World War III (3)

World War III is about to break out. Putin keeps threatening it. China keeps sabre-rattling about Taiwan. Pakistan and Iran have taken to lobbing missiles at each other, with the latter saying that it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth to boot. War and civil war rages across the Middle East. Fat fruitcake Kim Jong-un keeps threatening to nuke South Korea, or the US. Or somebody.

We’re on the brink of holocaust. I know this for a fact because various experts and commentators keep telling me this is the case. The Doomday Clock stands at ninety seconds to midnight. Military chiefs inevitably talk of ‘being prepared’, which is Newspeak for ‘give us more money to pay for bigger bangs’.

I’m fully expecting a nuclear war to start tomorrow, when some local madness spins out of control and some mad cunt finally presses the button. Or maybe it’ll be next week. Or in 2030.

I’m mentally prepared, simply because THEY have been readying us for it ever since 1945. I can just remember the Suez crisis. I well remember all the Arab-Israel conflicts, especially Yom Kippur, when Golda Meir apparently seriously considered dropping the Big One. There was Korea, and Vietnam, and who could ever forget all the high jinks of the Cold War, especially the Cuba crisis, when it could have been curtains. Yes the Cold War was always going to go hot at any minute, yet somehow it never quite came to it.

The fact is, I’ve been expecting World War III ever since I can remember, and it’s never actually happened. I’ve been terrified at the prospect since childhood, but I’ve now reached the point where I simply can’t be arsed with all this perpetual sabre-rattling and scare-mongering any more. Fuck ’em all.

So World War III gets a definite maybe from me. It might happen. It might not; in fact I reckon that it actually won’t. Anyway I refuse to worry about it any more. I’m now completely blasé on the matter, for the simple reason that there’s absolutely sweet fuck all I can do either way.

Time for a gin and tonic.

The Messenger

You Tube

Nominated by: Ron Knee

And to continue the happy vibe, here’s this from OpinionatedCunt

The looming prospect of WW3 is a cunt.

Now, I don’t know whether WW3 will happen or not – there’s a few other things that have to happen for that, and there’s an argument to be made as to whether a large conflict could even be sustained in the present world.

However, I have never seen so many people and organisations (NATO, the Chief of Staff, the German and Swedish Defence Ministers, Schapps etc) come out with the kind of rhetoric they have been espousing in the last few weeks.

Obviously, all of them may have agendas. NATO may be attempting to galvanise its members into providing more funding for Ukraine, the Chief of Staff may be attempting to get more government money to combat the army’s recruitment crisis, the respective defence ministers may be trying to shore up public support or distract from scandals.

However, these are starting to feel like very, very dangerous times, and I’m starting to get a wee bit jittery. Maybe I’m overthinking things – I certainly hope that’s the case. However, there’s a nagging feeling there that something will pop off eventually.

The Standard


132 thoughts on “World War III (3)

  1. It isn’t going to happen.

    All wars are fought over either religion or land.

    There is no point in turning your enemy’s land into radioactive glass, because you would stand to gain nothing but unbreathable air and undrinkable water over the entire globe.

    • Depends on the rationality of those in charge.

      As you say, religion is a factor. If belief in an afterlife and its rewards for killing the nonbelievers trump earthly practical concerns, a nuclear attack might well come from a theocratic state.

      • Indeed CP. There seem to be plenty of cunts willing to blow themselves up for their 70 whatever virgins.

      • And let’s not ignore ‘The Samson-Option’ prospect for an even more psychotic ‘religious’ Abrahamic sect who control all the crucial power levers ?

      • A good point CP.

        The only thing is the carpet kissers desperately want to nuke Israel off the face of the earth, but their religious centre is smack bang in the middle of ground zero.

        The red sea pedestrians would hit back by taking out Mecca (not the bingo hall) and Qom. Most likely along with the rest of the middle east, just for good measure.

        The fat cunt with the silly haircut in North Korea has more to fear from his malnourished and thoroughly pissed off citizens than he does from the west and is a gutless cowards who will be found hiding amongst a pile of McDonald’s wrappers when the South Koreans call his bluff.

        China have been perfecting chemical and biological welfare for decades as we have recently seen and the Ruskies have become accustomed to a more western way of life and don’t fancy giving on those luxuries any time soon.

        Good to know project fear is alive and well though.

    • Not too big an issue for the trillionaire ‘elites’ with extensive underground arrangements to sit things out (in their delusinal mindsets) until things dissapate at the surface levels.Depleted populations a big,intended feature.

      • Also a good point, Ptarmigan.

        We are all aware that the planet is vastly overpopulated and a decent world war should reduce that number dramatically.

        The only problem is that the planet may become permanently uninhabitable if things get out of hand.

