World War III is about to break out. Putin keeps threatening it. China keeps sabre-rattling about Taiwan. Pakistan and Iran have taken to lobbing missiles at each other, with the latter saying that it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth to boot. War and civil war rages across the Middle East. Fat fruitcake Kim Jong-un keeps threatening to nuke South Korea, or the US. Or somebody.
We’re on the brink of holocaust. I know this for a fact because various experts and commentators keep telling me this is the case. The Doomday Clock stands at ninety seconds to midnight. Military chiefs inevitably talk of ‘being prepared’, which is Newspeak for ‘give us more money to pay for bigger bangs’.
I’m fully expecting a nuclear war to start tomorrow, when some local madness spins out of control and some mad cunt finally presses the button. Or maybe it’ll be next week. Or in 2030.
I’m mentally prepared, simply because THEY have been readying us for it ever since 1945. I can just remember the Suez crisis. I well remember all the Arab-Israel conflicts, especially Yom Kippur, when Golda Meir apparently seriously considered dropping the Big One. There was Korea, and Vietnam, and who could ever forget all the high jinks of the Cold War, especially the Cuba crisis, when it could have been curtains. Yes the Cold War was always going to go hot at any minute, yet somehow it never quite came to it.
The fact is, I’ve been expecting World War III ever since I can remember, and it’s never actually happened. I’ve been terrified at the prospect since childhood, but I’ve now reached the point where I simply can’t be arsed with all this perpetual sabre-rattling and scare-mongering any more. Fuck ’em all.
So World War III gets a definite maybe from me. It might happen. It might not; in fact I reckon that it actually won’t. Anyway I refuse to worry about it any more. I’m now completely blasé on the matter, for the simple reason that there’s absolutely sweet fuck all I can do either way.
Time for a gin and tonic.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
And to continue the happy vibe, here’s this from OpinionatedCunt
The looming prospect of WW3 is a cunt.
Now, I don’t know whether WW3 will happen or not – there’s a few other things that have to happen for that, and there’s an argument to be made as to whether a large conflict could even be sustained in the present world.
However, I have never seen so many people and organisations (NATO, the Chief of Staff, the German and Swedish Defence Ministers, Schapps etc) come out with the kind of rhetoric they have been espousing in the last few weeks.
Obviously, all of them may have agendas. NATO may be attempting to galvanise its members into providing more funding for Ukraine, the Chief of Staff may be attempting to get more government money to combat the army’s recruitment crisis, the respective defence ministers may be trying to shore up public support or distract from scandals.
However, these are starting to feel like very, very dangerous times, and I’m starting to get a wee bit jittery. Maybe I’m overthinking things – I certainly hope that’s the case. However, there’s a nagging feeling there that something will pop off eventually.
Be the best thing really.
It’ll solve the housing crisis, unemployment,
The small boats problem, and end woke theory .
The great reset?
That’ll be WW3.
That little puff Putin can’t take Ukraine, he’ll be fucked in a world war!!
As for china,
The steels like marzipan,
You could take down a chink tank with a fuckin tin opener.
We’d win.
And crime free streets with plenty of jobs and homes?
Bring it on commies
Bomb us back to the 1950s
I’m still not convinced about Kim Jong-Un and his cardboard missiles. The tanks are probably a fiberglass shell over a 1980’s Skoda.
That fat cunt won’t do shit.
Chink cartman is always sabre rattling.
The chinks keep him on a tight leash.
Isnt fat Kim trying to develop something that can hit Guam and Hawaii? All a bit pointless if the yanks have their big nukes constantly on the move under the sea or under prairies in the middle of Nebraska.
The dried egg would be nasty. But on the upside, women would start using gravy powder to draw nice lines on the backs of their legs. Plenty of pros and cons to consider before making our minds up.
FFS punctuation!
Spent a full two minutes of my life struggling with who the fucking “steels” are, why they like fucking marzipan and why I should give a fuck in the given context.
