piety will annoy people further so that they are more likely not to vote. If however another party receives enough votes to be perceived as a threat they certainly will take notice. Vote Reform.

      • Don’t vote. It encourages them into thinking they have legitimacy

        Net Zero
        Carbon Rationing
        David Cameron

        No one voted for that shit. It is invalid.

      • Cunts who voted Conservative at the last election voted for Net Zero.

        It was a manifesto commitment, could not have been clearer:

        “We will lead the global fight against climate change by delivering on our world-leading target of Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as advised by the independent Committee on Climate Change.”

        One of the principle reasons I spoiled my ballot paper.

    • Not a chance. They’ll just cave in at the ladt minute and stand down their candidates in tory safe seats, just as the Brexit party did.. They’re wimps who are sacking candidates for make jokes about Scotland. As for Lee Anderson, what a joke; says a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour, then joins Reform a few days later.


      • Richard Tice is going out of his way not to upset ‘Hope not Hate’ and has been to sound out that clown Zelenski.

        Reform are sadly controlled opposition and the above points alone are worthy of a cunting.

      • Hes my MP he has been an absolute labour cunt all his life try to engage him any conversation that’s not a tongue up his arse blocked stopped ended.

      • I don’t trust the cunt.
        Used cars salesman , oily little fucker.

        Spoilt ballot for me.

    • Votes for reform are counted.
      Spoilt papers are counted.
      Won’t make a difference, not enough.

      Low turnout sends the right message, alas that makes no difference either.

      UK’s voting system has been rigged for 400 year’s….!

      • Indeed, nowt short of revolution will now make a difference.

        If there was however a ‘turnout’ lower than say 15% I’d just like to smack every cunt in the chops with same arguments they keep using, to this day – over the closeness of the bloody Brexit majority. A bit of sport if you will. A bit like asking if the Palestinian terrorists aka Hamas have released the hostages yet.

  8. What a load of fucking trollop shite, almost as bad as Abbott’s stained bloomers.

    What the fuck is the of living if we are going to be told what to eat, where and when to travel. This is proper 1984 and just goes to show that just like in the Matrix we are a bunch of batteries, here to serve those above us.

    • The batteries idea was total wank. the machines wouldve lost energy kerping the humans alive.

      Still, it was the studio’s idea, rather than the Wachowski ‘siblings’.

      • Maybe, but I still get a right hard on seeing Carrie Anne Moss in that latex suit – wonder if she got fucked in it.

  9. All far too late.

    The only thing that needs rationing is oxygen for climate activists and their relatives fellow alarmists in the media.

    Go and protest in a country that is increasing its CO2 emissions rather than decreasing, such as the UK. Until then, you will not be taken seriously.

    • Indeed Mr Prime.

      You can hear Cressidia and Henry screaming as a Chinese armoured car crushes them…”Its not electric!”

      Or admiring the scenery as they are thrown down a jungle ravine by some cutthroats in rural India.

      If the laughable cunts want to.protest in this country then fine..but only after all their possessions and property are sold by force to pay for charities that help retired servicemen.

      • Wonder how many would consider going to protest in Indonesia or Brazil, in the middle of the forests?

        Or the deserts of the Gulf states?

        or Tundra or Steppes of Sibera and prairies of Canada?

        No, lets just stop ambulances in Wandsworth.


      • ‘Burn the Witch!’ as they used to say in East Anglia, when glassy-eyed female soothsayer of doom wandered onto the scene.

  10. Must be rationing brain cells at the University of Leeds.

    It’s population, stupid..

    The Israelis are doing their part .
    They just need to move on to Iran next..

  11. The attitude of those who rule us was illustrated perfectly last year when King Chimp, the Suntan Kid and Lord Camoron all flew to COP28 in Dubai on separate private planes.

    They’re taking the piss.

    • Charlie can ditch the 02 and worry about the big C. It’s a real cunt for him but at least it’s real and not some global phenomenon some centuries in the making that he has no means of combatting.

    • Don’t forget the Net Zero minister who flew 3400 miles to vote on some Rwanda bollocks and then flew straight back again.

      But don’t you dare turn the heating up!

  12. Another control mechanism courtesy of the Nazi / Communist Elites at Davos and championed by their useful idiots.

    Of course there’s Carbon Offsets carved out for those at the top and for the virtue signalling idiots who want a way around the rationing and still feel good about themselves.

