Racist Dinosaurs

What did the dinosaurs do to deserve this? The offence brigade have decided that dinosaur names are often racist and not sufficiently inclusive. Despite being dead for 65 million years, it seems that the poor dinosaurs have been “emanating racism and sexism” across the aeons.

The chief offence archeologist is a palaeobiologist named Emma Dunne, who must be running short of new fossils. She analysed the names of 1500 dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic Era and complained that many dinosaur names derive from the colonial names for those lands where the species was discovered, rather than the Indigenous-language names. They should therefore be renamed in the light of this imperialist theft.

What will this achieve? Nothing, except to confuse people already acquainted with the original names. And the proportion of dinosaurs with “offensive” or “problematic” names is very small in any case. Just another example of the contemporary disease of looking for offence where none exists.

But the furore surrounding these racist dinosaurs refuses to go away. It’s even dragged in the blockbuster movie, Jurassic World. If you can take your eyes away from Bryce Dallas’s magnificent ass in that movie, you will note the presence of a dinosaur called “pachycephalosaurus”, a recognised Late Cretaceous species. The name means “thick-headed lizard”, from the Greek pachys-“thickness”. But that’s not stopped morons on the internet claiming that the dinosaur is “racist” and “problematic” because it sounds like it’s been named after Pakistanis.

Will it ever end?

Why Evolution is True

Hollywood Reporter

Nominated by: MMCM

73 thoughts on “Racist Dinosaurs

      Thick headed lizard.
      Sorry got my geek head on.
      Otherwise it would have been “fuck off Emma you cunt”.

    • Agreed, were it not for colonialists the bones would still be lying unnamed in the ground where for tens of thousands of years the thick indigenous cunts didn’t even have the brains to invent a spade or possess the work ethic to use one had they come it by accident. Ironic, seeing that a lot of their descendants are spades.

  1. This is clearly a cretinous problem of the Anglophone world. Twats who can’t accept that there are languages other than English. Remember that linguistics professor who got fired for teaching his students about the Mandarin word ‘née-ga’ which is the Chinese equivalent of ‘um’? And anyway, in the local language, Pakistan means ‘land of the pure’ so the first syllable is hardly offensive.

    Lost count of the number of wankers I’ve had to explain to that the word ‘History’ has nothing to do with the male possessive pronoun in English but is a Greek word meaning ‘inquiry.’

      • The invention of the washing machine was a major even in her story. Of course she still had a penis when she invented it.

      • Puts me in mind of the time a plane was crashing and amid the panic a girl ran to the front of the plane and cried, “oh no, oh no, I’m a virgin, I don’t want to die this way, please, while there’s still time, somebody make me into a woman!”

        At which point a fella stood up, took off his shirt and threw it at her, shouting, “there, fucking iron that!”

      • As you like to say mein general, History is both multicausal and complex.

        Feminist History – it was the sexism what done it.

        Black History – it was the racism what done it.

        LGBTXYZetc History – it was the transphobia what done it.

  2. Pachyderms are elephants, rhinoceroses, tapirs and hippopotami.

    I don’t see how anyone can mistake them as being named after Pákís.

    None of these animals smell as bad as your average Pákí.
    The females of these animals are much better looking than Pákí women.
    And they don’t open corner shops selling expensive, out of date food.

    • “The females of these animals are much better looking than pákí women” and they don’t have moustaches?

  3. Racist dinosaurs!! I thought that was the Conservative party..

    Thick headed lizard.. sounds like pàķi is the perfect name for it..
    Did it stink and drive a taxi?

  4. Apparently Jurassic World contained many “problematic” lines such as –

    “The P****s are out of containment!”
    “The P***s short out their implants when they butt heads!”.

    What’s the problem? They all sound quite accurate statements, particularly the first.

  5. Emma Dunne? Pfft.
    What does she know?

    Ask someone who actually knows something about dinosaurs.
    Jeff Goldblum or Doug McClure.

    Dinosaurs had a keen sense of smell*
    Stands to reason they hated pachys.

    * Im not a heretic and don’t believe dinosaurs ever existed.
    If it’s not in the Bible and can’t fit on Noah’s ark it’s probably bullshit.

      • Yes.
        Although it could of been Judith Chalmers?

        I can’t tell them apart.

    • Hi Mis,
      A Dinosaurs turd must’ve been enormous and eventually white, due to nobody being around to shift it. Wonder if it got eaten. Even today’s dogs eat their own and each other’s shite, especially if its warm. Just thought I’d mention all this, due to it coming up to lunchtime.

      • Hi Sammy,
        That giant white dinosaur shit is called Stanley Johnson.

  6. In 1999 David Howard was forced to resign his job as aide to the Mayor of Washington DC for using the word niggardly to describe a proposed budget.

    That seems almost justified compared to this idiocy.

    • There’s likely a trigger warning on the Dambusters film, due to the dog’s name.

      Thank fuck I’m old and won’t have to put up with this shit for too much longer

    • I should think Rudolph Giulani is quite upset about about Homo Rudolfensis, the name given to an early and very archaic primitive human species, barely distinguishable from an ape.

      • And by logical extension one would think there are citizens of the Fourth Reich that are not exactly thrilled with Homo Heidelbergensis.

