Protecting our Borders (6)


The link below relates to a lovely little story I happened across the other day.

It loosely connects with an earlier nom about renewing passports/driving licences on-line, using a photo that could, potentially, be 20 years old, in which I hinted that younger relatives could be using an older person’s passport to illegally enter the UK.

Surely not, you might say. Who would do such a thing?

Well, here we have an unidentified male, who has been “waving through” people arriving from India, mainly, so they can fly to Canada ( what, all of them? ) where they claim asylum.
All for a fee, of course.

He was arrested, but presumably granted bail, because he has fled the country, to India! Wonder who waved him through, and whose passport he used?

Protecting our Borders?

The Standard

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

46 thoughts on “Protecting our Borders (6)

  1. I see no reason why they’d bother, just show up and ask for the keys to one of the 16000 houses the government intends to rent for asylum seekers.

  2. Nothing surprises me with our now ruined UK now, when the Union Jack is viewed as a symbol of extremeism instead of a national symbol to unite people then you know you’re deep in the shit and it’s going to be rough to get out. The third world is never going to send its best, the doctors and actual achitects have got plenty of work there (and also being paid by western charities to do fuck all). The people we reieve are the pond scum, that if they stayed where they were they would of been executed or hunted like a dog in the street, or part of a terrorist group. If they really were fleeing terror wouldn’t a real man send his wife and kids first to ensure they get to safety or at the least take them with him, rather than take the long trip by himself then mysteriously disapear, it’s all horseshit, cunts the lot of em should be snipers on the dover coast taking pot shots at the dhingies sinking em. We kept the krauts off our shores during two wars, but we can’t keep this lot off?

  3. Read a story the other day about a family of a certain peruasion which had a number of young males in the wider group.

    They were boasting about how different males would repeatedly fly to and from the old country using the one passport, and had never been queried once.

    ‘They all look alike to me (and to the facial recognition scanners)’
    Joe Schmo, Border Farce

    Afternoon all

    • Please note fellow cunters, this post by Ron is definitely NOT apochryphal! A close work-colleague of mine was told openly by Indian neighbours that they only held one passport for the several young men in the family who individually travelled back and forth to the sub-continent routinely without the slightest difficulty.

  4. He’s sending asylum seekers on to Canada? Splendid, the Canadians deserve them as they keep voting for King of Woke, Justin Turdeau.

    That man is a British hero. Get him back to Heathrow to carry on as before.

    • Indeed Mr Twatt, its win win.

      We get rid of a few (admittedly its like bailing out a flooded ship with a teaspoon) and Canada gets more brain surgeons and scientists.

    • Get this man back and posted to Dover.

      All dingies redirected to Nova Scotia for a moderate fee.

  5. No point in worrying anymore. We have a spineless government and a pending government all to willing to bend over backwards to accommodate all and sundry even though the majority of the population are dead against the idea.

    Scams-a-plenty, and if they get arrested their solicitor can play various victim cards, along with the MSM weighing in supporting these cunts rather than telling them to fuck off!

    Protecting our borders is a joke. And yet during the Covid Circus you had British cunts flying in and would be instantly quarantined for x number of days/weeks at their own expense under what felt like house arrest.

    But now it’s a free-for-all if you’re a foreign national seeking refugee from a naughty government.

  6. Thank goodness Boris Johnson’s Brexit government took back control of our borders, our laws and our money, protecting our economy, our security, and our United Kingdom.

    With the exception of Northern Ireland, obviously.

    Heaven knows the sort of mess we’d be in now if they hadn’t. ?

  7. Seems that the Globalists want an end to:-
    Closed/Controlled borders
    National Flags
    Formal IDs (Driving licences, date of birth etc.) that mention place of birth.

    They don’t want countries identifying themselves by name (England, France, Japan, China etc) but just want one global name to encompass everyone in order to create an integrated and diverse global community!

    • Suckdick is already whining about the London mayoral election over photo ID saying that having to provide some impacts minority communities. Only those poor cunts with half a dozen variations of ‘Mohammed’ or have been dead for years.

    • Klaus and ze WEF want everyone under one banner.To speak one language.No sovereignty at all.He is a total shit stain.Push him off a high rise tower block.

  8. The “Home Office” and “Border Farce” couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.All dance to the tune of the WEF.Double oven and microwave the remains.Spineless shit weasels.???. Come back Guy Fawkes and blow these gimps to kingdom come.

    • How the fuck did this end up down here?? This site really needs an edit and/or delete function.

  9. You see better protected and maintained borders down the local park..
    And like the park look to close and you unearth the shit beneath.

  10. Whatever you have money wise…my simple advice is to spend every fucking penny enjoying what takes your fancy, unfortunately this country is that far down the plughole Dyno rod wouldn’t even consider the job ??

  11. OK, if he was taking money to pass them all to Canada.

    Somehow, I doubt it. Like all these dinghy people are almost always single young males. Definitely fleeing persecution, because they’re gay, with the mental elf, and are committed to converting to Christianity.

    Right! I believe that like I would that having an extra hole in my head will help me breath more easily.

    Now, if I, and you, can see this,
    What the fucks up with our Government?

    • Donkeys in charge of Donkeys.A shambles.Only their best interests at heart.TWATS.

    • He will probably be giving you a call in the near future in his new career.

      “Ello Magnanimous Captain, are you vanting internets upgrade?”

      • I’m shortly dispensing with the landline, might as well jump before I’m pushed.

        Younger has negotiated a great deal for me, bless. Thank fuck for IT savvy kids. Saved me loads. Now I can really indulge the Lass.

  12. I don’t mind it.

    In fact instead of bankrupting the country sending 3 foreign cunts to Rwanda we should sort out our own visa system for the cunts..

    Student? No problem it’s £50,000 for a family visa..on arrival and confirmation of payment shoot the cunts.

    Legal migration? Aye sure £50,000 then shoot the cunts.

    Illegal migration? No mercy at all,shoot them at sea or on our beaches then bill “care for calais” £50,000 per corpse..if they fail to pay then hang them and forfeit their possessions.

    The visa system can work if they right thinking is applied.

    Send the message “Our visa system works”…for us..

    Now Fuck Off.

    • That would be cracking entertainment on a Friday night. It’s a knock out…or It’s a Nog out.

      Add trebuchets for extra effect.

  13. Kweer will probably send a ferry over to France to pick them up as the small boats are so dangerous for the poor gay christians escaping war torn France.
    Traitors all.

  14. Those fucking greedy piggies really won’t be giving a flying fuck when they are all trousering an inflation-busting pay rise of 5.5% in April.

  15. ‘Protection’ , ‘Our Borders’, does not compute, does not compute, breakdown, breakdown, unknown phrases brought together.

  16. There’s plenty of room in the British Antarctic territory .for gay Christian refugees.
    Are penguins halal?

  17. I suppose that, given every third world fucker that paddles over from France is ” ILLEGAL” , ie not used official legal routes to apply for asylum.

    Therefore given they are illegal and very few get refused “asylum” .

    One must deduce therefore that the UK government WANTS these monkeys in this country as a supply of cheap labour, this clearly would surpress wages of the indeginous population and make the rich and people in power richer.

    It makes no difference if the political party is red/blue. We the people have been well and truly sold down the river.

    Not to worry when it kicks off with Putin’s lit they’ll be more than happy to sign you up as cannon fodder.

    May a curse be upon the cunts in power, from the top “royalty” down.

    For a thousand years we have been bent over and shafted right royalty up the chuff…!!!!

    Unfortunately, to fucking thick to realise it..?

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