Visas for Care Workers

Some time ago I posted a nom about agencies who were taking fees from “students” applying for visas for further education, but never actually taking up the place at college / university.

Instead, they applied for dependant visas for family members whilst taking employment in the care industry.

The Standard

Since March 11th, people from abroad who come to work in the care industry cannot bring dependants with them.

So that sort of stopped that scam. Instead, another has come to light, where fake companies are “sponsoring” people to come to the UK as care workers.

Now, whether they are scammers, conning folk out of fees for their “agency”, or are actually bringing people in, who then find their selves jobless or exploited isn’t clear.

What is clear, is that we need to stop bringing in people who are prepared to wipe shitty arses for peanuts, pay people a decent wage, and get idle twats off their backsides and up working in these sectors.

I realise that personal care isn’t for everyone, but I’m sure they need folk to cook, clean and do laundry and dishes.

Do we need more British people doing these jobs? Hell, yes.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

77 thoughts on “Visas for Care Workers

  1. As per the link …
    “More than 250 businesses who have never been inspected by the CQC are also believed to have been granted licences to sponsor workers from abroad.”
    Clearly these are all genuine & kosher – no scam that I can see.

  2. As you said, the key is to give carers a decent wage. Not minimum wage. These people have to put up with all kinds of aggro from their employers and clients.

  3. I won’t have a black cunt caring for me. Its set in my will I’m to be administered cyanide tablets, if there’s any signs of their mits making any contact.

  4. One has to wonder how thorough the background checks are … bearing in mind this line of work is in relation to dealing with very vulnerable people. Garda vetting, it’s called in Eire.

    I know of a buried story. Should be a national scandal. A crime committed (on only his second shift) by an equator-y individual previously given the green light from the *ahem* authorities… Which, then, DID bring more scrutiny on the (by then disappeared ; still unfound) thieving cunt. Not the right/same guy. Therefore, in an instant, nullifying all such vetting, in my opinion.

    And thus the story was swept under the rug.

    I’m not directly involved in any way, so it is not my whistle to blow. But now that a few months have passed it looks like no-one who could, is going to either ….

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.

  5. The General Nursing Council in its many incarnations is responsible for denying entry into Nursing by some of the most committed who have not the entry requirements for a Graduate Pathway. This has had a knock on effect, and has cancelled the traditional pathways for entry. We are now in a position where we are fucked. The State Registered and State Enrolled Pathways no longer exist and the “new” HCA is really a “State Enrolled equivalent” but with little or no regulation. I live in an area where illegals, migrants and undocumented overseas cunts are openly employed in care. I would not let any of these fuckers loose upon any poor sod needing care, coz they will get sweet fuck all. And another thing, dont tell how hard these immos work…because they fucking well don,t

  6. I wouldn’t trust the people hired to proficiently wipe their own arse’s, let alone other peoples..

    Did Kate garraway start one of these companies to care for bagpuss Derek..

    4 grand a week? Sounds like a tax dodge to me..

    • what…garraway, that is moaning she’s broke despite earning a stupid salary being a professional lightweight air head on the council house favourite channel . .itv?

      you may be broke love, but you are far less broke than us normal cunts who have never had your salary.

      oh, and how much have you been paid on top of that for whoring out that dodgy cunt Derek over the years with all these ,’documentaries ‘

      I would fuck her, in the arse then let her piss on ne, but she’s a cunt

      • Boo fucking Hoo.

        She’s made a fucking fortune out of him, she’s bleating on about his care costing £4k per week, yet told the world and his wife about how exhausted she was, because she couldn’t sleep for long periods due to attending to hubby’s needs.
        Come on, you vacuous twat, at least be consistent with your stories.

      • I wouldn’t even let the abhorrent whingeing cunt look in my direction … what happened to for richer or poorer, in sickness & in health, good times and bad … staying BETWEEN the 2 cunts making the vows?

        He’s dead now. And all the other shit is a consequence of THEIR circumstances up til then.

        Whoring this story is what she’s doing.

        No fucking dignity whatsoever.

  7. They’ll let any shite into this country.

    Most of the cunts are not to be trusted around vulnerable people like the elderly.

    When you’re last job was altar boy for a Haitian voodoo high priest I think your in the wrong line of work.

    You should be a MP for Hackney.

