Nike’s (3) England Football Strip

Nike has chosen unilaterally to replace the cross of St George on the England football strip with a pile of vomit.

Even Starmer disapproves, which says everything about the self important, Asian child labour abusing, piss taking cunts.

The call has gone out to boycott the strip until Nike puts the England national flag back the way it should be, instead of this:

Express News

Nike are saying they have no intention of recalling the strip.
No? Well do without English money then. Where else do you intend selling the rags?

The FA are typically enthusing about the foreigners redesign, and so should have their suitability to preside over the national team re-examined.

Do we need to go abroad for a football strip for fucks sake?
Give the job to an English firm who knows what the cross of St George looks like.

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire

64 thoughts on “Nike’s (3) England Football Strip

  1. Seems like a match made in heaven..
    Knee-bending, rainbow loving hypocrites probably love the new design.

    The Saint George Cross is so far-right.
    Maybe Nike can do a kit with Saint George of Floyd’s big rubber lips in a cross..

    Ps wokegate is a massive cunt..

    • Put St George skewering a dragon, front and back.

      I’m not even slightly religious , but it would definitely induce some serious pearl clutching.

      Would be hilarious and a big fuck off to the wokies.

      I’m available for the design job, should anyone be interested.

  2. Anybody who’d pay £129 for this is a mug in my opinion, cross or no cross.

    Nike and the FA can fuck off.

    Afternoon all.

  3. Whatever the disingenuous bullshit in the media, Nike will have been working to a brief from their clients ie the FA. The real cunts are at Wembley.

  4. I don’t care if it’s Winston Churchills burial shroud,
    The fact it’s made by Yank cunts Nike that cater for ghetto monkeys means I wouldn’t wear one.

    Id rather smear myself in dog shite than wear this overpriced rag.

  5. Apparently it is selling well, so much for the cost of living crisis.

    The playful update will unite and inspire, so the George Cross flag of England doesn’t, fucking cunts.

    After clicking on the link there was a breaking news story, the fucking Palestine protest cunts chanting ‘long live Hamas’ in central London – identify, arrest and firing squad, now that will unite and inspire!

    • I bet it isn’t selling well.

      Absolute liars .

      It’s £129 😂😂

      Just how retarded would you have to be to buy it .

  6. Maybe we could redesign the Palestinian flag in full rainbow colours.
    Just as a playful update of course.

  7. A ‘playful update’ to ‘unite and inspire’. But only for the England shirt. We must be the only people on Earth who need to be playfully united and inspired.

    Come on Nike, get your act together and let’s see you playfully update a few more flags:
    USA – swap the Stars & Stripes for the Confederate Flag (at the General’s request).
    SCOTLAND – change the Saltire to an image of a deep-fried Mars bar.
    PAKISTAN – no more crescent moon and star, let’s have a ticking time bomb on Muhammad’s head, Charlie Hebdo-style.
    FRANCE/ITALY – no need for a tricolour when you can go plain white.
    GERMANY – Fritz wants a reprise of the Swastika. Deutschland Deutschland Uber Alles.

  8. Typically, but not surprisingly, the FA has ignored warnings from Sunak with regards “messing around” with the England flag.

    They have also gone rather deaf to all the media criticism. Wokegate makes little or no comment, and neither do the players – too much self-interest at stake.

    The BBC don’t see what all the fuss is about, and articles and posts in the Guardian suggest that people who criticise the new design are bigots and racists (so no surprise there then!)

    One thing the FA has done is chase the sponsorship money, and fuck ethics. Moreover, just how many official kits do England have these days?

    But at the end of the day, the biggest mugs are the fans who buy into this shit. Perhaps if they took a stand and decided not to buy this crap (which will probably be out of date again come the Euros in a couple of months time), or simply do not bother going to games any more, then perhaps the FA will take note!

    Give it another few years and the name “England” will be replaced or rebranded if the money is right of course. Probably renamed “Gayland” or “Benefitsland”

    • Good point Techno.
      People already complain that the cross of St George is racist. How long before being an Englishman is racist?

    • Eventually they will change the countries name calling themselves SEX GLAND, leaving it to the players if they want to be called a cunt or a prick. Nothing changes really. They’re either one or the other in a derogatory sense anyway.

    • As for bigots and racists, i just assumed everyone is and has been since 2016, when the internet had a falling out with itself.