Then i finally figure it out by giving up on it moving on to the next sentence.
The steel’s like marzipan,
Your not gonna give me detention are you?
That’s the bizarre thing about Mad Bad Vlad.
We keep on hearing about how the Russkie juggernaut is going to roll into Georgia, or the Baltic states, or Poland next.
Fucking hell. The invaded Ukraine in 2022, and were going to roll them over in a week. Two years later…
I wouldn’t trust a word that comes out of ol’ Botox-face’s sinister thin lips, but my relatives in the Baltic States are sick of hearing about this, too.
According to our media, it’s been on the cards since 2015.
At least if they bombed us back to the 1950s we’d have the 1960’s and 1970s to look forward to.
Oh no ! I’m just beginning to get over the last one. Rationing and no money again.
You couldn’t get this, you couldn’t get that; had to make do with the other…
My dear old grandad’s favourite comment about The War.
I was born into the routine of the war and didn’t know any different, especially being poor to start with. Remember my mother exchanging food tokens with the neighbour’s for the sweets ones to keep my brother and me happy.
If the chink’s nukes are like their shit electronics they will fall out of the sky in 10 seconds.
The Indians with their crap IT means their missiles won’t get off the ground..
Sleepy joe thinks its 1944 so the bomb hasn’t been invented.
Kim jung-un is to busy winning hot dog eating contests..
And the peaceful countries can’t drive buses without them falling into ravines..
So no chance of a missile hitting a target..
And PS cunts make sure you start it on a Monday..
and winter so it doesn’t ruin the summer holidays with an irradiated global dust shroud.
Christmas would be best. Save on buying presents and party food. cold and dark anyway.
‘All in the course of a lazy sunday afternoon’ as Carl Sagan said.
I can’t see China getting involved. They value their business links with the West too much.
You say right. China practically owns the West. The little yellow Commie Capitalists may be cunts, but they’re not stupid.
Time to stock up with Pot Noodles® then.
Those naughty `Bombay Bad Boys` are making me moist already.
I think I’d rather just put mu head between my legs and kiss my arse goodbye.
What was it them Romans said?
“If you want peace prepare for war”..
Apart from America can’t think of too many Western democracies that have been spending big on military preparedness..
Our foes see our sickly military,culture wars,political malaise and open borders and I’m convinced they think they are going to win by these covert means and who would bet against them?
The last couple of years have shown us a few glimpses of the enemy..Russia doesn’t have the logistics to beat anyone in a conventional war,Islamic terrorism is resurgent in the Middle East and the Yellow Peril bides its time,despite some serious domestic financial issues.
Does that mean someone will go nuclear as the only viable option?
Mutually Assured Destruction seems to say No,plus everyone on Earth wouldn’t enjoy a nuclear winter..even that cunt Zuckerborg in his Hawaiian bunker complex.
On the other hand it’s good to see those Jihad Cunts getting some medicine from Israel…the Western World needs to learn from this and ensure by force that the Iranians never develop nuclear enrichment capability..otherwise All Bets Will Be Off.
Gunboat Diplomacy at home and abroad.
The Romans also said
” Wassa matter you
Gotta no respect
Issa nicea place
Ah shuddupa ya face”
Tiberius -ad77
Bunga Bunga, innit MNC?
Mis, COTY Emeritus , makes us lot laugh aloud yet again!
Russia will go for full ‘asymetric warfare’ if too many conventional weaponries encroach up to their borders and they have unimaginally efficent and capable toys to deploy thus, especially against the hated Anglo-Saxons of Europe currently supplying Storm-Shadows and Uranium shells to the Ukes all but painting a giant bullseye on blighty.
Russia isn’t our enemy only of our politcos,who are in fact our own real enemy alongside the US Neo-Cons and Tel-Aviv psychotics engineering the situations as per usual.
Unimaginably or just imaginary? A lot of it sounds made-up as a desperate bluff by Vlad, his ministers and generals to try and scare the west out of their support.