  8. No way would I let any degenerate foreigner near my arse, let alone wipe my botty hole.

    The day that looks to be a possibility is the day I buy a one way ticket to Dignitas.

    Yeah, I know they’re foreigners too. But at least they won’t be fiddling about with my nether regions or doing anything deviant. Not till I’m dead, anyway. ?

    • when I’m in. you 80s and I need someone to wipe my arse and clean my belle’s, I would be more than happy for some young tart to do that to me.. Blickling or otherwise.

      …as long as she doesn’t walk off with my notes in the biscuit tin

    • the trouble is all the anglo saxons are land whales. I’d prefer a petite Filipino to tend to my winky. it would look almost respectable in her hands.

  9. Sorry to bring the usual-jovial mood down, but this topic is one of the several reasons why I am a racist.

    My Grandad was issued an interrim Diversity Carer for a period in his final years whilst my parents were sorting out moving him into residential care.

    My mum ended up lamping the rubber-lipped fuck for negligence towards her ol’ man. I know they’re thick as shit, but trying to feed an 82 year-old man with alzheimers raw bacon?!

    I recall her going around to the house to check in, and found a load of food – including said bacon and other meats – Grandad had stuffed down the sofa because it hadn’t been cooked by Mntembe the “carer”.

    The poor old sod was famished. As you can imagine, the house reeked, too.

    I swear, the black cunt should have hanged for elder abuse. Writing this very post still boils my blood, and this all took place about 10 years ago.

    Despite not knowing his own name by this point, Grandad still managed to muster up “I’m not having no fucking ni44er bitch looking after me!” after that.

    That generation were ace. They didn’t even try to be tolerant.

    • Tolerance?
      I can’t abide it.

      Whenever you hear some Westminster rat on TV going on about ‘ British values”
      Tolerance is always the first they mention.

      We didn’t have a Empire through tolerance.
      We didn’t rule the seas with tolerance.
      We didn’t have a thriving Atlantic slave trade due to tolerance.

  10. I think we should get as many visa issued to the third world cunts as quick as we can..

    Get the Syrians Afghans Somalis Eritrean all the cunts in as fast as possible..

    Then fucking gas them all.

    Prevention is better than cure and we can stop paying the French half a billion a year to smoke fags as they wave the dinghies Bon Voyage to Kent.

    Good show.

    • Afternoon, UT,

      You well?

      How long do you reckon the oven will be running for to get rid?

      • Good afternoon CC,I hope you are well.

        In answer to your Oven query;
        One in every village,day and night…

        I want my country back.

        There is no way on earth any form filling dithering shithouse “civil servant” is checking any of these visa “applications”..they are just waved through and we can suffer the consequences it seems.

        Fuck that,if it were up to me every last man jack involved in these fucking visa swindles,immigration lawyer,asylum advice scams would be strung up from the nearest lamppost.

        Make Britain Tidy Again.

      • christ. In retrospect, just to be ultra clear, … I was joking with that.

        We all get to pull that ‘joke’ (that whole campaign was a fucking joke!) out of the hat once …

        I have a couple of yards of rope here going spare if you need it!

    • stick them all in Brighton and see how long it takes for the gays and feminists to pack up and leave.

  11. As per usual, our strong committed government is doing its utmost to derail these scams and keep the buggers out.

    Oh sorry.

    I went mental for a minute there.

    They’re doing fuck all, because they want them here.

    Get To Fuck.

  12. There should be a 5 year ban on Visas, we are Fucking Full

    In those 5 years kick out all the fucking shit that shouldn’t be here.

    Get the bone idle cunts into work

    After 5 years we will find we don’t need any cunt coming in anyway.

    And finally, end the nonsense that Diversity is our strength, it isn’t, never has been and never will be.

  13. This is what we’ve been reduced to in this country.
    One of the most important jobs in society can only be performed by immigrants, who use it as an entry point to employment, employed by companies who’s sole motivation is making money.
    Capitalism gone mad, with fuck all government intervention and little regulation.
    And don’t give me that bollocks about British workers being too expensive to employ. We had all that bullshit from the hospitality sector after Brexit, yet most of us have never seen so many restaurants than we do nowadays.
    If it means that profits aren’t as big as when immos were employed, tough shit.
    All routes lead back to our caring, sharing governments, who honestly don’t believe they have any social responsibility to its citizens after a life of work and paying taxes.
    Even Hitler and Stalin wouldn’t have been as cruel to their elderly and sick as our recent crop of cunts.

