Wasters and other Pond Life

There seem to be loads of them about the town nowadays. Wasters aka scratters, ratbags, jakies, toerags and scutters.

They’re easy to recognise. Likely they’ll be wearing something like soiled trackies and grimy trainers, and they’ll display a distinct lack of familiarity with soap and water. They’ll often wander about rather haphazardly, with a wasted, vacant expression, suggestive of persistent use of drugs and drink. By nature their behaviour is anti-social; they’ll never have made a positive contribution to society, and never will. With them it will always be take.

I have no compassion at all for these scruffy nuisances, and I’m therefore very happy to see any of them get a bit of their just desserts for once, especially when it involves a bit of ‘scrote on scrote’ action. Allow me to share with you the following heartwarming episode.

The location is Hull, where a couple of tossers have attempted to board a school bus by using the emergency door opener. An argument breaks out, with the male of the genus ‘cuntus scrattus’ squirting liquid at the driver and calling him a cunt. A child on the bus is heard to state ‘he spat at him in the face, the little tramp’. After attempting to board a second time, the scuzzer and his female companion then stand in front of the bus, gesticulating and shouting at the driver.

Enter stage left ‘Scooter Man’, a bald, one-legged geezer on a mobility scooter, initially hailed as ‘a hero’ for tackling the two cunts when they get back onto the pavement. Our Action Man repeatedly yells ‘get out of my town you cunts’ while punching the male in the mush and running over the female. Hilariously, she holds on to her mobile phone and continues speaking while pinned under the scooter;


The icing on the cake however is that it turns out that bald, one-legged ‘Gangsta Grandad’ is a notorious trouble-maker himself, with a rap sheet of convictions for anti-social behaviour, inc. a nine-month spell in the slammer for affray. Perhaps he might take his own advice, and get outa town himself.

Absolute comedy gold I’d say. If these useless cunts are going to be a persistent drain on society, the least they can do is provide us with a bit of entertainment. Go on, have a look. I think it’ll warm the cockles of your heart on a cold night.

Daily Mail

Nominated by: Ron Knee

65 thoughts on “Wasters and other Pond Life

  1. Sounds like a average day in the house of Lords when the dinner bell is rung..

    Come to think of it the scrawny one with the man bag could of been mandelson..

  2. If, say by the age of thirty, any person who is able bodied and minded still chooses not to contribute to society either through wealth creation or by some other means, he/she/shit woke pronoun should be given a simple choice: start contributing now or it’s Logan’s Run treatment for you. Same with immigrants who should be given a third option, fuck off back whence you came.

  3. A good chortle to start the day with. Cheers Ron.
    These types can normally be seen emerging late morning from former Victorian mansions, now converted into flats and rubbish laid outside.
    If they were cartoon characters, they’d be rats for sure.

  4. Hull is full of cunts like these.
    To be fair most towns are.
    The underclass.

    Smackrats,Poundland rappers,
    Benefit sponges.

    I sometimes have to move this pond life paid for by either a charity or local authority,

    They always have a massive telly.

    Kids half starved, staffy has fleas,
    No food in the house,
    But I will guarantee you they’ll have a huge flat screen TV.

    I had my way they’d all be gassed.

    • Morning MNC…maybe the threat of being transported to Brighton and being forcefully bummed until they change their ways and accept jobs that benefit the community, like clearing shit out of canals, etc would give them some incentive.
      Maybe have them working in chain-gangs with, instead of a pig wearing mirror shades and cradling a shotgun looking over them, there’s a semi-clothed bender wearing Edna Everage glasses watching over them cradling a half-mast large tassel, ready to spring into action and bum them if they start to slack off.

      • Morning Thomas 👍

        Unfortunately these cunts don’t know how to graft,
        A draught excluder or paperweight being about the extent of their capabilities.

        They love a tracksuit don’t they?
        From little toddlers to mobility scooter pensioners,
        They’ll be wearing a tracksuit.

        A nation of PE teachers😁

      • A trip to the Welsh slate quarry basic dormitories and canteen on-site.

        Picked up Sunday night. bussed to Wales Back on Friday night.

        Boots and overalls free. Tools remain on-site.

        Kids can stay with nan.

    • What deodorant do you use, Mis? You must get through a fair bit of it lumping all their shite into your van in the middle of summer wearing the full bio-hazard kit.

  5. OK, so Scooter Man isn’t a pillar of the community, but it was great to see him hand out some payback to this pair of oxygen thieves.

    The look on that rats face when he got a knuckle sandwich was priceless.

  6. Gosh what a nuisance.

    These types seem to be everywhere,making things untidy.

    It’s high time they were all gassed.

    Morning all.

  7. This is the best thing I’ve seen on YouTube since Ronnie Pickering. In fact Scooter-man could be his twin brother.

  8. 6 months maximum on benefits and 2 year’s maximum in a council house.

    If some scruffy cunt can’t find work in 6 months then they should be employed by the council to clean and sweep.

    Of course they will try and play the sick note, but fuck them.
    No work, or not working hard enough and all benefits stop.

    I am fucked off with scrotes shambling around thinking that they are urban gangsters when the truth is that they are claiming benefits and living with their nans.

    And then there are the cunts who are in long term council housing who say “You will have to take me out of here in a box”.

