The BBC (115) and Daily Mail (7)

(Some of the innocent, peaceful victims apparently – Day Admin)

5th column stuff – the stuff of treason.

Fortunately for us (in what was once God`s Green and Pleasant Land), we have a number of highly skilled people trying to do their jobs (clandestinely) out in some of the most disgusting, sub-human, filth-filled crevices on the planet: Take your pick, you know the places. They`re there for a reason – mostly to insulate us from and stifle the jealousy of the heathen. Then you get the odd report like this …

BBC News

Daily Wail

If anyone doubts that, what was once our decent way of life, hasn’t already been infested with Commies | Islamists | Race Baiters | … (delete as appropriate) then this is just another strand of proof.

There are some stories that should never be told for the sake of what`s left of our dignity.

Nominated by: Sam Beau

80 thoughts on “The BBC (115) and Daily Mail (7)

  1. Nobody ought to join up. Doing their jobs bravely only to be hounded by cunts like Cherie Blair and Keir Starmer on return to our unpleasant land. How about convicting some Home Office and Senior Border Force Officials for letting known ISIS fighters back into the UK? I think I know the answer to that one. Lessons will learnt, the eternal cop out of the inept whilst dodging jail time.

  2. The idea that the SAS ‘used excessive force’ is mental. It is like blaming Barbie for being too blonde.l

  3. I would crowd fund the SAS to operate a mission on the BBC headquarters, if they would body cam the footage..

    It would be a viewing delight..

  4. Wg Cdr John Bell, one of the few members of Bomber Command still alive
    and the last surviving member of 617 ‘Dambuster’ Squadron, has just passed away at the age of 100.
    Presumably the Ministry of Deference (to Islam) were preparing to hand him over to the German authorities to be tried for War Crimes.
    Serve your country, put your life on the line, see your mates killed, then return to Blighty so our Government can shit on you.

    • The government shat on Bomber Command good and proper in 1945 in my view.

      Bomber Command crews were the bravest of the brave.

      • As stated before my father was in Halifax bombers and told of the absolute horrors he witnessed from his sorties, perhaps his crew should have saved one last load for today’s spineless inhabitants in the corridors of power…? on them all

  5. They should be charged with dereliction of duty for only despatching one rag head jihadist, I would expect at least 100.

    When is Harry Hewitt appearing in the dock for admitting killing the enemy in a theatre of war.

    More fucking bullshit.

  6. That chancre on Satan’s arse; Blair has a lot to answer for, but no trial for him and his drunken sidekick for all the lies they spread causing the Middle East to be more of a crock of shit than it was.

    • Blair witch must have some elite fucking protection security around him, always amazes me that these cunts are still alive.

  7. Perhaps these military folks could serve their people and country and deal with the Westmonster scum and their piggy protectors instead of assassinating foreign fucks in foreign lands on some banksters order.

  8. The turd had a vest near him. What should the trooper have done, waited until he put it on and detonated it? You can tell whoever is investigating this has never served a minute in thr military. Fucking pen pushers

  9. absolute travesty how long before the boys in the Iranian siege are dragged up before the beak and charged for being nasty to the misunderstood terrorists that were only doing what was culturally acceptable to the 3rd world rats. Dont think it couldn’t happen look what happened to the Paras in Ireland, politicians and lawyers cast out of shit from the same mould, feckin parasites. Have a lot of mates did tours in Ireland they are disgusted by the treatment of the military.

  10. Kill them, kill them all. Let God sort them out.
    A good old 1980s T shirt, when these things were normal before Bliar.

  11. We can prosecute pensioner soldiers for what happened 50 years ago. We reward Jerry Adams with a salary.

    Who was responsible for most deaths I wonder.

  12. I’d be more concerned if this hadn’t been reported on.
    Cover-ups are rarely a good thing, especially in democracies.
    As it is, to my certain knowledge, at least three other news channels have carried the story.
    And I’d guess most newspapers too.

  13. It’s a great career option for any young person.

    1. join up to fight for king and country
    2. get sent abroad to kill jihadis
    3. kill jihadis
    4. get charged with murder for using ‘excessive force’ for killing jihadis

    The SAS handbook will need to be rewritten. Enemies must be despatched by tickling them to death.

    It makes my proud to be British.

    Afternoon all.

  14. They can investigate what happens in the fog of war during covert operations but can’t catch a pikey cunt stealing biscuits out of the CID canteen.

    Matter of priorities i expect.

  15. I shall ignore all this nasty shite and enjoy the remaining years left. These idiots will eventually see the light when it’s too late, but there’s always more imbeciles about to be shot from the bell ends in retirement to take their place.