    In a tangentially related matter…Epstein’s little buddy Bill “Gilligan” Gates has been in the American Media promoting the genetic modification of cows into a new species in order to combat that existential threat to humanity known as Bovine Flatulence.

    If he can actually modify cows so they don’t pass gas why doesn’t he do something useful and develop the same technology to use on the fucking gasbag politicians?

    Sharpen the blade on the Guillotine peasants, the time for change is approaching.

    • The cows thing would actually be useful IF it works. They release something like a 5th of all methane in the atmosphere. Still a cunt mind.but for once he’s proposed a good idea.

      • You think this is a good idea?

        You’ve been reading the Beeb again haven’t you?

      • General Cuntster: “why do trolls attack me?”
        Also General Cuntster: “I’m going to insult a fellow cunter because he said something I didn’t like.

      • I wanted to see how the General would react Cuntamus. Specifically, whether he has learned anything from the bollockings he has received from certain other cunters for his behaviour. Unfortunately, he has not.

      • Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh….I see.

        You deliberately baited me and you’re offended by my response.

        I’ll need a minute to get over that tragedy.

        Stop trying to provoke me and just let it fucking go.

      • I’m not offended at all General. I just wanted to see if you’d learned to handle disagreement any better. You can’t claim you don’t want to fight anyone whilst hurling ad homs at people who don’t subscribe wholeheartedly to your worldview – life doesn’t work that way.

      • Opie,

        You put up remarks with the deliberate intent of baiting me and you referred to my response…

        “You think this is a good idea?

        “You’ve been reading the Beeb again haven’t you?”

        …as an attack.

        You really are a piece of work. I’m done with you.

        My apologies to all Cunters, but I seem to be unable to distance myself from the Trolls and rise above their constant goading…which obviously they admit to doing.

      • Dude, snarky remarks are just as much ad homs as as outright calling someone *insert insult here.* It’s passive aggressive.

      • General, I’m simply trying to make a point. Whenever your worldview gets challenged you automatically become hostile and make other cunters feel much how you’re feeling now. I could’ve been more tactful I admit, but it has been an issue since long before all this started and you need to be aware of it. Next time you immediately resort to anger upon seeing a disagreeable l
        post think about how you’re feeling now, and ask yourself if you would like to subject others to that.

      • Cherish the thought
        Of always having you here by my side
        Oh baby, I cherish the joy
        You keep bringing it into my life
        I’m always singing it, cherish your strength
        You got the power to make me feel good
        And baby, I perish the thought
        Of ever leaving, I never would

      • Why did you choose a name with the initials CP anyway Cuntamus? There something you’re not telling us?

      • And we won’t need their milk anymore now it can be produced by men pretending to be women.

      • Cows?

        People say cows have 4 stomachs,
        They don’t really it’s one but made of 4 sections.
        If any of you have spent any time around cattle you’ll know they’re like a chemical laboratory.

        Gurgling, farting, burping, shitting constantly.
        The fields covered in shite and so is the cow.

        They’re now talking about a new feed that lowers the methane emissions,
        It contains corn.

        Lefties hate cattle.
        Blame them for everything.

        I love them!
        I’m like a Hindu for those fuckers!

        Get yet udders out ladies
        And fuck the Left?

      • Cows are also frightening to encounter when on a hike. At least, for me anyway.

      • Opey@

        If they have a calf nearby steer clear.
        They’re good mums.
        Most animals are protective of their young.

    • Basically what I’m saying is treat others as you would like to be treated. You don’t do that enough and the point needed to be demonstrated as a result.

      • If you don’t like what I have to say, perhaps you should just skip over my remarks rather than trying to Troll me and justify it after the fact.

        Who appointed you to the fucking vigilance committee anyway?

        As for passive / aggressive…posting something you claim not to believe in just to provoke me and start a fight is fucking textbook.

        Honestly…you Troll me around IsaC and try to start shit with me and then blame me for responding or trying to defend myself.

        The cunters telling me to rise above are all correct. There’s no way to rationally deal with a Troll like you.

        So from now on…Troll away to your heart’s content…I will not answer. That should make it easy for you to dream up more baseless shit and false accusations.

      • He used to be a good cunter too MJB. Or maybe my own ideas have just got more nuanced – I dunno. I’m certainly not as rabidly ideological as I used to be.