        Money is going to be worthless when the air or water purification plant packs up and there are no spares and nobody to fix it.

        At that point a billion dollar bunker is going to become a billion dollar tomb

  2. World war Three could only be a good thing.
    After the nuclear strike I’m going full Mad Max and hunting down all the Cunts in my home town who survived. Post apocalyptic justice served very hot……
    Chavs, pink haired feminists and local councillors and council officers to mention just a few.
    I don’t drive so no cool car alas……..

  3. The way things are going, with run down town centres, over reliance on nostalgia, feckless politicians, chavs spamming the system and the breakdown of law and order, along with ever decreasing resources, it makes me feel like we are living in pre apocalyptic times.

  4. Stop getting hysterical like a bunch of women or I’ll have to exhume Sir Sean Connery and get him to come and give you a slap to calm you down

    FFS I expect this sort of nom on Mumsnet you big fucking poofs

    (Calm down please. – Day Admin)

  5. Vladimir Putin is 71 years old. Brezhnev was 75 when he died and that was the oldest leader. Putin ain’t got long. Russia is not a true democracy. The only one you could trust was Gorbachev. The problem is clearing up the mess in Ukraine and Crimea after he does. All these wannabee Russian gangsters.

    The Chinks can do more damage by selling us tellies than the prospect of nuclear war. There is a reason why they haven’t written a computer operating system.

  6. I still don’t give a fuck.
    Embrace your inner misanthrope and adopt a ‘kill ’em all’ mindset.
    Is there honey still for tea?

  7. I’m starring to think these doomsday preppers might be on to something.

    I’m thinking about a bolthole somewhere like the Outer Hebrides.
    There’s a place on the Isle of Skye that I like. Only been there once about 20 years ago.
    Made me feel like I was in the Highlander film – the original not the shit sequels.
    Find myself a bothy and I’d be well away.

    I’d probably end up having to share it with Cunty Gordon though driving me mad with his conspiracy theories about lizard men and agartha.

  8. The best way not to worry about this shite is not to consume the ‘news’ in the first place.

    I did that part way through Covid, it was like a damascene moment watching Professor Dim Whitty saying ‘next slide please’, up to that point I’d been glued to these broadcasts and I just went ‘fuck this shit I’m absolutely sick of it’.

    It was a realisation that this is exactly what the ’authorities’ do to keep us in a state of perpetual fear.

    I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s so apart from the fact that that means I don’t have any allergies and don’t blame anyone else for my short comings or failures it meant I grew up in a time of perpetual fear of a nuclear war.

    When I look back I genuinely believe there was never any chance of this but it enabled those bastard politicians to keep spending tax dollars on a mass arms race that all sides knew they could never win but it was great for business and their friends in those businesses that benefited.

    The human brain has a deeply held and evolved fear bias. It’s well documented and it is in part something that has enabled making (can I say that) to reach the top of the food chain.

    The ‘news’ and all it’s negativity appeals to the fear bias, think about it, 20 minutes of doom doom and more doom then right at the end ‘and here’s a little fluffy cute kitten falling off a settee….’ See you same time tomorrow, what’s your last memory of what you just watched……..

    And when you actually really think about it, what the fuck can you do about it anyway, fuck all and even though this is all news to me I’ll bet the bigger picture is something to do with America being fucked off with other NATO countries not coughing up, that was the case when The Donald was in business and I’ll bet nothing has changed.

    So take Cunty’s advice, fuck it off, don’t watch it or read it and understand that if something is important enough you’ll find out about it then you can decide if you want to look into it further.

    I sometimes look at Guido Fawkes but generally and this is funny mostly it’s ISaC that I’ll find out about shit then I may or may not decide to delve deeper.

    If you want to take this advice I will bet you that within a month your stress levels will have massively reduced and you’ll feel so much better for it.


    • I highly recommend a new book covering many current issues called 180 degrees by Fergus O’connor Greenwood.Clip of him interviewed by Vobes-

      • Mr Vobes recently said the King was bring removed for some reason. He’s gone a bit strange.

    • I listened to Whitty and van Tam but called dogshit over van Tam saying masks were ineffective in April 2020. The face nappies everyone was encouraged to wear were but not the ones i had, with the required level of filtration.

      Lo and behold, a few months later, and after a hasty purchase of PPE by HM Gov for public workers, it turns out face masks ARE effective (just not the nappies the plebs were encouraged to wear).

      I gave up on the briefings, not because of Whitty and co, but the inane questions of the media.

      zinfortunately the NHS receptionists also proved their idiocy by asking me to remove my mask and replace it with a nappy. I said why?

      she had no idea, the thick cunt.

      Fucking robots.

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