The Blame Game (2)

I have the utmost sympathy for anyone who loses their job – unless they`ve been fairly sacked for being a cunt, obviously.

Also, losing a job due to their company`s mismanagement or lack of foresight by the people who run the business, are also excluded; and the ex-management should be executed.

There will also be other unfortunate circumstances – and it is sad.

However, should you lose your job because the circumstances of that industry/discipline change beyond human control/intervention, then that`s another thing.

But what especially purees my sense of rational thought are the professional moaners and champagne communists. This story demonstrates my point …

Standing at the Sky’s Edge: Sheffield musical ‘reminds us of what we’ve lost’ – BBC News. Basically, Mr Richard (I`m nicely rich now, thank you very much) Hawley blames Thatcher for everything. And more besides.

Specifically, she did not decimate the mining industry – it simply had no economic future. She may have accelerated its demise, but she certainly did not kill it outright. Why would she want to – she was in the business of creating more fucking jobs?

To emphasise my point, what would you like to see resurrected jobwise from this little list of defunct wonderments? …51 Jobs That Don’t Exist Anymore (And What To Do About It) |

Mine would be a tosher.

PS – You don`t find me wailing about the demise of cotton picking due to machines do you?

PPS – The Guardian gives his musical ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐, which must mean something, I`m sure.

BBC News


Nominated by: Sam Beau

58 thoughts on “The Blame Game (2)

      • Another way of looking at it was Thatcher called Scargill’s bluff and he lost a lot of people their jobs. Instantly as opposed to subject to managed decline.

        Fucking clueless socialist cunt.

      • She forsaw the carbon crisis and shut the mines to save mother earth.
        Miners should pay reparations for the incalculable damage they have caused.

  1. What’s mark lamarr’s problem?

    Plenty of jobs in the grievance sector..

    You can’t get people to go to work these days.. only common people..

  2. Left wing news site gives left wing play in left wing industry the thumbs shocker.
    Right or wrong, any dig at Thatcher and the Tories is going to be loved by Al Beeba and the happy clappers that watch this shite.
    Ignore this bollocks, anyone with common sense could see the end of the coal industry in this country.

  3. Toad doctor is number nineteen on the list but is wrongly listed as it was alive and kicking not so long ago as proven in Royston vasey ….’in this house benjamin’ ? ….I suppose you could add that program to the list because it would never see the light of day today ?….. Now it’s more like ‘tell them the circus is in town’ ?‍?

  4. Although I am seriously considering naming my next born (regardless of sex) Winston Thatcher Farage, I think it is reasonable to say that Maggie got a lot right but also some stuff wrong.

    But the thing with Mags is that she was a politician of conviction. She believed what she was doing was right, and she was utterly committed to her vision for a better Britain. So whether you agreed with what she was doing or not, the one thing you could not justifiably accuse her of was being cynical or not caring for the greater good of her country.

    Compare her to the venal, invertebrate, self-serving, treacherous crop of cunts we have to put up with these days and I could fucking weep.

  5. Question for Admin, blame related:

    Just spent ages on a nomination which disappeared into thin air when I posted it.

    Who do I blame?

    • Massive fucking ballache GT – it won’t help now, but I tend to make a habit of copying and pasting to another location what I’m posting in a nom before I post it, just in case my dogshit internet gives up on me / something goes wrong and I lose it all

    • Allow me…

      Geordie, I have extensive experience with disappearing nominations. It just happened to me a few days ago.

      I believe that for whatever reason the dreaded Word Press identifies it as Spam and sends it directly to the Spam folder.

      It might also think it’s some kind of incoming Spam and send it to the bin.

      Right after it vanishes, I go to the “contact us” link and send them a short note telling them the name and asking them politely to look for it and if they deem it worthy to restore or schedule.

      But please be polite when dealing with the Admin Team. My experience is they can be quite pissy when you interrupt them…especially if they’re binge watching Hentai porn at Admin Towers.

      Usually, you won’t get an answer. Sometimes you might get a snarky response about what a dumb cunt you are for not saving it.

      (A word of warning; Day Admin is the worst. He hasn’t been the same since his girlfriend ran off with Vernon. Night Admin is OK…if he isn’t drinking. And CA can be a right cunt…especially during Tax Season when he has to pony up some bucks to the Internal Revenue Service because they found some of the money he squirrelled away off shore. And you better pray to whatever Heathen Gods you bow to that the system doesn’t fuck up internally and forward it to Shaun.)

      They’ll do whatever the Gods of Cunting inspire them to do and then go right back to watching the porno cartoons.

      Hope this helps.

  6. You can’t sensibly blame any of today’s problems on Thatcher.
    She was Prime Minister 34 year’s ago.
    Only a cunt and/or a scouser could still hold her responsible after year’s of Labour government.

    If mining was a viable industry then there would be many private mines.

    Anyway, fuck the miners.
    I remember sitting in the dark and cold due to power outages when I was a kid.

    The list had knife sharpeners as a past profession.

    We have one that comes round our streets every week in his van, playing a tune to let you know that he’s there.

    He gets plenty of business.

    • I failed to appreciate it at the time, but she was the last great leader this country ever had – no doubt about it – by a cuntry fucking mile.

    • The problem is that many of today’s problems DO have their roots in Thatcher’s privatisation/outsourcing of everything.

  7. No matter who’s in charge I always feel like I’ve been dry bummed by a Rhino. Welcome the new boss, same as the old boss.

    • I believe this is known as ‘BOHICA Syndrome’; bend over here it comes again…

  8. The Times they might be a-changing but the fucking Guardian isn’t. Same bitter, blame attaching tired old shite today as when the mines were all working. A thought: should it not be The Guardianne?