  16. The armed forces should have carte blanche when on active duty.

    That should be law.

    There should also be a law prohibiting anyone ever,outside of a military court martial,pursuing anyone who served in the military for any reason whatsoever..anyone found trying to undermine this in any way should be tried for treason and when found guilty hanged the same day.

    Anyhow,let them get on with this disgusting pantomime,after all the King will pardon the soldiers if found guilty..won’t he ?

    What a shower of cunts we have running this country…into the ground.

  17. So the lads shot a jihadi? heat of the moment stuff. You are trained to put the other guy in his wooden overcoat not vice versa.

    I just wish some of these cunts doing the prosecution were put in the same life or death situation. What would they do? Fucking epic cunts to a man and woman, and traitors to boot.

  18. Lets hope some of these lefty types don’t need people like the SAS if threatened by some jihadi nutter in Londonistan.

  19. I don’t think the special forces are violent enough.
    Get the SBS into the channel for target practice.
    Let foreigners know what to expect if they step out of line in the UK.

    Sadly, I doubt the woke will see common sense. (Until their own existence comes under threat).

  20. Yet these unwashed subhuman filth can commit murders against British civiilans and military personel with impunity.

    Was that fucking flyhole of a mosque in Didsbury investigated? You know, the one that Manchester Arena bomber crawled out of? Nah, course it bloody wasn’t.

    When those scum kill and then kill again, all that happens is a few candles are lit, bumble bee stickers are sold, and Oasis dirges are blared out.

    And the so-called intellignece services then tell us that they had the killers (all of the) on a list. That’s a great help, isn’t it?

  21. The job of a soldier is to kill the enemy.

    It’s not to hand out food parcels from the back of a lorry.

    The SAS are the best of the best.
    They are in situations where if they are captured they would have their heads cut off by the enemy and the videos of their execution would be put online for the savages to enjoy.

    You don’t reason with that type of enemy.

    Kill them on sight.

    Why are the military not protecting their best people from prosecution?

    • Any threat from the Islamists and our elite roll over and give the murdering cunts what they want. Our military should issue the same fucking threats and be just as prepared to carry them out.

  22. Jesus fucking Christ, I haven’t the words to describe how far this winds me up! It’s seriously bad for my blood pressure. These guys are putting their lives on the line to protect me and mine and I am more than happy to pay my taxes to support them. As for the BB fucking C, I once worked with a man who was an ex para who served in Northern Ireland in the early seventies. He told of how the BBC had a van with a camera crew parked round the corner from their base so that if they were attacked the BBC could get complete footage of the event right from the start to put on the evening news. Fucking vermin.

  23. What a brilliant idea!

    Let’s investigate troops in a war zone for possibly killing a person who may have been an innocent!

    That’ll fill the people we rely on to defend us with enthusiasm, to keep on doing their JOB, which is to serve and protect.

    The BBC might just as well rename itself Jihad, defund the cunts.
    As for the Mail, was it comfy sitting on that fence?

  24. If you went along to join the armed forces during the last war and told the interview board that your motivation was to kill as many of the enemy as possible you would be straight in.

    Try the same today and the interview board would be rushing for their safe spaces and you would be reported to the police.

    • Unless the applicants are peaceful, in which case they’re straight in, given a prayer mat and all the necessary information needed to murder the rest of our ‘armed’ forces.

  25. A soldier’s job is to kill or capture the enemy before he kills or captures you.

    Kill comes first.

    It is highly doubtful that the rag head wearing the bomb vest intended to capture his armed adversaries.

    “Surrender of I’ll blow myself straight to my heavenly reward!”

    Give the SAS Troopers a medal and send them on to the next battle.

    Someone already said this, but to paraphrase the Grunts in Viet Nam; Kill ’em all and let Allah sort ’em out.

    A righteous nom from Madame Beau.

    • I’m surprised you’re not praising the terrorist. Your specific brand of conservatism has a lot in common with his ideology.

  26. I fail to understand when a military unit’s sole job is to kill the “ENEMY” can they ever be accused of using “excessive” force.

    In my mind if they leave any survivors after a mission they may be accused of not using enough force…!

  27. “Ye think its all over,,,, It is now”
    Cross of “St boy George” stamped on the neck collars of your National team.
    One couldn’t make it up.

    Form an orderly queue for berating purposes.

  28. O/T
    To the primordial pond life that occupies social media and the gutter press and has been on a feeding frenzy of late:

    None of you saw that coming, did you?

    Fuck off, wankers.

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