Shouldn’t they have deployed these unimaginable weapons against Ukraine beforehand?
The wests continued support suggests these weapons/ deterrents simply don’t exist.
This is an absolute fucking pissboiler of a topic. How many times has World War III been supposed to break out since the last one? Too many times, that’s how many. Has it? Has it fuck.
The whole shtick is the same as the Millennium Bug, the same as astroids hitting the earth, so on, and so-forth. It’s a dance as old as time itself to keep a certain type of person fearful. OH, COVID! Remember that, too?
Anyway, apparently the UK is in recession again. Who’da thunk it. A younger pal of mine is bricking it and thinks it’s the end of days. I’ve lived through three recessions now, and I explained to him that all it really means is less avin’ it.
Good job for me, as I need to lose a bit of weight and could do with catching up with some books and telly.
The difference is that large asteroids do hit the earth and more than most people think.
The most lethal threat is a comet, as they travel much faster and are practically invisible until they get closer to the sun, giving a tail of gas. until then they’re just dark blocks of ice and dust.
it’s a low probability but very high consequence event and even a 500 metre wide asteroid or comet hitting us will cause a disaster for an entire continent, even if it strikes the Pacific.
If we’re lucky it would hit Siberia, Northern Canada or Antarctica.
Or even more devastating is an M or X-Class solar flare, which can do all sorts of damage to our ionosphere and magnetic fields, which will result in blackouts, satellites destroyed and quite possibly solar radiation that could penetrate through our atmospheres and then through us, killing billions within days.
I suppose Greta would still fucking moan it was somehow our problem!
We wouldnt be here if our sun’s radiation was that intense. The magnetosphere might trap charged particles from flares to create the EM disturbances to electronics but not directly from the sun. That wont happen until it starts burning through its fuel snd swells into a red giant.
Or Islington.
True, but I was thinking of the epic Carrington Event CME that hit Earth in the 1850s with a calculated impact of 9 billion megatons of TNT. And had the highest X class rating of 40, compared to the more mundane X-Class flares of X2 or X3 that the Sun throws out every few weeks or months.
Of course a gamma ray burst would definitely toast the planet and all life on it. I get Greta wouldn’t be happy about that!
As techno states,the x-class sun flares and CME expulsions are currently working overtime (check out ‘suspicious observers’ on youtube)
A ‘Carrington-level event’ is all but inevitable given the sun-spot increases recently,a Cosmic Russian Roulette game going on up there and unlike the Carrington X-Class,it won’t be just a few wires and poles exploding,more like the entire techno infrastructure we depend on.
A GRB is the result of hypermassive stars exploding then collapsing. I don’t know how many candidates there are that would be within lethal range as most have been observed from different galaxies.
I think the TNT equivalent is the energy of the flare at the source, the solar photosphere. The impact of a CME on Earth is the intensity measured in Watts per square metre as well as the energy of particles in electronvolts.
The main biological risks are limited to astronauts not inside a shielded module or passengers in high-flying airliners near the poles, where high-energy solar particles are pulled by the magnetosphere.
A sufficiently large nuclear weapon may produce more disruption by deliberately exploiting the magnetic field lines and causing interference to even seabed cables.
They’d have you thinking it’ll kick off any day now but it won’t.
As rule of thumb i don’t worry about anything the media wants me to worry about
Something else for us misanthropic cunters to worry about
Poor max☹️
A Billy no mates.
Maybe he should stop saying ‘gosh!’
Like he’s Hugh Grant.
I wouldn’t want to hang about with him either.
Men don’t have friendship problems.
Max has friendship problems.
What a wanker.
Here you go, Max.
another IsAC anthem..
Cunters in Sheffield should leave. i’ve seen what happens to you lot in Threads.
A mate of mine is buying into this fear porn as well, just as my poor mum did in lockdown, watch the deaths roll in.
Can’t say any of it bothers me that much.