  9. To be honest all this revisionist bollocks gets the Oven fired up..

    Some cunt paps on about coal mines 40 year ago

    Some cunt decides a British spy inside the IRA was a bad egg

    Some cunt says infected blood from 1981 was caused by the tories

    Some cunt says Britain invented slavery,genocide,famine,the Chinese,germ warfare,murder,anti semiticism,Hitler,period pain and diarrhea.

    Fucking easy to be wise after the event and there’s compo promised.

    Shithouse Cunts.

  10. Classic Tory blame gaming this week. Blaming the shit budget on the impact of covids on economy. (Utter bollocks. it was the Tory response to covids that fucked us in the arse). Then blaming the war in the Ukraine for driving up inflation. (Again, utter bollocks. The Tory cunts being hot for a poxy proxy war is what is continuing to fuck us in the arse). Wankers.

    • Fuck that old cunt Thatcher.

      Poll tax
      Sending in the police as boot boys against ordinary working men.

      I’m with that harelipped cunt Richard on this.

      The old whore wanted to destroy manufacturing and replace it with Tourism!!

      Hope she’s made to dig coal in Hell.

      • It’s also a well known fact that when Thatcher was Education Secretary (or Milk Snatcher as she was affectionately known as), she and Grocer Heath often ventured out in his Humber Super Snipe, Maggie’s hard erect nipples oozing milk, luring little boys off the pavement onto the Snipe’s plush green rear leather seat… or that’s what Nick (aka Carl Beech) told me… the pigs believed him, so it must be true, lol.

  11. Thatcher gave not one fuck about Britain outside London and the Home Counties. Industrial UK was destroyed and outsourced to China.
    Scargill aided and abetted due to his utter cuntitude but Thatcher was a cunt.

  12. I still have one of the items listed, delivered to my doorstep and think there’s also some improvement. Organic Milk in Glass Bottles, besides an array of increased items from the Milkman.

  13. Richard looks like Andy Burnem (Manc mayor) cooler, rebel brother.

    Same hare lip.

    But whilst Andy was handing out pamphlets for the Labour party
    Richard was buying Brylcreem and listening to Rockabilly records.

    Bet he has a comb that looks like a flick knife?

    Crazy!! Daddio.

  14. Strangely enough all this 80s chat summons to mind a not particularly well documented occurrence that has just been released under the freedom of information act.

    From the files it would seem that Arthur Scargill at some point in the mid 80s was unfortunately stricken by a condition that demanded he be circumcised.

    The records reveal that on the appointed day of the chop the surgeon took one look at him and said, “I can’t operate on this man, there’s no end to this prick.”

  15. Turbo cunt Thatcher didn’t get to my school milk in time…. a sprinkle of Sunday forgiveness for that.

    Vandalism of the economy; let’s have a shite-fuck service economy – fuck off. Making ‘stuff’ makes money and instills pride, community spirit…and all great things.

    Nah, let’s race to the bottom and have millions of shite ‘jobs’ that only Bongo and Ahmed will stoop to do.

    She should have been burnt.

      • I love your nom de plume mediaeval ceiling cat.
        Purrrrrrrrr. .
        Shush now baby, go to sleep. Night night.

  16. Thatcher could have planned and invested more in restoring manufacturing to the defunct shipyard and coal mining towns – one big fuckup.

    However, imagine the state of the country had Sunny Jim managed to get his chubby digits back on the levers of power. It would have been bailed out yet again by the IMF, in the same way as it did when Labour finally buttfucked the economy in 1976.

    • Cheap imports fucked us in 1980.

      Cheap imports fucked us in 2024.

      Nowt changes til the whole shitcart gets upended.


  17. The word ‘tosher’ reminds me of the Terry Pratchett book Dodger. An excellent read which has encouraged me to give Dickens another chance.

  18. Harold Wilson that dyed in the wool Yorkshire man who if you cut him in half would say YORKSHIRE (born into a middle class Yorkshire family with no connection to mining) closed over 300 Mines in his 8 years as PM in 2 stints. From 1964 to 1970 and 1974 to 1976.

    Thatcher closed around 150 in her 10 years or thereabouts.

    But really 34 years after she was ousted from power WTF is this still even a thing?

    Since 1990 for starters we’ve had the ERM, that sent the country into recession and mortgage rates up to 15%, the Maastricht Treaty that acceded Parliamentary Sovereignty to an unelected Parliament that nobody voted for but apparently we did because we voted for Maastricht when we voted for Major in 1992.

    He kept that one quiet didn’t he…..

    But it’s all Thatchers fault….

    We’ve had near collapse of the Banking system due to unbridled corporate greed by the very people who run the system without any recourse who were then bailed out by the Government which actually translates to the tax payer ie you and me and in order to pay all of that back tax rates have under a ‘conservative’ government been at the highest levels in history.

    Under that bastard Blair we’ve had a stealth attack on the very thing that made Britain a democracy – trail by jury.

    Anti Terror Legislation passed through parliament without so much as a WTF has made it possible.

    All of this and much more such as the phoney wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and now the Red Sea has literally cost billions.

    Everything we do now is measured by its made up carbon footprint which if you were to believe the lefties means that if you fart, eat meat, watch football, have an alternative opinion you’re laughably called a ‘Climate Denier’

    But all of this is Thatchers fault

  19. Still a few wheelwrights ,so that’s bollocks but what can you expect from a list made up by office bound soft fingered shiny arsed Willis’s.

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