    • Here here.

      My dad popped his clogs a few weeks ago. He was in a home for years (too many).

      Initially the staff were all locals/natives, this gradually changed to include Eastern Europeans (no probs), then came M’Bongo and all the whiteys ran for the hills.

      The situation was ’rescued’ when the Phillipinos (spelling) came on the scene. Great workers, ‘took pride in their work.

      Dementia is a cunt. Politicians are weapons-grade bastards.

      • Half the nurses at the local renal unit are Filipino and have been since the nineties and they do just as good a job as the English lot.

  14. A relative of mine works in a home for people who need help…a kind of assisted living gaff and has worked there for ages and she recently said the amount of dark keys who are now employed outnumber whitey 70/30 and the vast majority are useless, one recent arrival has been caught fast asleep twice within a week and his reprimand consisted of being sent home and told to return for his shift as usual, nothing in the form of warnings or proper rollicking ??…..I see plenty of our own useless tossers around town who she be told this is your new job like it or lump it ?

    • Let’s be honest.
      Old people smell.

      Nobody wants to look after them and listen to their boring shite .

      But that doesn’t mean they should be left to the mercy of sooties and Ramjam immigrants!!

      I wouldn’t let them care for my goldfish for a weekend.

      They’d get better treatment in prison.

      Let’s put the elderly in prison?!!

      • Strangeways for me please….nearer for Mrs g-ender to visit and smuggle my favourite Holt’s two hoots ale in ?…. in fact you could visit with a second choice of Robinson’s ale ?‍? now for the crime to do the time ?

      • Oy, I’m 70 very soon ( I expect a gift).

        I don’t smell. I shower daily and put freshly washed clothes on.

        I’ll continue to do this until such time as I’m no longer able, at which point, I expect my Girls to put me down, like the old dog I am.

      • Well said Jeezum! I’m four years ahead of you and I know I don’t smell bad because my other half would not hesitate to tell me. The elderly who smell stale I suspect did so in their twenties.

        And I think my womenfolk would have me put down pdq when I became an embarrassment.

  15. That Garraway woman is a right dirty cunt. And not in a good way. Her house looks a fucking tip and her hair needs a wash.
    Pleading poverty now the grifting cow.
    Sell your second home and write your follow up book/documentary called ‘How i paid other people to look after Derek and how i found love after him’.
    Grasping cunt just fuck off now!

  16. Nurses from Finland, Sweden, Norway scheme. Just as long as they white, fit and under 25…

  17. I dont want chain smoking English chavs wiping my bottom in my dotage. I want the fruity Filipino gents as promised in the Magic Money Tree Manifesto for 2050.

    That or R2-D2 with a box of baby wipes.

    • R2-D2…. Nah, I’d prefer the robot from Buck Rogers, the one that made the funny ‘diggidiggidigggi’ noise, along with Colonel Wilma Deering in her tight white flight suit, mopping my fevered brow.

  18. Passports beyond borders!!
    It seems like only honkys need a Passport to enter their own country..
    Any other cunt just rocks up..

    20 dollars registration fee, or a wheelbarrow full of African francs..
    Looked like a cracking conference..

    Blessing agadoo, with the horse crap haircut. Bubba gumps brother.
    And the fat ugly racist Dawn butler..

    Coming to a Care home near you.

    • These men who pretend to be women are just the latest style of deviant. Organised sport was always replete with deviants of various sorts. The only way to ensure your children’s safety is to teach them from day one that they should avoid sport like the plague. That was our course of action with our daughters who are now in their thirties and are happy and normal.

  19. I said to my eldest daughter tonight that if she wants to know how far this country has degraded she should look
    at how in 1939 this country managed to keep out the worlds most advanced military nation that had rolled across Europe and half of Russia but now we cant repel a load of backwards 3rd world rats in rubber dinghys , and that it will be the downfall of Blighty. Of course being young she thinks I’m talking twaddle, fortunately I wont be around to see the uncleanable toilet that will result from unfiltered immigration and the liberalisation of everything.

  20. Had cause to visit A&E recently. What a hellhole. Finally dealt with by a witch doctor with virtually no command of the English languge. Utter waste of eight hours. I self. Educated until I can see my localmGP

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