It is Sunday afternoon. A portly old fucker, in late middle age can be seen ripping off Kim Leadbetter’s jockstrap after this weeks walking football match for old fogies and with much huffing, puffing and farting he dashe off to the meeja and gives one of his outraged diatribes about one of his favourite topics.Not tranny rights (or lefts) this time, no this is MUCH more serious. VERY serious indeed. It’s Dame Kweer and he is talking about Islamophobia:
Keir Starmer accuses ‘weak’ Rishi Sunak of harbouring ‘extremists’ in his party
Keir Starmer accuses ‘weak’ Rishi Sunak of harbouring ‘extremists’ in hi…
The Labour leader spoke out after the Tory party suspended Lee Anderson over comments he made about the mayor of…
You have to grant it to the old wankstain – he has chutzpah!. Extremists in the Conservative Party (well, one anyway. allegedl) , when he has any number of antiSemites, Islam worshipping lesbos and fags, whom he seems to be deaf and dumb to, due his innate cowardice.
Kweer Starmer was jumping on the “Islamaphobia” bandwagon yesterday, but he might overplay his hand. He clearly doesn’t realise that it is traditional Labour voters who have to put up with the Islamification of places like East London and though they might be too scared to say so, agree with Lee Anderson, and if Labour bring in their “anti Islam” laws they might well lose a large number of voters. I still don’t think he will get the landslide he is expecting, which is just as well. I think people see him for the mouth and trousers fake he is.
Of course, things might change, and if, by next week, the public have the balls to realise what Mr Anderson was saying is demonstrably true, Auntie Kweer might well change his mind again. I won’t gold my breath though. Islam is Labour’s latest “victim”
Nominated by W C Boggs.
Doesn’t strike me as ‘phobic’ to be bloody worried about the impact of this medieval cult on our society.
To me, Islam is a cancer in the body of our society, and the biggest problem of all is that people like Charmer can’t see it or won’t admit it.
The second of your statements, he, like all his ilk are innate lying, cowards.
They know what’s happening in this sithole of a country thanks to that other cunt Blair and his open borders policy….he knew that the vast majority that would flood over the border would be lazy spingibg cunts totally reliant on the government to support them……..traditional labour voters if you like, so all Blair was doing was bolstering the Labour vote to remain in power. Kweer is doing the same, so he won’t say anything against them cunts
Fucking shit phone….sorry about the above errors, but you get the drift
A phobia is an irrational fear of something.
Sir Kweer is obviously going down the same route as many Labour council leaders and going for their votes. And that will turn off some of his old voters. Unfortunately that turn off looks like it will be too late to prevent him coming to power.
Labour have always had the Muslim vote.
How did Blank Face get into power in the first place ?
Good to see our esteemed Chancellor spunking our money on a War Memorial for the Ragheads. Can we now have Memorials for Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians and atheists as well? Or is Hunt the Cunt so fucking dim that he thinks some of them might vote Tory as a result of his genuflection? Not a fucking chance.
Anderson was was wrong when he said that Khan was controlled by Islamists The entire British Establishment sucks Islamist cock. We’ve been sold down the river.
Correct….the raggies are now such a large part of our population and are traditional labour voters, that hunt would personally give all of them a grand each if he thought it would win their votes.
Terrible state of affairs….buying raggie votes whilst ignoring the silent majority who’s taxes pay for it
All the Islamic extremists will change their minds now that the Cunt has allocated one million quid to build a memorial to Muslims who died in the war. It seems that they are excluded from memorials to all the fallen.
Islam is the biggest threat to the UK, if it isn’t stamped out now it will be too late in 10/20 years from now.
It can’t go unnoticed by the political cunts that the ‘watch list’ has risen to 44000 from 23000 just two or three years ago.
All cunts.
His lambs a phobia of knives. Very big fuck off ones, at that.
On goes the march to ferocious civil war or our complete obliteration.
The disgusting craven shite that pass for our governing class are simply setting the stage for a death match.
Islam is poison,kneeling to our enemy is a death sentence.
I dare say politicians,the police and every other cunt complicit in this disaster will be swept aside to make way for 21st century fascism.
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.
If every other stupid religion is allowed to be ridiculed in its clause, why should the nappy-headed clots be treated any differently ?
Since I wrote this, Dame Kweer has even bigger worries now. It seems that Mandy Mandelson thinks he is a bit too portly:,that%20would%20be%20an%20improvement%E2%80%9D.
Could it be he fancies svelte David Miliband to be his new puppet instead of staid old Starmer?. Even Wes Streeting is getting to be a bit of a porker. I wonder what the Mandy view is ofr Slubberguts Lammy?
Being partial to lamb, maybe.
Islamophobia = good judgement in my book. As for ‘multicunturalislam’, I don’t get it. Must we, who took 2000 years to build a prosperous and civilised culture, embrace theirs while they shit all over ours? Not round here, mate. They can fuck right off.
These wobble-necked carpet kissing goat humpers shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Could one vote in the Middle Ages?
Here’s something they could vote on:
Q. Do you want to be sent home?
A. Select either or both of these options, YES/YES
Yes ?