    • I heard there is some feed to give cattle that reduces their methane output by loads (a technical term). Sounds better than Bill Gates’ ideas. God I can’t stand him.

    • We’ve been burning up the food supply here in the States for years by using corn (maize) as an additive for gasoline (petrol).

      This is just another step in controlling the food supply.

      Bug sandwich anyone?

      • Equally daft is that in this small, cool and cloudy country landowners are financially incentivised to cover productive farmland in solar panels. Bonkers, barmy!

      • On that point Isabel, the people pushing (selling?) solar panels always say that they work as long as there is daylight, that is they don’t need sunshine. I read such an advert again today. A man I worked with had solar panels on his roof. When I visited I asked him to show me round the installation out of genuine interest. Two things struck me. The inverter was in the garage. You wouldn’t want it in the house, it made a loud penetrating noise similar to a dentist’s drill. It was a sunny day with some fluffy little clouds scudding across the sky. When a cloud passed over the sun the inverter went silent and the meter dropped off to zero. He admitted that he didn’t expect to recover the capital cost in savings on his electricity bill. I’m sticking with my 27 year old non-condensing gas boiler which on the rare occasions it has stopped working I have repaired myself at derisory cost.

    • I think that you’re right because there is no chance of the sea change in political direction that is so badly needed. The silent majority have no voice so revolution would seem to be the only way to facilitate long overdue change.

  13. Afternoon all.
    Off topic, I was just this moment going to have some toast and Marmite, but when getting the jar from the cupboard the label was emblazoned with; “Elton John, limited edition jar” along with his image.
    Good grief, is nothing sacred.
    Fair put me off! ?

    • I dare you to lick the rim of the jar
      With your eyes shut while humming ‘ rocket man’.

      Then pop it on YouTube.?

      • GC’s comment above yours is a doozy Mis. I thought I’d post something deliberately outlandish to see if he’s learnt to forgo the ad hominem attacks. Regrettably, he hasn’t.

      • Hello Opey?

        I’m in a very mellow mood tonight and I’m not getting into any arguments.

        I’m going to be a positive little charmer ?

      • I’m sorry cunters but I can’t let this one go by…

        Hey Opie,

        Let me see if I understand this correctly. You were deliberately baiting me to see if I would respond?

        My response was:

        “So you think this is a good idea?

        You’ve been reading the Beeb again, haven’t you?”

        And you view that as an ad hominem attack, so you try to drag MNC into it.

        You were a member of the Admin Team and you still behave this way?

        Jesus H. Christ Himself at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party! We are through the fucking looking glass cunters!

    • Good grief Mr Cuntalugs,

      I suspect some Cunt in the shop has switched your marmite for Mr Eltons patented sexual arse grease.

      Dear me.

  14. Carbon dioxide is a cunt. It makes up nearly 0,04% of the earth’s atmosphere. It must be controlled. We must somehow cut our circa 2% net contribution to that 0.04% or we may die.

    CO2 is truly the gas equivalent of the covids. We are all planet rapists and should live in caves like the Lib Dems.

    Keep your distance, wear a mask. stay safe.

    • Good Afternoon Twenty.
      CO2 is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas, yet it’s now at such a dangerously high level (0.04% as you say) that St Greta of the UN can see it.

  15. I’m a veteran on rationing from the last war. My mother used to swap some of the food coupons in exchange for sweets and toffees for my brother and me. The yanks tried to get off with our sisters with shit chocolate and nylons. I made it easier for them by tanning their legs and drawing on the seams. We boxed the ears of the yanks and kicked them up the anagram.

    • Good lad Sammy!!
      I’ll send you some Dolly mixtures as a reward.

      • Thanks Mis. Why didn’t they ever do a male Jelly Baby. Is it because you’d get more for your money if they they were well hung?

  16. The Swiss have been fucked over by the ECHR, the people voted fuck off to net zero bollocks but a bunch of old dears went to the court because it was against their human rights.

    It seems that reducing Carbon in Switzerland will stop the old cunts overheating in the summer, not much fucking science applied there.

    The ruling will affect every country signed up to the ECHR who aren’t meeting their climate targets.
    It is worth noting that the British judge on the panel of judges said ‘it’s bollocks’ or words to that effect.

    The lawyer representing the old tarts said that human rights trump the democratic process.

