We’ve all come across them, in fact they’ve been given names.
Karen’s or Kevin’s.
They go out of their way to be offended.
Starbucks: You didn’t spell my name correctly. Skreeee!
That’s my seat ( in the pub)
I NEED a mother and toddler place, because I don’t want my car scratched!
I’m a single Mum, so I need your seat ( on the bus, no child, elderly or handicapped seat).
I could go on, countless examples. A couple of these happened to me, but an ‘ accidental rap on the ankle with my lead weighted, anti-twat/thug walking stick.
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Would that be the aware cunts by any chance ?
Single mum eh?, well you shouldn’t of let a “dreadlock holiday” pork you then, you silly bynt,you know they don’t stick around!
If she wants a seat then she should’ve fucked someone with a car.
The amount of ‘single mums’ one sees with coffee coloured kiddies….
I find this nom terribly offensive, and I think you should apologise.
Morning JP, morning all!
A ‘Karen’ takes offence. Or is it ‘Kevin’?
Fucking big girl’s blouse.
When that life form is dead the world will be a better place.
Morning Ron, all.
You can only shake your head arfur.
Must be his time of the month.
It seems to me to be white, middle class, early middle aged, left of centre, women who are the most easily offended normally on behalf of black people with whom they generally have no interaction at all. One of my favourite questions to them is why when I say coloured person you are offended but if I say person of colour that is acceptable? There is never a coherent answer.
Another good one is why do we have so many Muslim migrants coming to a Christian country which is drowning in sovereign debt when there are so many Muslim countries in this world swimming in sovereign wealth?
Black people do get offended when referred to as ‘coloured’.
They want it like it is.
They are black.
White people are uncomfortable using the word ‘black’.
And they are uncomfortable hearing a black person being called black.
Black people can sometimes play on that and feign offence when there isn’t any.
I call them gingers (anag).
I want them to be as offended as I am by their look, sound, smell and presence in my country.
Never actually face to face though Odin.
Only with anonymity behind your keyboard.
Brave man.
We got 3 coloured horses not one of em is black.
I won’t say what I call ’em because I’ll get a ban, but it sure ain’t black.
If memory serves, my preferred term rhymes with ‘Jam Spoons’…
Code word for gentlemen of colour in my part of the world is ‘greens.’
Long ago blacks didn’t like to be called coloured, ok.
Then wanted to be called black
Then wanted to be called BAME
Then wanted to be called person of colour
Then wanted to be called brown
Never fucking happy
Most of the richer Muslim countries would not let these cunts in let alone support them the way our cuntish government does. The general view from the gulf states is that all the “Muslim refugees” are a pain in the arse and would cause trouble in their country. Thus they are more than happy that they end up in Europe. Alan’s snack bar..
It would be worth telling the stupid mare to fuck off, due to the job being two a penny.
Christ, its a minefield out there,
Luckily I don’t mind stepping on a few.
Go out my way in fact. I called a customers pretentious Airbnb barn conversion a “B&B” because that is what it is but apparently its “a rustic experience”.
Luckily, and I suspect I’m not alone in this, I tend not to take offence at much,
But rather cause it to others.
It’s like winning the lottery.?
There’s nothing I enjoy more than making some thumb sucker cry,
Some bedwetter weep?
I see it as a gift.
I was born to be the manure in your bed of roses
Thank jesus for the easily offended
The whole of the msm are today collectively offended by Frank Hesters comment on the anti white anti semitic Diane Abbot and Diane herself insist the tories pay back half the £10m back to Hester which is £3m.
Diane Flabbot – does that fat slag forget she had had the whip taken from her for something different but with a racist undertone.
I think she’s had Corbyn’s cock in her mouth for too long.
Darkane Fatgutt complains to herself in the mirror each morning, incase she can’t find anybody whilst out and about daily.
Well old Jezzer didn’t fuck any sense into her. Hideous fucking liebour hag.
It’s funny as fuck.
Unfortunately,I can’t be arsed to check,but I think he’s apologised.
Which makes him a cunt.
He should have just said “it’s fucking hilarious isn’t it?now fuck off”.
It’s totally funny but I agree, he’s a cunt for apologising. WIth his wealth, who gives a fuck if he pisses a few niggy nogs off – we need more like him.
I think he and Lee Anderson would get on like a house on fire.
I see big knickers Flabbott is another tizz this afternoon as she was snubbed by the speaker during the race row debate.
Fuck off. I’ve got something you can do – go audition for the next planet of the apes film.
I see old Flabbo has a receding wig. Total bin-lid of a creature.
Aren’t these people known as Karen’s?
Does anyone know what the male equivalent is called?
Thanks MMC, like a damsel in distress you come to my rescue.
I am above all things,
A dependable hero?
Darrens are spotty oiks from Essex who wear white socks and drive chavved up Fords.
I offended someone while standing outside a pub on Sunday and not for the first time either.
Would happily do it again. Thoroughly recommend.
Did you piss on his shoes while he was enjoying a quiet pint? ??
No. I told a smackrat to fuck right off and in no uncertain terms when it got within scrounging distance.
“No need to be rude”
So it got told to back the fuck away or get glassed.
It got the message and went and hid under an estate agent’s awning still mumbling something about me being rude until I went back inside.
I fucking hate junkies.
I did that last year. Apparently “sends you spastic” is no longer an appropriate way to discuss high ABV cider.
I think you will find “gets you monged” is still acceptable.
As is offering to launch your pint into the face of whoever found it offensive in the first place.
I offended someone at work the other day by saying I never leave my handbag unattended at work, because of all the nicking that goes on. The reason I said this was……because of all the nicking that goes on, which everyone has noticed. Obviously I am supposed to instead attribute all the nicking to a mischievous poltergeist, or my own faulty memory, as to what I do and don’t actually own.