Mainlyy because the nearest likely target for a nuclear weapon is some 20 miles away snd due to its nature would likely be a high altitude burst.
It’s only radiation though. i’ve had 10-11 CT scans and still here.
I can’t help finding anything nuclear-related interesting. I blame Meteor starring Sean Connery
“Can’t say any of it bothers me that much.”
Yeah, exactly CP. News off = much happier life.
At least that’s what I’ve found, anyway.
Like Climate change, It’s out of our hands so there’s no point worrying.
Depends on what mood Vlads in.We either get ports,military-bases,refineries etc tactically nuked or the full Tsunami treatment from a solitary Poseidon torpedo loitering off the coast.
I wonder if nuclear sub captains would actually launch to order as its essentially suicide for them.Easily detected from sattelites ?
Refineries, ports and other infrastructure are not tactical targets, but strategic. Tactical nuclear weapons are used in the theatre of war against forward airfields, large armoured formations (a particular concern of NATO during the cold war, as nuclear weapons were one of the few measures that could reliably even the numbers, but would risk escalation) and carrier battle groups.
Also, Poseidon is unlikely to be effective against inland targets such as the missile fields of Nebraska. All a bit James Bond.
I can guarantee two things
1) the yanks will be late(again)
2) the French will surrender in the first week
In the nuclear scenario, the yanks are the only nation to have a first strike policy. Good for them. The difference is that no country can destroy the US due to its land area and nuclear firepower it could deal out from whatever isn’t destroyed by the first attack.
The French are the only ones in the world that have nuclear missiles with a reverse gear
There used to be a scruffy hippy that walked up and down Oxford Street with a big banner telling us that “THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH”.
That was 50 year’s ago.
The silly cunt is probably in an OAP home now.
Or MP for Islington.
Did anyone notice that all this talk of WW3 kicked off immediately after the annual Davos WEF Circus?
Keeping the serfs afraid and therefore easier to control is the Elite’s priority. Covid is no longer a frightener, and the oiks are getting wise to the Climate Scam, so what can we scare them with this year? Well let’s go for that old favourite, nuclear obliteration. It never fails.
And the lickspittle media who report this bollocks are simply doing the Elite’s work for them, the wankers.
Thats sort of why corporate and state media exist.
Cunts have been claiming WW3 is imminent ever since 1945 and the start of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the Western Alliance. It was definitely going to happen in 1963 when Castro had nukes put on Cuba aimed at America, it didn’t. The Vietnam War was going to start WW3 later that decade, it didn’t. In the ‘90s the Gulf War and Afghanistan and Iraq were going to cause WW3 to kick off, they didn’t. More recently people are saying Putin’s land grab in Ukraine will cause it, well so far it hasn’t. Now everyone and his dog are getting their knickers in a twist over Israel/Gaza. There’s China, but they’ve got too much to lose economically. I’ll leave the last word to Albert Einstein –
“I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought. But WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.”
Mushroom clouds were also mentioned in relation to Bosnia in the 90s and South Ossetia in 2008.
As usual the EU shat its pants over the Georgia-Russia conflict and said we csn’t get involved. Gung ho pundits such as Max Hastings) wrote Georgia would defeat Russia because they had American weapons and training. That didn’t happen. Georgia thought NATO would send in the finest military assets. They were mistaken.
Ukraine has been different but the pundits are still all over the place.
I’ve got £50 on Ukraine ending up in a Yugoslavia-style situation within the next year or two.
Mark my words.
One thing for sure, we will lose this one, best thing to do now is to declare neutral.
And kick out all the peacefuls
Nah, Russia know they’d be dust. their nuclear weapons are a bit old, this why they put out childish plots about Doomsday weapons causing tsunamis snd smashing a supernuke into yellowstone caldera.
It’s getting to be like 1984. Who are we at war with this week?
If I was in charge I’d declare war on the Faroe Islands.
At least we might have a chance of beating them.