  9. Take the knee,wear a rainbow,disrespect the traditional English emblem,play like sobbing children,drive a lamborghini and look like a faggøt.

    Fuck Off and take the Gay Cunts at the F.A with you.

    • Ive been a critic of the FA since Adam Crozier was in charge. What a shower of greedy anti-football cunts.
      The PL can do one as well. They’ll allow any yank or arab to buy English clubs and asset strip them. No wonder the govt is looking at an external regulator.

  10. Nike are shit anyway.

    The best ever England kits were the Admiral ones from the late 70s to the early 80s. Admiral were anEnglish firm. of course.

    And why do these modern football poofs never wear a long sleeved shirt?
    It’s always one of those crappy lycra things, with a short sleeved shirt over it.
    It looks stupid, it looks lazy, and it looks gay.

    • i think its the number of Africans in the Premier league. they don’t like the weather so wear the long-sleeve undershirts and gloves.

  11. Haven’t watched a England game since 2019…. Really should get my television fixed.

    Though I would tune to see wokegate get beaten to death by a group of snooker players for his appropriation of waistcoats.

  12. I saw that fat tart Emily Thornpiggy blustering about this shit whilst being interviewed. The same cunt who mocked a man flying the St George Cross from his house and had to resign. You can tell its an election year with these bastards and their fake outrage.

    • just shows how ingrained the class mentality is and how hollow Labour’s talk of supporting working people is. Toff cunts, just like the tories.

  13. Great marketing by the Nike company. The best way to deal with this is not to buy the shitty shirt.

  14. The FA will do anything for to the England team, anything apart from make them successful.

  15. Hope they do what it says on the tin and fuck each other up the arse. Might convert me to watching the women instead.

  16. What about the England players?

    Why don’t they refuse to wear it? Well, because they are a collective of spineless thick fuck-wits.

    Special shout-out to the person identifying as Southgate. Take a bath.

    • “Special shout-out to the person identifying as Southgate. Take a bath”

      Aye in acid.

      Good evening Mr Ceiling Cat.

  17. There are 2 emotions that the nations’ flag should evoke.

    Immense pride if you are a citizen.

    Abject terror if you are the enemy and see it coming towards you over the horizon.

    Any other emotion and you should keep your head down, your opinions to yourself and above all, shut the fuck up.

    Anyone wanting to fuck around with the design of such an important national symbol should be locked up.

    I believe that they do that in Thailand.

  18. £120 quid for a fucking shirt I could get my cock sucked six times and have change

  19. £129 for a bit of lightweight material that will get a seasons use before it’s out of date, and even then only worn on a casual basis by loudmouth know all pub wankers is the biggest scandal out of all this.

    How much percentage of each sale do the FA dictate they get out of each one….that can be the only reason for such a cuntish price.

  20. The colours of the antipatriotic cross to henceforth adorn the national football teams uniform… not a million miles from the tie being worn by the cunt in the previous nom coincidentally …

  21. Footballers are poofs, so I guess this was inevitable.

    Especially from a far-woke American multinational corporation that employs trannies (Dylan Mulvaney) to promote their sports bras.

    I don’t care what the reasoning behind this trashing of the England flag is. It is outrageous, end of.

    A small, but highly vocal section of society considers the St George Cross to be somehow racist, and Nike are pandering to these cunts.

    As for being ‘playful’. Try that with the flag of any Islamic country.

    And they wouldn’t dare dream of fucking with the American Stars & Stripes in this fashion. There’d be mass uproar! The Nike board would require bullet proof cars, ballistic vests, and 24hr security personnel armed with sub-machine guns if they did. And they know it.

    Also the price of this kit, £129 for some tat costing a fiver made using child labour in China. What’s Nike’s flag? The Jolly Roger?

    This is all part of a persuasive effort by malign forces to destroy working class culture and turn us from being proud citizens of these British Isles into citizens of fucking nowhere. It’s been going on for decades, starting with our education system and infecting right through to the higher echelons of big business, the political elite, and Civil Service.

    They drip, drip, drip this poison into society in plain sight, relying on the population’s apathy and natural tendency not to make a fuss.

    Don’t expect the spineless, knee-taking players to make a stand. I’d like to hope England fans might boycott this insulting destruction of their flag, but not holding my breath…

  22. Nike can do what they like with these shirts. The team are mercenaries who believe in nothing beyond what their agents tell them to believe.

    A meaningless symbol for a meaningless team.

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