  7. She’s obviously aiming to get publicity for her flagging career and a grant to perpetuate this cuntfoollery, otherwise she might have to get a real job?.
    I find her name offensive and suggest she change it to Enema Dummecunt.

  8. I no longer care what these people say or think. Safe to say I’d give her one though.

  9. There was a footballer from Uruguay who got fined a heap of money and banned for a number of games for calling his friend ‘negrito’ on social media.

    Luis Suárez also got in the shit for calling another footballer ‘negro’.

    Negrito is not an insult in Urugian Spanish.
    Quite the opposite.
    It’s a term of endearment.

    It can also be used for someone who has black hair…. ‘negrito’….. ‘negrita’.

    I have never heard the phrase being used in Castilian Spanish, but the word for black is negro, and that will be used all the time to describe something or someone black.

    If I am ever asked to point out my wife to someone then, “ella es la mujer negra”.

    What the fuck else am I supposed to say?

    If some stupid English speakers who have no knowledge of any other language get upset on behalf of black people who generally couldn’t care less then it’s up to them. But they get upset by any word that sounds like níggér.

    Silly cunts.

    • It’s the same as the long used English word “cripple” for a disabled person. Somehow this became offensive and was replaced with “physically challenged”. Perhaps we should describe black people as “colourfully challenged”. Sounds a lot worse to me.

    • And……

      Negra can only be used for someone or something feminine (something because nouns have genders too).

      Negras for a feminine group (plural).

      Negro for someone or something masculine.

      Negros for a masculine group.

      But if you have a group of a thousand people who are black and only one of them is male then the collective term becomes ‘negros’ just because of the one male.

      I love the Spanish language.
      It can be both racist and sexist at the same time.

      • Hey Admin Team,

        My posts are disappearing.

        Do you suppose it’s because I tried to comment on racial terms and used the word Markleoid?

      • Maybe they went extinct, I couldn’t possibly comet.. I Dino nothing about it.

  10. I sincerely hope several tons of the Jurassic coast fall on her head..

    She can be dug up in a million years by the Terminator or something.

  11. The left will eat itself? No, the culture war will eat western civilisation and our descendants will laugh about it after Friday prayer in the courtyards of their mosques.

  12. The present generation of Millennial humans will no doubt be named Homo Cuntus by future paleontologists.

    • A lot of dinosaurs were vegan.
      The sickly, boring ones.
      They invented it.

      The cooler ones (big teeth) were right angry bastards.
      Pure carnivores ?

      But they evolved into birds.
      And now all eat stale bread or discarded pasties.

      That’s evolution for you.

  13. I really never gave much thought to race / racism years ago, just got on with folks/ jobs.

    NOW, it would be fair to say I am very aware of racism and I would welcome a political party that would address the problems, with aggressive force…!

    • Late bloomer eh Archie?

      Glad you’ve caught up.
      I of course saw what was laying in the woodpile at a early age.

      I remember writing hate mail to Mr Drummond on Different Strokes when he adopted Arnold and Willis,
      I was only 8yrs old but I’d sit watching seething in my hood and sheets.

      “Put em back in care!!”
      I’d gleefully screech.

      I was right too.

  14. Oi Emma leave T- rex ? alone I still ‘love to boogie ‘ without being classed as a raaaaaaaaacist, seems that it’s you that’s the neanderthal with the ? sized ?

  15. This is what happens when the scientific world goes down the woke rabbit hole. If men can now be women and their breast milk is considered to be superior to that of biological females, then science is fucked. Or, rather, white Western science is fucked.

    • The science isn’t fucked Shit-cake, It’s the woke twats claiming anything but science is factual that’s fucking the rest of us over.
      Why do people take any notice of the moron minority?

      • Yes I get that Duke. But a highly vocal minority appear to be running the show at the moment, and the upcoming generation are currently being fed this sort of nonsense as fact in our schools and universities.

  16. Isn’t there some sort of professional body that palaeobiologists belong to in order to teach at university?
    Just throw Emma Dunne and her cuntish friends out of it for bringing the institute into disrepute.
    Give book censors and rewriters the same treatment.

  17. Would the silly cunt be happy with names like Megasorearse in Lakota Sioux of course. How about Trannysaurus Regina in wonbongo. See that kill two birds with one large fucking rock. Bet her lectures are inspirational, twat. Lickalotofpuss

  18. Fucking tripe.

    As a shaver, I loved dinosaurs. Awesome. Now I know what made me rayciste. The stegosaurus and triceratops have a lot to answer for. If I am ever arrested by the bacon buttie munching fatsos for showing insensitivity, I know who to blame. I will have no qualms grassing up the 100 million year old white supremacists.

    Good morning, everyone.

  19. The morning light helps us to see. When nightfalls we switch on the light to see. I can’t see any wrong in that. But some do. Then it begins again. Never ending. Natural light.

  20. This is what happens when too many women are encouraged into STEM. They realise it’s a bit hard and they aren’t very good, so campaign to change it to suit their political worldview.

  21. I suppose this was inevitable,
    When you consider dinosaurs were the primogenitors of birds.
    Meat eating dinosaurs at that.
    Most problematical for the woke palaeontologist of today.
    Silly bunt.

  22. It’s obvious dinosaurs are racist. After all they ate the people that were around at the time and we’re constantly told they were black.

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