Yes and fuck off, foul smelling and ill mannered cunts.
I don’t understand why these mudslimes leave their shitehole countries for a supposed better life in Blighty and then promptly do all the can to turn it into a copy of shitehole country they left behind.
Because they don’t get any bennies in Shitistan, SH, that’s why.
Got no problem with Islam when it stays in shitholes wheeler it belongs.
Your average working man doesn’t want these free loading cunts here anyway all their fit for is poncing off us and praying down lewisham high street and blocking the fucking pavement every Friday none of the cunts work their too busy shagging one of their many wives Islamophobic no I just don’t like supporting uninvited shitbags the government need to publish how much these cunts are costing us
You only build a memorial when the fighting is over surely…..?
Hold the stonemason ??
I’d love to see Galloway carry out his threat to get rid of that rancid tart Angela Rayner by turning the mudslime vote against her.
Oh sweet justice.
Goat shaggers.Piss off you sandrats.YOU ARE NOT WELCOME.Allah can kiss my arse.Not one single use to us.Intergration my arse.THEY WANT TO RUN OUR COUNTRY.Boils my piss.
Liebour’s arse licking approach to Islamic types is ridiculously short-sighted. The Mullahs will drop Sir Kweer and co as soon as they reach critical mass ie in a year or two if the Conservatives have their way. Galloway will get the same treatment. Fuck the lot of them, cunts.
Islamophobia is a term concocted by Islamists and their useful idiot apologists in the West to silence or discredit any legitimate criticism of Islam.
Rather than confronting the inconvenient issue of terrorists using the Koran to justify their barbaric acts, these apologists would have us think that it is the mere “hijacking” or “misinterpretation” of the faith by a “fringe few”. Was Ayatollah Khomeini the leader of a “fringe” of Shi’ite Islam? No. How about Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, who inspired the first WTC attack back in 1993, was he another “fringe” leader? Of course not.
Islam is a vile religion that ruins everything it touches. Islam stands for ignorance, brutality, poverty, violence, tyranny and repression. These are characteristics of every Muslim country.
Here in the UK there are 3.6 million muslim’s. 400,000 of them are being monitored by the security forces for a genuine fear that they are going to randomly start murdering people to please Allah (may his name be shat upon). On top of this, Category A prisons are full to the brim with Muslims. Therefore about 15%-20% of Muslims want to murder us in the UK, for absolutely no other reason than to please the Islamic God.
When one of these 400,000 are successful in carrying out their attack, there follows an investigation into how it was allowed to occur. Every single time it turns out the attacker told numerous cunts at their local mosque what they were about to do and the cunts did nothing but cover up for them. When you factor this into the calculations, the 15%-20% number jumps up significantly.
Islamophobia does not exist. If someone can be beheaded over showing a cartoon in a school lesson on free speech, that is not an irrational fear.
Excellent and articulately proffered S-CB.
However, it did spawn a new Mr Man for the kiddies …
Sadly, I fear his storyline adventures would be somewhat predictable & terminal.
They blow up so quickly these days, don`t they?
Cometh the hour, cometh the man…
Amen to everything you say in this precision repudiation of this filthy cult, SCB.
And just to put to bed the casuistry of the defenders of the faith, who claim that those who carry out the homocidal orders that are mandated in the Koran are not “true Muslims” or are interpreting the text the wrong way, the canonical authorities are clear on this; the Koran and the Hadith are the last and final words of God – there is NO room for interpretation. Which, considering Islam was conceived as a means of mandating total war for political supremacy in the 6th Century AD, makes a lot of sense – the authors of this violent screed were writing precisely with the intention of attaining absolute control in the Middle East through bloody means, and claiming divine warrant for doing so; that is the only context that matters when it comes to “interpreting” the text – the text was written as an instruction manual for war. That’s it.
It’s only Christianity that allows for Jesus being a trans.
Great nom WCB.
I was born and grew up in the now Islamic Republic of Blackistan formerly known as Blackburn.
For several years now the ‘Labour’ run council has been firmly in the grip of just these very types, you know the one, the one the meedja call ‘moderate’ Muslims.
Just like the word Islamophobia what in the name of fuckity fuck does it mean.
Just like ‘institutional racism’ it’s just another made up title to throw at folks they want to shut down.
And here’s the thing. I was sent a clip this morning of Patrick Cristis on GB news talking about George Galloway and how the next election will be a ‘Muslim election’ and love him or hate him I think he’s called it right.
In essence what he is saying is that across the North West and most Yorkshire Counties the Muslim vote is about 48% of the population.
He’s saying that they will stand candidates in all of these Constituencies in the GE as Independents affiliated to his party but not answerable which means in Parliament they can say what ever they want without fear of being silenced or having their whip removed.
The current situation in Palestine
Being the recruiting sergeant.
It’s a great move tactically as it will ensure Labour don’t win and we could possibly only have another coalition and given the utter shite we’ve had under those cunts that pretend to be conservatives with a massive C let’s face it what could be worse.
At least the cunts won’t have it their own way blue red or whatever colour.