    Why the fuck are these people given a house to live in for the rest of their lives while everyone else has to pay?

    Council houses should be for the short term to help people that are really in trouble.

    • And immos of course; mustn’t forget our duty to house and feed them. They enrich us so.

      Morning all.

      • Yes, don’t forget the illegal immigrants.

        They have to be housed, fed, kept warm, given benefits, educated and have their health cared for.

        Because they are the most vulnerable.
        Even after being in a free country for decade’s.

        And after all that time and consideration, they hate us more than ever.

    • Not to worry AC.

      It won’t be very long afore all the scratters are turfed out of their “council houses” so that the council doesn’t have to go to the trouble of compulsory purchase orders to obtain housing for illegal immigrants.

      Privately owned property is no longer a fact,more of a notion,some clipboard cunt can just take it and give it away to a foreign looter.

      Why this latest disgrace hasn’t led to the govt collapsing says everything about Modern Britain.

    • Not just council houses either. I worked in the housing sector for years, and became totally disenchanted by the millions of grant money paid to housing associations to rehab or build properties, only to see them wrecked very quickly by anti-social arseholes.

      Some of these drugged up, criminal low lifes would have lowered the tone of a pigsty. Utter cunts.

  9. Oh dear, Ha! Ha! Ha! 😃👍
    That made me chuckle Ron, especially the running over of the female scrote, still clutching her phone!

  10. The underclass is thriving. Keep hearing how difficult it is to survive on benefits but they seem to be thriving.

    Seems more and more people are deciding to be cunts full time.

    • I blame food banks.

      Keeping them alive.

      They should lull them into a false sense of security then inject every tin with strychnine.

      • The 6th largest economy in the world in 2024.

        Food banks!

        And they are surprised that the use of them is rising.

        They don’t understand that when something is free then demand will always outstrip supply.

        The people that use these places should be made to go hungry.
        Nothing motivates hard work better than hunger.

  11. The bit that made me laugh is when he’s punched the smackrat and is saying

    ” get the fuck outta my town”.

    He says

    ” I’ll bite ya nose off” 😂😂

    Don’t think many picked up on that.

      • How do Ron👍

        Brilliant clip and a good nom pal,
        These cunts are what’s wrong with this country.

        Feckless, government dependent , thick cunts.

        I used to work with the Homeless Ron.

        We used to call them ” the Breakfast Club”

        They be drinking in wetherspoons early in the morning then come for a free feed.
        Never grateful.
        Always entitled.

  12. Love it, the weedy hard man’s face after a couple of slaps.
    A shame the battery didn’t ignite and incinerate the 3 of them, the cunts.

  13. Its slapstick that’s been missing of late, to lighten the atmosphere. It was only missing an end credit, that no animals were injured during the making of.

  14. The underclass is more resilient than it looks,its all those additives in the chicken dippers they eat..
    That and all the monster energy drinks they consume.

    Slowly embalming them, a few more generations and they will be indestructible..
    You will need more that a mobility scooter to harm them..

    • Fucking mobility scooters.

      Benidorm chariots.

      The cunts have nothing wrong with them.
      Hurtling along the pavements and everyone has to get out of their way.

      Then they park up outside a bar and casually walk in for their awful ‘Full English’ and a pint….. At 11am.

  15. Well, forgive me if I’m wrong, but the Govt have given us free rein to batter these cunts to death. The Rozzers have been reduced in number and seem more interested in racking up cash by chasing motorists. They’ve got neither the time nor inclination to rock up to investigate anything they cannot invoice, so they won’t be too concerned when a few scratters get wasted. They’ll issue a statement to say it was a ‘blue on blue’ and no further action. A bit like when the fucking n*gnogs knife each other.

  16. An old school ‘street sweeper’* would be put to endless use for community service purposes. Why can these oxygen thieves be put to some good use, work in the community for benefits ?


  17. Fucking hell it’s certainly grim oop North as they say.

    I’ve seen oil tankers turn around quicker than that fat cunt’s mobility scooter in the video.

    Those 2 tip rats could have been in Beverley before the Bad Attitude One Legged Big Daddy finally got to them.

    Full and immediate oven.

    • Waste of an oven and energy. Get the scrotes to build flood defences for their dole. A less than shining testament to how far UK education has been deliberately pushed into the sewer,

  18. The Danish welfare model needs to be adopted in this country.

    Three months dole if you find yourself out of work and then you get given a job until you can find something more suitable.

    Being a worthless, freeloading oxygen thief isn’t an option…unless you’re a Muslim. in which case it’s expected.

    • Let’s face it, these sewer-level citizens are good for nothing apart from providing us with a bit of entertainment when they have a go at each other. Of course most of the time they’re bothering folks who don’t want any trouble.

    • Circus freaks and other jobs like Lion and Tiger tamers, trapeze artists and acrobats with no training or safety net.

  19. Well, I feel a bit sorry for them.

    It’s all an accident of birth really.

    Had they been born a few centuries or more ago, they’d have been forced out to populate the colonies.

    Many of their ilk went on to become pillars of society in the New World.

  20. It seems that the “Gangsta Grandad” is a fucking sight more effective than the now institutionally useless Plods. No sign of those cunts on the streets. Too busy going after some poor sap who “misgendered” a bearded cock in a frock or expressed a politically incorrect opinion about the Religion of Death.

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