On second thoughts, looking at our diverse armed forces……
Even if the n*gnog grew a spine and was prepared to fight, once the temperature drops, so will they. When I joined up at the tender age of 16, the RSM confidently announced that the s*mbo’s amongst us wouldn’t last as joining in the autumn meant that we would be out in the field, in winter, and they would drop like flies! He was right, and we passed out free of n*gnogs! Useless cunts! If it had snowed at Rorke’s Drift it would have saved a lot of bother!
Most of this shit comes down to fear of The Donald. He is already stopping the funding of the Ukraine shit with the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. Warmongering Joe is pissing his nappies over it.
Then there was the warning that any NATO member that doen’t pay its dues can fuck right off as far as a Trump led US is concerned. Good on him. The free-loading cunts in southern Europe have been taking the piss out of the US, Canada and the UK for decades.
The leftie MSM and retired Generals are is trying to portray all of this commonsense stuff as destabilising, what utter wank.
Good afternoon, everyone.
The UK isn’t spending the required amount and what it does spend is on half-arsed crap.
NATO thinks we are…,estimates%20(Picture%3A%20NATO).
However, our GDP based percentage is dropping mighty close to the 2% requirement.
Surely our aircraft carriers are world class and make our foes shudder in terror?
Oh dear..
It’s been the bare minimum for years. 2.1% of GDP between 2013 and 2020.. This isn’t enough to keep our servicemen in boots and ammo. All spaffed on dithering procurement programs like the F-35. Huge wastage.
Be careful what you take from that article in the Telegraph Unkle Tel. One glaring error is the statement that Tom Cruise flew F18 Falcons in “Top Gun”. He in fact flew the F14 Tomcat. The F18 first entered service twenty years after the film was made.
People are afraid of Trump because he’s more an alpha male type who shoots from the hip.
Alpha male types are practically non existent in modern day politics and instead we live in a world of Trudeau’s, Sunak’s, Macron’s and Biden’s.
This is why a lot of people are afraid of blokes like Trump because they’ve been programmed to accept weakness.
Just don’t ask dame keir opinions on the matter, he will end up in more knots than Michael j fox’s Christmas lights..
British way of dealing with conflict is to sit everyone down and have a nice cup of tea. Apparently thanks to conflict in the red sea we now face a shortage of tea. We are fucked.
can’t afford it anyway due to inflation, and now we’re in recession.
Took long enough but we’re there.
No British fighting man should go off to war without a proper supply of tea, bog roll and johnnies in his kit.
It’s ungentlemanly.
In the words of President Roosevelt “We have nothing to fear except fear itself”, except in his case Soccer, Basketball and Staircases, other than that he was fine.
Same as the Daleks then, Bob!
They’re always on about “World War III” aren’t they.
Seems that everything and anything is a prelude to it.
Maybe if some distillery Geordie shoots Tony Blair and his Mrs while they’re out and about in the family convertible then that might finally be the trigger.
Fucking phone!
To be honest Herman the majority of Geordies are usually in a pub or distillery like environment.
I couldn’t find anything wrong with the term ‘some distillery Geordie’, HJ.
Albert Pike’s yer man for outlining the game plan for the next extravaganza from an infamous essay -(Morals and Dogma).
A desolate wasteland populated by vermin who survive the apocalypse. Sounds like Rotherham.
was born and bred there so I can tell you with absolute authority that ww3 will improve the shit hole massively. There will be dead paedos everywhere though so some sweeping up will be required.
I’m with Morrissey on this one:
“If it’s not love, then it’s the bomb, the bomb, the bomb that will bring us together”
Once Iran figures out their rocketry and orders a copy of How To Build A Nuclear Weapon (Ladybird Books) from Amazon, the Middle East will explode!
Russia is a busted flush, Puff Pootin’s got nowt left to lose.
China is like a creeping lion, just waiting, slowly moving in,
Taiwan will be first, then control the Pacific, including Australia.
North Korea will get a big surprise when the Chinks take them out too.
But not till they’ve bagged the South and Japan.