This country is fucked anyway run by a bunch of lying self serving and enriching cunts only answerable to their globalist paymasters who look after them once they’ve been booted out of power.
I could really go on on this subject such as when the Nazi’s came to power to it’s estimated a mere 10% of the population were members and I reckon half of them just were just so they could avoid scrutiny.
In the U.K. we have a population of say 60m but let’s face it no one really knows and we reportable have 3m muzzles or 5% of pop.
A warning from history that’s really not out of realms – Given everything that’s been going on and then latent demonstrations of anti semitism if I were Jewish I’d be genuinely worried.
I cannot fault the logic of your argument ; it scares me shitless.
The ISSA brothers own Blackburn….?
Silly made up word, for a silly made up religion.
And one with a very insecure and needy god..
Praying five times a day.. I take it Allah is like clingy girlfriend, always checking where you are..
I prefer a deity who’s more laid back..
Poseidon seems like a laugh, always releasing the kraken..
Could chanting all this nonsense prior to robbing a bank, mean I would get away with it ?
Islamophobia: Translation = Common Sense.
Good Afternoon
Is lamb a phobia to vegetarians ?
We already know, but these figures confirm that the government continues to encourage the inactive third-world dross to flock here for those munificent bennies:
The answer – more tax increases – and at the current rate the country is going to turn into something resembling Zimbabwe.
I bet they go through suicide bomber instructors at an alarming rate at jihadi college ” push this button here” boooom!!!
‘I’m only going to show you this once…’
There is no such thing as a moderate mudslime.
For when push comes to shove, they’ll all stick together like shit to a blanket.
I’m personally very disappointed that Gaza hasn’t been levelled to the ground yet.
And even more disappointed that the same isn’t happening to those Houthi cunts in Yemen.
Good afternoon ?
“Radical Muslims want to cut our heads off, moderate Muslims are happy to let them do it.”
(Christopher Hitchens)
Even though the parameters of using ” -phobia ” are supppsedly set , in the ‘irrational fear’ section of words and stuff, .. for some reason a lot of us blur the lines, probably due to the old chestnut ‘homophobia’, as in most cases that is hardly based on fear at all, .. irritation probably the main factor, to my mind.
islamaphoboa the word or notion muddies the water further (shitting off a bridge style!) by the stupid right-on crowd dismissing it as simply hate for no real reason(of the many, MANY hateworthy reasons, historical and ongoing).
I, Cunt’emAll have a phobia of injection-needles. Stitches-needing(denied, always)Stanley blade work slips, or 235°C extruder block-die contact melting skin off my arms? .. yeah, whatever … but little fucking needles… hate the things.
Now that’s a phobia.
Effeminate class gays, .. annoy the fuck out of me but that’s not a phobia. I’m able to pass myself off socially with a friend’s gay brother for the friends sake if I have to. I would think the best type of gay is one you wouldn’t even know(was) after witnessing it in public company.
So. Not a phobia. Just dislike.
These useless filthy sub-class of humanity the ‘phobia’ in the nom refers to?
Disgusting on SO many levels, AND lethally fucking dangerous.
It passes ‘both’ rules, no matter what the right-on brigade claim without substantiating, … on an individual(s) front originally but also by now on a national scale for the majority of Western European (within a generation or two to be ex-) societies.
The word ‘phobia’ where it is not needed.
(Where it IS needed is ‘pregnant women’.
Thoroughly dislike the sight, (or notion, even) of same. The further along, or more on show, the worse it is. No official “-phobia” word for it though. There’s a pregnancy one, but only from the point of a woman obsessing about wreckin’ the vaj when pushing out the sprog…) Excuse the tangent….
O/T, the alleged subject of the harassment gets potted.
Not the alleged perpetrator.
Oh , how I miss work…!
BBC News – Red Bull suspend woman who accused Christian Horner of inappropriate behaviour
Reading that link, I had not idea that a Ting Tong was the main shareholder.
Maybe Kweer should read this..
He was thinking about reading it apparently, then he changed his mind.
The piece below may already have been posted on this site, but for anyone who hasn’t seen it, here it is again.
This ISIS article, which appeared in the 15th edition of their periodical DABIQ, spells out why the jihads are hell bent on destroying the West. It begins:
Shortly following the blessed attack on a sodomite Crusader nightclub by the mujahid Omar Mateen, American politicians were quick to jump into the spotlight and denounce the shooting, declaring it a hate crime, an act of terrorism, and an act of senseless violence.
A hate crime? Yes. Muslims undoubtedly hate liberalist sodomites, as does anyone else with any shred of their fitrah (inborn human nature) still intact.
An act of terrorism? Most definitely. Muslims have been commanded to terrorize the disbelieving enemies of Allah.
(The writer then goes on to list the top six reasons why the killers want to destroy the West – although there appear to be two points made several times.)
We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices.
We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because your Christian disbelief and paganism separate religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power.
In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator.
We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion.
We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth.
We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim.
What is important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are the extent of what drives our hatred, this particular reason for hating you is secondary, hence the reason we addressed it at the end of the above list.
The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam.
Perhaps the west should just totally obliterate them out of existence…?
We could, if they could they would..!