That’ll be those extremist ult right nazi kkk white supremes again …bloody hangbag thieves all of them
Is there a lot of macaroons in your work place? That would explain the thievery
Diane Abbott has been offended, nothing said to her but someone said something to someone else, in 2019.
Everyone jumps on the remarks, it’s racist, well so fucking what, it was in context and that seems to be the excuse the left use for anything they say.
Are you offended Ms Abbott, well tough fucking luck.
hope she’s so terrified she goes back to wakanda
Newsnight programme last night, a black man and a black woman discussing the furore caused by what that guy said about Diane Abbott. Surprisingly seemed a fairly reasoned discussion without the hysterics that might have been expected. At one point the man made his point by using the expression “n*gger in the wood pile” with no obvious intention to offend or annoy. The silly tart presenting broke in immediately to apologise to the viewers for having their ears assaulted by the “N-word.”
In the 70s Patti Smith had a song called ‘ Rock and Roll Ni**er.
No one bothered.
Elvis Costello had a lyric that mentioned ” one less white Ni**er.
I like the word.
As swear words lose their potency
Racist slurs have fortified.
How wonderful!
Spotify bastards removed the Patti Smith track earlier this year.
It was my morning motivation song.
Now I lack motivation.
Here you go MCC?
It’s on Spotify. Maybe they had a change of heart. Or maybe it’s by region? I live in Australia. No idea about regional variations if any.
I am constaantly offended by this site and the thoughtless cunts on it. I am also upset that somefucker has offended Diane Abbot.
I’m offended that someone or thing fucked this abominable sea elephant at least once.?
Unfaithful to you was she?
@ Cunstable. I walked right into that one?, pass the chlorine and steel wool. Urrgh must get clean.?
Corbyn fucked it, no doubt nearly died over come with the fumes for a week after, but old student photos still online of the nose picker in bed with the young Harambe
I’m always puzzled by the innocuous words that get you moderated on this site, but ‘cunt’ is fine.
Can never understand the yank Karen’s who complain to foreigners for not speaking English, when they aren’t either.
Every day in “modern” Britain I am offended.
Homosexual ism.
Gambling adverts.
24 HR drinking “alcohol”.
Politically correct everything.
Can’t get a doctor’s.
Can’t get a dentist.
No buses.
Trains full.
Streets constantly littered.
Fly tipping.
Third world ghetto’s ” Muslim area’s”.
Rough sleeping.
I’m bored now.
Oh for a return to the fifties/ sixties, the above shite could have been prevented.
Alas, to late was the cry….!
and chinks
What these perpetually offended cunts need is a dedicated online site that goes out of its way to find things to be perpetually offended about 24/7.
Err… wait a minute…
Well done, Shit-Cake.
I wondered how long it would take before someone noticed.
(As indeed, I suspect Admin did, too)
Actually, the Starbucks thing really happened, the entitled bitch actually demanded the drink for free because Yvonne is apparently spelled Yvon?
Who knew?
And the bus, I was sitting in the elderly/disabled seat, as I’m both, when this cunt got on the bus and demanded I gave it up for her, even though she had no child with her and there were other empty seats.
Oh, I got up and moved, but accidently rapped her ankle with my walking stick. I’m sure she really needed that seat after that.
‘Black is black I want my baby back’??…… seldom heard from da bro’s after birth ?….to busy being disrespected ??
Anyone else here remember that Derek and Clive ditty called ‘Soul Time’, which opened with Peter Cook belting out the line “I’M A N****R AND I FUCKED A WHITE CHICK!”?
Fucking class, that.
Good day one. Good day all.
“And I don’t give a shit
Cos I fucked a white cunt, and I sucked a white tit”
Sheer poetry.
R I P Pete & Dud
The cunts who always apologise and crawl to these permanently offended nobodies are the worst.
A joke somebody told on social media whilte pissed ten years ago, and spineless bellends are bending over backwards to apologise and beg forgiveness. Usually to demented wimmin or dark personages. Or both like Abbott the Hutt.
Why won’t somebody just say ‘Oh fuck off, you soft bastard. And waste someome else’s time, you cunt.’?
That useless cunt Phil Neville.
He told a joke about women being in the kitchen on Twatter about a decade or so ago.
The Lioness bints and the Me Too psychos got wind of it and got all offended. And Neville virtually went on his hands and knees to publicly beg forgiveness. ‘Apologising deeply’ for telling a harmless joke? Fucking pathetic spineless bastard. Frightened of upsetting a handful of Carry On Girls rejects? Aspathetic as it is laughable.
As the Hitch said, “every time someone tells me I’ve offended them I say I’m still waiting to hear your point”
To the tune of ‘Yellow Submarine’
‘We all know that Abbott wears a wig.
Abbot wears a wig. Abbott wears a wig,’
Awful wigism.
You should apologise.
Evening Norman!
Evening Ron.
How many times has that treeswinger in a Beatle wig, Abbott gobbed off about white people, stuck up for terrorism, accused decent normal folk of being racist. Yet one word is said about her, and the racist and sexist sirens blare out ad nauseaum.
Rest assured, the um bongo cunt will milk this for weeks. months, possibly years.
Standing up 46 times to get the Speaker’s attention in Parliament? What a tantruming self pitying attention seeking cunt.
46 times, eh? I bet she lost count after 11. Fucking thick slab of shite.
I remember Abbott the Harambe cosplayer complaining “The trouble with England is the English.” She doesn’t consider herself English and she never will be either, monkey’s cunt, send it back to Wakanda
I’m offended by greengrocer’s apostrophe’s.
Oh good grief
Some little blonde just got let of a drunk driving charge because she told the judge “It was making her upset”….Charlie Bronson should take note of that one he’ll be out in no time