    We are fucked ?

    The Swiss government should just switch everything off and see how long it takes for the cunts get the message.

  17. I’m sure ex-cunter B&W Cunt is eagerly looking forward to rationing so he can start advertising goodies on social media at massively inflated prices.

    His old grandad was probably on the street corners of the East End in a trench coat with rashers of bacon and nylon stockings inside it.

    • Poor old B&W, Did anyone have him in the dead pool?

      Can we nominate ex cunters, and say if they don’t post within 3months claim a ‘victory’

      1 B&W Cunt
      2 Deploy the Sausage
      3 Fiddler
      4 Thomas the Cunt Engine

    • I reckon Covid saw him off Leo that or he caught something following his obsession with sticking his tongue up ladies arseholes.

      He was a funny cunt.

  18. Cows produce methane ? Eat more beef, job jobbed.
    Only the usual suspects accept this bollocks as gospel, that’s at least 50% of The West.
    “We’re overpopulated, have less children.”
    “We’re underpopulated, bring in the sand nigras.”
    “Diesel good, petrol bad”
    “Diesel bad, unleaded good”
    “Fuel is bad, 15 minute cities good”
    Make your fucking minds up. You can’t ? Well I have, you’re full of shit.

    PS, Opie, give it a rest, we get it, you have an issue with GC, move on.
    GC, give it a rest, we get it, you have an issue with Opie, move on.

    PPS: Royal Mail are cunts for making me wait hours for a delivery claimed to arrive by 14.30. What did I expect now sausage fingers is on the throne ?

    • Hey Pooter,

      I don’t see a lot of posts from you but I do enjoy the ones I see.

      As with the much esteemed JP’s remarks of yesterday your well meaning advice is spot fucking on.

      Apologies to you and all other cunts as once again, I rose to the bait rather than rising above.

      Post more often Pooter.

      Warmest regards from the States.

      PS In defense of myself some people say I’m rather highly strung. Others say I ought to be.

      • GC, believe it or not I really don’t want a fight. I just want you to be a bit more considered in what you say. You’re a naturally emotive person and because of that you tend to get riled up more easily than others, and sometimes you let it go overboard – like on the D’Souza nom for instance. All I’m saying is try to spot when that’s happening and take a step back.

      • As long as they’re made of cow and not fucking tofu and nettles masquerading as meat, yes!

      • The Beeb had a picture of him yesterday in their article about the new banknotes. Maybe it’s just the effects of the chemo but he looks really unwell.

  19. Until these cunts can explain the storms that have been raging on Jupiter for centuries,
    Or the dust storms on Mars, with no human activity,
    Or how Venus, where there are no carbon emissions, became a greenhouse planet,
    Or how the Ice Age melted before there were any cars or industry….
    Until that time I’m not going to give a rat’s arse about this obsession with carbon emissions.
    Fuck them.

    • God that Ice Age must of been like heaven on earth.

      No work- snow day.
      Mammoth for tea
      And men could wear fur without some smart arse wolf whistling.

      Hope another comes along.
      Preferably in the next couple of years.

      • In the early 1970s the usual suspects said there were another Ice Age coming.
        No sign of it happening any time soon.
        They went strangely quiet on that after the Summer of ’76…
        Went 100% reverse ferret. ?

      • I’m only too aware.?

        Our teacher told us another Ice Age was imminent.

        I was ever so excited!!!

        The other kids didn’t seem bothered?

        Happily playing British Bulldog rather than dig a mammoth pit with me.

        I preserved.
        Safe in the knowledge once the ice sheet enveloped the Pennines I’d be proclaimed Boy Chief of my clan for bringing a fresh mammoth kill to the table.

        I’ve never trusted anyone in education since.

      • Persevered.

        Fuckin phone is first to be sacrificed to the Ice Giants come the Ice age.

  20. Carbon Rationing? Okay, I promise that next time I eat a block of wood, I won’t burn it before or after I shat it out.

  21. When we had proper rationing the population was lean and mean could do with bringing it back trim the fucking lardarses down in short order and have the added bonus of instantly unemploying the hordes of feckin illegal immigrants working for just scoff or whatever its called.

    • Should have thought about that before you did the crime, you cunt.

      Go on, off you fuck.

    • Send it back.Dirty sand rat.Or even chop him up and feed him to the hungry crocodiles ??

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