Nike’s (3) England Football Strip

Nike has chosen unilaterally to replace the cross of St George on the England football strip with a pile of vomit.

Even Starmer disapproves, which says everything about the self important, Asian child labour abusing, piss taking cunts.

The call has gone out to boycott the strip until Nike puts the England national flag back the way it should be, instead of this:

Express News

Nike are saying they have no intention of recalling the strip.
No? Well do without English money then. Where else do you intend selling the rags?

The FA are typically enthusing about the foreigners redesign, and so should have their suitability to preside over the national team re-examined.

Do we need to go abroad for a football strip for fucks sake?
Give the job to an English firm who knows what the cross of St George looks like.

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire

64 thoughts on “Nike’s (3) England Football Strip

  1. A lot of left leaning nodding dogs will no doubt argue that “it’s just a shirt blah blah”
    Just like the kneeling for a Fentanyl addled American criminal “wasn’t a big deal”

    Seems that there’s always something with the England team nowadays though isn’t there?

    Something very divisive and something that’s politically subversive.

    Something, you can guarantee, that has little or next to fuck all to do with the actual game of football itself either.

    When I think back to the late 80s/early 90s and the sense of patriotism and good feeling I had towards the English national team of Robson, Gascoigne, Butcher, Lineker (remember him?) it leaves me feeling generally hacked off at how much of a shit fest the whole thing has morphed into.

    Now when England play, I either don’t watch, or I just don’t give a fuck and probably want them to lose if I’m honest.

    If England and the FA are happy to be nothing more than a vehicle for whatever retarded wokery is in vogue at any given time, then leave the stupid fucking bell ends to it.

    Don’t watch them and don’t buy any of their shite fucking yank merchandise either.

    Oh and fuck Nike as well.

    Good Evening

  2. When I mentioned left wing nodding dogs it was basically in reference to that wanker James O’Brien.

    I had the misfortune of catching a recent 30 second clip of the smarmy red faced cunt sneering about the new Nike flag on the England shirt.

    Laughing and mocking anyone who doesn’t agree with Nike’s defecation of the English Saint George cross.

    Of course, a snivelling bastard like James O’Brien thinks it’s all great and certainly no big deal

    Why would he though? It’s politics but as with Burn Loot Murder, it’s the kind of politics that cunts such as O’Brien and his ilk agree with so it’s easy to be all philosophical about it isn’t it.

    I sincerely hope that that cunt gets brutally bummed to death by a horny sexually frustrated African in the not too distant future.

    That’s if a heart attack or blood pressure doesn’t fuck him up first.

    Fingers crossed.

    • O’Brien always looks and sounds as though he’s cacked his pants and been made to sit in the mess. Suffers from terminal miserablism.

    • Why wait for an asteroid? We have enough nukes to do that all by ourselves. It probably won’t be anywhere near as bad as the cold war, but won’t be fun. However look on the bright side, a lot are aimed at towns and cities. This will illuminate our imo, stabby, assorted camel bothering scum. Winner winner non halal dinner ?

      • Eliminate, stupid phone. That being said they will be illuminated for all of a few seconds.

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