It’s gonna get really fucking ugly,
You can see the pot starting to boil
Helter Skelter…
It’s coming down fast!
You may say I’m a dreamer,
But I’m not the only one.
I hope some day you’ll join us,
And the world will die as one.
Well, you can guarantee that if WW3 does break out it will be the white man that does the fighting. The fucking n*gnog has about as much spine as a jellyfish when it comes down to a scrap! Worthless cunts to a man. You won’t see fucking one of them in a recruiting office, unless they’re robbing it. The fucking sons of Abraham cunts won’t fight either, the fucking cowards, but they’ll line up for a free shower. And you won’t see an illegal for dust.
Britain’s citizen army will sort the fuckers out
…providing they can work from home
Don’t be too sure about that pilgrim.Those Zulus put on a good show at Rourkes Drift against Cecil Rhode’s n Rothschilds’ corporate mercenaries darn in efrika ?
Couldn’t give a fuck.
The call to the colours if WW3 did happen would empty the country of foreigners quicker than a porta potti at a campsite and with exactly the same result the eradication of that awful niff that comes with Jonny Foreigner.
Lets go back to the old fashioned way of warfare, non of this pressing buttons stuff.
with thousands of troops marching in columns aka Waterloo and cavalry lancers thundering in line, whilst some plum mouth toff is sipping port at the back…or masses of barbarian hordes clashing in open fields whilst hacking away with broadswords and axes,with the king and his knights surveying the carnage from the hillside….’all is lost sire’ oh never mind the truthseers have foretold that the future is fucked anyway….
Your country needs you ?
The fucking Marmite Badgers would lift a finger to help, either. Dirty cunts!
You pick up your sword, i’ll stick with the GAU-8 and 105mm sabot rounds.
”Archers” Always the bridesmade,never the bride.
Never used to be an issue linking YT clips ?
Do the powers that be honestly think Russia will storm across Europe like the Wehrmacht?
They’ve been in The Ukraine for two years and haven’t made much of a dent.
Just another thing to worry the peasants after Covid, recession, cost of living, blah blah blah.
The fucking dinghy riding cunts have succeeded where Napoleon and Uncle Adolf failed! An invading army landed without a single shot being fired. I’m just waiting for them to start their nefarious antics that will make the IRA look like Trick or Treaters!
The problem is if Iran and North Korea get involved. I’m not sure if Iran would as they’ve made it clear multiple times that they don’t want to be involved in a full blown war but North Korea are very unpredictable.
They’ve not even taken the gloves off yet against brother Uke Slavs there.They know an article 51/false-flag will be easily triggered by Nuland and co if they get too bogged down there.
Back in the late 70’s, me and the lads were going into our locals cellar if it got hot. We were going to get total possed, if it didn’t kick off, we’ll…..
The good thing about WWIII is that you won’t be alive to realise it has happened (assuming nukes are involved and detonate over your home for the instant kill).
Of course the worst aspect of WWIII is being a survivor. No doubt SAGE will get involved and suggest we all stay indoors and wash our hands!
And wear a Covid paper mask no doubt.
The great and good will be in their bunkers of course; to ensure the survival and continuity of the nation. How very good of them.
The rest of us will all be under the table, puking our guts up and shitting into a bowl. The dead will be the lucky ones.
Depends on a lot of variables, such as where fallout is carried and how many kilotons are used snd where they are targeted, which is likely to be far less than in the mid eighties.
It’s a myth that the Earth would be uninhabitable by fallout. the greater danger would come from the dust kicked up in high atmosphere and dropping the global temperature, destroying most of the crops. Fallout woukdn’t help but the lack of sunlight would be the main cause.
And they’re very much about blocking the sun as we know ? Hmm.
Thought for the day, If it kicks off and red buttons get pressed do you think the peacefuls will be like the Cockroach and survive?
They will.Sadly.
Seriously no shiny shites awarded for these twats.The WEF can miss my arse.