The King’s Cancer

The grief jacking has already started yes Charles is still in his clogs.

So a mid 70 year old has some signs of cancer. And the world has to stop. Did Charlie give a fuck when my mum died of if?

Not at all. Does he give a fuck my good wife is fighting her arse off with breast cancer? Does he what. Cancer is a cunt for anyone who has it and for all those that do and for those it affects as collateral damage I would always remain all ears.

Granted Charles is King, but I cant help but level the amount of fucks i have for his cause, to be any more than the ones he gave to all else’s with the same.

Cancer with Charles is a cunt. Not Charles with Cancer.

itv news

Nominated by King Cunt.

72 thoughts on “The King’s Cancer

  1. Well Charlie old boy plaudits for being out there with the cancer diagnosis ect setting an example for all old males to follow – get your finger out and get your quacks finger in to do a prostate check.. Also for proving that homeopathy does not work. .

    • Homeopathy may be good for coughs and colds etc. But not major illness.

      Jug ears didn’t have to wait long for treatment. Did he ?

      Been dealt a good hand in the national post code lottery of life. ?

      If he has an arsehole transplant, the arsehole will probably reject him.

      Get To Fuck

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